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Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

Another Meme Truism.....
You frigin isolationist kill me. The mantra of the GOP should be. "We are here and we got it. If you don't, too bad." Then you walk around with your Bibles.

And that attitude goes with everything, health care, jobs, homes, possessions.. You carry around a Bible, but evidently skip the verse that says to "love your enemy."

The repub Bible must say "carpet bomb your enemy." At least Ted Cruz's does.
I'm not a christian.
I believe in being a good team player. My team is team America. We Americans should fight for Americans first. That means sealing the border and limiting the number of low wage workers immigrating to America. Religion doesn't enter the picture. And hell if napalm will work keeping them out, I'm for it. They want a life like mine they can fix their own damn country and duplicate our achievements.

You could be Phrump's Secretary of Defense! Of course he will never win the WH, but if he did, he and you could break every international rule of war that exists. Glad we don't need to worry about a Phrump presidency.....

There are no "international rules of war" except purely for propaganda purposes. If you doubt this please feel free to show any one single "rule" that all nations are willing to abide by. "Rules of war" are more absurd than the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny.
I believe your country is a signatory in this GENEVA CONVENTION

By all means though, become worse than your enemies.
Right. We're supposed import rape, murder, child and woman abuse to show how tolerant we are.
What, our good ole home-grown criminals and psycho's can't inflict enough suffering and pain that we should get them foreign aid?
Has anyone here or in the public eye asked to bring these type of criminals into the country? I think your existing laws would not allow them in. Or maybe you are insinuating that all Muslims are these criminals. You wouldn't be doing that because that would make you a bigot. There must be something else you are not sharing because you're not a bigot, right. You do know the meaning of the word.

I'm stating that it would be idiotic to bring in immigrants whose religion allows and/or encourages such behavior.
There are over 3 million Muslims living in America. How many do you think allow and/or encourages such behavior? There's a name for that, when people paint a certain group with the same brush. I'm sure it will come to me.

Don't know; don't care. It's not my fault they are muslim so I'd say they painted themselves with that brush. I don't think I could possibly be more bigoted than the Islamic faith is so they would have no grounds for complaint on that score. Let me be clear, if it were up to me no person who professes to be "Islamic" or "Muslim" would be allowed to live in this country. And, yes, that would include those who are citizens.
I see you have no understanding of the word bigotry. Let's check the dictionary shall we.

: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person; especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)
1. Muslims are not religious group. Islam is not a religion.

2. Your definition doesn't fit a hatred of Islam. Keyword > "unfairly" There is nothing unfair about hating the advocacies (if not commands) of the Koran (mass murder, rape, severe sex discrimination, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, animal cruelty, religious intolerance, supremacism, sedition, etc) - all of which are ILLEGAL under US law. If an American didn't hate Islam, and the illegal/immoral things it is composed of, that person would be very odd indeed.
1. Muslims are a religious group. Islam is a religion.

2. If you are going to use the Koran as your guideline for Islam then we should use the bible too. The bible also commands mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism... I could go on. Thankfully most Christians do not follow their holy book. As for Muslims the overwhelming majority do not follow the Koran. I find it very hypocritical of those who will criticize the Koran yet they believe their own bible is void of such illegal and immoral passages. There is a video going around where horrible passages are read from the Koran and people are shocked why anyone would follow that religion. In the video it is revealed that those passages are actually from the bible. Christian hypocrites.

Deflection. It's not about what is written in books. It's about how people act in the name of their religion.
Then bring it up with protectionist because he brought up the Koran first or do you only have issues with it when it goes against your political stripes.

What part of It's about how people act in the name of their religion are you having trouble understanding? People can and do act in the name of their religion whether or not they can read or understand any book. It's when their actions violate the law (US) that I have a problem.
"Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S."

This is as idiotic today was it was last December.

What’s telling is that there remain bigots on the right who still support this idiocy.
You frigin isolationist kill me. The mantra of the GOP should be. "We are here and we got it. If you don't, too bad." Then you walk around with your Bibles.

And that attitude goes with everything, health care, jobs, homes, possessions.. You carry around a Bible, but evidently skip the verse that says to "love your enemy."

The repub Bible must say "carpet bomb your enemy." At least Ted Cruz's does.
I'm not a christian.
I believe in being a good team player. My team is team America. We Americans should fight for Americans first. That means sealing the border and limiting the number of low wage workers immigrating to America. Religion doesn't enter the picture. And hell if napalm will work keeping them out, I'm for it. They want a life like mine they can fix their own damn country and duplicate our achievements.

You could be Phrump's Secretary of Defense! Of course he will never win the WH, but if he did, he and you could break every international rule of war that exists. Glad we don't need to worry about a Phrump presidency.....

There are no "international rules of war" except purely for propaganda purposes. If you doubt this please feel free to show any one single "rule" that all nations are willing to abide by. "Rules of war" are more absurd than the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny.
I believe your country is a signatory in this GENEVA CONVENTION

By all means though, become worse than your enemies.

The Geneva Convention established no rules of war nor did the agreements made apply to any entities other than those who signed it which limited it to only a very few nations and then only if both were signatories. We make up rules we expect our forces to follow and have no power to enforce those of anyone else. The same is true of the rest of the world.
How exactly could we become worse than the terrorists?
"Idiotic" is when you welcome people who seek to destroy you. Especially when there is no good reason for doing so.
1. Muslims are a religious group. Islam is a religion.

2. If you are going to use the Koran as your guideline for Islam then we should use the bible too. The bible also commands mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism... I could go on. Thankfully most Christians do not follow their holy book. As for Muslims the overwhelming majority do not follow the Koran. I find it very hypocritical of those who will criticize the Koran yet they believe their own bible is void of such illegal and immoral passages. There is a video going around where horrible passages are read from the Koran and people are shocked why anyone would follow that religion. In the video it is revealed that those passages are actually from the bible. Christian hypocrites.
Stupid post. The New Testament does NOT command mass genocide, murder, abuse of women & children, slavery, severe sexual discrimination, bigotry, racism. or any of this other BS you've been fed. Show some intelligence. The ludicrous equating of Islam with Christianity is the oldest line in the book, and it's been refuted a million times. You could try it on a 9 year old maybe.

If so-called Muslims don't follow the Koran, then they are not Muslims., because following the Koran is what makes a person a Muslim.

And NO, Islam is NOT a religion. Most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion, and even some whole nations don't either (ex Italy)

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

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Hey Protectionist.................how many of those books have YOU read?

I'm guessing not many, because you don't appear to be able to think coherently, I mean, you still think that ISIL is going to detonate a nuke in the U.S. Got news for you, they will only be able to get a dirty bomb, and it's only going to have an effect on a couple of city blocks, but that's only if it's a large capacity bomb.

So tell me..............how many of those books you recommend have you actually read? Can you give me a synopsis of each of them?

If you don't know what synopsis means, I'm guessing that the rest of my post is lost on you.
I've read ALL of them, and many more. I've read about 25 books on Islamization + thousands of their footnoted reports over the course of the past 15 years. Here's a more complete (but still partial) list.

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Hating America ------ by John Gibson

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Outrage ----- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The 9/11 Commission Report

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

State of Emergency ----- by Pat Buchanan

Muslim Mafia ----- by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry

As for your knowledge of jihad, I suspect it is minimal, You tipped us off by calling ISIS "ISIL" (th Obama administration's name). Anybody who subscribe's to liberal politics has a minimal knowledge of Islam and Islamization. That's because liberals only ingest liberal media, which notoriously OMITS information about Islam and Islamization. So you guys walk around thinking you know something, when you're just a bunch of information-deprived programmed robots, who have no clue of how much you don't know.

Wanna find out ? You could take my Islamization Quiz (if you've got the balls). Some liberals do, and they have taken the Quiz. Since they follow their liberal OMISSION media, they don't know anything, and the highest grade they've ever come up with was 5% (most got zero).

Since you don't seem to know how knowledgable on this subject I am, you must be new here, but you can go to my threads page and find dozens of OPs I've authored on this, and you'll get informed. Let me know if you'd like to take the Quiz (and find out how much you don't know)


And so your liberal media masters have told you that ISIS can only get a dirty bomb huh ? Well think man. They have Billion$$$$$$$$$$. They can buy anything, anyone, anytime, anywhere. welcome to the real world. As for getting nuclear bombs into the US, piece of cake. Last I heard, shipping containers in "our" ports are inspected 5%. ISIS could possibly have big nukes inside the US already right now.

And yeah, I could give you a synopsis of all my books, but that would involve a lot of work and typing. Got $50 to send me ?
You don't need a synopsis. Just read my OPs. And how come you're so unfamiliar with me ? Most everyone here knows I'm the go to guy around here for information on Islam and Islamization. You been in a closet, or what ?
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As long as your neighbor isn't gay, atheist, Muslim, black...etc. Now I know the overwhelming majority of Christians try to practice the positive things in the bible but many get caught exposing hatred towards certain groups and they use the old testament to support their assertions. I'm arguing right now with someone who brought up Leviticus 20:13 and when I responded with other quotes from Leviticus he responded, "well that's the old testament" I'm just saying if you are going to follow your bible, you can't criticize other holy books for their content. You can criticize the actions of these people who do follow their holy books.

Thankfully, Christians do not follow their Holy books.
Thankfully, many Christians DO follow their New Testament which does not advocate any of the despicable, sinful things advocated in the Koran. And this may come as a shock to you, but most Christians pay no attention to the Bible (Old or New). That's because most Christians around the world are Catholics (1.25 Billion), whose point of reference is the Pope, not the Bible.

And as far as the idiotic, laughable "argument" of equating Islam with Christianity, Christians aren't going around the world knocking down tall buildings down, bombing places, mass murdering people, kidnapping, raping and torturing people, and all the stuff advocated in the Koran, and being carried out by ISIS, Boko Haram, the Taliban, and other Muslim lunatics.
Anyone that would call for Muslim immigration to the US, in view of CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES, needs to see a psychiatrist.
Trump will put any Muslims that are living here that kill or are planning to kill other American citizens in jail, Just like Obama has done.
I think ALL that are here should be investigated and registered with the govt, and documented on file. Just admitting to being a Muslim put one one a watch list.

Also, Muslims should be encouraged to leave the US, and financial assistance should be given to any wishing to leave to help them go (and not come back)
There are over 3 million Muslims living in America. How many do you think allow and/or encourages such behavior? There's a name for that, when people paint a certain group with the same brush. I'm sure it will come to me.
A 2013 Pew Research Center poll asked Muslims in the US whether attacks on civilians were justified. 8% of US Muslims said "violence against civilians is "often" or "sometimes" justified."

8% of 3 million is 240,000. That divides out to almost 5,000 jihadist sympathizers for every state in the USA. That's a lot of potential jihadists.
"Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S."

This is as idiotic today was it was last December.

What’s telling is that there remain bigots on the right who still support this idiocy.
Has nothing to do with bigotry, you idiot. It's a simple matter of national security and self-defense. Concepts liberals are oblivious to.
I wouldn't mind putting a stop to all immigration because we really don't need any more people and we don't have enough jobs or resources.
100% CORRECT, and there are more reasons than that.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists.
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Right. We're supposed import rape, murder, child and woman abuse to show how tolerant we are.
What, our good ole home-grown criminals and psycho's can't inflict enough suffering and pain that we should get them foreign aid?
Has anyone here or in the public eye asked to bring these type of criminals into the country? I think your existing laws would not allow them in. Or maybe you are insinuating that all Muslims are these criminals. You wouldn't be doing that because that would make you a bigot. There must be something else you are not sharing because you're not a bigot, right. You do know the meaning of the word.

I'm stating that it would be idiotic to bring in immigrants whose religion allows and/or encourages such behavior.
There are over 3 million Muslims living in America. How many do you think allow and/or encourages such behavior? There's a name for that, when people paint a certain group with the same brush. I'm sure it will come to me.

Don't know; don't care.
Good attitude. Keep that climate up of America being a cesspool of bigotry.
It's not my fault they are muslim
It's your fault you are a bigot towards them.

so I'd say they painted themselves with that brush.
Really, American Muslims who make up less than .5% of all mass shootings in America.
I don't think I could possibly be more bigoted than the Islamic faith is so they would have no grounds for complaint on that score.
Are you comparing your bigotry to all of the Islamic people or just the ones who commit acts of terrorism? Nice to see you compare yourself to the lowest.
Let me be clear, if it were up to me no person who professes to be "Islamic" or "Muslim" would be allowed to live in this country. And, yes, that would include those who are citizens.
Well it's a good thing you are not in charge because you would certainly start a holy war with that kind of action.

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