Donald Trump and his Manufactured Immigration Crisis.

Might as well ask me to disprove gravity, either an idiot or a liberal would argue against the obvious facts. And since YOU made all these bold the assertions, the burden of proof is on YOU. Good luck with that.
Why don’t you present your “obvious facts” then. I met my burden of proof and sourced my assertions. If you can’t then just say so.
So, you are bluffing. I call your bluff and raise you.
Again. I presented my facts and provided sources. You have not provided anything. Check.
Please present your facts which are not behind a paywall, hmmm?
I am not a subscriber yet I can read a certain number of articles a day. I am sure others can as well.

Translation ~ you are not very educated..its behind a paywall we maxed it out days ago.
I wrote this in a pm but I am going to add it here, because it illustrates how this could be better handled and how this administration creates it’s own crises through piss poor planning. Policies are created with out thought to how as to how they will be implemented, who is affected, what different agencies will need to or have on hand for it, in fact agencies are often caught flat footed. They create their own crises rather than resolving what is a problem but not a crisis

You do not implement any policy with out planning for what it entails, something this administration honestly seems incapable of and the media is doing it’s job in this regard. Why don’t they allow the media and even block congressmen from viewing the children in some of these facilities?

You cannot detain families indefinitely in primative spartan austere (those were their word not mine) tent cities. Trump is enamored with Arepeo there. If you want to be coldly practical, the optics are bad. If you care about people, violence, rape and risks to children increase. You have thousands of people with nothing to do but wait. And you have wardens who are often violent too. Look at refugee camps in Europe and Australia as an example.

If you are going to detain families, you need to set things up before you begin. You need shelter, food, clean water, sanitation and safety.

You also need to decide how long it is humane to detain them. 20 days is what the Flores settlement mandated, almost 3 weeks. That is a reasonable time for those whose only crime is to enter the US illegally.

So what next? You hire enough immigration judges and staff to ensure that all petitions are heard and adjudicated within 3 weeks.

And if they can’t be? For those people, you assign a caseworker (and you have to hire enough) and put them under electronic detention and let them go.

THEN you implement the policy and no one will be caught with their pants down scrambling for space, funding and losing children in the system. This is a problem, not a crises requiring urgent action and no time for planning.


How about you ship them back?
There are so many families from central America illegally entering the USA that we have to house them in fucking tents.

That is undeniable PROOF that there is an illegal immigration crisis.

Ya,know with everyone leaving we should go there and start another utopia
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

He's using the same thing religion uses.

You tell people so much crap, that when they finally accept it, you know they're yours and you can say even more wild crap and they'll take every single thing.

It's not difficult to do this to people who have had this very thing done to them since they were children. They're so susceptible to this, it's crazy.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

He's using the same thing religion uses.

You tell people so much crap, that when they finally accept it, you know they're yours and you can say even more wild crap and they'll take every single thing.

It's not difficult to do this to people who have had this very thing done to them since they were children. They're so susceptible to this, it's crazy.

It sounds like Obama supporters back is a bitch, eh?
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
No arguments - check
What's the point of responding to lies?
Call it what it is.
Anyone who has lived in CA, like myself, knows it's Bullshit.
You have a good point. But remember the most important thing to know at war is who your opponent is.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

You gotta love a piece that uses stats from the CATO institute that any other time liberals would kick to the curb; however, when it says what we want it to say then we eat it up. Additionally, the massive summary of the literature that discusses their ability to speak English and their levels of education claims that it's complicated. It isn't that complicated. Great job trying to dumb it down. It depends on what country they are coming from in large part.

That's both disappointing and borderline disgusting.
So you think 100 percent seperation for months is a good thing even if there is no evidence that the child is trafficked?
that is not what I said and that is not what was happening; were there stories that suggested this?
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

Well I find it funny there is no crisis but we must unite and fix the crisis...

From 2009 - 2011 Obama, Pelosi, and Reid could have done something and did nothing, so now you and those you voted for want something done while the opposition party control The House, The Senate and Oval Office...

Now you want something done when the opposition party was elected to close the border, build a wall and slow illiegal immigration to a drip and not allow a flood.

Also what is not shown in your post is reality of the life for illegal immigrants and how they are taught that reporting a crime could get them killed or their family killed.

Many crimes in the illegal immigrant communities go unreported because of possible death or worst being deported back to the hell they came from.

I would like you to research into the Sex Slave Trade and discover the reality of what many illegal immigrants have to endure.

Also as you point your crooked little finger at Trump and blame him, well remember Gloria Allred used a illegal immigrant to help get Brown elected as Governor of California and afterwards she dropped the illegal immigrant because the woman had no more use...

So you see both sides do not care and you claiming Trump is the Villain while excusing the left failure, well that is typical of those like you.

Now as you get ready to lecture me on how I am part of the problem, well remember Republicans and Trump were elected by the Majority of the States to do what they are doing.

Now what is more evil:

Trump doing what he was elected to do?


Obama failing to keep his promise and then demanding the opposition party to do what Pelosi and Reid refused to do?

Maybe if and when Democrats regain the House, Senate and Oval office they will finally remove this wedge issue unless Trump wises up and does it for them!

Now lecture me how I am part of the problem and how what I wrote was hogwash and the Democrats failure in the past has nothing to do with what Trump is doing when you know it does!

Don't break promises and fix the problem when you have the votes!
Well I find it funny there is no crisis but we must unite and fix the crisis...

The crisis that needs to be fixed is two-fold:

1. The purposely created anti-immigrant hysteria among certain sections of the population.

2. The U.S. losing their (claim to) humanity - up to and including the proposal openly to violate the Constitution - by deliberately and gratuitously brutalizing the most vulnerable for no purpose other than to make political coin.

What doesn't need fixing is the manufactured "crisis" over fairly normal and not at all alarming numbers of refugees, with the possible exception of offices insufficiently staffed to deal even with the fairly low numbers of immigrants.

Otherwise, I find your whataboutery (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) childish. They are out of office / not in power, and had no hand in the creation of Trump's latest xenophobic PR stunt.
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Well I find it funny there is no crisis but we must unite and fix the crisis...

The crisis that needs to be fixed is two-fold:

1. The purposely created anti-immigrant hysteria among certain sections of the population.

2. The U.S. losing their (claim to) humanity by deliberately and gratuitously brutalizing the most vulnerable for no purpose other than to make political coin.

What doesn't need fixing is the manufactured "crisis" over fairly normal and not at all alarming numbers of refugees, with the possible exception of offices insufficiently staffed to deal even with the fairly low numbers of immigrants.

Otherwise, I find your whataboutery (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) childish. They are out of office / not in power, and had no hand in the creation of Trump's latest xenophobic PR stunt.


So because they failed to do their job and keep their promises you have no issue with Obama, Pelosi and Reid and really believe their failure did not lead us here?

Also illegal immigrants are not refugees!

Why keep on trying to use that word when you know very well you are lying when you call them refugees?

If you attempt to claim they are fleeing the violence of their country for the safe harbor of this nation, well the same gangs and cartels they are fleeing are here, so sorry not refugees at all!

Fact is those like you suffer from the Gloria Allred spin and only care about this issue during election years and forget those people the rest of the time.

You point to Trump and his fake crisis and I point to Obama and his failure to keep his promise!

Now had Obama, Pelosi and Reid done what they said they would do in Obama firsy year would we have this crisis?

So yes their failure is the issue and it is those like you that refuse to accept this could have been fixed in 2009 but why fix something when your own political party can use crying children for political points?
You don't view a steady stream of undocumented immigrants filing through our Southern border a problem? Do you believe we have unlimited tax and human resources to support an unending stream of uneducated, unhealthy, people? Do you believe the needs of non-citizens trump the needs of poor American citizens? Think. Don't be manipulated, THINK.
Um...first, you gotta have a brain.
Also illegal immigrants are not refugees!

Why keep on trying to use that word when you know very well you are lying when you call them refugees?

If you attempt to claim they are fleeing the violence of their country for the safe harbor of this nation, well the same gangs and cartels they are fleeing are here, so sorry not refugees at all!

They've been fleeing their country of origin, so they are refugees, your grotesque mental gymnastics notwithstanding.

You may now continue your childish whataboutery.
Also illegal immigrants are not refugees!

Why keep on trying to use that word when you know very well you are lying when you call them refugees?

If you attempt to claim they are fleeing the violence of their country for the safe harbor of this nation, well the same gangs and cartels they are fleeing are here, so sorry not refugees at all!

They've been fleeing their country of origin, so they are refugees, your grotesque mental gymnastics notwithstanding.

You may now continue your childish whataboutery.

No. Your grotesque mental gymnastics notwithstanding. They are not refugees. Tell the truth.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
All total bullshit.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.
We should ask the right wing, if they are really really serious about any security problems on our southern border. 10USC246 is federal law, and has precedence over any immigration laws.
Donald Trump's signature campaign issue was immigration. He fired up his supporters, creating images of ravening hordes of Mexican invaders raping our women and killing our children. He never lets us forget that those countries "don't send us the best they send us their worst". Be afraid. They're destroying America according to Donald Trump.

What happens if there is no immigration crisis? What happens if border apprehensions are at a 46 year LOW? What does a man like Trump do? He creates a crisis as a vehicle to implement some pretty horrific policies, to beat the nationalist drums, and unite us in fear that "the other" is going to take over decent hardworking white Americans.

And the horrible thing is - he is pretty damn successful at it. Enough so that we ignore the reality in favor of Trump World. We ignore working together on a much needed SANE and SUBSTANTIAL immigration overhaul in favor of a crisis management approach to immigration based on hordes that simply aren't there and myths that are blatently untrue.

Analysis | There’s no immigration crisis, and these charts prove it

Myth No. 1: Undocumented immigrants are flooding into the United States

In fiscal 2017, apprehensions of immigrants entering illegally at the Southwest border (a proxy for the total number of individuals crossing the border illegally) hit their lowest level in 46 years.

Myth No. 2: Undocumented immigrants bring crime

The reality is just the opposite: A large body of social-science literature has demonstrated that immigrants, legal or otherwise, commit crime at lower rates than native-born Americans. This chart, using Texas Department of Public Safety data compiled by the libertarian Cato Institute, illustrates this quite clearly.

Myth No. 3: Immigrants take our jobs and lower our wages

This is a more complicated question than the previous two. The best information comes from a massive summary of the literature published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in 2017. “Most studies find little effect of immigration on the employment of natives,” that report concluded. In other words, no, immigrants are not taking your jobs.

Myth No. 4: Immigrants are a drain on the economy

In fact, research by the Cato Institute has found that poor noncitizens are considerably less likely than poor native-born Americans to use public assistance programs.

The only people manufacturing a crisis are idiots like you.

Its the law and has been going on since before 2014.

I never heard you or anyone else on this board mentioning what was going on then. It was the same thing going on now.

No one gives shit one about a bunch of supposed refugees and their kids.

Like illegals we want them out of our country. We sure as shit don't need to support the assholes.

Kick them all back across the border. Let Mexico deal with their stupid asses.
The Trump ‘zero-tolerance’ immigration policy has left many with zero confidence in the admin’s ability to quickly reunite children w/ their parents. The admin should appoint a Czar to break thru the bureaucracy & get these kids out of limbo & back in their parents arms.

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