Donald Trump and Eric Trump were wrong about COVID.

It didn't go away. What went away on January 20, 2021 was the media blaming the president for it.
Marvin, your stupidity and Trump minionism shines brightly. No one blamed Trump for COVID. They blamed Trump for down playing the virus resulting in more deaths.
Biden thanked Trump for what he did in facilitating the vaccines.
Trump has said all should get the vaccines and the booster but, too many, of the dumbass minions, now, are ignoring their leader.
Ahh yes, another Trump minionism. A Trump minion will lie or whatever necessary to make their loser leader look like a winner.
If you are trying to claim more Americans died from tge virus under Trump you are a liar. Even CNN reported that Biden milestone.

But thank you for demonstrating how lying POS snowflakes continue to accuse others of what THEY do.
Actually you brainwashed ignorant idiot, it's always a political leaders job to downplay emergencies like a pandemic cause the panic is worse than the disease. However, with this it is plain that the new world order has used a different strategy and that is to create as much panic as they can in order to shame the masses into getting a shot that has not and is not stopping the spread OF ANYTHING.

Oh, and who downplayed the virus and called the president a liar when he cut travel from China?

Well, Elmer dudd, hmmmm?
Oh my, you are even more of an idiot than I thought. The ultimate minion. You will say and do whatever necessary to make your leader Donald Trump not look as incompetent as he is.
Were you at the Capitol on January 6th? They may be looking for you.
Biden admitted his govt has no solutions, that he has failed.

He called Trump life-saving travel bans 'xenophobic' ... admitted they were the right thing to do ... then issued travel bans of his own.

He declared victory over the virus last summer ... and it kicked his ass so hard he admitted defeat...

Now after admitting nothing he has done has worked he wants to issue mandates he admitted don't / did not work....

Oh my, you are even more of an idiot than I thought. The ultimate minion. You will say and do whatever necessary to make your leader Donald Trump not look as incompetent as he is.
Were you at the Capitol on January 6th? They may be looking for you.
Hey Karen, STFU, go back to the kids table, and let the adults talk.
What should they do they have not?
not undermined the vaccine all of 2020, not undermined the treatments, not made it political, keep the border security measures in place that helped slow the influx of the virus and variants

basically the opposite of what they did.

but they can’t help themselves, and you cultist run wild off the cliff for them…meanwhile more deaths, more children sick…
If you are trying to claim more Americans died from tge virus under Trump you are a liar. Even CNN reported that Biden milestone.

But thank you for demonstrating how lying POS snowflakes continue to accuse others of what THEY do.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. In the end that means little except to the minions trying to make their loser look like a winner.

Thus far, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Biden has presided over about 353,000 deaths in a little over 10 months, compared to about 425,000 for Trump in his final 10-plus months. So there have still been fewer deaths under Biden than under Trump, in a similar time period.
If you are trying to claim more Americans died from tge virus under Trump you are a liar. Even CNN reported that Biden milestone.

But thank you for demonstrating how lying POS snowflakes continue to accuse others of what THEY do.
Furthermore Dumbass
The comparison between 2020 and 2021 is also inapt in that Trump was still president in early 2021, and the effects of choices made before Biden took over (such as Trump not really encouraging people to get vaccinated) lingered into Biden’s early presidency. The biggest wave of the coronavirus in this country, in fact, peaked around the exact time Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20
Wrong, wrong, wrong. In the end that means little
Except it means tge loser who promised to shut down the virus and declared victory over it is responsible for the most deaths from the virus AND just admitted to the world he failed and has zero solutions.

Take your lips off Joe's Johnson gor a minute, come up for air, and check out what's really going on...
Furthermore Dumbass
The comparison between 2020 and 2021 is also inapt in that Trump was still president in early 2021, and the effects of choices made before Biden took over (such as Trump not really encouraging people to get vaccinated) lingered into Biden’s early presidency. The biggest wave of the coronavirus in this country, in fact, peaked around the exact time Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20
all i hear is excuses for your dear leader and his pandemic.

Really it’s trumps fault since he didn’t get the vaccine on camera? how pathetic and weak
Try again - Omnicron is running wild & Joe just admitted defeat.
I am going to type slow so you may be able to understand.
Trump over saw 10 months of COVID. To do an equal comparison you need to look at 10 months of Biden; not 11 or 12.

The comparison is ridiculous. The numbers do not make Biden worse or better. Trump minions grasp for straws in attempt to make their loser leader a winner.
They are willing to overturn our democratic process to make the loser a winner.
At least Trump came up with some cures.
Trump deserves credit for facilitating the vaccines. Why he did not encourage greater use until the last couple of weeks is crazy. He did not see the benefit for him until Biden complimented him. Trump encouraged use of "the greatest medical miracle in history" when he saw it could look good for him in history. Most of what Trump and the minions did will go down as the worst in history.
You compliment the narcist and he sucks in as bad as the minions suck in for his con.
Trump deserves credit for facilitating the vaccines. Why he did not encourage greater use until the last couple of weeks is crazy. He did not see the benefit for him until Biden complimented him. Trump encouraged use of "the greatest medical miracle in history" when he saw it could look good for him in history. Most of what Trump and the minions did will go down as the worst in history.
You compliment the narcist and he sucks in as bad as the minions suck in for his con.
How many of the Trump minions on this site have followed his instructions to get vaccinated and boosted.
Does getting shots scare you more than your love of the Donald? Don't be scared cowards. It will be alright.
all i hear is excuses for your dear leader and his pandemic.

Really it’s trumps fault since he didn’t get the vaccine on camera? how pathetic and weak
If Biden fails with the pandemic and his whole Presidency fails, does not make Trump's failures any less. It will not make how Trump is painted in history any different.
Trump will go down as a failed one term President who lacked morality and ethics. He played on the fears of down and out Americans to gain the Presidency.
Clipper is the Blue version of a Red absolute moron.

Children are being hospitalized in record numbers from Covid due Xiden and the dems horrible handling of the virus
Because of you anti vaxx bedwetters we are in this situation.

But thanks for admitting that Covid is serious shit & not just the common cold.

Now get the vaxx, bedwetter!

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