Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
I must say, Maureen has always had a way with words. She's skewered President Joe Biden when she felt he deserved it. It was often painfully on point, and sometimes hilarious. In my opinion, never unfair. Now she has a column on Trump, Easter, and the Bible.

Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper
By Maureen Dowd
Opinion Columnist, reporting from Washington.
On this holy weekend, one man is taking the Resurrection personally.

Happy Holy Week!” he wrote on Truth Social. “Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible.”

David Axelrod says that, even as a secular Jew, he’s offended: “This is a guy who has violated 11 of the Ten Commandments.”
On this holy weekend, one man is taking the Resurrection personally.

Donald Trump is presenting himself as the Man on the Cross, tortured for our sins. “I consider it a great badge of courage,” he tells crowds. “I am being indicted for you.” Instead of Christ-like redemption, he promises Lucifer-like retribution if resurrected
I must say, Maureen has always had a way with words. She's skewered President Joe Biden when she felt he deserved it. It was often painfully on point, and sometimes hilarious. In my opinion, never unfair. Now she has a column on Trump, Easter, and the Bible.

Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper
By Maureen Dowd
Opinion Columnist, reporting from Washington.
On this holy weekend, one man is taking the Resurrection personally.

Happy Holy Week!” he wrote on Truth Social. “Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible.”

David Axelrod says that, even as a secular Jew, he’s offended: “This is a guy who has violated 11 of the Ten Commandments.”
On this holy weekend, one man is taking the Resurrection personally.

Donald Trump is presenting himself as the Man on the Cross, tortured for our sins. “I consider it a great badge of courage,” he tells crowds. “I am being indicted for you.” Instead of Christ-like redemption, he promises Lucifer-like retribution if resurrected
Meanwhile….all Libs would be a Trump fan-boy if he were pitching these.
I must say, Maureen has always had a way with words. She's skewered President Joe Biden when she felt he deserved it. It was often painfully on point, and sometimes hilarious. In my opinion, never unfair. Now she has a column on Trump, Easter, and the Bible.

Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper
By Maureen Dowd
Opinion Columnist, reporting from Washington.
On this holy weekend, one man is taking the Resurrection personally.

Happy Holy Week!” he wrote on Truth Social. “Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible.”

David Axelrod says that, even as a secular Jew, he’s offended: “This is a guy who has violated 11 of the Ten Commandments.”
On this holy weekend, one man is taking the Resurrection personally.

Donald Trump is presenting himself as the Man on the Cross, tortured for our sins. “I consider it a great badge of courage,” he tells crowds. “I am being indicted for you.” Instead of Christ-like redemption, he promises Lucifer-like retribution if resurrected

I've always said religious people are gullible because they believe something that scientifically can't be verified as true. Them supporting Trump is further proof they are easily conned.

But then again, he gave them the overturning of roe v wade. Even though that's very unpopular, he's been bragging to them that he got it done.
Why is it that those who don't believe in the Bible are always the most offended by the Bible?
Your post makes absolutely no sense, as does the image posted by the troll above you.

But see people who support Donald Trump, the Blasphemous Bible Thumper ignore the facts and refuse to even attempt a discussion of those facts , or even attempt a refutation in defense of Trump.
Because they know it's really true but they're trying to deny it and justify their denial of it.

Here it comes! :tomato:
"Trump is, as the nuns who taught me used to say, “a bold, brazen piece.” He is a miserable human who cheated on his wives, cheats at golf, cheats at politics, incites violence, targets judges and their families and looked on, pleased, as thugs threatened to hang his actually pious vice president."
Why is it that those who don't believe in the Bible are always the most offended by the Bible?

Believers claim the victim and imply that non-theists gang up on them, or rally against them. No, atheists just look at believers the same way they might look at someone who claims the Earth is flat, or that the Earth is the centre of the universe: delusional.

The bar theists set for perceived atheist hostility appears to be anyone simply voicing a dissenting opinion or mentioning an inclination towards non-belief. Claiming ‘persecution’ is simply a deflection for theists who are unwilling or unable to deal with open criticism.
Trump blasphemous!
Who designated Easter Sunday as transgender day?
Try discussion something on topic:

Donald Trump is presenting himself as the Man on the Cross, tortured for our sins. “I consider it a great badge of courage,” he tells crowds. “I am being indicted for you.” Instead of Christ-like redemption, he promises Lucifer-like retribution if resurrected.

In January, he put up a video on Truth Social about how he is a messenger from God, “a shepherd to mankind
Try discussion something on topic:

Donald Trump is presenting himself as the Man on the Cross, tortured for our sins. “I consider it a great badge of courage,” he tells crowds. “I am being indicted for you.” Instead of Christ-like redemption, he promises Lucifer-like retribution if resurrected.

In January, he put up a video on Truth Social about how he is a messenger from God, “a shepherd to mankind
Trump is right. "They’re not after me. They’re after you. I'm just in the way."
Trump is right. "They’re not after me. They’re after you. I'm just in the way."

It's true. Do you think we would like Nikki Haley? She voted with Trump 90% of the time. Liz Chaney too. And we didn't love Bush any more when he was stealing elections, lying us into wars and causing the greatest recession since the Great Depression.

If Liz Chaney were your nominee I would have CDS.
Your post makes absolutely no sense, as does the image posted by the troll above you.

But see people who support Donald Trump, the Blasphemous Bible Thumper ignore the facts and refuse to even attempt a discussion of those facts , or even attempt a refutation in defense of Trump.
Ridiculous. I've never EVER seen Trump dodge a single question re his opinion or take on something. He has given more press time and answered more questions as honestly as he could than any President in history. And he does the huge bulk of it extemporaneously.

In contrast Biden has been rated the least accessible President in U.S. history and he almost always insults people who ask questions he doesn't want to answer which is most questions asked him.

And as for Trump and the Bible, he is hugely less offensive than most Democrats when it comes to that.

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