Donald Trump and his Manufactured Immigration Crisis.

I'm still waiting for the left to explain why we should allow millions of illegals to pour across our borders illegally? They can't so they deflect or run away.
Have you heard a certain leftist say "we should allow millions of illegals to pour across out border illegally."

Based on the scattered form of the sentence I assume it was written by no one else but you.

His kind firmly believe that if you did not vote for trump that you are not an American and condone million's crossing the border. The words his kind tend to describe the low life scum of the U.S. these days.
Democrats created the child trafficking/immigration crisis by inviting criminals to the border and promising them safe passage if they just brought a kid with them.

"...every Senate Democrat has signed onto legislation that would end all border enforcement, a plan that Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said should be called the “Child Trafficking Encouragement Act,” as it sets free every adult border crosser so long as they smuggle a child across the border with them."

9 Times MS-13 Gang Members Posed as Minors, Used Kids to Enter U.S. Illegally | Breitbart

In how many years?
Democrats created the child trafficking/immigration crisis by inviting criminals to the border and promising them safe passage if they just brought a kid with them.

"...every Senate Democrat has signed onto legislation that would end all border enforcement, a plan that Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said should be called the “Child Trafficking Encouragement Act,” as it sets free every adult border crosser so long as they smuggle a child across the border with them."

9 Times MS-13 Gang Members Posed as Minors, Used Kids to Enter U.S. Illegally | Breitbart

I’ve Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong. — ProPublica
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Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it.

Exactly. Of course, you'd expect from a reality-tv-president exactly what he's done, which is to create a spectacle and cast himself right at the center of it - reality, data, science, along with common decency be damned.

You didn't really think they'd fall for that "Cato" link, eh? For had you quoted a think tank with a just slightly leftist hue, they'd be screaming "partisan bias" from the top of their lungs. Now that you quoted a staunchly rightarded source, they were smelling the trap from a mile away - even though otherwise everything Cato would be gospel. They're smart like that.

Here's the list of characters who would find any and all attempts at disabusing them of their misconceptions and prejudices "funny":

Funny x 15
Grampa Murked U
The Breeze
Old Yeller

They have a great lot of equally ineducable peers, staunchly resistant to any penetration by reality. Given the current xenophobic frenzy, there's probably just one thing one might find encouraging. That would be the electorate's notoriously minuscule attention span. The precondition is that Trump would cease reminding them of the immigration "crisis" (of his own creation), and that would happen only if a unified resistance by Congress were to demonstrate to the orange clown that continued brutalization of immigrants would be a losing issue for him.

Fat chance, no? After all, the Goobers in Congress probably could never be convinced they're done politically exploiting refugees, and the orange Clown was reportedly privately bawling about his EO keeping families together.

Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left religious site like the Washington Post to peddle their religious dogma.

Not like there are not a thousand threads on this, so once again this about the OP and pushing the far left religious agenda.

So far noting the far left has posted has been connected to reality.

They refuse to admit that they want open borders..
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

You gotta love a piece that uses stats from the CATO institute that any other time liberals would kick to the curb; however, when it says what we want it to say then we eat it up. Additionally, the massive summary of the literature that discusses their ability to speak English and their levels of education claims that it's complicated. It isn't that complicated. Great job trying to dumb it down. It depends on what country they are coming from in large part.

That's both disappointing and borderline disgusting.
Did you actuallyuslly read the article on why it is complicated?

It isn't that complicated. In fact, it's text book. So, for WaPo to dumb it down is insulting as hell. Complicated here's too hard for you to understand.

Coyote, they are not pets. The time to redirect foreign policy was under the Obama administration. That didn't happen. At any given time the Democratic Party had the opportunity to address the impact of immigration: legal/illegal/H1B. They chose not to.
You didn't really think they'd fall for that "Cato" link, eh? For had you quoted a think tank with a just slightly leftist hue, they'd be screaming "partisan bias" from the top of their lungs. Now that you quoted a staunchly rightarded source, they were smelling the trap from a mile away - even though otherwise everything Cato would be gospel. They're smart like that.

Cato has never been gospel-if you are a liberal.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

You gotta love a piece that uses stats from the CATO institute that any other time liberals would kick to the curb; however, when it says what we want it to say then we eat it up. Additionally, the massive summary of the literature that discusses their ability to speak English and their levels of education claims that it's complicated. It isn't that complicated. Great job trying to dumb it down. It depends on what country they are coming from in large part.

That's both disappointing and borderline disgusting.
Did you actuallyuslly read the article on why it is complicated?

It isn't that complicated. In fact, it's text book. So, for WaPo to dumb it down is insulting as hell. Complicated here's too hard for you to understand.

Coyote, they are not pets. The time to redirect foreign policy was under the Obama administration. That didn't happen. At any given time the Democratic Party had the opportunity to address the impact of immigration: legal/illegal/H1B. They chose not to.

Actually...though pathestically late, they tried. But with zero support from the Republicans who absolutely refused to support any initiatives. And now the situation is reversed. No one is willing to do what it takes to craft a real immigration bill - not that Trump would sign it anyway.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

You gotta love a piece that uses stats from the CATO institute that any other time liberals would kick to the curb; however, when it says what we want it to say then we eat it up. Additionally, the massive summary of the literature that discusses their ability to speak English and their levels of education claims that it's complicated. It isn't that complicated. Great job trying to dumb it down. It depends on what country they are coming from in large part.

That's both disappointing and borderline disgusting.
Did you actuallyuslly read the article on why it is complicated?

It isn't that complicated. In fact, it's text book. So, for WaPo to dumb it down is insulting as hell. Complicated here's too hard for you to understand.

Coyote, they are not pets. The time to redirect foreign policy was under the Obama administration. That didn't happen. At any given time the Democratic Party had the opportunity to address the impact of immigration: legal/illegal/H1B. They chose not to.

Actually...though pathestically late, they tried. But with zero support from the Republicans who absolutely refused to support any initiatives. And now the situation is reversed. No one is willing to do what it takes to craft a real immigration bill - not that Trump would sign it anyway.

No. The reality is that Obama and Clinton supported neoliberal policies. Fact. When we discuss a "real immigration bill" then we are talking about amnesty-and most of the American public is aware of this.........because we did it before. And before that too.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

You gotta love a piece that uses stats from the CATO institute that any other time liberals would kick to the curb; however, when it says what we want it to say then we eat it up. Additionally, the massive summary of the literature that discusses their ability to speak English and their levels of education claims that it's complicated. It isn't that complicated. Great job trying to dumb it down. It depends on what country they are coming from in large part.

That's both disappointing and borderline disgusting.
Did you actuallyuslly read the article on why it is complicated?

It isn't that complicated. In fact, it's text book. So, for WaPo to dumb it down is insulting as hell. Complicated here's too hard for you to understand.

Coyote, they are not pets. The time to redirect foreign policy was under the Obama administration. That didn't happen. At any given time the Democratic Party had the opportunity to address the impact of immigration: legal/illegal/H1B. They chose not to.

Actually...though pathestically late, they tried. But with zero support from the Republicans who absolutely refused to support any initiatives. And now the situation is reversed. No one is willing to do what it takes to craft a real immigration bill - not that Trump would sign it anyway.

No. The reality is that Obama and Clinton supported neoliberal policies. Fact. When we discuss a "real immigration bill" then we are talking about amnesty-and most of the American public is aware of this.........because we did it before. And before that too.

What do we need in a real immigration bill?

Border security
Rapid deportation of criminals
Changes in the VISA programs - increased numbers based on merit, decrease what constitutes family but maintain those VISAs (studies show that immigrants who have family sponsoring them and helping them through the process are more successful), maintain the VISA lottery which for some reason has become the target. It's a small number, it adds diversity and there is value in that, and of the winners few are actually able to come.
Hire many more immigration judges - waiting for hearings should not drag on for weeks. If the maximum you can hold a minor is 20 days (almost 3 weeks) then that should be the standard by which they get a hearing and are either granted asylum or deported.
Consider increasing work visa's for certain types of labor where there aren't American's willing to do the work.
Speed up the process for legal immigrants - why does it take so long for those who are obeying our laws?
How US Policy in Honduras Set the Stage for Today’s Mass Migration
How US Policy in Honduras Set the Stage for Today’s Mass Migration

Post-coup Honduras

U.S. Marines in Honduras in July 2016. (Wikimedia Commons)

"The 2009 coup, more than any other development, explains the increase in Honduran migration across the southern U.S. border in the last few years. The Obama administration played an important role in these developments. Although it officially decried Zelaya’s ouster, it equivocated on whether or not it constituted a coup, which would have required the U.S. to stop sending most aid to the country.

Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in particular, sent conflicting messages, and worked to ensure that Zelaya did not return to power. This was contrary to the wishes of the Organization of American States, the leading hemispheric political forum composed of the 35 member-countries of the Americas, including the Caribbean. Several months after the coup, Clinton supported a highly questionable election aimed at legitimating the post-coup government.

Strong military ties between the U.S. and Honduras persist: several hundred U.S. troops are stationed at Soto Cano Air Base (formerly Palmerola) in the name of fighting the drug war and providing humanitarian aid.

Since the coup, writes historian Dana Frank, “a series of corrupt administrations has unleashed open criminal control of Honduras, from top to bottom of the government.”

Organized crime, drug traffickers and the country’s police heavily overlap. Impunity reigns in a country with frequent politically-motivated killings. It is the world’s most dangerous country for environmental activists, according to Global Witness, an international nongovernmental organization.

Although its once sky-high murder rate has declined, the continuing exodus of many youth demonstrates that violent gangs still plague urban neighborhoods."

Thanks Hillary. . . .
You gotta love a piece that uses stats from the CATO institute that any other time liberals would kick to the curb; however, when it says what we want it to say then we eat it up. Additionally, the massive summary of the literature that discusses their ability to speak English and their levels of education claims that it's complicated. It isn't that complicated. Great job trying to dumb it down. It depends on what country they are coming from in large part.

That's both disappointing and borderline disgusting.
Did you actuallyuslly read the article on why it is complicated?

It isn't that complicated. In fact, it's text book. So, for WaPo to dumb it down is insulting as hell. Complicated here's too hard for you to understand.

Coyote, they are not pets. The time to redirect foreign policy was under the Obama administration. That didn't happen. At any given time the Democratic Party had the opportunity to address the impact of immigration: legal/illegal/H1B. They chose not to.

Actually...though pathestically late, they tried. But with zero support from the Republicans who absolutely refused to support any initiatives. And now the situation is reversed. No one is willing to do what it takes to craft a real immigration bill - not that Trump would sign it anyway.

No. The reality is that Obama and Clinton supported neoliberal policies. Fact. When we discuss a "real immigration bill" then we are talking about amnesty-and most of the American public is aware of this.........because we did it before. And before that too.

What do we need in a real immigration bill?

Border security
Rapid deportation of criminals
Changes in the VISA programs - increased numbers based on merit, decrease what constitutes family but maintain those VISAs (studies show that immigrants who have family sponsoring them and helping them through the process are more successful), maintain the VISA lottery which for some reason has become the target. It's a small number, it adds diversity and there is value in that, and of the winners few are actually able to come.
Hire many more immigration judges - waiting for hearings should not drag on for weeks. If the maximum you can hold a minor is 20 days (almost 3 weeks) then that should be the standard by which they get a hearing and are either granted asylum or deported.
Consider increasing work visa's for certain types of labor where there aren't American's willing to do the work.
Speed up the process for legal immigrants - why does it take so long for those who are obeying our laws?

IWO, pretty much everything Trump wants to do, (except the sticking point might be chain migration.)
Actually the press is overreaching here. We take kids from their parents all the bloody time. Think about it. Divorce, or say parental neglect or abuse. Which this most certainly categorically falls under. And these kids are not being being tortured or suffering, either way. Perhaps they are better off being taken away from their parents. Or if not, they can be re-united in Mexico, so what is the big deal? Either way these parents knew better than to drag their kids into this, that is their fault .
30,000 kids by August is a crisis....Mexico is a shithole but that's not our problem. We need a deportation force to remove them once and for all.

A good deal of them are not from Mexico, but from Central America.
And by saying "Mexico is a shithole" - shows your ignorance and lack of knowledge completely.

Mexico is a shit hole, I wanted to retire there, but it's not safe. It's a corrupt state, basically ran by the drug cartels.

Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it.

Exactly. Of course, you'd expect from a reality-tv-president exactly what he's done, which is to create a spectacle and cast himself right at the center of it - reality, data, science, along with common decency be damned.

You didn't really think they'd fall for that "Cato" link, eh? For had you quoted a think tank with a just slightly leftist hue, they'd be screaming "partisan bias" from the top of their lungs. Now that you quoted a staunchly rightarded source, they were smelling the trap from a mile away - even though otherwise everything Cato would be gospel. They're smart like that.

Here's the list of characters who would find any and all attempts at disabusing them of their misconceptions and prejudices "funny":

Funny x 15
Grampa Murked U
The Breeze
Old Yeller

They have a great lot of equally ineducable peers, staunchly resistant to any penetration by reality. Given the current xenophobic frenzy, there's probably just one thing one might find encouraging. That would be the electorate's notoriously minuscule attention span. The precondition is that Trump would cease reminding them of the immigration "crisis" (of his own creation), and that would happen only if a unified resistance by Congress were to demonstrate to the orange clown that continued brutalization of immigrants would be a losing issue for him.

Fat chance, no? After all, the Goobers in Congress probably could never be convinced they're done politically exploiting refugees, and the orange Clown was reportedly privately bawling about his EO keeping families together.


I'm glad to see I made your list. Disabuse yourself of this reality.

According to DHS status indicators, over 255,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2018, of which over 171,000 were classified as illegal aliens by DHS.

Between June 1, 2011 and May 31, 2018, these 171,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 265,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 495 homicide charges; 29,526 assault charges; 5,264 burglary charges; 33,637 drug charges; 350 kidnapping charges; 14,794 theft charges; 21,674 obstructing police charges; 1,537 robbery charges; 3,107 sexual assault charges; and 2,673 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 110,000 convictions including 219 homicide convictions; 12,244 assault convictions; 2,900 burglary convictions; 16,358 drug convictions; 144 kidnapping convictions; 6,642 theft convictions; 10,508 obstructing police convictions; 929 robbery convictions; 1,528 sexual assault convictions; and 1,167 weapon convictions

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data

These are numbers form one State over the last 7 years.

You can always tell when white leftists are the types who live in predominately white gated communities.

Like hollywood types, they really think the illegal immigration problem is just a big giant myth.

After all, it is not happening in their little left wing elitist communities. You can also tell what these people are being fed through the media and what they discuss amongst themselves in their echo chambers, better known as safe spaces.

Left wing white women. Nothing more annoying or dumber.
How US Policy in Honduras Set the Stage for Today’s Mass Migration
How US Policy in Honduras Set the Stage for Today’s Mass Migration

Post-coup Honduras

U.S. Marines in Honduras in July 2016. (Wikimedia Commons)

"The 2009 coup, more than any other development, explains the increase in Honduran migration across the southern U.S. border in the last few years. The Obama administration played an important role in these developments. Although it officially decried Zelaya’s ouster, it equivocated on whether or not it constituted a coup, which would have required the U.S. to stop sending most aid to the country.

Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in particular, sent conflicting messages, and worked to ensure that Zelaya did not return to power. This was contrary to the wishes of the Organization of American States, the leading hemispheric political forum composed of the 35 member-countries of the Americas, including the Caribbean. Several months after the coup, Clinton supported a highly questionable election aimed at legitimating the post-coup government.

Strong military ties between the U.S. and Honduras persist: several hundred U.S. troops are stationed at Soto Cano Air Base (formerly Palmerola) in the name of fighting the drug war and providing humanitarian aid.

Since the coup, writes historian Dana Frank, “a series of corrupt administrations has unleashed open criminal control of Honduras, from top to bottom of the government.”

Organized crime, drug traffickers and the country’s police heavily overlap. Impunity reigns in a country with frequent politically-motivated killings. It is the world’s most dangerous country for environmental activists, according to Global Witness, an international nongovernmental organization.

Although its once sky-high murder rate has declined, the continuing exodus of many youth demonstrates that violent gangs still plague urban neighborhoods."

Thanks Hillary. . . .

I was there in early 1996 evaluating Army Reserve and National Guard units. They were building roads though the mountains, schools, day care centers, drilling water wells, conducting health clinics and more. The US has put billions in that country and have nothing to show for it.

Donald Trump and his Manufactured Immigration Crisis.

I swear to God on my Grandmothers grave -

Illegal Mexican immigrants don't effect my daily life one iota, and I never even notice them being here.

How US Policy in Honduras Set the Stage for Today’s Mass Migration
How US Policy in Honduras Set the Stage for Today’s Mass Migration

Post-coup Honduras

U.S. Marines in Honduras in July 2016. (Wikimedia Commons)

"The 2009 coup, more than any other development, explains the increase in Honduran migration across the southern U.S. border in the last few years. The Obama administration played an important role in these developments. Although it officially decried Zelaya’s ouster, it equivocated on whether or not it constituted a coup, which would have required the U.S. to stop sending most aid to the country.

Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in particular, sent conflicting messages, and worked to ensure that Zelaya did not return to power. This was contrary to the wishes of the Organization of American States, the leading hemispheric political forum composed of the 35 member-countries of the Americas, including the Caribbean. Several months after the coup, Clinton supported a highly questionable election aimed at legitimating the post-coup government.

Strong military ties between the U.S. and Honduras persist: several hundred U.S. troops are stationed at Soto Cano Air Base (formerly Palmerola) in the name of fighting the drug war and providing humanitarian aid.

Since the coup, writes historian Dana Frank, “a series of corrupt administrations has unleashed open criminal control of Honduras, from top to bottom of the government.”

Organized crime, drug traffickers and the country’s police heavily overlap. Impunity reigns in a country with frequent politically-motivated killings. It is the world’s most dangerous country for environmental activists, according to Global Witness, an international nongovernmental organization.

Although its once sky-high murder rate has declined, the continuing exodus of many youth demonstrates that violent gangs still plague urban neighborhoods."

Thanks Hillary. . . .

I was there in early 1996 evaluating Army Reserve and National Guard units. They were building roads though the mountains, schools, day care centers, drilling water wells, conducting health clinics and more. The US has put billions in that country and have nothing to show for it.



take the purchasing power of 15 million people out of the economy and see if that shows.

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