Donald Trump and his Manufactured Immigration Crisis.

30,000 kids by August is a crisis....Mexico is a shithole but that's not our problem. We need a deportation force to remove them once and for all.

A good deal of them are not from Mexico, but from Central America.
And by saying "Mexico is a shithole" - shows your ignorance and lack of knowledge completely.
The Trump ‘zero-tolerance’ immigration policy has left many with zero confidence in the admin’s ability to quickly reunite children w/ their parents. The admin should appoint a Czar to break thru the bureaucracy & get these kids out of limbo & back in their parents arms.

They don't need a damn czar, this is a clusterfuck trump boy created himself in his chaotic mind, let him sort things out or Stephen Miller the force behind trumps scattered brain immigration policy.
30,000 kids by August is a crisis....Mexico is a shithole but that's not our problem. We need a deportation force to remove them once and for all.

A good dea of them are not from Mexico, but from Central America.
And by saying "Mexico is a shithole" - shows your ignorance and lack of knowledge completely.

I know, why the fuck are so many blaming Mexico while they are from central america? Of course I bet the President of Mexico was laughing like hell while they were marching through on their way to our border.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

The only people manufacturing a crisis are idiots like you.

Its the law and has been going on since before 2014.

I never heard you or anyone else on this board mentioning what was going on then. It was the same thing going on now.

No one gives shit one about a bunch of supposed refugees and their kids.

Like illegals we want them out of our country. We sure as shit don't need to support the assholes.

Kick them all back across the border. Let Mexico deal with their stupid asses.

Show me the zero tolerance Law of 2014.
I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.
The Trump ‘zero-tolerance’ immigration policy has left many with zero confidence in the admin’s ability to quickly reunite children w/ their parents. The admin should appoint a Czar to break thru the bureaucracy & get these kids out of limbo & back in their parents arms.

Most people don't give a shit.

They just don't care about supposed refugees and their supposed kids and they want all illegals out of our country.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

The only people manufacturing a crisis are idiots like you.

Its the law and has been going on since before 2014.

I never heard you or anyone else on this board mentioning what was going on then. It was the same thing going on now.

No one gives shit one about a bunch of supposed refugees and their kids.

Like illegals we want them out of our country. We sure as shit don't need to support the assholes.

Kick them all back across the border. Let Mexico deal with their stupid asses.

Show me the zero tolerance Law of 2014.

I couldn't care less. I and many others want all illegals our of our country.

You sure didn't mind the pictures from 2014.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

I saw the Cato Institute analysis, too.
Trump's war on immigrants is to woo his base.
His base is poor, uneducated white people who are scared to death that America is getting a too-brown complexion. They won't dig into the facts, they just listen to Trump, slack-jawed and then applaud when Trump whines about his wall and how it's got to be built. They think that's going to fix the problem. It won't.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

I saw the Cato Institute analysis, too.
Trump's war on immigrants is to woo his base.
His base is poor, uneducated white people who are scared to death that America is getting a too-brown complexion. They won't dig into the facts, they just listen to Trump, slack-jawed and then applaud when Trump whines about his wall and how it's got to be built. They think that's going to fix the problem. It won't.

He memorizes what Stephen Miller has told him to say.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

The only people manufacturing a crisis are idiots like you.

Its the law and has been going on since before 2014.

I never heard you or anyone else on this board mentioning what was going on then. It was the same thing going on now.

No one gives shit one about a bunch of supposed refugees and their kids.

Like illegals we want them out of our country. We sure as shit don't need to support the assholes.

Kick them all back across the border. Let Mexico deal with their stupid asses.

Show me the zero tolerance Law of 2014.

I couldn't care less. I and many others want all illegals our of our country.

You sure didn't mind the pictures from 2014.

You're kind of an idiot, in your thread you cited 2014 but now couldn't care less. You cannot cite a law can you?
I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.

So, what threads are the left advocating for million's of illegal's to stream across our border's?

I think you have to go back a long way to change asylum laws.

Asylum in the United States

Lib please your elected reps block every attempt to secure our borders. Still waiting, I know you can't answer run and hide under a rock :eusa_hand:
I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.

So, what threads are the left advocating for million's of illegal's to stream across our border's?

I think you have to go back a long way to change asylum laws.

Asylum in the United States

Lib please your elected reps block every attempt to secure our borders. Still waiting, I know you can't answer run and hide under a rock :eusa_hand:

I would say snowflakes in the republican party has blocked every attempt.
I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.
Have you heard a certain leftist say "we should allow millions of illegals to pour across out border illegally."

Based on the scattered form of the sentence I assume it was written by no one else but you.
GREAT post Coyote - one that we can all see left Trumptards in a literal puddle. :)
I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.

So, what threads are the left advocating for million's of illegal's to stream across our border's?

I think you have to go back a long way to change asylum laws.

Asylum in the United States

Lib please your elected reps block every attempt to secure our borders. Still waiting, I know you can't answer run and hide under a rock :eusa_hand:

I would say snowflakes in the republican party has blocked every attempt.

Lib please every last Dem 100% of them vote no on securing our borders. Did you know an American kid was killed by an illegal over a pack of cigarettes? Are you okay with this? An American 6 year old girl was raped in her own bed by an illegal, again you okay with this? An American 17 year old girl and her father killed by an illegal so drunk he was 3x the legal limit. These are the consequences of not securing our border and illegals pouring across. Tell me how many Americans have to be killed and raped by illegals before you people stop blocking attempts to secure out border? They rape and kill thousands of Americans, so goddamn pick a number.

^^^ this lib will now run away or deflect.
I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.
Have you heard a certain leftist say "we should allow millions of illegals to pour across out border illegally."

Based on the scattered form of the sentence I assume it was written by no one else but you.

No but I have read a couple of your posts, welcome to the On Ignore lounge, buh-bye.
I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.

I am still waiting for the right to define the extent to which they are prepared to give their humanity the over-the-shoulder toss. As of yet, it's not clear whether there even is an outer limit to their self-debasement.

I guess, we can call it even then, eh?
I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.

I am still waiting for the right to define the extent to which they are prepared to give their humanity the over-the-shoulder toss. As of yet, it's not clear whether there even is an outer limit to their self-debasement.

I guess, we can call it even then, eh?

Your non answer is noted. Are you too gutless to admit why?

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