Donald Trump: Best US President Ever

It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.

The stupidity of this speaks for itself.
Folks that think our economy can turn on a dime are beyond debating anything sanely, sorry...

Seriously, even if you do believe 'your man' is an economic magician , wft leads you to think anything is going to change for you, given a generation of decline with similar players

How 'effin' deluded are you to place faith in anything out of DC?
Very simple. Trump isn't going by the same methodology of the last 4 numbskull presidents, who were all wimps, who bought peace from China et al, by ludicrously giving them unrestricted access to our huge & wealthy MARKET. (while they restricted us with their tariffs)
So now things are not "going to change", but clearly ALREADY HAVE changed, with tariffs on their exports to us, with a major lowering of the US corporate tax rate, and with the elimination of scores of business strangling regulations. This is why generally, US businesses are no longer going overseas, and those that did leave, are returning back here (ex. Wrangler, from Mexico to North Carolina)

All this is why our GDP growth has reversed back upward from the Obama 2016 decline, why we have more people working than ever before, and why our median income is now the highest it's ever been.

I feel like I'm back in the classroom again. :biggrin:
I think Trump is okay and great for the economy. He has high expectations, and on his own staff, he replaces slackers and backbiters, and he goes after traitors on twitter.

I pray that he continues to be blessed by Heaven to keep the Constitution keeping Americans free and strong, continues his unique diplomatic way of turning enemies into friends, and using his office for the betterment of his fellow Americans.
Well said, and with eloquence. Keep posting, insightful one.
Here's your two very different situations...

obongo is a socialist that hates America like all liberals.....

Trump loves America.....
He is also an Islamist (if not jihadist) that hates America, like all lunatic Muslims, as shown by his friendliness to the Muslim Brotherhood, his unfriendliness to Israel, his deliberate mishandling of Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter), removing the US troops from Iraq in 2011, and his hands off approach to ISIS (collusion with al Baghdadi).
Yes trump loves it so much he's trying to make us Greece with increasing deficits. But I guess you only complained about deficits under Obama right? Partisans are funny.
He's making us the greatest economic power in the world. MAGA. :biggrin:
Yes compared to a booming economy like we had with Clinton, your numbers are weak! And his deficits decreased till he actually had a surplus. Trump economy is going on the credit card.
Not correct to be assessing Trump's economy with respect to spending vs income, so early on. Trump hasn't even reached the halfway point of a first term yet, which is a repair and build up period. No pain no gain. We'll see what kind of deficit numbers exist in 2025. That will be the real test.

And what idiocy to say Trumps numbers are weak. RECORD numbers aren't weak, Mr Spin. (unemployment, stocks, median income, people working, etc) And one need not take your posts very seriously, after you posting the laughable comment that Trump "inherited a good economy"


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No it means I'm not such a weak sheep like you that I agree with everything one party says. You must be a republican because you support huge deficits?
It means you're an irrelevant, do-nothing, non-decision making, fence sitter, who is OK with using Obama-like defense spending cuts to offset deficit, thereby weakening and endangering America.

Did you think that was necessary for Obama to do ? It was idiocy, and dangerous, You think America is in danger of becoming another Iceland (go bankrupt) ? Not hardly. The U.S. economy is much larger and more resilient. When there is an economic crisis, investors buy U.S. debt. They believe it is the safest investment. In Iceland, the exact opposite happened.

Demand for US Treasuries (bills, notes, bonds) remains strong. That's because U.S. debt is 100 percent guaranteed by the power of the world's strongest economy. Investors’ confidence in U.S. Treasuries is one of the reasons why the dollar is so strong now.

Fast forwarding to October 2018, we have a massive debt (at least so they say without considering all we did for the world in World War II) Aside from the World War aspect, 3 to 4% GDP growth is needed to create jobs. That will create the needed increase in GDP to weather any tax increases and spending cuts. That will reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio enough to end any debt crisis. Guess what. Obama's 1.8% GDP is gone. Trump's 4.2% is here now. Consumer confidence and investors' confidence are at all time highs, thanks to the massive and fundamental reorganization of our economy by Trump, away from the fear-based looserisms of the past 4 presidents.
Yes and then they decreased under Obama. Trump is increasing them.
By slashing the military budget, weakening and endangering America. As for Trump, he is still in an early, initial buildup stage. TIME will tell.

PS - after Obama's first year, the deficit did not always decrease. It INcreased 2010-2011.
Folks that think our economy can turn on a dime are beyond debating anything sanely, sorry...

Seriously, even if you do believe 'your man' is an economic magician , wft leads you to think anything is going to change for you, given a generation of decline with similar players

How 'effin' deluded are you to place faith in anything out of DC?
Very simple. Trump isn't going by the same methodology of the last 4 numbskull presidents, who were all wimps, who bought peace from China et al, by ludicrously giving them unrestricted access to our huge & wealthy MARKET. (while they restricted us with their tariffs)
So now things are not "going to change", but clearly ALREADY HAVE changed, with tariffs on their exports to us, with a major lowering of the US corporate tax rate, and with the elimination of scores of business strangling regulations. This is why generally, US businesses are no longer going overseas, and those that did leave, are returning back here (ex. Wrangler, from Mexico to North Carolina)

All this is why our GDP growth has reversed back upward from the Obama 2016 decline, why we have more people working than ever before, and why our median income is now the highest it's ever been.

I feel like I'm back in the classroom again. :biggrin:

Trumps doing no more than mimicing Reagan's trickle down kenyesian policies , which crashed / burned phenomenally. The both were also deficit doves (much to the chagrin of the hawks) , literally buying prosperity on our grandkids dime.

IE~ a bubble economy , feels great , pops like a pimple , wash rinse ,repeat>>>

It's a matter of opinion, sure. And one could easily make the apples and oranges argument, because each of the presidents served in different eras, and had different type accomplishments. Washington brought the US into being, commanding the revolutionary war forces, and helping to create the country.

Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Madison authored the Constitution. Jackson kept the British down in the War of 1812. Polk obliterated the Mexicans in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, and established 1/3 of current US territory. FDR got us through the depression and World War II. Eisenhower commanded the European allied forces in World War II, chased millions of illegal aliens out of the US in Operation Wetback (1954), and created the US interstate highway system.

One could mention other presidents as well. But no president has ever lifted the US economically, from so low, to so high, breaking records left and right, in the greatest economic boom ever. And all of this in spite of relentless, vicious, underhanded attack from the Democrats and leftist world leaders. None ever had 25 years of globalist lunacy to have to remove, and the neglect of 4 wimpy, ass-kissing US presidents, and then do it with direct, forceful action.

The stupidity of this speaks for itself.
Trump Gets Terrible
Things can get worse, and with him, they always do.

By Gail Collins

Opinion Column
Terrible week. Donald Trump was on the road trying to rev up the country against a pitiful caravan of poor people struggling through Mexico. Meanwhile, there was a spate of bombing attempts directed at some of the president’s regular tirade targets, from Hillary Clinton to George Soros to CNN.

The F.B.I. is working on the bombs. Trump has urged the country to unify, to which the country presumably replied, “Now you tell us?”

At his rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday night, Trump did have some early words for peace and harmony. Then he demanded that the media “set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and often time false attacks.” You would think that for at least one evening he’d just mention the importance of a free press. Or even suggest that, say, body-slamming reporters is a bad thing.

This is getting scarier and scarier. The president has been on a rally marathon in which he alternates between saying things that are meant to whip his audience into rage and things that are just wildly egocentric and imaginary. He’ll never improve. All we can do is hope he sticks to his less dangerous form of awfulness.

disastrous deals in real estate historydoesn’t mean there isn’t some talent. That sort of thing runs in the family.

Asked about details of his plan — like who would count as a middle-income person — Trump said they’d be coming “sometime just prior, I would say, to November.”

That would mean … next week. Well, some details. Maybe its name.

Pop Quiz: What do you think would be a good name for Trump’s tax cut?

A) Herman

B) Biggest Middle-Class Tax Cut Since George Washington

C) Thing That Never Was

I don’t know about you, but I’m kinda going for Herman. Or Rocco.

The cruel-is-cool Trump has been ranting about immigration, claiming the caravan of desperate families making their way out of Central America included bad people “from the Middle East.” None of the reporters who have been walking through the caravan have come across anything like this. The president claimed he learned it from Border Patrol officers. He quotes unnamed Border Patrol officers a lot. You get the impression that in the still of the night when everybody else is asleep and he can’t think of anything to twitter, he calls up the border police and chats about their day.

“Wait until you see what happens over the next couple of weeks,” he told the Wisconsin crowd, in one of the more ominous moments of the night. “You are going to see a very secure border. Very secure. You just watch. The military is ready. They’re all set.”

John Bolton, the freaky national security adviser, and John Kelly, Trump’s chief of staff, had what is known in polite circles as a “profanity-laced argument” about border policy. We’ve been hearing a lot lately about Kelly’s temper. This is sort of disturbing, since he’s supposed to be one of the not-insane people in the administration who will keep a lid on things if the president goes totally batty. Another is Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who Trump recently described as “sort of a Democrat” who “may leave. I mean, at some point everybody leaves.”

When you’re down and out, keep that last little bit in mind. At some point everybody leaves.

Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter (@NYTopinion), and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletter.
Trump Gets Terrible
Things can get worse, and with him, they always do.

By Gail Collins

Opinion Column
Terrible week. Donald Trump was on the road trying to rev up the country against a pitiful caravan of poor people struggling through Mexico. Meanwhile, there was a spate of bombing attempts directed at some of the president’s regular tirade targets, from Hillary Clinton to George Soros to CNN.

The F.B.I. is working on the bombs. Trump has urged the country to unify, to which the country presumably replied, “Now you tell us?”

At his rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday night, Trump did have some early words for peace and harmony. Then he demanded that the media “set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and often time false attacks.” You would think that for at least one evening he’d just mention the importance of a free press. Or even suggest that, say, body-slamming reporters is a bad thing.

This is getting scarier and scarier. The president has been on a rally marathon in which he alternates between saying things that are meant to whip his audience into rage and things that are just wildly egocentric and imaginary. He’ll never improve. All we can do is hope he sticks to his less dangerous form of awfulness.

disastrous deals in real estate historydoesn’t mean there isn’t some talent. That sort of thing runs in the family.

Asked about details of his plan — like who would count as a middle-income person — Trump said they’d be coming “sometime just prior, I would say, to November.”

That would mean … next week. Well, some details. Maybe its name.

Pop Quiz: What do you think would be a good name for Trump’s tax cut?

A) Herman

B) Biggest Middle-Class Tax Cut Since George Washington

C) Thing That Never Was

I don’t know about you, but I’m kinda going for Herman. Or Rocco.

The cruel-is-cool Trump has been ranting about immigration, claiming the caravan of desperate families making their way out of Central America included bad people “from the Middle East.” None of the reporters who have been walking through the caravan have come across anything like this. The president claimed he learned it from Border Patrol officers. He quotes unnamed Border Patrol officers a lot. You get the impression that in the still of the night when everybody else is asleep and he can’t think of anything to twitter, he calls up the border police and chats about their day.

“Wait until you see what happens over the next couple of weeks,” he told the Wisconsin crowd, in one of the more ominous moments of the night. “You are going to see a very secure border. Very secure. You just watch. The military is ready. They’re all set.”

John Bolton, the freaky national security adviser, and John Kelly, Trump’s chief of staff, had what is known in polite circles as a “profanity-laced argument” about border policy. We’ve been hearing a lot lately about Kelly’s temper. This is sort of disturbing, since he’s supposed to be one of the not-insane people in the administration who will keep a lid on things if the president goes totally batty. Another is Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who Trump recently described as “sort of a Democrat” who “may leave. I mean, at some point everybody leaves.”

When you’re down and out, keep that last little bit in mind. At some point everybody leaves.

Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter (@NYTopinion), and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletter.
New York Times is a laughingstock, and has gotten their asses handed to them by the National Enquirer (oil shortage hoax), Ann Coulter (racism study), and many others.
Trumps doing no more than mimicing Reagan's trickle down kenyesian policies , which crashed / burned phenomenally. The both were also deficit doves (much to the chagrin of the hawks) , literally buying prosperity on our grandkids dime.

IE~ a bubble economy , feels great , pops like a pimple , wash rinse ,repeat>>>

Already refuted in Post #68 (et al) :icon_rolleyes:
Trump started with decent economic growth, low unemployment, decreasing deficits...

Two very different situations.
FALSE! And I'm really getting tired of hearing this ridiculous lie. As I just refuted this dopey lie in post # 34, here we go again.

Trump did NOT inherit a good economy. He inherited a horrible, SiNKING economy, which in Obama's last year GDP growth FELL from 2.3 to 1.8. Know what it was before that ? >> 1.0.....0.4.....1.5. In a word . Terrible.


Some people have to be told twice.
The numbers aren’t much better after trump...
Yes and then they decreased under Obama. Trump is increasing them.
By slashing the military budget, weakening and endangering America. As for Trump, he is still in an early, initial buildup stage. TIME will tell.

PS - after Obama's first year, the deficit did not always decrease. It INcreased 2010-2011.
We’ll crash due to debt long before we are defeated militarily.
Yes compared to a booming economy like we had with Clinton, your numbers are weak! And his deficits decreased till he actually had a surplus. Trump economy is going on the credit card.
Not correct to be assessing Trump's economy with respect to spending vs income, so early on. Trump hasn't even reached the halfway point of a first term yet, which is a repair and build up period. No pain no gain. We'll see what kind of deficit numbers exist in 2025. That will be the real test.

And what idiocy to say Trumps numbers are weak. RECORD numbers aren't weak, Mr Spin. (unemployment, stocks, median income, people working, etc) And one need not take your posts very seriously, after you posting the laughable comment that Trump "inherited a good economy"


Rather early to claim he’s the best president ever...
Yes compared to a booming economy like we had with Clinton, your numbers are weak! And his deficits decreased till he actually had a surplus. Trump economy is going on the credit card.
Not correct to be assessing Trump's economy with respect to spending vs income, so early on. Trump hasn't even reached the halfway point of a first term yet, which is a repair and build up period. No pain no gain. We'll see what kind of deficit numbers exist in 2025. That will be the real test.

And what idiocy to say Trumps numbers are weak. RECORD numbers aren't weak, Mr Spin. (unemployment, stocks, median income, people working, etc) And one need not take your posts very seriously, after you posting the laughable comment that Trump "inherited a good economy"


Rather early to claim he’s the best president ever...
Early? How about Never? A vile ugly human being

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