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Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

Seems you think anyone who supports Trump is white trash, uneducated and they like Trump just to feel better about themselves.

Kinda funny that those polled like what he talking about because they are subjects people are interested in.

You asshole are an elitist who thinks he's better than everyone else. Your post proves what a clueless idiot you truly are.

You can kiss the sunny side of my ass and I'm not even a Trump supporter asshole.

Yep, I do think that. Anybody with even an iota of critical thinking would know that Trump is nothing but an opportunistic has-been with a funny haircut and is dumb as a post.

If you mean I'm an elitist in that I think I'm better than anybody else you would be wrong. If I am better than any conservative neocon whackjob, then you would be right. That would include ANY Trump supporter. Anybody who would vote for that moron is a fucking idiot. Mind you, people did vote for Bush TWICE. So there are a lot of idiots out there, thus my call for an IQ test before you can vote. I'm 100 percent confident that if IQ tests were put in place before people could vote Bush would never have won, nor would Trump be polling as well as he is....

Anybody with a high IQ and no common sense is more of an idiot.
I remember meeting those types in the military.
Highly intelligent and totally stupid when it came to functioning in a military unit or coping with real life.
Perhaps this borders on Autism.
Trump illustrates the backlash against the establishment which supports mindless political-correctness.
The left's top candidate is a criminal....and our current president is a terrorist sympathizer.....so people are scared that it's only gonna get worse. Something.....anything has to be done. Trump taps into that.

Your first part is a very good point, which comes back to my 'lowest common denominator' point. It's easy to be a populist and tell people what they want to hear. Anybody can do that, but only an idiot would swallow that bile. And with the way Trump is polling at the moment there are lots of idiots out there.

Pity about rest of your post. If Hillary is a criminal then Dumbya should be locked up and the key thrown away. Ditto Rumsfeld, Cheney and all the other neocon whackos.

As for Obama being a terrorist sympathiser, now you're just being silly. Whooshh...that was your credibility flying out the window.

Trump taps into the white, male trash.
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Seems you think anyone who supports Trump is white trash, uneducated and they like Trump just to feel better about themselves.

Kinda funny that those polled like what he talking about because they are subjects people are interested in.

You asshole are an elitist who thinks he's better than everyone else. Your post proves what a clueless idiot you truly are.

You can kiss the sunny side of my ass and I'm not even a Trump supporter asshole.

Yep, I do think that. Anybody with even an iota of critical thinking would know that Trump is nothing but an opportunistic has-been with a funny haircut and is dumb as a post.

If you mean I'm an elitist in that I think I'm better than anybody else you would be wrong. If I am better than any conservative neocon whackjob, then you would be right. That would include ANY Trump supporter. Anybody who would vote for that moron is a fucking idiot. Mind you, people did vote for Bush TWICE. So there are a lot of idiots out there, thus my call for an IQ test before you can vote. I'm 100 percent confident that if IQ tests were put in place before people could vote Bush would never have won, nor would Trump be polling as well as he is....

Anybody with a high IQ and no common sense is more of an idiot.
I remember meeting those types in the military.
Highly intelligent and totally stupid when it came to functioning in a military unit or coping with real life.
Perhaps this borders on Autism.

My Ex was like that.
Very High IQ, huge amount of book learning, but no common sense what so ever.
He could not deal with real life either. He wanted to stay in the University world.
5 Ways Donald Trump Perfectly Mirrors Hitler's Rise To Power

#5. He Blames A Specific Group Of Immigrants For All Our Problems (And Promises To Eliminate Them From Our Society)

#4. He'll Sell His Hate As Hope For The Poorest Citizens In This Country

#3. Don't Think Concentration Camps, Just Think Prisons

#2. Not Taking Him Seriously Makes Him More Dangerous

#1. He Used To Keep A Copy Of Hitler's Sequel To Mein Kampf By His Bed


DETAILS: 5 Ways Donald Trump Perfectly Mirrors Hitler's Rise To Power | Cracked.com

Does anyone else see the dangerous comparisons?
Yep, however I don't think Trump supporters really care whether Trump's rise parallels Hitler because like Hitler's supporters, they are deaf to all but the worlds their Fuhrer.

According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed.

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed
Mein Kampf is a permanent fixture on the best sellers lists for a great many Islamic countries.
Democrats are nothing but opportunists.

The problem with them is they are constantly creating problems so they can take advantage of them.

Obama and scores of Democrats are begging for these refugees to move into their states. This will create more terrorism and violence down the road.
The ISIS Trail of Death
Obama releasing tens of thousands of criminals into the society can only result in one thing......more crime.

All politicians are opportunists Mud. You know that.

Problems? You mean like sacrificing almost 7000 US lives in the ME? That kind of problem?

Do you even believe half the shit you type? 10s of 1000s? Really....
Trump illustrates the backlash against the establishment which supports mindless political-correctness.
The left's top candidate is a criminal....and our current president is a terrorist sympathizer.....so people are scared that it's only gonna get worse. Something.....anything has to be done. Trump taps into that.

Your first part is a very good point, which comes back to my 'lowest common denominator' point. It's easy to be a populist and tell people what they want to hear. Anybody can do that, but only an idiot would swallow that bile. And with the way Trump is polling at the moment there are lots of idiots out there.

Pity about rest of your post. If Hillary is a criminal then Dumbya should be locked up and the key thrown away. Ditto Rumsfeld, Cheney and all the other neocon whackos.

As for Obama being a terrorist sympathiser, now you're just being silly. Whooshh...that was your credibility flying out the window.

Trump taps into the white, male trash.
Yup.....don't trash Obama.....regardless how he acts.


Any possible crimes Bush is guilty of doesn't excuse Hillary from committing even more.
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Democrats are nothing but opportunists.

The problem with them is they are constantly creating problems so they can take advantage of them.

Obama and scores of Democrats are begging for these refugees to move into their states. This will create more terrorism and violence down the road.
The ISIS Trail of Death
Obama releasing tens of thousands of criminals into the society can only result in one thing......more crime.

All politicians are opportunists Mud. You know that.

Problems? You mean like sacrificing almost 7000 US lives in the ME? That kind of problem?

Do you even believe half the shit you type? 10s of 1000s? Really....
Shall we compare KIAs between Obama and Bush now?

Yup.....don't trash Obama.....regardless how he acts.


Any possible crimes Bush is guilty of doesn't excuse Hillary from committing even more.

I think Obama has been an OK president at best. Nothing outstanding. That's what you get when the bar was set so low with the guy the preceded him. If you want the best, then don't set your sights so low.

You righties get so caught up in Gotcha moments you forget the big picture. Hillary is no more a criminal than Ronald McDonald. But you guys are so full of hatred it clouds your judgement and therefore your credibility.

Benghazi? The ONLY people responsible for that were the people who committed the atrocity. It's like blaming Bush for 9-11. Could or should he have done better on his watch? I think so. But at the end of the day, he didnt commit the acts....
If we had thousands of troops dying in a war, he would say what you would hear in every bar the country, "nuke the bastards'.

Thousands of your invading army have died over there, just as your bastard soldiers died in Vietnam when you invaded that country.
They deserved to die.
Shall we compare KIAs between Obama and Bush now?


No. They're all on Bush's watch. He started it. They're all his responsibility.

Let me put it in simple terms. If you punch a guy in the face for no reason, and he hits you back? He didn't start it. YOU did. Stop being a typical conservative, and take responsibility for your own actions....
The truth of the matter is while I would love to see this happen across the board, Trump would have been smart to not call for this kind of ban.

What he should have done, was call for a moratorium on all Muslim immigration to America from certain countries.

He would have gotten the support of all Americans except the 20%-25% who identify as liberals.

The ban he has called for is only going to fly with maybe a third of Americans.

Lets see what polls look like in the coming days, I may be way off.

I disagree. We do not know how far ISIS and other Salafist Jihadis have worked their way into various Muslim countries, so until we get our shit together and can actually vet these fuckers, NO, we do not need any more Muslim immigration whether you want to call the stoppage a 'slowdown' a 'hiatus' a 'lull', a 'moratorium' or a 'shit break'.
That would be nice, I just don't see any way of it flying though.
If Trump would have called for a temporary end to Muslim immigration from hotbed countries, I think he would have a majority of Americans supporting that.
The way it is now, he's going to get a huge pushback, and he will be villified as a racist.

I don't disagree with what you're saying, I just don't see enough Americans getting on board.
I just saw a brief clip on the BBC, and the end of his sentence was ' ...until our representatives work out what the hell is happening...' .indicating it's a measure to be taken until vetting and so on is sorted out?
I'm literally amazed at the double-standards the left receives.

Some cracker kills 9 blacks in a church and every store has to remove the Confederate flag from their shelves. Trucks with a Confedrate flag are stopped and accused of hate-crimes.

But several Muslims murder a couple of hundred in Paris and 14 more in San Bernadino....and we are told by the President that we'd better not act like BlackLivesMatters or rioters in Baltimore and Ferguson, and God help you if you say anything bad about these people. The ISIS Trail of Death
Or even 'edge toward' saying anything bad ......:)
A wall?

Delay certain immigrants for a few weeks until the real men of genius in Congress can assure they're clean?

Blame criminals for crimes instead of law abiding citizens?

Anybody with a high IQ and no common sense is more of an idiot.

No, they're not. Dumb arse idiots say crap like that to make themselves feel better about their lack of intellect.

Seems you are the one of those idiots.
You need both.
Trump has both.
Is it more important to have common sense than knowledge?

65% yes 35% No
Read the 3rd one down in the yes column for 2 examples.

Trump has neither. I have yet to meet anybody with a high IQ and no common sense. Those with only the latter claim they know those with the former and none of the latter, but I call BS. They say that to make themselves feel better.
The truth of the matter is while I would love to see this happen across the board, Trump would have been smart to not call for this kind of ban.

What he should have done, was call for a moratorium on all Muslim immigration to America from certain countries.

He would have gotten the support of all Americans except the 20%-25% who identify as liberals.

The ban he has called for is only going to fly with maybe a third of Americans.

Lets see what polls look like in the coming days, I may be way off.

I disagree. We do not know how far ISIS and other Salafist Jihadis have worked their way into various Muslim countries, so until we get our shit together and can actually vet these fuckers, NO, we do not need any more Muslim immigration whether you want to call the stoppage a 'slowdown' a 'hiatus' a 'lull', a 'moratorium' or a 'shit break'.
That would be nice, I just don't see any way of it flying though.
If Trump would have called for a temporary end to Muslim immigration from hotbed countries, I think he would have a majority of Americans supporting that.
The way it is now, he's going to get a huge pushback, and he will be villified as a racist.

I don't disagree with what you're saying, I just don't see enough Americans getting on board.
I just saw a brief clip on the BBC, and the end of his sentence was ' ...until our representatives work out what the hell is happening...' .indicating it's a measure to be taken until vetting and so on is sorted out?

Yes they all drop that last part that was said.
How about what we are doing now?
It's not helping to protect all Americans.
This woman got in on a marriage visa. Gave false address and that was not caught.
Got more than 10,000.00 deposited in bank and bank did not notify the authorities like they are suppose to do.
Neighbors were afraid to report what was happening in the garage.

Perfect? What's perfect about it? Does it also apply to Christian immigration into the U.S.?
Are "Christians" coming to the country committing mass murder in the name of their religion? NO. The hilarious thing is YOU would be the fucking FIRST people the muslims would exterminate if they ever took control of the country.
You're so fucking stupid you think there are 'peace-loving' muslims. There is no such person. Not if they believe in what the koran teaches.

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