Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID.

Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID. They both predicted COVID would be gone the day after the November 2020 election. because COVID was a ploy of the Democrats to improve their political position before the election.
Another big lie that their minions believed. When it did not happen the minions went on to believe the next big lie that the election was rigged.
Where did these dumbass Trump minions come from. They are the most gullible, stupid followers of any American political cult in history.
God help them.

ah you are right it took a few more months…december of 2021 for xiden to say it was over and that there really wasn’t a federal solution
We underestimated the stupidity of you anti vaxxers. But go ahead & blame Biden for this disaster if it makes you feel better.
Blacks are unvaccinated at one of the highest rates, racist.
Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID. They both predicted COVID would be gone the day after the November 2020 election. because COVID was a ploy of the Democrats to improve their political position before the election.
Another big lie that their minions believed. When it did not happen the minions went on to believe the next big lie that the election was rigged.
Where did these dumbass Trump minions come from. They are the most gullible, stupid followers of any American political cult in history.
God help them.

The current President is playing janitor..for the last President. The last President, wasn't tested until his fourth year in office....and he proceeded to throw up all over his shoes. Then, decided to whine like a little bitch because he lost his re-election bid...and just won't shut his pie hole and go the fuck away. Plus, millions of lemmings still parroting "FRAUD!!!" like baby birds with their mouths open...waiting for their saviors next words like thirsty travelers in the desert. Quiet all that, and you might be able to make a case for focusing on the current President.
More deaths under Veggie Joe than Trump, and Trump handed him 3 vaccines. Even Veggie Joe admits he can't do anything about the Fauci Flu.

Biden is a complete disaster.
1. No one taking a life sustaining medication can get the vaccine; those who did have suffered terribly or died.
2. Statistically speaking, If you are over 60 and have a life-threatening medical condition, you can't get the shot and if you do, your condition may become fatal.
But you continue with your MSNBC bullshit.
This is the dumbest crap I've ever heard. Vaccination rates INCREASE with age categories.

Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID. They both predicted COVID would be gone the day after the November 2020 election. because COVID was a ploy of the Democrats to improve their political position before the election.
Another big lie that their minions believed. When it did not happen the minions went on to believe the next big lie that the election was rigged.
Where did these dumbass Trump minions come from. They are the most gullible, stupid followers of any American political cult in history.
God help them.

You could actually just stop at Donald and Eric were just wrong. Makes it so much easier.
But, but I thought you Republicans wanted the federal govt. off our backs? If that's really the case then why are you pissing & moaning about Biden?
Why would any free person who is about to become a slave to the 15 trillion debt piss and moan at a demented extortionist who 6 years ago used insider information as Vpotus to extort a billion dollars from the Ukraine's foreign aid bonanza by threatening to have others cancel all that money ?
Trump said that Covid would be gone in April 2020 as soon as the weather warmed up.
All the Progs who love themselves in every way possible way knew it wasn't their fault but others. May the cruise industry tank completely as a start. Prog broads....whahaaaahaa!
Biff are you for real. I don't think your elevator goes to the top. You are a brick or two or three of a full load.
Tough to communicate with people who do not live in the real world
Biff lives on sarcasm and satire.

Often it fails
All the Progs who love themselves in every way possible way knew it wasn't their fault but others. May the cruise industry tank completely as a start. Prog broads....whahaaaahaa!

What are you talking about?
So add to them to list of being wrong along with fauci, biden, the cdc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

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