donald trump caught in a lie

Attacking Bill who is not running to save Trump is guaranteed failure.
If it is true Bill isn't running, then why did Hillary need to bring him into the race?
Mrs. Clinton told voters in Kentucky on Sunday that Mr. Clinton would be “in charge of revitalizing the economy, because, you know, he knows how to do it,” especially “in places like coal country and inner cities.” On a campaign swing this month before the West Virginia primary, she said her husband has “got to come out of retirement and be in charge” of creating jobs.

She has not provided details about how a former president would fit into a policy-making role in his wife’s administration, a position never before seen in American politics.
Is your position that Bill Clinton is running for President ? wild wild stuff LOL
No, but I am sincerely enjoying the panicky mania spreading through the Liberal ranks as they watch their queen get shot down a second time. It isn't bad enough that Bernie, who was at 6% to Hillary's 57% in January 2015, is now running up her ass, but that Trump is overtaking her must really burn the asses of LWLs across the land.
Every one of their issues is about creating victims where there are no victims

The above sort of reminds me of right wingers INSISTING that we need "tougher" voters' restrictions to fight voters fraud" where, statistically, THERE ISN'T ANY........LOL
but I would like you to tell me what is wrong with paying no taxes if you file in complete accordance with every element of the US tax code.

I'll try ONE LAST FUCKING TIME............There's no law broken if you list your LOSSES to have exceeded your GAINS............BUT, you cannot then run for president on the mantra that you're the greatest business that ever walked the planet....if your losses are higher than your gains.

Look if you cannot comprehend the above, go take a nap.

So you think that Trump had a net tax loss from all of his businesses on his Schedule C? And you conclude that if that is so he cannot claim to be a successful businessman? I understand your silly claim.

I wonder what the return filed by the Clinton foundation shows. Do you?
You are trying to claim that he somehow violated tax laws to pay zero those years, I merely asked which laws. If you comply with the tax code and end up with a zero tax due, what exactly is wrong with that?

SIMPLE ANSWER........If you're claiming that you should be president because you're "the greatest businessman that ever existed"........THEN, you CANNOT claim that you paid ZERO taxes because your losses were higher than your gains.

If there's a grown up in your basement, ask him/her to explain it to you.

Bullshit. I ask you once more---for the last time-----if you comply with all of the tax laws and regulations and statutes and come up with no tax due, what exactly is wrong with that?

Your problem is not with Trump, its with the tax code that was written mostly by the dems who have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
Releasing taxes to the public by Presidential nominees is not a legal obligation. It is a moral one and the accepted belief and tradition of voters having to know detailed information about the person they are obligated to elect as the most powerful person in the world as well as their own nation. It gives insight into the moral character of the nominee.

If a candidate follows the tax laws to the letter and doesn't pay as much taxes as you think he should, who is at fault? that person or the people who wrote the tax code?
but I would like you to tell me what is wrong with paying no taxes if you file in complete accordance with every element of the US tax code.

I'll try ONE LAST FUCKING TIME............There's no law broken if you list your LOSSES to have exceeded your GAINS............BUT, you cannot then run for president on the mantra that you're the greatest business that ever walked the planet....if your losses are higher than your gains.

Look if you cannot comprehend the above, go take a nap.

>>>>>>>AND, if your losses are higher than your gains AND you still claim that you're a billionaire, WHERE the fuck did all that money come from if you claim you lost money?

Look fool, we understand what you are trying to say. Its not complicated. Its just stupid and you have absolutely no basis for such an asinine claim.

But if you are intent on finding out things that candidates refuse to release, how about digging into Hillary's speeches to wall street--------lets get those transcripts out there so we can see the character of the candidate-----------OK?
I am sincerely enjoying the panicky mania spreading through the Liberal ranks

Panicky mania????? Now, I know its asking a lot, but "panicky mania in the liberal ranks"????
That kind of right wing "contribution" to thisthread reminds me of children whistling past the graveyard...

The BEST thing that could have happened to the DNC in having the very unusual control of the WH for SIXTEEN years, is..................TRUMP.......!!!!!
If a candidate follows the tax laws to the letter and doesn't pay as much taxes as you think he should, who is at fault? that person or the people who wrote the tax code?
Add to this, we have a right to fight taxes assessed upon us. I've protested taxes assessed on my property. Trump did the same thing for some of his properties.

Considering John Kerry dodged paying almost a million dollars in taxes to his home state on his yacht, I find it highly hypocritical of Left Wingers to complain about anyone lawfully protesting their tax assessment.
I am sincerely enjoying the panicky mania spreading through the Liberal ranks

Panicky mania????? Now, I know its asking a lot, but "panicky mania in the liberal ranks"????
That kind of right wing "contribution" to thisthread reminds me of children whistling past the graveyard...

The BEST thing that could have happened to the DNC in having the very unusual control of the WH for SIXTEEN years, is..................TRUMP.......!!!!!
Yes. Yes. We'll see.
I am sincerely enjoying the panicky mania spreading through the Liberal ranks

Panicky mania????? Now, I know its asking a lot, but "panicky mania in the liberal ranks"????
That kind of right wing "contribution" to thisthread reminds me of children whistling past the graveyard...

The BEST thing that could have happened to the DNC in having the very unusual control of the WH for SIXTEEN years, is..................TRUMP.......!!!!!

Hillary's polling numbers are going down and Trump's are going up. That trend will continue until the election when Trump will win, and it wont be close------------book it.

HRC is a very flawed candidate, she is unlikeable, untrusted, a proven liar, and a corrupt politician. Plus she is likely to under indictment by November.

President Trump--------get used to it.
Look fool, we understand what you are trying to say. Its not complicated. Its just stupid and you have absolutely no basis for such an asinine claim.

But if you are intent on finding out things that candidates refuse to release, how about digging into Hillary's speeches to wall street--------lets get those transcripts out there so we can see the character of the candidate-----------OK?

Right wingers' Rule number 32:
"Whenever a question posed is too tough to answer, a mindless conservative MUST throw some other shit out there to divert attention from that conservative's stupidity and inability to answer ...."
HRC is a very flawed candidate, she is unlikeable, untrusted, a proven liar, and a corrupt politician. Plus she is likely to under indictment by November.

Here's something that may help your wishes come true.......First find a tea bagging virgin to sacrifice,
then buy a Hillary doll and lots of pins, then.................
Look fool, we understand what you are trying to say. Its not complicated. Its just stupid and you have absolutely no basis for such an asinine claim.

But if you are intent on finding out things that candidates refuse to release, how about digging into Hillary's speeches to wall street--------lets get those transcripts out there so we can see the character of the candidate-----------OK?

Right wingers' Rule number 32:
"Whenever a question posed is too tough to answer, a mindless conservative MUST throw some other shit out there to divert attention from that conservative's stupidity and inability to answer ...."

bullshit, I answered your question about Trump and taxes. Then I asked if you support full disclosure from Clinton. Do you or not?

I think Trump should release his taxes, but that's up to him, not me. I also think all candidates should release everything, including foundation financials, school records, work history, who contributes to them, and where the money goes.

Each candidate has to decide is the disclosure is worth the risk. I am sure in Trump's case his returns are hundreds of pages and very complicated, the risk of some left wing media fool taking something out of context and lying about it is very real, so I understand why he doesn't want them public. Much the same applies to the Clinton foundation records, I am sure that there is very incriminating evidence of corruption and bribery in those records.
HRC is a very flawed candidate, she is unlikeable, untrusted, a proven liar, and a corrupt politician. Plus she is likely to under indictment by November.

Here's something that may help your wishes come true.......First find a tea bagging virgin to sacrifice,
then buy a Hillary doll and lots of pins, then.................

No need for that, Hillary is self destructing as we speak.

What I find really amusing is that the DNC has an old, corrupt, lying, failed, demented female and an old, demented, failed socialist male. What does that say about your bench of candidates when these are the best you can come up with?
bullshit, I answered your question about Trump and taxes. Then I asked if you support full disclosure from Clinton. Do you or not?

I think Trump should release his taxes, but that's up to him, not me. I also think all candidates should release everything, including foundation financials, school records, work history, who contributes to them, and where the money goes.

Each candidate has to decide is the disclosure is worth the risk. I am sure in Trump's case his returns are hundreds of pages and very complicated, the risk of some left wing media fool taking something out of context and lying about it is very real, so I understand why he doesn't want them public. Much the same applies to the Clinton foundation records, I am sure that there is very incriminating evidence of corruption and bribery in those records.
Agreed it's voluntary, but also agreed I think anyone who is running for President should release that information. Are they healthy? Honest? Did they earn their position? These are important questions. Candidates don't have to release them, like Hillary's speech transcripts, but they shouldn't whine about it when voters don't trust them.
Hillary's polling numbers are going down and Trump's are going up. That trend will continue until the election when Trump will win, and it wont be close------------book it.

Current Summary

Clinton Trump Margin
Trump Best
308 230 Clinton by 78 EV
Expected 338 200 Clinton by 138 EV
Clinton Best
384 154 Clinton by 230 EV
The tipping point state is Florida where Clinton is ahead by 5.6%.
The 'Expected' scenario represents each candiate winning all the states they are ahead in. 'Best' scenarios represent the candidate winning all of the states they are ahead in, plus all of their opponent's 'weak' states.​

2016 Electoral College - Clinton vs Trump - National Summary

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