Donald Trump and his Manufactured Immigration Crisis.

Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
It is misleading to cite 2017 border apprehension statistics since there was a significant drop due to the "Trump Effect", in other words "uh oh there's a new sheriff in town". However they have again spiked in 2018. Regardless of snapshot statistics, we have had serious problems at the border for decades including drug trafficking, human trafficking, kids being sold into the sex trade, murders, and thousands of immigrants dying in the desert, in train box cars, or non air conditioned trucks. It is a total mess for us and very very dangerous for the immigrants.
Illegal Border Crossings Spike in March
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

Why don't you visit every one of the tens of thousands of Angle Families and tell them the illegal that killed their loved one was a figment of their imagination. Their family members were permanently separated form them. Get back to us on the results, will ya?


Who said it was a figment of their imagination? Oh wait, that was you.

Their family members were killed by illegal immigrants who also happened to be violent. That is not reflective of those who are otherwise law abiding but for entering this country illegally.

That is like saying ban all guns because some people commit crimes with them.

In addition...are you implying that forceably separating all illegal immigrant children from their parents is some how justifiable because some illegal immigrants committed crimes that permantly seperate some families?

I'm saying what ever is required is justified. I've seen interviews with people who stopped short of our borders when they heard their kids would be separated, they decided they would stay in Mexico. That was before the order was receded, where do you think they are now? In the last 7 years more than 260,000 crimes, including almost 500 murders, have been committed in my State alone. No we don't need to import more crime and poverty just because you folks want an issue for elections and future voters.

Now we have an asshole running for the president of Mexico that is telling people to flood our borders. It's time to put our military on the southern border and put a stop to this shit by what ever means necessary.


"You people". You don't listen very well do you OK?

I'm not talking about letting them all in to become citizens.

I'm talking about sane civilized policies and 100% seperation isn't one of them.

There is a lot of space between "open borders" and "kidnapping children". How about exploring it?
So, you can’t actually address any of the arguments, just lob creative insults? (For the record that one is several notches above the norm around here)...

Sure I addressed your arguments! You just have to read into the abstract because I didn't think they needed spelled out. For one thing, there is no such thing as Obama Derangement Syndrome------ no one ever used that phrase when he was in office and are only stealing it now from Trump.

As to addressing the arguments: Illegals are:
  1. A threat to the breakdown of the rule of law.
  2. Contribute nothing to our culture but further burden.
  3. Legals can get a visa to do menial labour here and go home.
  4. Illegals take jobs.
  5. Illegals increase crime.
  6. They contribute to overpopulation.
  7. They lower income for Americans.
  8. They tax our legal, financial, medical and political infrastructure
There is absolutely no benefit to illegal immigration. We don't want them, we don't need them. Any country which has no control over their borders and who enters, is a country in serious disarray and decay.

Wrong. Obama Derangement Syndrome preceded Trump Derangement Syndrome. Guess the Trumpist's stole it eh?
Urban Dictionary: Obama Derangement Syndrome
Obama derangement syndrome
Obama Derangement Syndrome Has Been Repealed and Replaced by Hillary Hatred Syndrome | HuffPost
[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 20209943, member:

THE ONES WHO DON'T COUNT ANYWAY--as per coyote----the ones impacted by immigrant cheap labor___


From the research I heard, and I will have to find the source, illegal immigration’s impact on wages is minimal to non-exhistent but for one group of Americans, those without a high school diploma working in low wage jobs, and they are the ones in competition with illegals for the same jobs who have seen their wages go down some.

so true----it is only the low class slobs that suffer from immigration regarding JOBS---
coyote insists -- "THAT TRASH DON'T COUNT"

coyote ain't touched at all

Where did I say they don't count Rosie? Or is this another Rosie lie?

I specifically pointed out they were the one's affected.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
Went to college in Los Angeles, University in Riverside County, Worked in San Bernardino and San diego Counties... I disagree with you. Each one of your 1-4 myths is abut as contrived as the data sampling metrics of CNN's polls leading up to the 16 election. Flat out bunk your purporting... sorry but I call a spade a spade.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
Went to college in Los Angeles, University in Riverside County, Worked in San Bernardino and San diego Counties... I disagree with you. Each one of your 1-4 myths is abut as contrived as the data sampling metrics of CNN's polls leading up to the 16 election. Flat out bunk your purporting... sorry but I call a spade a spade.

Then show us some data to disprove those spades.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
Went to college in Los Angeles, University in Riverside County, Worked in San Bernardino and San diego Counties... I disagree with you. Each one of your 1-4 myths is abut as contrived as the data sampling metrics of CNN's polls leading up to the 16 election. Flat out bunk your purporting... sorry but I call a spade a spade.

Then show us some data to disprove those spades.
Data huh... what would you like it to say.. lol
I'm talking about sane civilized policies and 100% seperation isn't one of them.

There is a lot of space between "open borders" and "kidnapping children". How about exploring it?
what about protecting children from smugglers and traffickers?

each child really should be separated until it is verified who they are with IMO
I'm talking about sane civilized policies and 100% seperation isn't one of them.

There is a lot of space between "open borders" and "kidnapping children". How about exploring it?
what about protecting children from smugglers and traffickers?

each child really should be separated until it is verified who they are with IMO

What about it? We already have systems in place, and border control officials know what to look for and how to question them to make sure that the children are legit. So you think 100 percent seperation for months is a good thing even if there is no evidence that the child is trafficked? Kids are getting lost in the system. Parents are being deported without their kids.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
It is misleading to cite 2017 border apprehension statistics since there was a significant drop due to the "Trump Effect", in other words "uh oh there's a new sheriff in town". However they have again spiked in 2018. Regardless of snapshot statistics, we have had serious problems at the border for decades including drug trafficking, human trafficking, kids being sold into the sex trade, murders, and thousands of immigrants dying in the desert, in train box cars, or non air conditioned trucks. It is a total mess for us and very very dangerous for the immigrants.
Illegal Border Crossings Spike in March
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

Why don't you visit every one of the tens of thousands of Angle Families and tell them the illegal that killed their loved one was a figment of their imagination. Their family members were permanently separated form them. Get back to us on the results, will ya?


Who said it was a figment of their imagination? Oh wait, that was you.

Their family members were killed by illegal immigrants who also happened to be violent. That is not reflective of those who are otherwise law abiding but for entering this country illegally.

That is like saying ban all guns because some people commit crimes with them.

In addition...are you implying that forceably separating all illegal immigrant children from their parents is some how justifiable because some illegal immigrants committed crimes that permantly seperate some families?

I'm saying what ever is required is justified. I've seen interviews with people who stopped short of our borders when they heard their kids would be separated, they decided they would stay in Mexico. That was before the order was receded, where do you think they are now? In the last 7 years more than 260,000 crimes, including almost 500 murders, have been committed in my State alone. No we don't need to import more crime and poverty just because you folks want an issue for elections and future voters.

Now we have an asshole running for the president of Mexico that is telling people to flood our borders. It's time to put our military on the southern border and put a stop to this shit by what ever means necessary.


"You people". You don't listen very well do you OK?

I'm not talking about letting them all in to become citizens.

I'm talking about sane civilized policies and 100% seperation isn't one of them.

There is a lot of space between "open borders" and "kidnapping children". How about exploring it?

The policy was having the desired effect, people with kids were stopping short of the border, I saw two interviews where people were going to stay in Mexico. Enforcing the law is not kidnapping, when people willing violate the law, they should be ready to accept the consequences. We didn't ask them to endanger their kids, or involve their kids in THEIR DECISIONS. We just have to deal with the criminals. We take care of the kids as best we can, WE WERE GIVEN NO CHOICE BY THE CRIMINALS.

Maybe you should stop blaming the administration for the choices made by foreign nationals.

Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
It is misleading to cite 2017 border apprehension statistics since there was a significant drop due to the "Trump Effect", in other words "uh oh there's a new sheriff in town". However they have again spiked in 2018. Regardless of snapshot statistics, we have had serious problems at the border for decades including drug trafficking, human trafficking, kids being sold into the sex trade, murders, and thousands of immigrants dying in the desert, in train box cars, or non air conditioned trucks. It is a total mess for us and very very dangerous for the immigrants.
Illegal Border Crossings Spike in March
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

Why don't you visit every one of the tens of thousands of Angle Families and tell them the illegal that killed their loved one was a figment of their imagination. Their family members were permanently separated form them. Get back to us on the results, will ya?


Who said it was a figment of their imagination? Oh wait, that was you.

Their family members were killed by illegal immigrants who also happened to be violent. That is not reflective of those who are otherwise law abiding but for entering this country illegally.

That is like saying ban all guns because some people commit crimes with them.

In addition...are you implying that forceably separating all illegal immigrant children from their parents is some how justifiable because some illegal immigrants committed crimes that permantly seperate some families?

I'm saying what ever is required is justified. I've seen interviews with people who stopped short of our borders when they heard their kids would be separated, they decided they would stay in Mexico. That was before the order was receded, where do you think they are now? In the last 7 years more than 260,000 crimes, including almost 500 murders, have been committed in my State alone. No we don't need to import more crime and poverty just because you folks want an issue for elections and future voters.

Now we have an asshole running for the president of Mexico that is telling people to flood our borders. It's time to put our military on the southern border and put a stop to this shit by what ever means necessary.


"You people". You don't listen very well do you OK?

I'm not talking about letting them all in to become citizens.

I'm talking about sane civilized policies and 100% seperation isn't one of them.

There is a lot of space between "open borders" and "kidnapping children". How about exploring it?

The policy was having the desired effect, people with kids were stopping short of the border, I saw two interviews where people were going to stay in Mexico. Enforcing the law is not kidnapping, when people willing violate the law, they should be ready to accept the consequences. We didn't ask them to endanger their kids, or involve their kids in THEIR DECISIONS. We just have to deal with the criminals. We take care of the kids as best we can, WE WERE GIVEN NO CHOICE BY THE CRIMINALS.

Maybe you should stop blaming the administration for the choices made by foreign nationals.


Did it have the desired effect on the kids?
I'm talking about sane civilized policies and 100% seperation isn't one of them.

There is a lot of space between "open borders" and "kidnapping children". How about exploring it?
what about protecting children from smugglers and traffickers?

each child really should be separated until it is verified who they are with IMO

What about it? We already have systems in place, and border control officials know what to look for and how to question them to make sure that the children are legit. So you think 100 percent seperation for months is a good thing even if there is no evidence that the child is trafficked? Kids are getting lost in the system. Parents are being deported without their kids.
You are correct some parents ELECT to be deported back WITHOUT THEIR KIDS. Most likely they had a plan in place where the kids will hook up with relatives. They know how to operate cell phones very well. So they essentially escorted their kids to the US which I have to admit is better than handing them over to a smuggler.
It is misleading to cite 2017 border apprehension statistics since there was a significant drop due to the "Trump Effect", in other words "uh oh there's a new sheriff in town". However they have again spiked in 2018. Regardless of snapshot statistics, we have had serious problems at the border for decades including drug trafficking, human trafficking, kids being sold into the sex trade, murders, and thousands of immigrants dying in the desert, in train box cars, or non air conditioned trucks. It is a total mess for us and very very dangerous for the immigrants.
Illegal Border Crossings Spike in March
Why don't you visit every one of the tens of thousands of Angle Families and tell them the illegal that killed their loved one was a figment of their imagination. Their family members were permanently separated form them. Get back to us on the results, will ya?


Who said it was a figment of their imagination? Oh wait, that was you.

Their family members were killed by illegal immigrants who also happened to be violent. That is not reflective of those who are otherwise law abiding but for entering this country illegally.

That is like saying ban all guns because some people commit crimes with them.

In addition...are you implying that forceably separating all illegal immigrant children from their parents is some how justifiable because some illegal immigrants committed crimes that permantly seperate some families?

I'm saying what ever is required is justified. I've seen interviews with people who stopped short of our borders when they heard their kids would be separated, they decided they would stay in Mexico. That was before the order was receded, where do you think they are now? In the last 7 years more than 260,000 crimes, including almost 500 murders, have been committed in my State alone. No we don't need to import more crime and poverty just because you folks want an issue for elections and future voters.

Now we have an asshole running for the president of Mexico that is telling people to flood our borders. It's time to put our military on the southern border and put a stop to this shit by what ever means necessary.


"You people". You don't listen very well do you OK?

I'm not talking about letting them all in to become citizens.

I'm talking about sane civilized policies and 100% seperation isn't one of them.

There is a lot of space between "open borders" and "kidnapping children". How about exploring it?

The policy was having the desired effect, people with kids were stopping short of the border, I saw two interviews where people were going to stay in Mexico. Enforcing the law is not kidnapping, when people willing violate the law, they should be ready to accept the consequences. We didn't ask them to endanger their kids, or involve their kids in THEIR DECISIONS. We just have to deal with the criminals. We take care of the kids as best we can, WE WERE GIVEN NO CHOICE BY THE CRIMINALS.

Maybe you should stop blaming the administration for the choices made by foreign nationals.


Did it have the desired effect on the kids?

SCREW THE DAMN KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We didn't place them in this position. Their POS parents did.

Like I've said a thousand times, when you GD commiecrats start screaming "IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN!", this country gets fucked.

It's about time you put the people of your country first.

I grew up in the deep South in the 1950's. It's all the same racism. Everything they say about illegal immigrants is exactly what the used to say about African-Americans, all the way down to rapists, murderers, welfare cheats, freeloaders, uneducated, lazy, criminals, whose purpose was to be in line to get their "free shit" from the government. One would think that the xenophobes could, at least, come up with some original reasons to hate. In the south, the ones who were the shrillest about blacks were the losers who never succeeded in anything, and needed a scapegoat to blame that on.
[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 20209943, member:

THE ONES WHO DON'T COUNT ANYWAY--as per coyote----the ones impacted by immigrant cheap labor___


From the research I heard, and I will have to find the source, illegal immigration’s impact on wages is minimal to non-exhistent but for one group of Americans, those without a high school diploma working in low wage jobs, and they are the ones in competition with illegals for the same jobs who have seen their wages go down some.

so true----it is only the low class slobs that suffer from immigration regarding JOBS---
coyote insists -- "THAT TRASH DON'T COUNT"

coyote ain't touched at all

Where did I say they don't count Rosie? Or is this another Rosie lie?

I specifically pointed out they were the one's affected.

again you LIE,, coyote-----you specifically TRVIALIZED the effect of immigration as, regarding direct economic damage, as being
"only upon the less educated" slobs of the society. The WEALTHY LAWYERs are still ok ------so WHO CARES -------more and more
Coyote lies
I grew up in the deep South in the 1950's. It's all the same racism. Everything they say about illegal immigrants is exactly what the used to say about African-Americans, all the way down to rapists, murderers, welfare cheats, freeloaders, uneducated, lazy, criminals, whose purpose was to be in line to get their "free shit" from the government. One would think that the xenophobes could, at least, come up with some original reasons to hate. In the south, the ones who were the shrillest about blacks were the losers who never succeeded in anything, and needed a scapegoat to blame that on.

right----the ONES SHRILLEST against the blacks were the less educated----the OTHER
disenfranchised people-----to wit---the "poor white trash" who now had compensation for their MISERABLE jobs. What else is new?
The really scary part is the way he is demonizing immigrants is really similar to how the Nazis demonized Jews.

Now Trump is certainly not Hitler and history does not repeat itself in exactly the same way, but there are parallels which can lead to similar courses of events.

Absolutely correct. One of the first steps is to dehumanize the scapegoats. Trump has done this by calling Mexicans "rapists" and "murderers", and "animals" who
"infest" our society.

Trump said that he loves Mexicans and they are good people. How incredibly dehumanizing of him.
The really scary part is the way he is demonizing immigrants is really similar to how the Nazis demonized Jews.

Now Trump is certainly not Hitler and history does not repeat itself in exactly the same way, but there are parallels which can lead to similar courses of events.

Absolutely correct. One of the first steps is to dehumanize the scapegoats. Trump has done this by calling Mexicans "rapists" and "murderers", and "animals" who
"infest" our society.

Trump said that he loves Mexicans and they are good people. How incredibly dehumanizing of him.

seems a very benign ----albeit not particularly profound, statement
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
Went to college in Los Angeles, University in Riverside County, Worked in San Bernardino and San diego Counties... I disagree with you. Each one of your 1-4 myths is abut as contrived as the data sampling metrics of CNN's polls leading up to the 16 election. Flat out bunk your purporting... sorry but I call a spade a spade.

Then show us some data to disprove those spades.
100% of illegal aliens are criminals. That is indisputable, fucking jackass.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicatedquestion than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

That's no myth it's a fact try getting a drywall job, it used to pay good money and benefits, today low money and no benefits
There are so many families from central America illegally entering the USA that we have to house them in fucking tents.

That is undeniable PROOF that there is an illegal immigration crisis.

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