Donald Trump Can Win New York State and All Working-Class America

New Yorkers have been exposed to the Donald Trump clown show a lot longer than the rest of the country. There's no chance that he'd win New York.
New Yorkers want employment opportunities, not political correctness.
Then they need to question why the Trump dynasty chose to offshore their apparel line to a 3rd world country, instead of using the infamous garment district NY is famously known for, eh?
Trump has no apparel line. Trump makes nothing. There are no Trump factories. An apparel company paid Trump for the use of his name. Trump has no interest in the company

Think again. See post #38.
I don't think calling Trump out on providing jobs is a smart move. He's got what 53 businesses; just one hotel employ's upwards of 3k workers... I really don't think it'd be a stretch to say he's pretty far up there on the list of job providers...

A quick search of trump employment opportunities in New York alone turned up some 72 openings.

Listen, just because you own a business, separated Siamese twins, shut down the government or got a hell of severance package from your former employer, does not render you presidential material....just sayin
The Blaze ^
Trust me, Hillary Clinton is scared. Smart Democrats are panicking. Leading Democrats keep saying in the media that Donald Trump can’t win the general election. Really? That may be what they’re saying out loud, but it’s not what they are whispering in private. I think leading Democrats know exactly what I know. Donald Trump can win New York State. And if he does, Hillary’s goose is cooked. If the GOP wins New York, Democrats have no electoral path to the White House. Donald Trump is the consummate New Yorker. Donald Trump is New York. Hillary was a carpetbagger from Arkansas....

He`ll win most of the former traitor slave states and the cowboy gun nut states with their handful of electoral votes. That`s not nearly enough. Nice cartoon though. Come back this afternoon when we break out the crayons and coloring books.
I don't think calling Trump out on providing jobs is a smart move. He's got what 53 businesses; just one hotel employ's upwards of 3k workers... I really don't think it'd be a stretch to say he's pretty far up there on the list of job providers...

A quick search of trump employment opportunities in New York alone turned up some 72 openings.

Listen, just because you own a business, separated Siamese twins, shut down the government or got a hell of severance package from your former employer, does not render you presidential material....just sayin

While I'm not a Trump fan, I do believe his appeal is that he is not "presidential material", as in the same old life long politicians that most people just assume are lying. The one thing I hear people say, even those that would never vote for him, is that at least you know where he's coming from. The rest will lie through their teeth and do.
I don't think calling Trump out on providing jobs is a smart move. He's got what 53 businesses; just one hotel employ's upwards of 3k workers... I really don't think it'd be a stretch to say he's pretty far up there on the list of job providers...

A quick search of trump employment opportunities in New York alone turned up some 72 openings.

Listen, just because you own a business, separated Siamese twins, shut down the government or got a hell of severance package from your former employer, does not render you presidential material....just sayin

While I'm not a Trump fan, I do believe his appeal is that he is not "presidential material", as in the same old life long politicians that most people just assume are lying. The one thing I hear people say, even those that would never vote for him, is that at least you know where he's coming from. The rest will lie through their teeth and do.

The other thing is he won't be owned by lobbyists.
2 very strong reasons that people are attracted to.
I don't think calling Trump out on providing jobs is a smart move. He's got what 53 businesses; just one hotel employ's upwards of 3k workers... I really don't think it'd be a stretch to say he's pretty far up there on the list of job providers...

A quick search of trump employment opportunities in New York alone turned up some 72 openings.

Listen, just because you own a business, separated Siamese twins, shut down the government or got a hell of severance package from your former employer, does not render you presidential material....just sayin

While I'm not a Trump fan, I do believe his appeal is that he is not "presidential material", as in the same old life long politicians that most people just assume are lying. The one thing I hear people say, even those that would never vote for him, is that at least you know where he's coming from. The rest will lie through their teeth and do.

The other thing is he won't be owned by lobbyists.
2 very strong reasons that people are attracted to.

Hmm..... I think the presumption here is that if he isn't owned by lobbyists, he'll be owned by voters. Can we count on that?

Is having a president who thinks he doesn't owe anyone anything really a good idea? :dunno:
Of course Trump will win New York, he's the favorite son of all favorite sons. He's built parks, playgrounds, he gave the city a carousel and a huge ice skating rink. He's used his jet to transport sick children.

There isn't another person in New York as well thought of as Donald Trump.

just how Low IQ are you? New yorkers know that phony unlike you ignorant rubes in flyover land
New York considers Trump to be a clown...that is why he never ran for office there
The blue belt states will never go for Trump, and states like Virginia and Florida will not either. Pretty much puts Trump out. Even states like Montana, that are conservative, but not insane, won't go for him.
I don't think calling Trump out on providing jobs is a smart move. He's got what 53 businesses; just one hotel employ's upwards of 3k workers... I really don't think it'd be a stretch to say he's pretty far up there on the list of job providers...

A quick search of trump employment opportunities in New York alone turned up some 72 openings.

Listen, just because you own a business, separated Siamese twins, shut down the government or got a hell of severance package from your former employer, does not render you presidential material....just sayin

While I'm not a Trump fan, I do believe his appeal is that he is not "presidential material", as in the same old life long politicians that most people just assume are lying. The one thing I hear people say, even those that would never vote for him, is that at least you know where he's coming from. The rest will lie through their teeth and do.

The other thing is he won't be owned by lobbyists.
2 very strong reasons that people are attracted to.

Hmm..... I think the presumption here is that if he isn't owned by lobbyists, he'll be owned by voters. Can we count on that?

Is having a president who thinks he doesn't owe anyone anything really a good idea? :dunno:

Better than wasting the peoples money on projects that don't work.
People are sick and tired of political paybacks that waste so much money.
I don't think calling Trump out on providing jobs is a smart move. He's got what 53 businesses; just one hotel employ's upwards of 3k workers... I really don't think it'd be a stretch to say he's pretty far up there on the list of job providers...

A quick search of trump employment opportunities in New York alone turned up some 72 openings.

Listen, just because you own a business, separated Siamese twins, shut down the government or got a hell of severance package from your former employer, does not render you presidential material....just sayin

While I'm not a Trump fan, I do believe his appeal is that he is not "presidential material", as in the same old life long politicians that most people just assume are lying. The one thing I hear people say, even those that would never vote for him, is that at least you know where he's coming from. The rest will lie through their teeth and do.

The other thing is he won't be owned by lobbyists.
2 very strong reasons that people are attracted to.

Hmm..... I think the presumption here is that if he isn't owned by lobbyists, he'll be owned by voters. Can we count on that?

Is having a president who thinks he doesn't owe anyone anything really a good idea? :dunno:

Better than wasting the peoples money on projects that don't work.
People are sick and tired of political paybacks that waste so much money.

I hear that. Me too. But I wonder what we might get as an alternative. Especially with an ego the size of Trumps.
The blue belt states will never go for Trump, and states like Virginia and Florida will not either. Pretty much puts Trump out. Even states like Montana, that are conservative, but not insane, won't go for him.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Even the experts say this election so far has been unreadable.
There are just as many Dem's who are angry at the way D.C. is being run.
People all across America are fed up with Washington.
Listen, just because you own a business, separated Siamese twins, shut down the government or got a hell of severance package from your former employer, does not render you presidential material....just sayin

While I'm not a Trump fan, I do believe his appeal is that he is not "presidential material", as in the same old life long politicians that most people just assume are lying. The one thing I hear people say, even those that would never vote for him, is that at least you know where he's coming from. The rest will lie through their teeth and do.

The other thing is he won't be owned by lobbyists.
2 very strong reasons that people are attracted to.

Hmm..... I think the presumption here is that if he isn't owned by lobbyists, he'll be owned by voters. Can we count on that?

Is having a president who thinks he doesn't owe anyone anything really a good idea? :dunno:

Better than wasting the peoples money on projects that don't work.
People are sick and tired of political paybacks that waste so much money.

I hear that. Me too. But I wonder what we might get as an alternative. Especially with an ego the size of Trumps.

It seems nothing else is waking them up.
Trump certainly would do that. Even though their guesses would still be wrong like they always are.
Can't be any worse than Bush or Obama.
At least Trump shows pretty fair treatment by letting almost all who go to see him ask questions.
Hillary would not allow that at all, everything is under control with her group.
Listen, just because you own a business, separated Siamese twins, shut down the government or got a hell of severance package from your former employer, does not render you presidential material....just sayin

While I'm not a Trump fan, I do believe his appeal is that he is not "presidential material", as in the same old life long politicians that most people just assume are lying. The one thing I hear people say, even those that would never vote for him, is that at least you know where he's coming from. The rest will lie through their teeth and do.

The other thing is he won't be owned by lobbyists.
2 very strong reasons that people are attracted to.

Hmm..... I think the presumption here is that if he isn't owned by lobbyists, he'll be owned by voters. Can we count on that?

Is having a president who thinks he doesn't owe anyone anything really a good idea? :dunno:

Better than wasting the peoples money on projects that don't work.
People are sick and tired of political paybacks that waste so much money.

I hear that. Me too. But I wonder what we might get as an alternative. Especially with an ego the size of Trumps.
True he would be the ultimate wildcard. The few people I know that are actually really into him are convinced that the old adage that successful people surround themselves with talent will carry the day. If he ever got in I sure hope they break out Nixon's tape recorder. I can hear it now "WHAT? You don't want to bomb Cuba? YOU'RE FIRED".
The blue belt states will never go for Trump, and states like Virginia and Florida will not either. Pretty much puts Trump out. Even states like Montana, that are conservative, but not insane, won't go for him.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Even the experts say this election so far has been unreadable.
There are just as many Dem's who are angry at the way D.C. is being run.
People all across America are fed up with Washington.
I agree. Strangely those few I know that are into Trump aren't particularly ideological either way. Kinda middle of the road and fed up with the same old same old. That and an absolute revulsion of Hillary.
New Yorkers have been exposed to the Donald Trump clown show a lot longer than the rest of the country. There's no chance that he'd win New York.
New Yorkers want employment opportunities, not political correctness.
Then they need to question why the Trump dynasty chose to offshore their apparel line to a 3rd world country, instead of using the infamous garment district NY is famously known for, eh?
Hah! Walmart destroyed the Garment District.
I have friends whose lives were destroyed by Walmart.
We'll see but a lot of New York doesn't even think of her as a real New Yorker. She's never done anything for the state, much less the city.
I know quite a bit of new yorker and they despise Trump. Embarrassing American around the globe.
I know quite a number of New Yorkers and they're voting for Trump.

Doubt it...Trump is not loved in New York
I live in New York and he's loved.

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