Donald Trump Brags About Crowd Size in Front of Empty Seats

1) Didn't happen. See Republican state legislatures for issues surrounding 2020 vote counting rules.
2) There was no cheating. COVID would have been way less of an impact had someone else sitting in the WH.
3) No one cares about conspiracy theories or Hunter Biden's mythical laptop. :)
4) The dark money flowing into conservative and right wing candidates dwarfs this.
5) No such thing happened.
6) No such thing happened.
7) No such violations happened. Again, see Republican state legislatures for issues surrounding 2020 vote counting rules.
8) The election was called for Biden on 1/8/2020. Multiple recounts and audits (called for by the loser) found additional votes for Biden.
9) Duly elected President
10) No, YOU and your ilk did this. At the behest of the guy who lost. A bunch of sore losers.
11) If that were the case. Trump and everyone who spouted (and keeps spouting) about a "stolen" election that wasn't...would be sitting in a cell.

You've had almost 3 years to start your thread and present any evidence to prove your election conspiracy theories. And yet, you keep reciting things
that didn't happen. Or posting conspiracy theories. Same material. Time after time. All without any evidence to back it up.

Accept that Trump lost. And he's going to lose again.
Trump is going to WIN baby! He has the love of Hispanics and Blacks along with Whites and if the election were held today, he would WIN! :)
says you, Trump is an ex president super star, who history will remember as the greatest, as the president wrongly accused and persecuted by the government that needs a business man's fixing.

only crack pot nut would join the democrat cult, who in the hell wants massive government ruling and dictating the details of our lives.

We see what the democrats give us, criminality, and a sad sad sad future

food is no longer affordable, thank you democrats
As long as people can afford traveling to hear a criminal defendant speak, we're in good shape.
You made the accusations. You provide the proof.
No Jack, YOU made the accusations. Over and over. Unlike me, not once have you ever offered a thing to back up one word of your claims.

You haven't provided any "recorded" facts.
The FBI investigations and cover ups into Hunter's laptop are a matter of public record now Jack. At least pretend like you're not totally clueless.

You've got nothing.
Jack, please keep your marital problems and wife's complaints to yourself. If you can't satisfy her as a man, the least you can do is give her a garage.
No Jack, YOU made the accusations. Over and over. Unlike me, not once have you ever offered a thing to back up one word of your claims.

The FBI investigations and cover ups into Hunter's laptop are a matter of public record now Jack. At least pretend like you're not totally clueless.

Jack, please keep your marital problems and wife's complaints to yourself. If you can't satisfy her as a man, the least you can do is give her a garage.
Provide the proof or shut the fuck up.

I love the fact that you constantly go personal when you're called out.!! (Something I suspect you've heard for most of your life). :)
Provide the proof or shut the fuck up.
Careful Jack or I'll pull up my zipper and cut off your air supply.

I've provided a ton of proof for years, as have many others. You just never see it, admit it, or respond to it. Pure denial.

I love the fact that you constantly go personal when you're called out.
It's because you're such a warm, personable person. You bring out the love in others. Plus the fact that you're such a flaming ass turd liar.
Careful Jack or I'll pull up my zipper and cut off your air supply.

I've provided a ton of proof for years, as have many others. You just never see it, admit it, or respond to it. Pure denial.

It's because you're such a warm, personable person. You bring out the love in others. Plus the fact that you're such a flaming ass turd liar.
Do me a favor, go be worthless somewhere else.
But, if you post some "proof" let me know and we'll discuss.

Otherwise, back to the OP.
Pat yourself on the back and take heart....size (as in the size of Trump's crowds) doesn't matter.
Crowd size at a rally is no indicator of electoral popularity. As the 2020 election should have taught you.

I picture you as one of these sorry assed lemmings who follows Trump around to his pep rallies.
You strike me as that kind of groupie. :auiqs.jpg:
What a joke. The cult will not be writing history.
you are right, the cult wont be writing history. Who will be writing history, and is writing history are many conservative political authors, activists, political analysts.

The best thing for you is what you call a cult. Without us, our ideas, our losing fight against the Democrats, you only have a decent life because of us, our intelligence, what we build.

The job I do, the work I have done, keeps you safe, every single day, I touch so many parts of your life your shallow mind dismisses me as just some cult. There is really nothing more moronic than the position you take. You are the one influenced by propaganda. Me I just know what is good for letting me do my job.

Sleep safe, knowing my work keeps you safe.
Personally, I would demur on the above.

Rather, I believe that Don Trump's lasting legacy will be the events of January 6th.

That's on him.


yes, the events of jan 6th, where nothing happened other than another protest, no worst than any other protest at the time, a protest that the Democrats allowed to happen, by refusing to have adequate security

Trump's lasting legacy, like killing the guy that was making improvised electronic explosives that murdered and maimed our soldiers fighting to keep you free.

Trump's lasting legacy, being so much better than Biden and every other Democrat
As long as people can afford traveling to hear a criminal defendant speak, we're in good shape.
We are not in that great of shape as long as the democrats can use the courts to destroy the innocent and especially their political opponents.

criminal? where there are no victims, no laws that were broke, just pure politics
Do me a favor, go be worthless somewhere else.
Lick me.

But, if you post some "proof" let me know and we'll discuss.
Like the first hundred times you "discussed" by dismissing everything presented as just "baseless and disproven?" Yet without anything ever SHOWING it baseless much less how, when, where or by who it was disproven by! You're a psychic, right, Jack?! :21:

Crowd size at a rally is no indicator of electoral popularity.
Sure bet that if one person is filling stadiums like Obumma did, compared to Biden's empty parking lots that one has a lot more electoral popularity; funny how when Obumma was in office or comes up, you lefties used to BRAG about the big crowds he drew and especially at his inauguration! But I forget, you always have two yardsticks--- one for yourself and the other for republicans and Trump! Which just leads to another obvious observation, that if all the polling and questionnaires about the economy, jobs, border, cost of living, crime and wars all comes back with the vast majority feeling we are going way in the wrong direction and are very upset and dissatisfied yet when you have an election like the other day and yet people vote for more of the same and not to change anything, that the elections must be SUSPECT! That is not how reality really works.

As the 2020 election should have taught you.
You mean like how J6 taught you?

I picture you as one of these sorry assed lemmings who follows Trump around to his pep rallies.
You strike me as that kind of groupie.
Once again like everything else you "picture," Jack, you are a mile wide and a dollar short. Story of your life. So sure about everything you are clueless about. :auiqs.jpg:
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Right now, he`s filling the Oval Office. :)
The other guy is filling courtrooms.
If you wanted to destroy a nation, what is filling up the White House would be doing what he is. The protests/riots/insurrections we see what Progs is real. The Prog Islamic riots are dangerous as all others in Prog cities before them. Progs will turn on each other and have in all the riots. Progs will watch their children get killed from other Progs some day and many will still remain Progs. The real issue is that you are dragging down the so called Deplorables with you. The nonexistent White Nationalists that may become that for all we know for survival.
If you wanted to destroy a nation, what is filling up the White House would be doing what he is. The protests/riots/insurrections we see what Progs is real. The Prog Islamic riots are dangerous as all others in Prog cities before them. Progs will turn on each other and have in all the riots. Progs will watch their children get killed from other Progs some day and many will still remain Progs. The real issue is that you are dragging down the so called Deplorables with you. The nonexistent White Nationalists that may become that for all we know for survival.
Those were Progressives that we watched beat up 130 cops and smear crap on the Capitol walls? That`s very informative. Now you can tell us about the Jewish Space Lasers that start wildfires.
"yes, the events of jan 6th, where nothing happened other than another protest, no worst than any other protest at the time, a protest that the Democrats allowed to happen, by refusing to have adequate security...."

I would respectfully demur.
The world watched the January 6th Jackasses assault uniformed police, vandalize the Capitol, threaten to kill the Vice-President, and the Speaker of the house....the#2 and #3 in line to the Presidency.
Thankfully there is no video....that I have seen....of these MAGA Jackasses pooping in the hallways of the People's House tho it was widely reported they did exactly that.

But as a 'in-the-weeds' detail that only cognoscenti of J6 recall, well, we can once again note that the Trump faction intentionally did not apply for, request, or advise that he would be ordering his fans to march to the Capitol after he and Rudy, and Eastman, and Fredo Trump, et al, incited and angered them.

Hence, with no notice to the Park Service, to the Capitol Police, to the DC Police.......that angered crowd encountered no crowd-control measures, no beefed-up police force., and a skeleton force at the Capitol because it was closed that day,

Trump and his enablers kept it a secret intentionally and advised each other not to let on that a march was going to be ordered.

In short, prolific poster Elektra don't come on to a public forum and wail against 'adequate security' when it was Trump and his enablers who ensured that there would not be enough resistance to the attempt to stop the Electoral Count and thus allow Trump to declare martial law and throw the election to the states with Republican majorities.

All of that was abundantly described in the Congressional January 6th Hearings.

In my opinion, poster Elektra, your posts suggest a narrow uber-partisan mindset that hints more of a Squeaky Fromme-type cultist for Trump than it does a mature thoughtful participant in adult discussions on an internet forum.

No offense intended.


"If you wanted to destroy a nation, what is filling up the White House would be doing what he is. ....The Prog Islamic riots are dangerous as all others in Prog cities before them. Progs will turn on each other and have in all the riots. Progs will watch their children get killed from other Progs some day and many will still remain Progs."

I gotta admit poster 22lcidw that while your postings are way too often unfocused, unorganized, and usually indecipherable, still...............
..........................still I find them entertaining.

And a validation of the widely held view... the cliche', really.... of MAGA's education levels.

Even though that may sound somewhat pejorative, I still think your posts are a hoot.
When I can understand 'em.

Just sayin'.
I would respectfully demur.
The world watched the January 6th Jackasses assault uniformed police, vandalize the Capitol, threaten to kill the Vice-President, and the Speaker of the house....the#2 and #3 in line to the Presidency.
Thankfully there is no video....that I have seen....of these MAGA Jackasses pooping in the hallways of the People's House tho it was widely reported they did exactly that.

But as a 'in-the-weeds' detail that only cognoscenti of J6 recall, well, we can once again note that the Trump faction intentionally did not apply for, request, or advise that he would be ordering his fans to march to the Capitol after he and Rudy, and Eastman, and Fredo Trump, et al, incited and angered them.

Hence, with no notice to the Park Service, to the Capitol Police, to the DC Police.......that angered crowd encountered no crowd-control measures, no beefed-up police force., and a skeleton force at the Capitol because it was closed that day,

Trump and his enablers kept it a secret intentionally and advised each other not to let on that a march was going to be ordered.

In short, prolific poster Elektra don't come on to a public forum and wail against 'adequate security' when it was Trump and his enablers who ensured that there would not be enough resistance to the attempt to stop the Electoral Count and thus allow Trump to declare martial law and throw the election to the states with Republican majorities.

All of that was abundantly described in the Congressional January 6th Hearings.

In my opinion, poster Elektra, your posts suggest a narrow uber-partisan mindset that hints more of a Squeaky Fromme-type cultist for Trump than it does a mature thoughtful participant in adult discussions on an internet forum.

Trump offered the National Guard to Nancy Pelosi, she refused.

During the afternoon while things escalated, Nancy Pelosi did nothing.

The idiot democrats pontificate all day every day, for years on end the danger that trump is, as well as us simple conservatives that vote for Trump.

In the Democrat's mind, we are extremely dangerous, all democrats state the danger of conservatives, yet on January 6th, Democrats are in no fear of the danger that thousands of MAGA supporters presented?

MAGA is dangerous, but not so dangerous that Democrats think they must act, despite the democrats rhetoric of the danger we present.
It was a 5k seat arena completely filled…you got trolled Again by your demaklan propaganda
No boot licker, you got trolled by your lying ass Orange God.

"I'm standing in front of tens of thousands of people right now and it's on television. That's a lot harder to do than a debate," he said.

Your orange god's words, not mine.

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