Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID.

We underestimated the stupidity of you anti vaxxers. But go ahead & blame Biden for this disaster if it makes you feel better.
Nice dodge...Every Republican I know is fully vaccinated so you are full of shit.

You claimed Biden was the COVID were wrong and you're too emotionally invested in the letter D to admit such.
The point is that the Gold Dust Twins claimed that Covid was a scam & you gullible low I.Q. Bozos believed them.

That clear it up for ya, Ace?
No, dumbass. You just accused me of believing COVID was a scam, proving you are a complete idiot who lives to try to make yourself smart by insulting others.

Trump is responsible for the vaccines, something Biden 1st tried to undermine then later tried to take credit for.

Biden just admitted his complete failure and inability to keep his promise to shut down the virus, despite already having declared victory over the virus last summer...only to have Omicron run f*ing wild on his watch afterwards.

The point is Biden and snowflakes rushed to attack on Trump for not doing enough. Those 'rocks' you thought you were throwing turned out to be boomerangs....and they came back to kick your/ Biden's ass.
No, dumbass. You just accused me of believing COVID was a scam, proving you are a complete idiot who lives to try to make yourself smart by insulting others.

Trump is responsible for the vaccines, something Biden 1st tried to undermine then later tried to take credit for.

Biden just admitted his complete failure and inability to keep his promise to shut down the virus, despite already having declared victory over the virus last summer...only to have Omicron run f*ing wild on his watch afterwards.

The point is Biden and snowflakes rushed to attack on Trump for not doing enough. Those 'rocks' you thought you were throwing turned out to be boomerangs....and they came back to kick your/ Biden's ass.
Liberals are mentally ill.
Trump has not been President for 11 months now it seems TDS is the pandemic that will never end.
1. No one taking a life sustaining medication can get the vaccine; those who did have suffered terribly or died.
2. Statistically speaking, If you are over 60 and have a life-threatening medical condition, you can't get the shot and if you do, your condition may become fatal.
But you continue with your MSNBC bullshit.
Independent is pathetic. It makes things up. Total bullshit. He lies like a rug.
Did you forget that Biden was wrong, Fauci was wrong, CDC & WHO were wrong......and the list goes on of who was wrong about Covid. Everybody has been wrong, yet you forget that part
Forget Fauci, forget the US government. Go to the scientists throughout the world. They all say the same things about defeating the virus, vaccination, masking when necessary. The variants have thrown all for a loop.
Dumbasses like you who hate our government are too stupid to go to other governments and scientists you do not hate. Stupid is as stupid does.
Stupid will kill you.
I know. Trump Defense Syndrome. No cure for it. Proves to be resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense. :)
Hitler supporters claimed those who continued to criticize Nazism after Hitler was gone to try and make Nazism go away were called HDS.
TDS or not there are many and the numbers are growing to eliminate as much of Trumpism as possible and we will not quit.
Trump minions are going to jail, their politics are resulting in them losing jobs and being shunned by friends and family. The anti-vaxer are being barred front public event. It is only going to get worse. The karma of supporting Trump will punish you.
Forget Fauci, forget the US government. Go to the scientists throughout the world. They all say the same things about defeating the virus, vaccination, masking when necessary. The variants have thrown all for a loop.
Dumbasses like you who hate our government are too stupid to go to other governments and scientists you do not hate. Stupid is as stupid does.
Stupid will kill you.
You forgot to include Biden and the World Health Organization WHO.

So just WHO are you to judge anyone. e
I know. Trump Defense Syndrome. No cure for it. Proves to be resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense. :)
Reading comphrension seems to be one big problem as well. Given that pointing how many are still obsessed with Trump despite the fact he has been out of office for nearly a year now is not any type of defense of Trump. Interesting how a certain segment of the population would rather keep focusing on the previous President rather than the current one.
Nice dodge...Every Republican I know is fully vaccinated so you are full of shit.

You claimed Biden was the COVID were wrong and you're too emotionally invested in the letter D to admit such.
Even the Republicans don't like you. Only 40% of Republicans are vaccinated.

Reading comphrension seems to be one big problem as well. Given that pointing how many are still obsessed with Trump despite the fact he has been out of office for nearly a year now is not any type of defense of Trump. Interesting how a certain segment of the population would rather keep focusing on the previous President rather than the current one.
The current President is playing janitor..for the last President. The last President, wasn't tested until his fourth year in office....and he proceeded to throw up all over his shoes. Then, decided to whine like a little bitch because he lost his re-election bid...and just won't shut his pie hole and go the fuck away. Plus, millions of lemmings still parroting "FRAUD!!!" like baby birds with their mouths open...waiting for their saviors next words like thirsty travelers in the desert. Quiet all that, and you might be able to make a case for focusing on the current President.
I know stupid when I see it. And you are fricking stupid.

Ya know....that's really funny

Considering you're trying to make a thread about Trump being wrong about Covid yet ignoring how everyone else has also been wrong.

Ya know, if you'd get your head out of your ass far enough, you might see something other than 'Trump, Trump, Trump'
No one can control a virus. No one.

Anyone who thinks otherwise isn't thinking.

Trump fast tracked the vaccine and did what he could.

He had the mask makers rolling, the ventilators ready for use where needed and he even had a hospital ship parked in NY harbor. He made ready but he couldn't stop the virus and neither can anyone else.

Once that virus hit our shore and everyone else's people were going to die and nothing anyone said or did was going to stop it.

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