Donald Trump calls for US to assassinate Edward Snowden on Fox News:


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
When Obama, Holder, Peter King, Dick Cheney and Donald Trump unite to bring down the mighty hammer of government on patriotic citizens, you know we're due for a revolution.]

Also Donald, Snowden finished high school early by testing out - he is incredibly intelligent. Liar

"We still have this thing called execution...if we don't' use it, more people will come out and expose this stuff."
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Also Donald, Snowden finished high school early by testing out - he is incredibly intelligent.

Sure he's smart - he's a white male. Negros, hispos, and women are seldom geniuses. They're mostly morons who want the govt to take care of them.
I can't help it, but whenever I see those two idiot men, those mimbos, on that Fox morning show, I want to execute them.

Not kidding, those two guys are the dumbest broads in show business.
As for Snowden, he's a dick. A real weenie with giant holes in his psychological makeup. Of all the ways he could have brought attention to this problem, he chose the one most damaging to the US, and then ran away to a government far more nefarious, secretive, and oppressive than our own, thus revealing his true motives and intentions are far from pure.

It is amusing it took a loser like him to wake up the retards who slept through the 2006 revelations these things were going on.
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Take a close look at the people who are demanding such things against Snowden. These are all the people that need to be kicked out of the GOP - every single one of them - vote them out of office. The private citizens who were GOP spokespeople should be ignored - boycott their businesses have nothing to do with these traitors of the American people. That is my 2 cents.

The greatest favor Snowden ever did us was exposing who these republican people are. One of them was running for VP! Imagine that...

Who cares what The Donald says?

Hell, there was a time I'd have listened to him on financial matters but not anymore.

He's a media whore, fox is shooting themselves in the foot by even having him on TV. They look as ridiculous as MSLSD.
If they execute him, it will just verify what he has been saying about the government and the way it changed.
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I hate to call Snowden a hero, that puts him in a class with much better people than he deserves. That said, he was right to do what he did, and he was brave to do it as well. he exposed what needed to be exposed. as for going to our enemies, yeah well when you are being chased by the US Government, you don't want to hide amongst people who sympathise with us.
As for Snowden, he's a dick. A real weenie with giant holes in his psychological makeup. Of all the ways he could have brought attention to this problem, he chose the one most damaging to the US, and then ran away to a government far more nefarious, secretive, and oppressive than our own, thus revealing his true motives and intentions are far from pure.

It is amusing it took a loser like him to wake up the retards who slept through the 2006 revelations these things were going on.

About the only person he could have brought this to would have been Rand Paul.....Then, if his identity had somehow become known, he likely would have had a "terrible accident" in Fort Marcy Park.
I can't help it, but whenever I see those two idiot men, those mimbos, on that Fox morning show, I want to execute them.

Not kidding, those two guys are the dumbest broads in show business.

Especially Kilmeade. He is perhaps the dumbest man on television. I mean that.

I must commend Edward Snowden for his good-temper and restraint in not calling for the assassination of Donald Trump.

I hate to call Snowden a hero, that puts him in a class with much better people than he deserves. That said, he was right to do what he did, and he was brave to do it as well. he exposed what needed to be exposed. as for going to our enemies, yeah well when you are being chased by the US Government, you don't want to hide amongst people who sympathise with us.

He's in the same shit-piece category as Manning and Assange, IMO

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