Donald Trump calls for US to assassinate Edward Snowden on Fox News:

Donald Trump has as much credibility concerning how to treat a fleeing Leaker as the shade of my great-grandmother has in determining when the Fed should adjust interest rates... why are we even discussing this?

Because it is mildly amusing -- and we are incapable of being intelligently serious?


Because it is mildly amusing -- and we are incapable of being intelligently serious?


I'm with Kondor. Donald T. Rump deserves no attention from anyone anywhere any time.
I mean it's funny to mock an arrogant human train wreck but we've been there done that. The way to treat an attention whore is to withhold that which fuels him - the attention.
Yea, Trump is too use to having his ass kissed; he is a king in his own mind.
he is wrong. We shouldn't be assasinating anyone.

I appreciate your morality, but the place this country is headed won't have any.

There is going to be a lot of blood. Most of it will flow from the good guys at first.

It's time to man up and accept this inevitable reality which is what I'm attempting to pass on to you.

All civilizations fail.
he is wrong. We shouldn't be assasinating anyone.

I appreciate your morality, but the place this country is headed won't have any.

There is going to be a lot of blood. Most of it will flow from the good guys at first.

It's time to man up and accept this inevitable reality which is what I'm attempting to pass on to you.

All civilizations fail.

Yes. There will be alot of blood. Unlss we change the direction this country is heading. And that requires being a moral and virtuous people.

If we end up in violent conflict without being a moral and virtuous people. We will never get the Republic back. Because those who win will never cede control back to the people.
Yes all civiliations fail. but it's the virtuous and moral people that build up the next one.
Yes all civiliations fail. but it's the virtuous and moral people that build up the next one.

But at some point you have to fight.

What you should do now is attempt to pass the message on. Let it simmer until the idea becomes a critical mass in the minds of the population.

Waging a revolution before this transpires is a waste of ammo and good people. The Jews never understood this and they were murdered as you know.

Morality is very important to me, but I'll give no quarter to enemies. You must fight or there will be no morality.
Yes all civiliations fail. but it's the virtuous and moral people that build up the next one.

But at some point you have to fight.

What you should do now is attempt to pass the message on. Let it simmer until the idea becomes a critical mass in the minds of the population.

Waging a revolution before this transpires is a waste of ammo and good people. The Jews never understood this and they were murdered as you know.

Morality is very important to me, but I'll give no quarter to enemies. You must fight or there will be no morality.

There is a time to fight if it becomes necessary. There is a time where God can fight our battles too.

When it's time to fight, I will be willing to fight. But I take no pleasure in violence.

So many Americans revel in being hysterical, don't they?


If you don't fight intelligently -- you are Zilch.

Yes all civiliations fail. but it's the virtuous and moral people that build up the next one.

But at some point you have to fight.

What you should do now is attempt to pass the message on. Let it simmer until the idea becomes a critical mass in the minds of the population.

Waging a revolution before this transpires is a waste of ammo and good people. The Jews never understood this and they were murdered as you know.

Morality is very important to me, but I'll give no quarter to enemies. You must fight or there will be no morality.

There is a time to fight if it becomes necessary. There is a time where God can fight our battles too.

When it's time to fight, I will be willing to fight. But I take no pleasure in violence.

Nobody but a sociopath takes pleasure in violence.

I don't mean to be rude, but where is God? I believe in God but I don't believe he has anything to do with this. If God is real then this horror was already ordained centuries ago and we are doomed to participate in it.

I cannot be more serious when I tell you that this place is screwed. You can fight or die like a pig.

I'm 43 years old, 6-8 275 pounds, well armed, pissed off, and I'm going to die like a man fighting anyway I can.

That said, we should leave the violence to a last resort.

An armed rabble of militarized citizens would be a joke and easy fodder for the wretched military, police and assorted government jack boots.

Hearts and minds. We need to reach out to the military and police while reminding them of the oath they took.

Without them, there is no future.
Some observations, brought on by Avatar and R.C. Christian...

1. There is a time to fight - but Moral and Virtuous People, as a manifestation of their basic goodness, oftentimes wait until it is too late, and then the cost is far higher than it would have been, had it been conceded earlier that fighting was necessary.

2. Without a consensus-based morality framework, Secularism seems easy prey to Moral Relativism and the decay, effete-ism, degeneracy and an expression of the Ridiculous rather than the Sublime, and it loses its hold over Men's minds and loyalties.

3. Sometimes, a quickly degenerating Secularism can be reversed or turned-around through some radical means or another, but, sometimes, the Cure ends up being worse than the Disease.

4. Oftentimes, a quickly degenerating Secularism cannot be practicably reversed, and, in such cases, the best thing to do is to give the situation a few decades or a couple of generations for the Secular Beast to complete the process of disaffecting its citizenry.

And yet, consensus-based morality frameworks carry their own obvious and subtle dangers; some immediate, some intermediate, and some long-term or multi-generational in nature; some easily seen, some damned hard to even conjure-up, never mind address.

There have been very few consensus-based morality frameworks that were not married to Religion A or B or C, and that opens-up several additional cans of worms that our ancestors thrashed over time and again, at great expense of blood and trouble, and very little serviceable resolution.

I would not trade our cherished tradition of Separation of Church and State for anything (except, maybe, a good daiquiri in a hot-tub, or... oh, never mind) but after a couple of centuries, Secularism seems to have begun taking us down a half-dozen slippery slopes that our fathers and grandfathers and beyond would have spit-at in amazed disgust.

I don't have the answers, but I see (part of) the problem - very dimly.

And yet most of us sense that there is something very, very wrong with our collective Moral Compass, and the widespread disgust and dissatisfaction that is beginning to permeate the American Common Man.

Living in today's Degenerating Secularism is a little like sensing that you're sitting on a time bomb, without actually being sure that it IS a bomb or that the Timer has been activated or what time it's set to go off.
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Those are some seriously deep thoughts and very much appreciated.

I've always tried to frame my mind into the mindset of not only the founding fathers, but the colonials in general

People are people but there can be little doubt that they were for the most part glued together by principles what we no longer honor. Those principles started with faith.

But at what point does a moral human being become a killer? Military men are trained to kill and they bear the scars and they're killing themselves in droves. But what about a citizen?

As far as I know there is no citizen left alive that can answer that question.
But at some point you have to fight.

What you should do now is attempt to pass the message on. Let it simmer until the idea becomes a critical mass in the minds of the population.

Waging a revolution before this transpires is a waste of ammo and good people. The Jews never understood this and they were murdered as you know.

Morality is very important to me, but I'll give no quarter to enemies. You must fight or there will be no morality.

There is a time to fight if it becomes necessary. There is a time where God can fight our battles too.

When it's time to fight, I will be willing to fight. But I take no pleasure in violence.

Nobody but a sociopath takes pleasure in violence.

I don't mean to be rude, but where is God? I believe in God but I don't believe he has anything to do with this. If God is real then this horror was already ordained centuries ago and we are doomed to participate in it.

I cannot be more serious when I tell you that this place is screwed. You can fight or die like a pig.

I'm 43 years old, 6-8 275 pounds, well armed, pissed off, and I'm going to die like a man fighting anyway I can.

That said, we should leave the violence to a last resort.

An armed rabble of militarized citizens would be a joke and easy fodder for the wretched military, police and assorted government jack boots.

Hearts and minds. We need to reach out to the military and police while reminding them of the oath they took.

Without them, there is no future.

Oh God is there. But He doesn't force Himself on us. If we want to remove Him from our lives, He will back away.

As dark as things are getting though, I've seen the hand of Divine Providence in the events of my life lately, and I have no doubt we will see them even more in comming days. Atleast those who want God in their lives will. Those who would rather do without Him, will be given what they want.

Evil is growing, but good is growing too.
Those are some seriously deep thoughts and very much appreciated.

I've always tried to frame my mind into the mindset of not only the founding fathers, but the colonials in general

People are people but there can be little doubt that they were for the most part glued together by principles what we no longer honor. Those principles started with faith.

But at what point does a moral human being become a killer? Military men are trained to kill and they bear the scars and they're killing themselves in droves. But what about a citizen?

As far as I know there is no citizen left alive that can answer that question.

I have been trying to do the same as well. If we are going to restore what the Founders did, we need to be men and women of the same character and look to the same Foundation they relied on. In fact, I think we need to be men and women of even greater character, because I don't think they had the degration we have around us.

If we cannot save the population as a whole, we need to gather together, network and work together to build new communities in the nation where we can invite the honest and good to flee to when times of trouble come.
Those are some seriously deep thoughts and very much appreciated.

I've always tried to frame my mind into the mindset of not only the founding fathers, but the colonials in general

People are people but there can be little doubt that they were for the most part glued together by principles what we no longer honor. Those principles started with faith.

But at what point does a moral human being become a killer? Military men are trained to kill and they bear the scars and they're killing themselves in droves. But what about a citizen?

As far as I know there is no citizen left alive that can answer that question.

I have been trying to do the same as well. If we are going to restore what the Founders did, we need to be men and women of the same character and look to the same Foundation they relied on. In fact, I think we need to be men and women of even greater character, because I don't think they had the degration we have around us.

If we cannot save the population as a whole, we need to gather together, network and work together to build new communities in the nation where we can invite the honest and good to flee to when times of trouble come.


You guys have any more of those mushrooms?

Those are some seriously deep thoughts and very much appreciated.

I've always tried to frame my mind into the mindset of not only the founding fathers, but the colonials in general

People are people but there can be little doubt that they were for the most part glued together by principles what we no longer honor. Those principles started with faith.

But at what point does a moral human being become a killer? Military men are trained to kill and they bear the scars and they're killing themselves in droves. But what about a citizen?

As far as I know there is no citizen left alive that can answer that question.

I have been trying to do the same as well. If we are going to restore what the Founders did, we need to be men and women of the same character and look to the same Foundation they relied on. In fact, I think we need to be men and women of even greater character, because I don't think they had the degration we have around us.

If we cannot save the population as a whole, we need to gather together, network and work together to build new communities in the nation where we can invite the honest and good to flee to when times of trouble come.


You guys have any more of those mushrooms?


If you have nothing to contribute, feel free to leave. No one is forcing you to join our discussion.
I have been trying to do the same as well. If we are going to restore what the Founders did, we need to be men and women of the same character and look to the same Foundation they relied on. In fact, I think we need to be men and women of even greater character, because I don't think they had the degration we have around us.

If we cannot save the population as a whole, we need to gather together, network and work together to build new communities in the nation where we can invite the honest and good to flee to when times of trouble come.


You guys have any more of those mushrooms?


If you have nothing to contribute, feel free to leave. No one is forcing you to join our discussion.

Truth hurts, huh?

Nobody said I was "forced" - but that projection prolly comes with the rest of this comic book fantasy stuff.

I'm just amused by all this armageddon imagination. Not so much the content, but the way summa you guys seem to think you've invented something new.

You guys have any more of those mushrooms?


If you have nothing to contribute, feel free to leave. No one is forcing you to join our discussion.

Truth hurts, huh?

Nobody said I was "forced" - but that projection prolly comes with the rest of this comic book fantasy stuff.

I'm just amused by all this armageddon imagination. Not so much the content, but the way summa you guys seem to think you've invented something new.

The truth must be hurting if you have to resort to name calling right off the bat.

Maybe if you study history you would realize that conflict is inevitable. Civilizations rise and fall. It doesn't take alot to realiz where we are as a civilization.

But as I said, If you don't like the conversation, no one is forcing you to participate. The rest of us can have an adult conversation.
If you have nothing to contribute, feel free to leave. No one is forcing you to join our discussion.

Truth hurts, huh?

Nobody said I was "forced" - but that projection prolly comes with the rest of this comic book fantasy stuff.

I'm just amused by all this armageddon imagination. Not so much the content, but the way summa you guys seem to think you've invented something new.

The truth must be hurting if you have to resort to name calling right off the bat.

Maybe if you study history you would realize that conflict is inevitable. Civilizations rise and fall. It doesn't take alot to realiz where we are as a civilization.

But as I said, If you don't like the conversation, no one is forcing you to participate. The rest of us can have an adult conversation.

Again with the "forcing" obsession. Kinda kinky, dood. And where do you see "name calling"? The imagination never sleeps...
It's just impossible to read this the-sky-is-falling shit and not laugh. So sue me.

You never did say if there were any more mushrooms.... :eusa_whistle:

Awright awright I'll pay for the mushrooms. Damn cheapskates.
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