donald trump caught in a lie

Trump defenders don't defend his lying by arguing he is not lying. They just evade the argument by bashing the Clinton's, They use a long list of their own lies about the Clinton's to deflect away from the fact that Trump is a hardcore habitual pathological liar.
see, that's the difference between us and liberals. Liberals only demand release from republicans and conservatives, we want releases from everyone.

Why is that? easy answer. because the libs know that their candidates are liars and corrupt politicians.

Actually, I am one who would endorse a demand made by the DNC for Hillary to disclose her speeches before Wall Street bankers..........AND

...for the GOP to demand from Trump to fully disclose ALL his tax returns.

fine with me. I also would like to see the financials from the Clinton Foundation, including the salaries of Chelsea, Hillary and bubba and their entire staff. Plus the % of the money that actually went to needy people and the % consumed by salaries and "expenses".
Trump defenders don't defend his lying by arguing he is not lying. They just evade the argument by bashing the Clinton's, They use a long list of their own lies about the Clinton's to deflect away from the fact that Trump is a hardcore habitual pathological liar.

what has Trump lied about? give us specifics with proof of lying.
I'm glad you see Hillary for what she is. As to the "allegations" against bubba, are you saying that all of those women are lying? if so, what is their motive for exposing their lives to public ridicule and attacks from the Clinton machine? why would they put themselves in that position if they are lying?

Regarding Bill Clinton, some of those women may be lying and some not......the same exact way that some women alleging Trump's misogyny are lying and some not....

The difference is that Bill is NOT running, while Donald certainly is.
I'm glad you see Hillary for what she is. As to the "allegations" against bubba, are you saying that all of those women are lying? if so, what is their motive for exposing their lives to public ridicule and attacks from the Clinton machine? why would they put themselves in that position if they are lying?

Regarding Bill Clinton, some of those women may be lying and some not......the same exact way that some women alleging Trump's misogyny are lying and some not....

The difference is that Bill is NOT running, while Donald certainly is.

once again, Bill's enabler that the one who led the attacks to destroy the women is running. What she did to those women should be public knowledge.
Trump defenders don't defend his lying by arguing he is not lying. They just evade the argument by bashing the Clinton's, They use a long list of their own lies about the Clinton's to deflect away from the fact that Trump is a hardcore habitual pathological liar.

what has Trump lied about? give us specifics with proof of lying.
When is the last time you read a newspaper or watched a news program? Today is Sunday and it is still morning. Turn on your TV, Trump is certain to be telling a lie this morning.
Trump defenders don't defend his lying by arguing he is not lying. They just evade the argument by bashing the Clinton's,
Here is what Trump was saying before running for President about Hillary
Trump once wrote Hillary Clinton would be 'great president' | TheHill
Trump praises Hillary Clinton, dismisses Benghazi - YouTube

Trump defenders don't defend his lying by arguing he is not lying. They just evade the argument by bashing the Clinton's, They use a long list of their own lies about the Clinton's to deflect away from the fact that Trump is a hardcore habitual pathological liar.

what has Trump lied about? give us specifics with proof of lying.
When is the last time you read a newspaper or watched a news program? Today is Sunday and it is still morning. Turn on your TV, Trump is certain to be telling a lie this morning.

so you cant provide a list, all you have is propaganda and innuendo, got it.
what has Trump lied about? give us specifics with proof of lying.

There are too, too many to your own research.

Trump's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Trump's statements for that ruling.

Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact

a post from a left wing blogger, Wow, now that's some real proof. are you crazy?
Trump defenders don't defend his lying by arguing he is not lying. They just evade the argument by bashing the Clinton's, They use a long list of their own lies about the Clinton's to deflect away from the fact that Trump is a hardcore habitual pathological liar.

what has Trump lied about? give us specifics with proof of lying.
When is the last time you read a newspaper or watched a news program? Today is Sunday and it is still morning. Turn on your TV, Trump is certain to be telling a lie this morning.

so you cant provide a list, all you have is propaganda and innuendo, got it.
Trump lies are endless and easily found. But just to satisfy a retard and show I am not anti-retard, Trump did not see thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on 9/11. That was a malicious hurtful lie that even after being proven to be a lie he to this day refuses to recant his lie. And the hijackers did not fly their wives and families home a few days before 9/11. That is another malicious lie used like the first one. They are lies purposely used to spread fear and hatred of American Muslims.
Hillary has an overall trust factor that's going to be tough to ignore among voters.

Perhaps....BUT, look up whose UNFAVORABLE ratings are higher......And how many voters trump has thoroughly pissed off.

When it's more important to appease others and be wishy washy, rather than be vocal outlining a clear cut boundary of what's right and what's wrong on political issues, like immigration, or how best to deal with captured known terrorists, or where you stand on the war on terror itself .... of course you are going to have a stronger approval rating. Labeling those with a stance on an certain issue as racist is always the response to a lack of having a plan to deal with the harder problems of actually facing and confronting those same issues yourself.
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Trump defenders don't defend his lying by arguing he is not lying. They just evade the argument by bashing the Clinton's, They use a long list of their own lies about the Clinton's to deflect away from the fact that Trump is a hardcore habitual pathological liar.

what has Trump lied about? give us specifics with proof of lying.
When is the last time you read a newspaper or watched a news program? Today is Sunday and it is still morning. Turn on your TV, Trump is certain to be telling a lie this morning.

so you cant provide a list, all you have is propaganda and innuendo, got it.
Trump lies are endless and easily found. But just to satisfy a retard and show I am not anti-retard, Trump did not see thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on 9/11. That was a malicious hurtful lie that even after being proven to be a lie he to this day refuses to recant his lie. And the hijackers did not fly their wives and families home a few days before 9/11. That is another malicious lie used like the first one. They are lies purposely used to spread fear and hatred of American Muslims.

that's all you have?

There are flim clips of muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey and all over the mid east. If you bothered to check, you would know that what he said is true. whether it was hundreds or thousands is not significant, it happened.

It is also true that several Saudi diplomats flew their families out of the US prior to 9/11, the connections between those people and the 9/11 murderers may or may not be real, but I am quite sure that the CIA knows who they were and what their roles were.

The problem you lefties have with Trump is that he talks the way you and I talk, he does not parse his words like a politician and does not try to pander to whoever his audience of the day happens to be. Unlike Hillary, he never uses a fake black accent when talking to blacks. She lost West Virginia and Kentucky because the coal miners saw through her lies.

If you want a liar, Hillary is your candidate.
Hillary has an overall trust factor that's going to be tough to ignore among voters.

Perhaps....BUT, look up whose UNFAVORABLE ratings are higher......And how many voters trump has thoroughly pissed off.

When it's more important to appease others and be wushu washy, rather than be vocal outlining a clear cut boundary of what's right and what's wrong on political issues, like immigration, or how best to deal with captured known terrorists, or where you stand on the war on terror itself .... of course you are going to have a stronger approval rating. Labeling those with a stance on an certain issue as racist is always the response to a lack of having a plan to deal with the harder problems of actually facing and confronting those same issues yourself.

absolutely, Hillary still refuses to use the words "radical muslim terrorists". Why is she afraid of offending radical muslim terrorists?
so you cant provide a list, all you have is propaganda and innuendo, got it.

With morons, you have to go the extra mile......

All False statements involving Donald Trump

This claim misses the mark

Says Hillary Clinton "wants to abolish the Second Amendment."

Voter eligibility gets checked

"You have to be a citizen to vote," but with same-day voter registration, "you have places where people just walk in and vote."

A repeatedly debunked claim

"We're the highest taxed nation in the world."

Trump is on pace to break record, but hasn't done it yet

"In the history of Republican primaries, I’ve gotten the most votes in the history of the Republican party."

— PolitiFact California

Expert calls Trump claim a "gem of misinformation."

"ISIS is making millions of dollars a week selling Libyan oil."

Maybe he kept this to himself

"I was totally against the war in Iraq, saying for many years that it would destabilize the Middle East."

Ryan's career record: 58-61

Says professional football coach Rex Ryan "won championships in New York. The AFC, I think, twice."

Caucuses problematic but not crooked

The Colorado caucus system for selecting Republican delegates is "rigged."

— PolitiFact Colorado

Nobody was talking about Trump

Says Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio "had it set so that the winner takes everything, because they wanted to make sure that I didn't get anything" in the Florida primary.

— PolitiFact Florida

Trump is in a worse spot than Reagan was

"My numbers are better right now than Ronald Reagan's numbers were with Jimmy Carter."

Not the naked truth

Says Ted Cruz distributed the ad showing a nude Melania Trump on a rug.

Highest unemployment measure less than half that

Wisconsin’s "effective" unemployment rate is 20 percent.

— PolitiFact Wisconsin

People who have read the deal say otherwise

"When those restrictions expire (in the Iran nuclear deal), Iran will have an industrial-size military nuclear capability ready to go."

Hard to squeeze truth from this claim

The Trump Winery near Charlottesville, Va. is the "largest winery on the East Coast."

— PolitiFact Virginia

Expert: He got the name of country right, but that's it

Under the Iran nuclear deal, "we give them $150 billion, we get nothing."

Obnoxious? Yes. A terrorist? No.

Says the man who rushed the stage at him in Dayton, Ohio, "had chatter about ISIS, or with ISIS" in his social media posts.

1≠0, 2≠0

"GDP was zero essentially for the last two quarters."

States alone choose to adopt and implement

Common Core is "education through Washington D.C."

Discredited previously, just as false now

The wives of the 9/11 hijackers "knew exactly what was happening" and went back to Saudi Arabia two days before the attacks to watch their husbands on television flying the planes.

Not the first to fall for phony Gandhi quote

Says "the New York Times can write a story that they know is false" yet "they can't basically be sued."

This claim doesn't get a passing grade

"We (Trump University) have an ‘A’ from the Better Business Bureau."

Polls show Romney stayed steady or rose after the pick

When Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running mate, "that was the end" of Romney’s chances to win.

— PolitiFact Wisconsin

In Trump's head

"If it weren’t for me … (illegal immigration) wouldn’t even be a big subject."

Maybe in his mind

On the Iraq war, "I said it loud and clear, 'You'll destabilize the Middle East.' "

The rates don't add up by a long shot

"Right now we’re the highest taxed country in the world."

Multiple tweets, comments to the contrary

"I never once asked that (Megyn Kelly) be removed" as a debate moderator.

Trade deficit is unrelated to wall cost

Says Mexico can afford to build a wall because the country's trade deficit with America is billions of dollars.

— PolitiFact Florida

Not according to the data

Among Syrian refugees and migrants coming into Europe, "there look like very few women. Very few children."

They're all in Qatar

The five Guantanamo detainees swapped for Bowe Bergdahl are "back on the battlefield."

No such thing

Canadian-born Ted Cruz "has had a double passport."

— PolitiFact Texas

A flight of fancy

The 9/11 terrorists' friends, family, girlfriends in the United States "were sent back for the most part to Saudi Arabia. They knew what was going on. They went home, and they wanted to watch their boyfriends on television."

Spending cuts would have to be huuuuuuge

Says his plan would cut taxes without increasing the deficit.

Not even the drillers back Trump's claim

Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich "got lucky with a thing called fracking," which "is why Ohio is doing well."

Not even close

"Sixty-one percent of our bridges are in trouble."

— PolitiFact Virginia

Chatter of all kinds but certainly no 'advanced notice'

Says CIA Director George Tenet told the Bush administration that the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack "was coming. So they did have advanced notice."

Said during reference to middle class

"We have the highest tax rate anywhere in the world."

— PolitiFact Virginia

Confusing two groups of displaced people

Among Syrian refugees, "there aren't that many women, there aren't that many children."

No evidence points to Clinton

"The birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008. She was all in!"

Mexico has one, plus 31 more countries

Says Mexico doesn't have birthright citizenship, and Americans are the "only ones" to have it.

Under the Iran deal: "If Israel attacks Iran … we’re supposed to be on Iran’s side."

— PolitiFact Virginia

Number is vastly inflated

"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."

In the middle of the pack, if not lower

"We’re the most highly taxed nation in the world."

Kelly's claims check out

"Some of the things that (Megyn Kelly) said, I didn’t say."

It's been a hot topic for a long time

Illegal immigration "wasn’t a subject that was on anybody’s mind until I brought it up at my announcement."

Key statistics have been much worse historically

Under President Barack Obama, income levels and unemployment numbers "are worse now than just about ever" for African-Americans.

They haven't gone anywhere

The five Guantanamo detainees swapped for Bowe Bergdahl "are right now back on the battlefield."

Major provisions, casework support are not "nothing"

Says John McCain "has done nothing to help the vets."

There's no discriminatory policy on the books

"If you're from Syria and you're a Christian, you cannot come into this country" as a refugee.

No evidence of any official policies in place

Says Florida had five sanctuary cities while Jeb Bush was governor.

— PolitiFact Florida

Wrong on both cost and effectiveness

"The $5 billion website for Obamacare … never worked. Still doesn't work."

Literary hit, but not top seller

Says his book, The Art of the Deal, is "the No. 1 selling business book of all time."

Up or stable, not down

Public support for abortion "is actually going down a little bit," polls show.

Oh they work, alright

"Even our nuclear arsenal doesn't work. It came out recently they have equipment that is 30 years old. They don't know if it worked."

No credible number is that high

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it."

Trump's worried about competition

The Islamic State "just built a hotel in Syria."

Online shopping cart analogy doesn't work

"ObamaCare enrollment lie: Obama counts an enrollee as a web user putting a plan in ‘their online shopping carts.’"

— PunditFact

Only if all his legal bills went to birth certificate lawsuits

President Obama has spent over $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate.

More to Europe than China

"Libya supplies the oil for China. We get no oil from Libya."

Keep listening to tape, there's an immediate correction

Says President Obama's "grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya and she was there and witnessed the birth
so you cant provide a list, all you have is propaganda and innuendo, got it.

With morons, you have to go the extra mile......

All False statements involving Donald Trump

This claim misses the mark

Says Hillary Clinton "wants to abolish the Second Amendment."

Voter eligibility gets checked

"You have to be a citizen to vote," but with same-day voter registration, "you have places where people just walk in and vote."

A repeatedly debunked claim

"We're the highest taxed nation in the world."

Trump is on pace to break record, but hasn't done it yet

"In the history of Republican primaries, I’ve gotten the most votes in the history of the Republican party."

— PolitiFact California

Expert calls Trump claim a "gem of misinformation."

"ISIS is making millions of dollars a week selling Libyan oil."

Maybe he kept this to himself

"I was totally against the war in Iraq, saying for many years that it would destabilize the Middle East."

Ryan's career record: 58-61

Says professional football coach Rex Ryan "won championships in New York. The AFC, I think, twice."

Caucuses problematic but not crooked

The Colorado caucus system for selecting Republican delegates is "rigged."

— PolitiFact Colorado

Nobody was talking about Trump

Says Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio "had it set so that the winner takes everything, because they wanted to make sure that I didn't get anything" in the Florida primary.

— PolitiFact Florida

Trump is in a worse spot than Reagan was

"My numbers are better right now than Ronald Reagan's numbers were with Jimmy Carter."

Not the naked truth

Says Ted Cruz distributed the ad showing a nude Melania Trump on a rug.

Highest unemployment measure less than half that

Wisconsin’s "effective" unemployment rate is 20 percent.

— PolitiFact Wisconsin

People who have read the deal say otherwise

"When those restrictions expire (in the Iran nuclear deal), Iran will have an industrial-size military nuclear capability ready to go."

Hard to squeeze truth from this claim

The Trump Winery near Charlottesville, Va. is the "largest winery on the East Coast."

— PolitiFact Virginia

Expert: He got the name of country right, but that's it

Under the Iran nuclear deal, "we give them $150 billion, we get nothing."

Obnoxious? Yes. A terrorist? No.

Says the man who rushed the stage at him in Dayton, Ohio, "had chatter about ISIS, or with ISIS" in his social media posts.

1≠0, 2≠0

"GDP was zero essentially for the last two quarters."

States alone choose to adopt and implement

Common Core is "education through Washington D.C."

Discredited previously, just as false now

The wives of the 9/11 hijackers "knew exactly what was happening" and went back to Saudi Arabia two days before the attacks to watch their husbands on television flying the planes.

Not the first to fall for phony Gandhi quote

Says "the New York Times can write a story that they know is false" yet "they can't basically be sued."

This claim doesn't get a passing grade

"We (Trump University) have an ‘A’ from the Better Business Bureau."

Polls show Romney stayed steady or rose after the pick

When Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running mate, "that was the end" of Romney’s chances to win.

— PolitiFact Wisconsin

In Trump's head

"If it weren’t for me … (illegal immigration) wouldn’t even be a big subject."

Maybe in his mind

On the Iraq war, "I said it loud and clear, 'You'll destabilize the Middle East.' "

The rates don't add up by a long shot

"Right now we’re the highest taxed country in the world."

Multiple tweets, comments to the contrary

"I never once asked that (Megyn Kelly) be removed" as a debate moderator.

Trade deficit is unrelated to wall cost

Says Mexico can afford to build a wall because the country's trade deficit with America is billions of dollars.

— PolitiFact Florida

Not according to the data

Among Syrian refugees and migrants coming into Europe, "there look like very few women. Very few children."

They're all in Qatar

The five Guantanamo detainees swapped for Bowe Bergdahl are "back on the battlefield."

No such thing

Canadian-born Ted Cruz "has had a double passport."

— PolitiFact Texas

A flight of fancy

The 9/11 terrorists' friends, family, girlfriends in the United States "were sent back for the most part to Saudi Arabia. They knew what was going on. They went home, and they wanted to watch their boyfriends on television."

Spending cuts would have to be huuuuuuge

Says his plan would cut taxes without increasing the deficit.

Not even the drillers back Trump's claim

Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich "got lucky with a thing called fracking," which "is why Ohio is doing well."

Not even close

"Sixty-one percent of our bridges are in trouble."

— PolitiFact Virginia

Chatter of all kinds but certainly no 'advanced notice'

Says CIA Director George Tenet told the Bush administration that the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack "was coming. So they did have advanced notice."

Said during reference to middle class

"We have the highest tax rate anywhere in the world."

— PolitiFact Virginia

Confusing two groups of displaced people

Among Syrian refugees, "there aren't that many women, there aren't that many children."

No evidence points to Clinton

"The birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008. She was all in!"

Mexico has one, plus 31 more countries

Says Mexico doesn't have birthright citizenship, and Americans are the "only ones" to have it.

Under the Iran deal: "If Israel attacks Iran … we’re supposed to be on Iran’s side."

— PolitiFact Virginia

Number is vastly inflated

"We have 93 million people out of work. They look for jobs, they give up, and all of a sudden, statistically, they're considered employed."

In the middle of the pack, if not lower

"We’re the most highly taxed nation in the world."

Kelly's claims check out

"Some of the things that (Megyn Kelly) said, I didn’t say."

It's been a hot topic for a long time

Illegal immigration "wasn’t a subject that was on anybody’s mind until I brought it up at my announcement."

Key statistics have been much worse historically

Under President Barack Obama, income levels and unemployment numbers "are worse now than just about ever" for African-Americans.

They haven't gone anywhere

The five Guantanamo detainees swapped for Bowe Bergdahl "are right now back on the battlefield."

Major provisions, casework support are not "nothing"

Says John McCain "has done nothing to help the vets."

There's no discriminatory policy on the books

"If you're from Syria and you're a Christian, you cannot come into this country" as a refugee.

No evidence of any official policies in place

Says Florida had five sanctuary cities while Jeb Bush was governor.

— PolitiFact Florida

Wrong on both cost and effectiveness

"The $5 billion website for Obamacare … never worked. Still doesn't work."

Literary hit, but not top seller

Says his book, The Art of the Deal, is "the No. 1 selling business book of all time."

Up or stable, not down

Public support for abortion "is actually going down a little bit," polls show.

Oh they work, alright

"Even our nuclear arsenal doesn't work. It came out recently they have equipment that is 30 years old. They don't know if it worked."

No credible number is that high

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it."

Trump's worried about competition

The Islamic State "just built a hotel in Syria."

Online shopping cart analogy doesn't work

"ObamaCare enrollment lie: Obama counts an enrollee as a web user putting a plan in ‘their online shopping carts.’"

— PunditFact

Only if all his legal bills went to birth certificate lawsuits

President Obama has spent over $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate.

More to Europe than China

"Libya supplies the oil for China. We get no oil from Libya."

Keep listening to tape, there's an immediate correction

Says President Obama's "grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya and she was there and witnessed the birth

very nice effort, but most of those statements have proven to be true.

how about these:

"we landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"there was no way to get help to them"
" I always try to tell the truth"
Ted Cruz called Trump a pathological liar, the kind who does not know the difference between lies and truth. Whatever the clinical diagnosis, we do appear to be getting, in place of the once famous Big Lie of the nineteen-thirties, a sordid blizzard of lies. The Big Lie was fit for a time of processionals and nighttime rallies, and films that featured them. The blizzard of lies is made for Twitter [140 words or less for the "attention deficit " audience] and the quick hit of an impulse culture. Trump’s lies arrive with such rapidity that before one can be refuted a new one comes to take its place. It wasn’t his voice on that tape of pitiful self-promotion. O.K., it was—but he never mocked the handicapped reporter, he was merely imitating an obsequious one. The media eventually moves on, shrugging helplessly, to the next lie. Then the next lie, and the next. If the lies are bizarre enough and frequent enough, they provoke little more than a nervous giggle and a cry of “Well, guess he’s changed the rules!”

He’s not Hitler, as his wife recently said? Well, of course he isn’t. But then Hitler wasn’t Hitler—until he was.

The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump - The New Yorker
Trump defenders don't defend his lying by arguing he is not lying. They just evade the argument by bashing the Clinton's, They use a long list of their own lies about the Clinton's to deflect away from the fact that Trump is a hardcore habitual pathological liar.

what has Trump lied about? give us specifics with proof of lying.
When is the last time you read a newspaper or watched a news program? Today is Sunday and it is still morning. Turn on your TV, Trump is certain to be telling a lie this morning.

so you cant provide a list, all you have is propaganda and innuendo, got it.
Trump lies are endless and easily found. But just to satisfy a retard and show I am not anti-retard, Trump did not see thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on 9/11. That was a malicious hurtful lie that even after being proven to be a lie he to this day refuses to recant his lie. And the hijackers did not fly their wives and families home a few days before 9/11. That is another malicious lie used like the first one. They are lies purposely used to spread fear and hatred of American Muslims.

that's all you have?

There are flim clips of muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey and all over the mid east. If you bothered to check, you would know that what he said is true. whether it was hundreds or thousands is not significant, it happened.

It is also true that several Saudi diplomats flew their families out of the US prior to 9/11, the connections between those people and the 9/11 murderers may or may not be real, but I am quite sure that the CIA knows who they were and what their roles were.

The problem you lefties have with Trump is that he talks the way you and I talk, he does not parse his words like a politician and does not try to pander to whoever his audience of the day happens to be. Unlike Hillary, he never uses a fake black accent when talking to blacks. She lost West Virginia and Kentucky because the coal miners saw through her lies.

If you want a liar, Hillary is your candidate.
Post the link that shows Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on 9/11/. Trump didn't say diplomats flew home after 9/11, he said the hijacker families and wives flew home BEFORE 9/11. He lied and you are lying to lamely defend him. Post the link of the celebrating New Jersey Muslims or go crawl back under your rock.

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