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Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

I see you have no understanding of the word bigotry. Let's check the dictionary shall we.
1. Muslims are not religious group. Islam is not a religion.

2. Your definition doesn't fit a hatred of Islam. Keyword > "unfairly" There is nothing unfair about hating the advocacies (if not commands) of the Koran (mass murder, rape, severe sex discrimination, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, animal cruelty, religious intolerance, supremacism, sedition, etc) - all of which are ILLEGAL under US law. If an American didn't hate Islam, and the illegal/immoral things it is composed of, that person would be very odd indeed.
1. Muslims are a religious group. Islam is a religion.

2. If you are going to use the Koran as your guideline for Islam then we should use the bible too. The bible also commands mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism... I could go on. Thankfully most Christians do not follow their holy book. As for Muslims the overwhelming majority do not follow the Koran. I find it very hypocritical of those who will criticize the Koran yet they believe their own bible is void of such illegal and immoral passages. There is a video going around where horrible passages are read from the Koran and people are shocked why anyone would follow that religion. In the video it is revealed that those passages are actually from the bible. Christian hypocrites.

Deflection. It's not about what is written in books. It's about how people act in the name of their religion.
Then bring it up with protectionist because he brought up the Koran first or do you only have issues with it when it goes against your political stripes.

What part of It's about how people act in the name of their religion are you having trouble understanding?
Not having a problem. Just pointing out your hypocrisy.

People can and do act in the name of their religion whether or not they can read or understand any book. It's when their actions violate the law (US) that I have a problem.understand any book.
So it shouldn't be Muslims you have a problem with. It should be with law breakers. The majority of Muslims have not broken any laws.
1. Muslims are a religious group. Islam is a religion.

2. If you are going to use the Koran as your guideline for Islam then we should use the bible too. The bible also commands mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism... I could go on. Thankfully most Christians do not follow their holy book. As for Muslims the overwhelming majority do not follow the Koran. I find it very hypocritical of those who will criticize the Koran yet they believe their own bible is void of such illegal and immoral passages. There is a video going around where horrible passages are read from the Koran and people are shocked why anyone would follow that religion. In the video it is revealed that those passages are actually from the bible. Christian hypocrites.
Stupid post. The New Testament does NOT command mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism. or any of this other BS you've been fed. Show some intelligence. The ludicrous equating of Islam with Christianity is the oldest line in the book, and it's been refuted a million times. You could try it on a 9 year old maybe.

If so-called Muslims don't follow the Koran, then they are not Muslims., because following the Koran is what makes a person a Muslim.

And NO, Islam is NOT a religion. Most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion, and even some whole nations don't either (ex Italy)

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion
Let's look at the first line in the second link you sent me. This link
Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islam is a major Abrahamic religion
Strike one against you.
Let's go for broke. Does the bible encompass both testaments? Why yes it does. Unless you have some other type of Bible. Now I said the Bible contains " mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism..." Was I correct with that statement? 100%
Should the 1st testament be ignored by Christians. Well I'm told God is infallible so he doesn't change his mind or sway. In fact Jesus said of the first testament ""For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished"
He also stated "Jesus made reference to the Law and Prophets as a unit, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill,"

Looks like your down on both accounts. All that book reading and you still can't figure out simple facts.
As long as your neighbor isn't gay, atheist, Muslim, black...etc. Now I know the overwhelming majority of Christians try to practice the positive things in the bible but many get caught exposing hatred towards certain groups and they use the old testament to support their assertions. I'm arguing right now with someone who brought up Leviticus 20:13 and when I responded with other quotes from Leviticus he responded, "well that's the old testament" I'm just saying if you are going to follow your bible, you can't criticize other holy books for their content. You can criticize the actions of these people who do follow their holy books.

Thankfully, Christians do not follow their Holy books.
Thankfully, many Christians DO follow their New Testament which does not advocate any of the despicable, sinful things advocated in the Koran. And this may come as a shock to you, but most Christians pay no attention to the Bible (Old or New). That's because most Christians around the world are Catholics (1.25 Billion), whose point of reference is the Pope, not the Bible.
The Catholics. Now there's a horrid group right there. Who in there right mind would be proud to be a catholic.

And as far as the idiotic, laughable "argument" of equating Islam with Christianity, Christians aren't going around the world knocking down tall buildings down, bombing places, mass murdering people, kidnapping, raping and torturing people, and all the stuff advocated in the Koran, and being carried out by ISIS, Boko Haram, the Taliban, and other Muslim lunatics.
They don't need to. They are busy firing missiles and dropping bombs on those Muslims killing them 100x more.
There are over 3 million Muslims living in America. How many do you think allow and/or encourages such behavior? There's a name for that, when people paint a certain group with the same brush. I'm sure it will come to me.
A 2013 Pew Research Center poll asked Muslims in the US whether attacks on civilians were justified. 8% of US Muslims said "violence against civilians is "often" or "sometimes" justified."

8% of 3 million is 240,000. That divides out to almost 5,000 jihadist sympathizers for every state in the USA. That's a lot of potential jihadists.
Such a crap poll.

Here's Why You Shouldn't Trust the Latest Poll on American Muslims
In response to Tuatara in Post # 919.

1. How can one "start" what is already occuring ? (and has been for 1400 years)

2. You sure use the bigot card a lot. Are YOU bigoted against Christians ?

3. I keep hearing this line that Muslim mass shootings are a very low % of mass shootings. I kind of doubt that, since we hear a lot about many Muslim attacks. I wonder who's doing the counting, and how. What's your source info ? (or are we just supposed to take this on faith ?)

4. ALL true Muslims are bigoted, because to be a true Muslim is to be a follower of the Koran, which is bigotry cover to cover.

5. I would agree that no Muslims shoul dbe living in the USA,since Islam is banned by the Constitution. It is also outlawed by US code 18, sections 2384 & 2385, + scores of US laws.
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They don't need to. They are busy firing missiles and dropping bombs on those Muslims killing them 100x more.
HA HA HA!! I just got through responding to another post of yours in which you were calling someone a bigot, and now here YOU are saying this >> (YOUR WORDS) "The Catholics. Now there's a horrid group right there. Who in there right mind would be proud to be a catholic."

Now if that isn't the MOST BIGOTED statement I've ever heard in this forum, I don't know what is. You sir, are a pure 100% BIGOT, and you are not even trying to hide it.

Yes, Christians, and Jews, and Muslims, and every American in the US military, and many people of all these groups in many nations (US, Russia, France, Jordan, UK,Turkey, etc.are firing missiles and dropping bombs on those Muslims who are part of the international jihad (ISIS, the Taliban, al Qaeda, Boko Haram, al Shabbab, etc)
and hopefully will continue to do so until every last one of these sickening lowlifes is EXTERMINATED.
I wouldn't mind putting a stop to all immigration because we really don't need any more people and we don't have enough jobs or resources.
100% CORRECT, and there are more reasons than that.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists.
1. Immigrants are new Americans so no jobs were lost.

2. You people on the right want the minimum wage to stay low so why would you be complaining about that. It certainly hasn't hurt the top end jobs where the pay can be over 700% more than what it used to be.

3. That is the fault of the employer, not the immigrant.

4. Maybe bring their whole family over then.

5. Maybe you should be worried about corporate welfare which takes a lot more $$

6. Crime increases from all types.

7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12. You must love abortion then because these are clearly population increase problems.

13. clarity this one.

14. Actually it helps cultural diversity.

15. See 7-12.

16. Foreign travelers from the US have done this also. Are you wanting to ban travel of US citizens to other countries?

17. Most terrorist acts in the US have been committed by long standing US citizens.
In response to Tuatara in Post # 919.

1. How can one "start" what is already occuring ? (and has been for 1400 years)
What has been already occuring for over 1400 years. You mean wars between Muslims and Christians. Religious wars have always been going on. Christians against Christians, Muslims against Muslims.
If it is terrorism you're talking about why such a dramatic increase in the last 30 years. I already know the answer. Do you?
2. You sure use the bigot card a lot. Are YOU bigoted against Christians ?
Against the people. No. Against the Religion. Don't like it all. Like Islam they are a poison on the world.

3. I keep hearing this line that Muslim mass shootings are a very low % of mass shootings. I kind of doubt that, since we hear a lot about many Muslim attacks. I wonder who's doing the counting, and how. What's your source info ? (or are we just supposed to take this on faith ?)
Here is one from 2002-2005. The one from the 90's to 2001 is gone.
Terrorism 2002/2005

4. ALL true Muslims are bigoted, because to be a true Muslim is to be a follower of the Koran, which is bigotry cover to cover.
Then by your own definition any true Christian must follow the Bible from cover to cover.

5. I would agree that no Muslims should be living in the USA,since Islam is banned by the Constitution. It is also outlawed by US code 18, sections 2384 & 2385, + scores of US laws.

Wrong. From your own constitution. "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion.
Also please point out where any Muslim is planning to overthrow the government.
So it shouldn't be Muslims you have a problem with. It should be with law breakers. The majority of Muslims have not broken any laws.
How do YOU know if they broke any laws ? Their Koran says its OK for Muslim husbands to beat their wives. Says pedophilia is OK. Says slavery is OK. Says rape is OK. It even says murder is OK. And killing animals too. Do you go inside their homes 24/7, behind their locked doors and closed window blinds, and see what they are doing ?
Let's look at the first line in the second link you sent me. This link
Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islam is a major Abrahamic religion
Strike one against you.
Let's go for broke. Does the bible encompass both testaments? Why yes it does. Unless you have some other type of Bible. Now I said the Bible contains " mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism..." Was I correct with that statement? 100%
Should the 1st testament be ignored by Christians. Well I'm told God is infallible so he doesn't change his mind or sway. In fact Jesus said of the first testament ""For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished"
He also stated "Jesus made reference to the Law and Prophets as a unit, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill,"

Looks like your down on both accounts. All that book reading and you still can't figure out simple facts.
Let's look at the first line in the 4th pararaogh of the second link I sent you. This link
Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It says >> "Islam is not formally recognised by the state." Strike 1 against you.

Let's go for broke. I was baptized a Catholic. As such, I have no connection to the Bible (the Pope being the Christian point of reference for Catholics). And even if I was a Protestant, they take no stock in the eold testamnet which is considered a Judiaism book. Only the New Testemant is Christian. So yes the Old Testament should be and is ignored by Christianity. Looks like your down on both accounts. Strike 3.
1. Immigrants are new Americans so no jobs were lost.

2. You people on the right want the minimum wage to stay low so why would you be complaining about that. It certainly hasn't hurt the top end jobs where the pay can be over 700% more than what it used to be.

3. That is the fault of the employer, not the immigrant.

4. Maybe bring their whole family over then.

5. Maybe you should be worried about corporate welfare which takes a lot more $$

6. Crime increases from all types.

7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12. You must love abortion then because these are clearly population increase problems.

13. clarity this one.

14. Actually it helps cultural diversity.

15. See 7-12.

16. Foreign travelers from the US have done this also. Are you wanting to ban travel of US citizens to other countries?

17. Most terrorist acts in the US have been committed by long standing US citizens.
1. The point is immigrants SHOULD NOT BE "nwe Americans" becasue there isn't any room for them. And they are taking jobs away from Americans.

2. You don't know what you're talking about. The majority of republicans and conservatives support a riase in the minimum wage. (Gallup Poll)

3. Tax $ lost is the fault of BOTH the employer and the immigrant (and illegal aliens, and visa workers)

4. No, send all the immigrant back, Then no more remittances. We need Operation Wetback II.

5. I'm worried about both. You aren't..

6. "All types" ? I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Simple fact is, you bring in additional people, you get additional crime. Period.

7,8,9,10,11,12 - No I don't like abortion. It is murder. And is not the same as immigration.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements. (plain English)

14. Yes it helps cultural diversity WHICH IS A BAD THING, THAT WE DON'T WANT. Loks like you never learned what the definition of a nation is.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc) The more people coming in, the less resources we have per capita.

16. Absolutely. For instance, travel to Brazil (Zika virus) should be banned). Travel to Sierra Leone (Ebola) should be banned) Probably many others too.

17. Much more Americans have been killed inside the US by foreigners, than by "long standing US citizens" The 9-11 killers were all foreigners ,and the killed 3000 Americans. The Boston Marqthin killers were also foreigners who the US govt stupidly let in, when they were warned by the Russians.
In response to Tuatara in Post # 919.

1. How can one "start" what is already occuring ? (and has been for 1400 years)
What has been already occuring for over 1400 years. You mean wars between Muslims and Christians. Religious wars have always been going on. Christians against Christians, Muslims against Muslims.
If it is terrorism you're talking about why such a dramatic increase in the last 30 years. I already know the answer. Do you?
2. You sure use the bigot card a lot. Are YOU bigoted against Christians ?
Against the people. No. Against the Religion. Don't like it all. Like Islam they are a poison on the world.

3. I keep hearing this line that Muslim mass shootings are a very low % of mass shootings. I kind of doubt that, since we hear a lot about many Muslim attacks. I wonder who's doing the counting, and how. What's your source info ? (or are we just supposed to take this on faith ?)
Here is one from 2002-2005. The one from the 90's to 2001 is gone.
Terrorism 2002/2005

4. ALL true Muslims are bigoted, because to be a true Muslim is to be a follower of the Koran, which is bigotry cover to cover.
Then by your own definition any true Christian must follow the Bible from cover to cover.

5. I would agree that no Muslims should be living in the USA,since Islam is banned by the Constitution. It is also outlawed by US code 18, sections 2384 & 2385, + scores of US laws.

Wrong. From your own constitution. "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion.
Also please point out where any Muslim is planning to overthrow the government.
Website is giving me a lot of trouble now - something about Plugin shockwave Flash will return later This is a terrible website.
In response to Tuatara in Post # 919.

1. How can one "start" what is already occuring ? (and has been for 1400 years)
What has been already occuring for over 1400 years. You mean wars between Muslims and Christians. Religious wars have always been going on. Christians against Christians, Muslims against Muslims.
If it is terrorism you're talking about why such a dramatic increase in the last 30 years. I already know the answer. Do you?
2. You sure use the bigot card a lot. Are YOU bigoted against Christians ?
Against the people. No. Against the Religion. Don't like it all. Like Islam they are a poison on the world.

3. I keep hearing this line that Muslim mass shootings are a very low % of mass shootings. I kind of doubt that, since we hear a lot about many Muslim attacks. I wonder who's doing the counting, and how. What's your source info ? (or are we just supposed to take this on faith ?)
Here is one from 2002-2005. The one from the 90's to 2001 is gone.
Terrorism 2002/2005

4. ALL true Muslims are bigoted, because to be a true Muslim is to be a follower of the Koran, which is bigotry cover to cover.
Then by your own definition any true Christian must follow the Bible from cover to cover.

5. I would agree that no Muslims should be living in the USA,since Islam is banned by the Constitution. It is also outlawed by US code 18, sections 2384 & 2385, + scores of US laws.

Wrong. From your own constitution. "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion.
Also please point out where any Muslim is planning to overthrow the government.

In response to Tuatara in Post # 930.

1. If you don't know what has been going on for the past 1400 years, then what are you doing in this discussion ? We all know what has been going on > Muslim jihad. Which has killed 270 innocent people all over the world, to spread its Koran filth, and nothing is even remotely close to equalling that horrific history. As for the last 30 years it is not an increase at all. Many times throughout the past 1400 years Muslim imperialism was far worse than it is now, chewing up big chunks of Asia Minor to begin with, and then spreading and conquering more territory than the roman empire at its height.

2. "Poison on the world" ? You didn't need to confirm your BIGOTRY against Chritianity. We've already got thatconfirmed, loud & clear.

3. Sorry, 2002-2005 doesn't quite make the grade, when we are now in 2016. Also, what's the point of just talking about "mass shootings" ? Did bombings suddenly become OK ? Or drowning people in metal cages ? To even hint of an equation between Jihad violence and any other kind is preposterous. Here's a horror record of some (not all) jihad genocide, just from within the few months > 130 massacred in Paris, 14 massacred in San Bernardino, 32 massacred in Brussels, 23 killed in Aleppo, Syria, 18 killed the day before in Aleppo, 14 killed in Nasiriyah, Iraq, 40 killed in Palmyra, Iraq, 11 killed in Makhmour, Iraq, 15 killed in Mosul, Iraq, 9 killed in Galkayo, Somalia, 11 killed in Salahudin, Iraq, 15 killed in Mosul, Iraq, 74 killed in Lahore, Pakistan, 41 killed in Iskandariyah, Iraq, 25 killed in Aden, Yemen, 30 killed in Anbar, Iraq, 24 killed in Haqlaniyah, Iraq, 70 Yasidi women & children killed in Mosul, Iraq, 15 killed in al-Arish, Egypt, 18 killed in Maiduguri, Nigeria, 22 killed in Zankurah, Iraq, 25 killed in Ramadi, Iraq, 18 killed in Bassam, Ivory Coast, 50 killed in Fallujah, Iraq, 19 killed in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, 17 killed in Shabqadar, Pakistan, 61 killed in Hillah, Iraq, 14 killed in Aleppo, Syria, 12 killed in al-Jahash, Iraq, 16 killed in Aden, Yemen, and many more I haven't included, and all (except for the first 3) are just in March and April of 2016. This also doesn't include the massive number of wounded, many of whom lost arms or legs.

4. FALSE! As I said before, most Christian are Catholics who do NOT follow the Bible. They follow the Pope. And the Christian Bible is the New Testament, which is not bigoted (unlike the Koran, which is).

5A. So how many times have I refuted this dumb 1st amendment line. Sheeesh! > 100 times ? 200 ? Probably more like about 1000. Religions are systems of belief, with a code of ethics. Islam is a code of UNethics, and that's why it is denied religious tax status in Italy and other countries, and most people don't consider it to be a religion. of course it is not a religion, and it wouldn't matter if it was. NOTHING (including religions) can be supreme over the US Constitution, as stated in the Constitution's Supremacy Clause (Article 6 Section 2). And the 1st amendment is a very weak part of the Constitution, with numerous exceptions to it. In contrast, the Supremacy Clause is the strongest part of the Constitution, and has never had a single exception to it, in 227 years.

5B. This is another example of how you are not prepared for this discussion. You don't even know where Muslims plan to overthrow the government ? Boy, are you ever ignorant ? You've never heard of the Holy Land foundation trial ? You don't know about the Explanatory Memorandum of the US Muslim Brotherhood ? You're getting an education. Here it is >>

"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America"May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).

They have never disavowed this, and hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood front organizations (as defined by the US Justice Dept) all subscribe to it.
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I wouldn't mind putting a stop to all immigration because we really don't need any more people and we don't have enough jobs or resources.
100% CORRECT, and there are more reasons than that.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists.
1. Immigrants are new Americans so no jobs were lost.

2. You people on the right want the minimum wage to stay low so why would you be complaining about that. It certainly hasn't hurt the top end jobs where the pay can be over 700% more than what it used to be.

3. That is the fault of the employer, not the immigrant.

4. Maybe bring their whole family over then.

5. Maybe you should be worried about corporate welfare which takes a lot more $$

6. Crime increases from all types.

7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12. You must love abortion then because these are clearly population increase problems.

13. clarity this one.

14. Actually it helps cultural diversity.

15. See 7-12.

16. Foreign travelers from the US have done this also. Are you wanting to ban travel of US citizens to other countries?

17. Most terrorist acts in the US have been committed by long standing US citizens.

Jobs are certainly lost. To say otherwise is just ignorant. Our resources are limited and a lot of our taxpayer dollars go to support immigrants who are low skilled.

I also worry about corporate welfare. It is a huge problem, but that is not what we are talking about is it?

We have limited resources and too many people and not enough jobs for all of them.

Traveling has nothing to do with immigration.
So it shouldn't be Muslims you have a problem with. It should be with law breakers. The majority of Muslims have not broken any laws.
How do YOU know if they broke any laws ?
Because they have not been charged with breaking any laws.

Their Koran says its OK for Muslim husbands to beat their wives. Says pedophilia is OK. Says slavery is OK. Says rape is OK. It even says murder is OK. And killing animals too.
The bible says all sorts of horrible things too. Bet nearly 99% of all Christians including Catholics have one.

Do you go inside their homes 24/7, behind their locked doors and closed window blinds, and see what they are doing ?
Can't see what you're doing either 24/7. Maybe we should round up every single person in the US and put them under 24 hour surveillance. You're beginning to become a joke.
Let's look at the first line in the second link you sent me. This link
Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islam is a major Abrahamic religion
Strike one against you.
Let's go for broke. Does the bible encompass both testaments? Why yes it does. Unless you have some other type of Bible. Now I said the Bible contains " mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism..." Was I correct with that statement? 100%
Should the 1st testament be ignored by Christians. Well I'm told God is infallible so he doesn't change his mind or sway. In fact Jesus said of the first testament ""For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished"
He also stated "Jesus made reference to the Law and Prophets as a unit, "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill,"

Looks like your down on both accounts. All that book reading and you still can't figure out simple facts.
Let's look at the first line in the 4th pararaogh of the second link I sent you. This link
Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It says >> "Islam is not formally recognised by the state." Strike 1 against you.

Italy does not recognize it for National Religion Tax. One Country out of 194 countries doesn't give Islam official National Religion Tax yet look up every description and definition of Islam and the word religion comes up.
Let's go for broke. I was baptized a Catholic. As such, I have no connection to the Bible (the Pope being the Christian point of reference for Catholics).
Well it's Sunday today and I just asked my Catholic friends if they followed the Bible and they looked at me like I was from another planet. "Of course we do" they proclaimed. So I thought somebody is lying. So I googled Catholic sites to see if they followed the Bible. Guess what? They do.
Do Catholics believe in the Bible?
Some Catholic sites say their belief is held in both Bible scriptures and apostolic tradition.
So it looks like I know more about your religion than you do.

And even if I was a Protestant, they take no stock in the old testamnet which is considered a Judiaism book. Only the New Testemant is Christian.
Let's see what is said about the Protestant Bible
A Protestant Bible is any Christian Bible translation or revision that comprises 39 books of the Old Testament (according to the Jewish Hebrew Bible canon, sometimes known as the protocanonical books) and the 27 books of the New Testament for a total of 66 books. The Protestant Bible excludes the 15 books of Biblical apocrypha or other writings.
If we keep reading we see that "This practice was standardized among Protestants following the 1825 decision by the British and Foreign Bible Society to omit books of the apocrypha.[1] This is often contrasted with the 73 books of the Catholic Bible, which includes 7 deuterocanonical books according to Roman Catholic Canon Law 825, as a part of the Old Testament."
I would call this a FAIL on your part.

So yes the Old Testament should be and is ignored by Christianity.
I just proved you wrong.

Looks like your down on both accounts. Strike 3
You are still batting zero. Time to stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
In response to Tuatara in Post # 919.

1. How can one "start" what is already occuring ? (and has been for 1400 years)
What has been already occuring for over 1400 years. You mean wars between Muslims and Christians. Religious wars have always been going on. Christians against Christians, Muslims against Muslims.
If it is terrorism you're talking about why such a dramatic increase in the last 30 years. I already know the answer. Do you?
2. You sure use the bigot card a lot. Are YOU bigoted against Christians ?
Against the people. No. Against the Religion. Don't like it all. Like Islam they are a poison on the world.

3. I keep hearing this line that Muslim mass shootings are a very low % of mass shootings. I kind of doubt that, since we hear a lot about many Muslim attacks. I wonder who's doing the counting, and how. What's your source info ? (or are we just supposed to take this on faith ?)
Here is one from 2002-2005. The one from the 90's to 2001 is gone.
Terrorism 2002/2005

4. ALL true Muslims are bigoted, because to be a true Muslim is to be a follower of the Koran, which is bigotry cover to cover.
Then by your own definition any true Christian must follow the Bible from cover to cover.

5. I would agree that no Muslims should be living in the USA,since Islam is banned by the Constitution. It is also outlawed by US code 18, sections 2384 & 2385, + scores of US laws.

Wrong. From your own constitution. "The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion.
Also please point out where any Muslim is planning to overthrow the government.
Website is giving me a lot of trouble now - something about Plugin shockwave Flash will return later This is a terrible website.
It's the FBI site on Terrorism.
2. You don't know what you're talking about. The majority of republicans and conservatives support a riase in the minimum wage. (Gallup Poll)
Get to the rest later but this is a joke.

The Republican primary, however, has become a race to the bottom for promoting anti-working family policies. Almost all of the Republican candidates support keeping the minimum wage at $7.25 an hour.

Some, however, have gone even farther off the tracks. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has called for the elimination of the minimum wage. Anti-worker Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has said that he doesn't think that the minimum wage "serves a purpose." Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee admits that $7.25 is a poverty wage, but does not support raising it.
Where Are the Presidential Candidates on the Minimum Wage?
Why Conservatives Oppose Higher Minimum Wages
In President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union address, he called to increase the minimum wage. In response to this, Senator Tom Harkin and Representative George Miller have introduced the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013...
Republicans are quite adamantly against this increase, to the point that they House unanimously voted down the proposed increase.
Republican Views on the Minimum Wage

Now I know a few conservatives are for minimum wage increases but the overwhelming majority are not. Just read any of the posts on this site or any other political forum and it's the conservatives who are against it. It would be like me claiming the majority of conservatives are for strict gun control. Really, you need to stop.

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