Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID.

Biden never said COVID was as a political strategy to defeat anyone.

Trump said 2 years ago COVID was not a big deal. It would be gone in the summer. He has been wrong about COVID on too many issues.
If we followed his plan it would've been over, but he screwed up and listened to Fauci and did what he wanted to do.
Why would anyone with a brain believe the bullshit you just posted?
Apparently some missed the Biden video that went viral of him bragging to other Democrats in a rather large audience of the details about how he used his title of vice president to the top cop in the Ukraine of how he was going to deliver a billion dollars in cash to Air Force Two in the upcoming six hours prior to his departure, or else he would go home and cancel their multi $billion foreign aid package with his power and they would get nothing if they didn't give him a billion dollars that day. Biden took an oath to defend the United States Constitution which prohibits Federal employees from helping themselves to foreign gifts of ANY KIND.

If you are going to debate politics it helps to have a press that doesn't conceal Constitutional wrongdoing. You Democrats have a kissup press you worship because they tell you feelgood stuff when your politicians engage in and brag about how they pickpocket the American people and juggle the votes and even poll lies to convince people how much fun it will be to receive advantages ONLY partyline states and people who smear the rest of us with sky high taxes. Reciprocity was replaced by naked greed long ago. The Democrat party should have been impeaching Biden for extorting American foreign packages to death for his 47 year career of extortion because he had every wrinkle of his crime against the public narrated to a science of corruption that makes people of justice and prudence very displeased to put it mildly enough for sensible democrats to digest, thankya verra much!
But, but I thought you Republicans wanted the federal govt. off our backs? If that's really the case then why are you pissing & moaning about Biden?
You claim about Trump lied about covid, but when you are shown Biden did the same, you say I thought you don't want big government. You're such a hypocrite. Oh and if we did what Trump wanted to do in the beginning, he would've been right in what he said.
Like I've said before, it's not Biden's fault that morons won't get "the jab". Statistics have shown over & over again that the vast majority of people dying from Covid & ending up in the hospital are unvaccinated.

It is the unvaxxed who are pushing the healthcare system in this Country to the brink which affects everyone. And people who need emergency care & elective surgery are suffering because of it.

If it was up to me the unvaxxed should be sent to the back of the line so the innocent don't pay the price for the stupid who refuse to do the right thing.
Why is it that 200 young children in public schools who got the jab are fighting for their lives against the Covid-19 virus in local hospitals in Manhatten? do tell plz. thx.
Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID. They both predicted COVID would be gone the day after the November 2020 election.
So did Joe Xiden. COVID has gotten much worse and Joe admits he really had no Plan. Clearly you’re one of the losers that voted for that Charlatan.
Joe Biden claimed victory over COVID-19 last summer but is now responsible for more virus deaths than there were under Trump as Omicron runs wild....

What's your point?
Victory will come after the anti-vaxxers are finally dead. They are the ones keeping the virus alive. Some hospitals are even turing the away and reserving treatment for children and adults who cant be vaccinated.
Victory will come after the anti-vaxxers are finally dead. They are the ones keeping the virus alive. Some hospitals are even turing the away and reserving treatment for children and adults who cant be vaccinated.
It's about time. These anti vaxxers would scramble over the bodies of children to get their place in line when they can't breathe.

Fuck 'em is what I say.
Being vaccinated does not mean you can not catch, spread or die from Covid…

The chances of death are less but can still happen…

Not according to Joe Biden, and retards like Clipper, who are running around infecting people because they fell for this lie:

"You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations." - Joe Biden, 2021
We have conspiacy theories? Please list them

Here's a goofy one.

Plus the Russia Collusion Hoax, the Pee Tapes, Mics being cut on certain candidates turns, a rare, but still out there theory that Bloomberg was a jewish plant for the DNC, Bernie Sanders getting cosmetic treatments for a smooth forehead, Turning a date that a law Trump passed as a Heil Hitler symbol, (August 8th), the Jan. 6. attack orders, you name it. The only difference between our crazy theories and yours, is that democrats are as loud as possible in their ways to make republicans look bad at any cost.
Victory will come after the anti-vaxxers are finally dead.

You are such a dumbass. You have a tally bought into Biden's mega-lie that ONLY unvaccinated can get & spread COVID. Double / triple-vaccinated members of Biden's administration have gotten COVID.

Existing vaccines do NOT prevent people from getting COVID!

Vaccines help lessen the effects of COVID, helps prevent hospitalization. The vaccines do nothing against Omicron according to many scientists while the CDC has said they don't know.

Biden has admitted his administration has no answers, that his mandates have done little, that his best efforts have been failures, that he has no solutions.

Biden just admitted he has no hope of shutting down the virus, despite his claiming victory over COVID last summer.

Omicron, a COVID-19 variant, again doesn't give a damn if you are vaxed or not, dumbass.
Yeah, baby.I saw it on the world wide internet yesterday. Having to spin an excuse about it already and you think Im going to help the "truth is an option" creepo DNC powermongers you just think again because I ain't agonna do it.. Neener etc. :rolleyes-41:
Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID. They both predicted COVID would be gone the day after the November 2020 election. because COVID was a ploy of the Democrats to improve their political position before the election.
Another big lie that their minions believed. When it did not happen the minions went on to believe the next big lie that the election was rigged.
Where did these dumbass Trump minions come from. They are the most gullible, stupid followers of any American political cult in history.
God help them.

Elmermudd I. realize it really ticks you Demonrats off to hear someone tell the truth again, but President Trump was spot on about the Woohan Virus and good ol Cuomo sent a passell of elderly to a certain death when he refused to send the ill to the ship Trump provided so the virus wouldn't spread and the Demonrats covered Cuomo for over a year to keep the majority of Americans in the dark. What I want to know is who was ordered to their deaths for certain did Hillary want to off this time. Because America is. sick of Hillary and Nancy and Maxine and their minions for the pretense of getting Donald Trump any whicha way they can. The money they get must be mighty big amounts to get rid of making America great again. :cranky:
Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID. They both predicted COVID would be gone the day after the November 2020 election. because COVID was a ploy of the Democrats to improve their political position before the election.
Another big lie that their minions believed. When it did not happen the minions went on to believe the next big lie that the election was rigged.
Where did these dumbass Trump minions come from. They are the most gullible, stupid followers of any American political cult in history.
God help them.

Biff are you for real. I don't think your elevator goes to the top. You are a brick or two or three of a full load.
Tough to communicate with people who do not live in the real world

Biff is a CCP troll and on your team. His every post is a failed attempt at sarcasm
Joe Biden claimed victory over COVID-19 last summer but is now responsible for more virus deaths than there were under Trump as Omicron runs wild....

What's your point?

Biden campaigned on conquering COVID, that he had a plan. Then he said on December 28, 2021, that the feds couldn't do anything and it was up to the states, so that was his plan all along. It fits with his previous 45+ years in Washington.

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