Donald Trump Brags About Crowd Size in Front of Empty Seats

It`s the same crackpots at every rally. Post #8.
says you, Trump is an ex president super star, who history will remember as the greatest, as the president wrongly accused and persecuted by the government that needs a business man's fixing.

only crack pot nut would join the democrat cult, who in the hell wants massive government ruling and dictating the details of our lives.

We see what the democrats give us, criminality, and a sad sad sad future

food is no longer affordable, thank you democrats
Oh Please another whining ass Liberal post saying Trumps crowds were filled with empty seats. Liberals have so many wishes and if wishes were horses....

Biden ONLY WISHED he could command the crowds that President Trump can gather in one afternoon. Never going to happen with the smelly old crusty Biden. :lastword1:
It's entirely possible that his subconscious fills in the holes for him

Is that anything like how your subconscious fills in the hole in your head?

BTW Ace, the term 'subconscious' was rendered an archaic term, replaced by the unconscious mind many decades ago. You have a conscious and unconscious mind, psychologists no longer use the term 'subconscious.'
Crowd size doesn't matter.

I bet that is Joe's handler's mantra to him every single day.



  1. Changed all the election laws to favor democrats.
  2. Used Covid as cover to institute massive cheating.
  3. Had the FBI cover up known facts about the Biden family so as to not deter Biden votes.
  4. Got an infusion of 400 million dollars from Zuckerberg to organize ballot committees and to buy votes.
  5. Paid mules big bucks to go around stuffing ballot drop boxes with fraudulent ballots (caught doing so on camera several times including by CNN).
  6. Passed hundreds of thousands of unqualified ballots where signatures did not match and there was no chain of custody.
  7. Violated many state election laws to permit most anything looking like a ballot to be counted.
  8. Kept finding and counting ballots weeks after election was over until you put Joe in the lead.
  9. Put an absolute nincompoop communist national security risk and traitor in the WH.
  10. Destroyed the nation's confidence in our elections leading to the riot at the Capitol.
  11. Used the heavy hand of government to suppress, oppress and cover up lies, and to deter questions.
Without that, Joe would have been lucky to get 70 EC votes.
  1. Changed all the election laws to favor democrats.
  2. Used Covid as cover to institute massive cheating.
  3. Had the FBI cover up known facts about the Biden family so as to not deter Biden votes.
  4. Got an infusion of 400 million dollars from Zuckerberg to organize ballot committees and to buy votes.
  5. Paid mules big bucks to go around stuffing ballot drop boxes with fraudulent ballots (caught doing so on camera several times including by CNN).
  6. Passed hundreds of thousands of unqualified ballots where signatures did not match and there was no chain of custody.
  7. Violated many state election laws to permit most anything looking like a ballot to be counted.
  8. Kept finding and counting ballots weeks after election was over until you put Joe in the lead.
  9. Put an absolute nincompoop communist national security risk and traitor in the WH.
  10. Destroyed the nation's confidence in our elections leading to the riot at the Capitol.
  11. Used the heavy hand of government to suppress, oppress and cover up lies, and to deter questions.
Without that, Joe would have been lucky to get 70 EC votes.
1) Didn't happen. See Republican state legislatures for issues surrounding 2020 vote counting rules.
2) There was no cheating. COVID would have been way less of an impact had someone else sitting in the WH.
3) No one cares about conspiracy theories or Hunter Biden's mythical laptop. :)
4) The dark money flowing into conservative and right wing candidates dwarfs this.
5) No such thing happened.
6) No such thing happened.
7) No such violations happened. Again, see Republican state legislatures for issues surrounding 2020 vote counting rules.
8) The election was called for Biden on 1/8/2020. Multiple recounts and audits (called for by the loser) found additional votes for Biden.
9) Duly elected President
10) No, YOU and your ilk did this. At the behest of the guy who lost. A bunch of sore losers.
11) If that were the case. Trump and everyone who spouted (and keeps spouting) about a "stolen" election that wasn't...would be sitting in a cell.

You've had almost 3 years to start your thread and present any evidence to prove your election conspiracy theories. And yet, you keep reciting things
that didn't happen. Or posting conspiracy theories. Same material. Time after time. All without any evidence to back it up.

Accept that Trump lost. And he's going to lose again.
Trump is an ex president super star, who history will remember as the greatest, as the president wrongly accused and persecuted by the government that needs a business man's fixing
What a joke. The cult will not be writing history.
1) Didn't happen.
LIAR. Don't bother denying recorded facts.

2) There was no cheating.
There is ALWAYS cheating. To even claim no cheating suggests you know there was far more than usual.

COVID would have been way less of an impact had someone else sitting in the WH.
Must be why far more died of Covid under Joe's watch.

3) No one cares about conspiracy theories or Hunter Biden's mythical laptop.
The FBI and congress don't investigate myths. Stop your lying.

4) The dark money flowing into conservative and right wing candidates dwarfs this.
You wish.

5) No such thing happened.
6) No such thing happened.
Tell it to the police.

7) No such violations happened.
I hear the talk but as usual Jack, you have no proof.

9) Duly elected President
Then we elected a fraud and a traitor.

10) No, YOU and your ilk did this. At the behest of the guy who lost. A bunch of sore losers.
Is that what you call patriots doing their constitutional duty to resist tyranny?

You've had almost 3 years to start your thread
Shove it Jack. Why should I waste all my time and effort on people who never debate, never discuss, never present anything, just deflect and deny?

Accept that Trump lost. And he's going to lose again.
One thing is for sure: Joe Biden won't be winning reelection.
Oh Please another whining ass Liberal post saying Trumps crowds were filled with empty seats.

Well, I know nuthin' about 'whiny Liberals'. Rather, I would suggest that that conclusion is a sad misread by the good poster 'NeverFree'.

Instead, the OP appears to be a commentary on Don Trump's rather questionable assertions ---from the stage:

"....he bragged about the size of the crowd that turned out for him, boasting that "tens of thousands" of people attended the rally."

"Tens of thousands" in an arena that holds 5,200 and was clearly not at capacity.

So you see, when one pins a "Kick Me" sign on one's butt......forgive those who are tempted to kick away.

At a higher level, I would posit it is the responsibility of American citizens to call out those people who are our leaders or who want to be our leaders....whenever they clearly 'fib' to us. Call 'em out and let 'em know the aware people know they are, ah, 'fibbers'....and not to be trusted.

Anyway, that's what the OP appears to be about --- accountability.

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Trump is an ex president super star, who history will remember as the greatest,

Personally, I would demur on the above.

Rather, I believe that Don Trump's lasting legacy will be the events of January 6th.

That's on him.


LIAR. Don't bother denying recorded facts.

There is ALWAYS cheating. To even claim no cheating suggests you know there was far more than usual.

Must be why far more died of Covid under Joe's watch.

The FBI and congress don't investigate myths. Stop your lying.

You wish.

Tell it to the police.

I hear the talk but as usual Jack, you have no proof.

Then we elected a fraud and a traitor.

Is that what you call patriots doing their constitutional duty to resist tyranny?

Shove it Jack. Why should I waste all my time and effort on people who never debate, never discuss, never present anything, just deflect and deny?

One thing is for sure: Joe Biden won't be winning reelection.
You made the accusations. You provide the proof. That's how it works, kiddo.
You haven't provided any "recorded" facts. Just the same old conspiracy theories.

You've got nothing. So keep screaming at the sky. :)

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