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Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

My sources say 194 but what an idiotic thing to argue.How Many Countries in the World
Present a link for what, that Islam is a religion. That's like presenting a link to say Volvo is an automobile.
The Religion of Islam
Islam - ReligionFacts
The religion of Islam
Islam | religion
Islam Muslim: Islamic Religion, History, Beliefs. Quran / Koran, Mohammed Quotes
The Religion of Islam: Christian Information Ministries

Islam is a religion. Get It.I have already showed you from Catholic sites that the Bible is used by Catholics. If you have a problem with that take it up with those Catholics.

Did I say it's the same as the old one. Why would the Bible even contain the old testament? Why keep it there. Why would Jesus refer to it? Why would so many Christians quote from it? Whether you personally ignore the first testament or not, it is in the Bible. The Bible is the Holy book for most Christians.

So you wanna get beat up some more , huh ? OK then.

Italy grant religious tax status to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and HIndus. That's because they all are religions. Italy does NOT grants religious tax status to Muslims because Islam is not a religion.

I presented 2 dozen links that Islam is NOT a religion (all in one post) 2 years ago.:biggrin: Here's 1/3 of them >>

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Islam Watch - About Us

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam and the Definition of Religion

The whole Bible is not a holy book for Christians. Only the New Testament is, and even that is only for Protestants, not Catholics. You're getting an education.
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If Muslims were to be found to be coming into the United States, after being banned, they should be imprisoned, and put in hard labor on a chain gang outdoors, in north Alaska in the winter, and in the Florida Keys in the summer.
I didn't state it was opinion. I also showed you other polls where the majority of Republicans do not want a minimum wage hike and I also showed you where Republican representatives have continued to vote it down.
FALSE! You cannot show that the majority of Republicans do not want a minimum wage hike, because as I showed you from a recent Gallup poll they DO want it.
Names of the radio hosts > Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mike Gallagher, Laura Ingraham, Michael Medved, Michael Savage, Hugh Hewitt, MarK Larson, Mark Levin, Bob Grant, Larry Elder, to name just a few.
The first one I checked out Rush Limbaugh, I could not find anything om him criticizing corporate welfare. I did find criticisms of him for not criticizing corporate welfare.
Reform Has To Include Corporate Welfare As Well
BeggarsCanBeChoosers.com: Rush Limbaugh: America's Biggest Welfare Recipient
Rush Limbaugh Calls Troops ‘Welfare Queens, Moochers’ – Duffel Blog
RALPH NADER: Cut off corporate welfare to Limbaugh, Hannity
Same thing with Hannity. Tons of pages of him complaining about welfare recipients but zero about Corporate welfare. These guys like you are nothing but hypocrites.

Boy, did you ever blow it on this >> "These people are still spending money on food rent and bills. Money that goes back into the economy." This misperception is the result of ingesting liberal media,
How is that wrong.? That money they used for food rent and bills stayed in the country. It is helping the economy. What does this have to do with any media. It's a fact.
and not perusing the conservative ones. Actually, what is happening is a big LOSS for the US economy, due to the following >>

1. "These people" (low wage foreigners) spend far LESS than Americans would if they were holding the jobs that "These people " hold. Instead of going into the US economy (US stores) it is wired out of the country in remittances ($123 Billion/year. This is extracted OUT OF the US economy, and reinserted into the economies of their home countries (Mexico top burglar)
Yes Mexico is the top. Most likely since most immigrants to US are from Mexico. Out of the top 5, none of them are Muslim countries. I'm trying to find out why Muslims were singled out when none of the top countries remittances were sent back to are Muslim countries. India was #2 on the list yet there are no talks about keeping Indians out of the US.

2. In addition to the remittances, since the low wage foreigners (legal & illegal) earn far less wages, than Americans would in their place, they cannot spend as much as the Americans would (even if they sent no remittances), and they don't spend much.
So let me get this straight. America which promotes itself as the land of opportunity, where the slogan "The American Dream" resonates around the world. When people do come there whether it be legal or illegal and they finally start working to feed their families for meager pay, guys like you can only gripe and complain and feel you're being cheated. Yet Corporations who already have billions of dollars cheat the tax system through loopholes, receive corporate welfare and your churches are not taxed and you say nothing. Don't even pretend you care about the economy. If the rich guys cheat the system. You remain silent. If the poor guys send money home to their families. You break out in a feverish pitch.

3. It is common for low wage foreigners to team up into groups (Example - as many as 15 in a single apartment). In this common example, this deprives 14 landlords of rents they would have gotten if Americans held those jobs and rented apartments normally. (15 workers - 15 apartments)
Yes, people used to complain about that here in Canada with some Asian and Indian communities.They chose to live lower living conditions so they could pool their money to make ends meet. Some of them were able to save enough to start a business and now all of them live in homes from money their business created. A few years back a business owner who owns several furniture stores which keeps hundreds of people employed talked about how when he first came to the country he was penniless and his extended family of 9 stayed in a one bedroom basement suite. He is now very successful. The story of his successful business that employs many would have never happened if people like you were in charge.

5. NO, non-corporate welfare does not maintain jobs and livelihoods of thousands of workers. The non-corporate welfare recipient don't own businesses and hire hundreds of thousands of people. They're lucky if they have a roof over their head. Man do you ever talk ridiculous. Sheeesh!
These corporations don't need the welfare. They already have the billions of dollars. Why give them more. And more importantly, why are you giving them excuses.

6. I don't know if you have a clue about the comparison of US remittance $$ lost, and billions (you claim) companies hold up in non-tax foreign banks and holdings, but I certain don't advocate companies tax cheating with non-tax foreign banks and holdings, and Donald Trump has proposed to put a stop to that.
I'm glad you stated that because I haven't seen any conservative complain about it before. The last figure was 2.1 Trillion dollars lost to Tax havens abroad. U.S. Companies Are Stashing $2.1 Trillion Overseas to Avoid Taxes
Now if one conservative actually started a thread on this topic they wouldn't seem like such hypocrites. It's like complaining about some poor person who stole a nickle from you and remaining silent when a rich person stole 5$ dollars from you.
7..If you stopped immigration all together with your population growth, your country's economy would certainly go UP. (removing the LO$$ of remittances & welfare drain)

Not if your population growth was staggered or too low. I just researched the US growth rate and Forbes said it was declining and a month later they stated it was growing. Forbes is not very reliable anyway. The numbers are all over the place. World Bank has them at 0.7. Population growth (annual %) | Data | Table
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Do people actually still listen to that fat old man (Rush Limbaugh?)
The first one I checked out Rush Limbaugh, I could not find anything om him criticizing corporate welfare. I did find criticisms of him for not criticizing corporate welfare.
Reform Has To Include Corporate Welfare As Well
BeggarsCanBeChoosers.com: Rush Limbaugh: America's Biggest Welfare Recipient
Rush Limbaugh Calls Troops ‘Welfare Queens, Moochers’ – Duffel Blog
RALPH NADER: Cut off corporate welfare to Limbaugh, Hannity
Same thing with Hannity. Tons of pages of him complaining about welfare recipients but zero about Corporate welfare. These guys like you are nothing but hypocrites.

How is that wrong.? That money they used for food rent and bills stayed in the country. It is helping the economy. What does this have to do with any media.

Yes Mexico is the top. Most likely since most immigrants to US are from Mexico. Out of the top 5, none of them are Muslim countries. I'm trying to find out why Muslims were singled out when none of the top countries remittances were sent back to are Muslim countries. India was #2 on the list yet there are no talks about keeping Indians out of the US.

So let me get this straight. America which promotes itself as the land of opportunity, where the slogan "The American Dream" resonates around the world. When people do come there whether it be legal or illegal and they finally start working to feed their families for meager pay, guys like you can only gripe and complain and feel you're being cheated. Yet Corporations who already have billions of dollars cheat the tax system through loopholes, receive corporate welfare and your churches are not taxed and you say nothing. Don't even pretend you care about the economy. If the rich guys cheat the system. You remain silent. If the poor guys send money home to their families. You break out in a feverish pitch.

Yes, people used to complain about that here in Canada with some Asian and Indian communities.They chose to live lower living conditions so they could pool their money to make ends meet. Some of them were able to save enough to start a business and now all of them live in homes from money their business created. A few years back a business owner who owns several furniture stores which keeps hundreds of people employed talked about how when he first came to the country he was penniless and his extended family of 9 stayed in a one bedroom basement suite. He is now very successful. The story of his successful business that employs many would have never happened if people like you were in charge.

These corporations don't need the welfare. They already have the billions of dollars. Why give them more. And more importantly, why are you giving them excuses.

I'm glad you stated that because I haven't seen any conservative complain about it before. The last figure was 2.1 Trillion dollars lost to Tax havens abroad. U.S. Companies Are Stashing $2.1 Trillion Overseas to Avoid Taxes
Now if one conservative actually started a thread on this topic they wouldn't seem like such hypocrites. It's like complaining about some poor person who stole a nickle from you and remaining silent when a rich person stole 5$ dollars from you.

Not if your population growth was staggered or too low. I just researched the US growth rate and Forbes said it was declining and a month later they stated it was growing. Forbes is not very reliable anyway. The numbers are all over the place. World Bank has them at 0.7. Population growth (annual %) | Data | Table
1. I've heard Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity criticize corporate welfare dozens of times.

2. I already explained how you were wrong. Are you incapable of learning ? Immigrant spend much less than Americans would in the same jobs, because they a. earn lower wages and b, send $123 Billion/Year overseas ti their home countries (remittances$$) This is a good example of what your liberal OMISSION media withholds from you.

3. Muslims are mentioned to be kept out of the US because of national security risk. And also becasue their ideology (masquerading as a religion) is opposite to US culture and law. Don't you know anything ? Jeez!

4. FALSE! Not true that republicans say nothing about corporate welfare and tax cheats. Donald Trump has proposed shutting down tax cheating (which has been allowed to continue under 7 years of Obama)

5. The aliens who live 15 to a house, don't save their money to open businesses (and they rarely ever do). The reason they have to pool their money together to pay one single rent, and have very little money, is becasue they send so much of their money overseas in remittances$$$ ($123 Billion/year)

6. I'm not giving corporations excuses. I'm opposed to corporate welfare in general, and so are most Republicans. In a few cases, it is good sense thoug to give them loans to keep them afloat =, and let them pay back the loans later when they recover (thereby saving thousands of JOBS)

7. You are repeating yourself. I already told you conservatives mention corporate welfare all the time,l and are against it. You haven't seen ? where have youlooked ? In iberal media ? Thatt is slanted, with tons of information OMITTED. I'm sure that there's MUCH MORE that you "haven't seen". You probably haven't seen or heard about the thousands of instance sof Islamization wither. This is so OMITTED on liberal media, that liberals often don't even know what the word means.

8. You talk about population growth as if it was a good thing. Is this more of your crazy liberal media propaganda nonsense ? Population growth is a BAD thing. The US is terribly overpopulated, mostly due to its idiotic chain migration system, and would have a much lower population like Canada if like Canada, we had a strict point immigration system. I taught Geography in college many yeqrs ago, and I recall that the US passed its optimum population of 30 million (relative to resource base) in 1860. We should have stopped immigration then, with few exceptions. If we would have we would be EXporting oil, instead of IMporting it (from Canada)
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Do people actually still listen to that fat old man (Rush Limbaugh?)
Not "still". I didn't listen to him at all during the 90s, and up until about 2009. Then I realized how foolish I was for being a liberal, and I became a Conservative, and started listening to him a lot. He's great.
From page 69, 09-12-2015,
Where the name Trump comes from:
The role "Donald J Trump" is casted as fake terminator and musician in the illuminati anti-bible, blowing one of their last trumpets, in the BIG BANG script that starts with the staged arrest of the Obama Bi(nla)den's presidency.
[Added Mar 15 2014: after the resurrection of Osama Bin Laden at the Temple Mount crucified to the missing Boeing 777].

How illuminati named icon Trump
It seems that all it takes is to look at the dictionary:
- From etymonline: trump- noun - playing card of a suit ranking above the others. 1520's alteration of triumph
- From merriam-websters: trumpet: chiefly scottish as in a jew's harp, the sound of or as trumpeting, the trump of doom, first known use the 14th century.

But the two main sources are not in the dictionary:
1. Tramp to mock the fact that all billionaires served in headlines to human cattle are FAKE, nothing but actors
2. But the KEY is elsewhere: the first FOUR out of the FIVE characters: TRUM, pointing to the end of the reversed Truman show.

Hispanics to billionaires: all ACTORS Cruz to Trump

Simulated Reality, the world as we know it: Where Trump comes from: naming illuminati icon in trumperminator role

A Tramp Introduction to how Trump was named
Article "Where the name Trump comes from" from Feb 2014. Introduction added Dec 2015.

Hispanics to billionaires: presidential candidates are all ACTORS
The main reason for the name "Cruz" is the word cross: crucified while playing his suicide bomber role, paving the way to let "billionaire Trump" start the manhunt for all hispanics.
The supposedly to be "deported" illegals will be the first to be gassed in the FEMA camps.
After his classic bombing missions Trump will also fully detonate as suicide bomber, completing his mission paving the way for Hitlery Clinton crowned Miss Universe.
In other words: yet another actor casted in the "from hero to zero" series, from "Super Trump" to Supertramp.

"Polls": Trump v Tramp and her swamp
Illuminati are now openly marketing the ongoing genocide of elderly, women and children, using the "polls" psy-op technque: "Trump's popularity rises after Trump calls for US military to kill families of ISIS".
Talk of "polls": that's all it takes to have the human cattle believe that Hillary Clinton, who 98% of americans can't stand, is in a "head to head race with Trump".
Talk of Clinton: human cattle will not only refuse to admit that the word Tramp was one of the reasons for naming Trump but actually buy the illuminati joke of having both words in the same poster at a pro-Trump rally.
All it takes is to switch the soundtrack to "a spoof of New York high society" (in wikipedia's words) : not Trump but "the lady is a tramp".

The Lady Is a Tramp
The Lady Is a Tramp - Wikipedia

Superbowl at the end of the show:
"Patriot('s) Tom Brady" casted as illuminati icon who will now fully detonate.
The act "very last Superbowl" had already to be postponed again and again.
Seattle Seahawks alias the superb owl hidden in plain sight, will be proclaimed "the real very last champions in 2014", everyone else ever since stripped of their titles.
From hero to zero, stripped of, first woman leading: END OF SHOW series
Simulated reality terminated NOW: From hero to zero, stripped of, first woman leading: END OF SHOW series

Jan 24, 2017 - El Chapo mock script, which apparently could NOT be pushed any further, finally reaches its climax:
Mexico's minister of Economy Villareal arrived in New York for "NAFTA negotiations" just after Trump's inauguration while extradited El Chapo supposedly arrived at the same city just before the same act.
Feb 14, 2017 - Trump sanctions Venezuela vice president on drug trafficking
FULL STORY behind these headlines was exposed long ago and worldwide only by one.
El Chapo: Mexico, Venezuela: played by liberal economy minister while suggesting socialist drugs lord Maduro
Illuminati Actors: El Chapo: Mexico, Venezuela: played by liberal economy minister while suggesting socialist drugs lord Maduro

What is about to become part of the "most bombastic news ever" - All exposed only by Last Prophet - two or rather FOUR examples:
Melania v Michelle: transgender ends differently from transvestite: Obama trumped
Parallel and reversed Illuminati script: : Melania v Michelle transgender ends differently from transvestite
Find the 7 parallelism differences to another BIG BANG chapter:
For a start: in this case the parallelism in names goes all the way beyond the initial M:
The mother(s) of Obama & Pope Francis's love children: the murdered black Miriam(s), age 34
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Obama v Pope most shocking murder title fight in 3 rounds
can you use a transcriptionist? I can retype your stuff-----correct spelling,
grammar AND style errors--------and will ask only 10% on the income of your
published works--------an small roles in stage and move productions?

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