Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID.

Biden campaigned on conquering COVID, that he had a plan. Then he said on December 28, 2021, that the feds couldn't do anything and it was up to the states, so that was his plan all along. It fits with his previous 45+ years in Washington.

The CCP dems need for Covid to continue.
Just like the guy in Florida who fell off his motorcycle and cracked his skull open who tested positive. :auiqs.jpg:

Colin Powell, battling cancer, but died of Rona

ah you are right it took a few more months…december of 2021 for xiden to say it was over and that there really wasn’t a federal solution
So you agree that the Trump's were lying and wrong that COVID was overblown to defeat the narcissist Donald Trump. They lie to make Donald great.
Colin Powell, battling cancer, but died of Rona

Every disease kills those with underlying conditions. How many deaths blamed on the flu are of individuals with underlying conditions? Trump minions are the stupidest people in the USA. Absolute dumbasses. They will say anything to make the loser Trump not look like the loser he is.
You could actually just stop at Donald and Eric were just wrong. Makes it so much easier.
They were more than wrong. They were lying to try and say COVID was a ploy of their enemies to beat Trump. They knew that was not true. They blatantly lie to gain power for Donald Trump. They will do whatever is necessary to maintain and grow DT's power. It is not about America. It is not about the dumbass Trump minions. They have conned the minions more than anyone.
They were more than wrong. They were lying to try and say COVID was a ploy of their enemies to beat Trump. They knew that was not true. They blatantly lie to gain power for Donald Trump. They will do whatever is necessary to maintain and grow DT's power. It is not about America. It is not about the dumbass Trump minions. They have conned the minions more than anyone.

This is a lie, the Big Lie. It's killed tens of thousands of people so far.

Why would anyone with a brain believe the bullshit you just posted?
Beautress has no brain. Trump is their brain. Trump tells them what to say and what to do. It is all about making Donald Trump better. They are the dumbest beings to walk the earth.
This is a lie, the Big Lie. It's killed tens of thousands of people so far.

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Biden was wrong with that statement. The truth is the vaccination and booster will greatly reduce your chances of catching COVID and even reduce your chances of dying from COVID more.
To compare Biden's "lie" to Trump's lie of "COVID was a ploy of their enemies to beat Trump". Is like comparing the crime of jay walking to murder. But that is what Trump minions do.
Every disease kills those with underlying conditions. How many deaths blamed on the flu are of individuals with underlying conditions? Trump minions are the stupidest people in the USA. Absolute dumbasses. They will say anything to make the loser Trump not look like the loser he is.

There are no comorbidities, there is only Rona

Biden was wrong with that statement. The truth is the vaccination and booster will greatly reduce your chances of catching COVID and even reduce your chances of dying from COVID more.
To compare Biden's "lie" to Trump's lie of "COVID was a ploy of their enemies to beat Trump". Is like comparing the crime of jay walking to murder. But that is what Trump minions do.
when did President Trump say that?
Trump was wrong - COVID under Biden has killed more people than under Trump.
Ahh yes, another Trump minionism. A Trump minion will lie or whatever necessary to make their loser leader look like a winner.
The greatest minions were those who rushed the Capitol, beat police, even killed one to try and make their loser leader a winner.
Those great minions are going to jail for years for fighting for their leader Trump. All minions will pay the price sooner or later.
Ahh yes, another Trump minionism. A Trump minion will lie or whatever necessary to make their loser leader look like a winner.
The greatest minions were those who rushed the Capitol, beat police, even killed one to try and make their loser leader a winner.
Those great minions are going to jail for years for fighting for their leader Trump. All minions will pay the price sooner or later.
Children are being hospitalized in record numbers from Covid due Xiden and the dems horrible handling of the virus
Biden never said COVID was as a political strategy to defeat anyone.

Trump said 2 years ago COVID was not a big deal. It would be gone in the summer. He has been wrong about COVID on too many issues.
Actually you brainwashed ignorant idiot, it's always a political leaders job to downplay emergencies like a pandemic cause the panic is worse than the disease. However, with this it is plain that the new world order has used a different strategy and that is to create as much panic as they can in order to shame the masses into getting a shot that has not and is not stopping the spread OF ANYTHING.

Oh, and who downplayed the virus and called the president a liar when he cut travel from China?

Well, Elmer dudd, hmmmm?

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