donald trump caught in a lie

bullshit, I answered your question about Trump and taxes. Then I asked if you support full disclosure from Clinton. Do you or not?

I think Trump should release his taxes, but that's up to him, not me. I also think all candidates should release everything, including foundation financials, school records, work history, who contributes to them, and where the money goes.

Each candidate has to decide is the disclosure is worth the risk. I am sure in Trump's case his returns are hundreds of pages and very complicated, the risk of some left wing media fool taking something out of context and lying about it is very real, so I understand why he doesn't want them public. Much the same applies to the Clinton foundation records, I am sure that there is very incriminating evidence of corruption and bribery in those records.
Agreed it's voluntary, but also agreed I think anyone who is running for President should release that information. Are they healthy? Honest? Did they earn their position? These are important questions. Candidates don't have to release them, like Hillary's speech transcripts, but they shouldn't whine about it when voters don't trust them.

see, that's the difference between us and liberals. Liberals only demand release from republicans and conservatives, we want releases from everyone.

Why is that? easy answer. because the libs know that their candidates are liars and corrupt politicians.
If it is true Bill isn't running, then why did Hillary need to bring him into the race?

Good question.....
Almost as good as, why did Trump need to bring out his daughter to state, "my father is not a groper of women"..."
Hillary's polling numbers are going down and Trump's are going up. That trend will continue until the election when Trump will win, and it wont be close------------book it.

Current Summary

Clinton Trump Margin
Trump Best
308 230 Clinton by 78 EV
Expected 338 200 Clinton by 138 EV
Clinton Best
384 154 Clinton by 230 EV
The tipping point state is Florida where Clinton is ahead by 5.6%.
The 'Expected' scenario represents each candiate winning all the states they are ahead in. 'Best' scenarios represent the candidate winning all of the states they are ahead in, plus all of their opponent's 'weak' states.​

2016 Electoral College - Clinton vs Trump - National Summary

Wow, great, its May and the election is in November. If the FBI finishes its investigation, Hillary may not even be the dem candidate. If they don't indict but release their findings, she will lose in a landslide.

You need to face reality, HRC has lots of very serious issues.
If it is true Bill isn't running, then why did Hillary need to bring him into the race?

Good question.....
Almost as good as, why did Trump need to bring out his daughter to state, "my father is not a groper of women"..."
Because all politicians are scumbag liars. The longer they've been a politician, the bigger the scumbag and the liar.

Now, do you want to talk about Hillary too? ROFL
If it is true Bill isn't running, then why did Hillary need to bring him into the race?

Good question.....
Almost as good as, why did Trump need to bring out his daughter to state, "my father is not a groper of women"..."

to counter the "anti woman" false accusations against him. In Bubba's case they are not accusations, they are facts.
to counter the "anti woman" false accusations against him. In Bubba's case they are not accusations, they are facts.

"Facts" that come out of your sorry ass, may not really be facts.....just a friendly suggestion.

Again, is Bill running for president? A simple yes or no will suffice.
Trump tells lies every day. He will tell one today for sure. You can bet on it. You can bank on it. Trump can not go a day without lying.
to counter the "anti woman" false accusations against him. In Bubba's case they are not accusations, they are facts.

"Facts" that come out of your sorry ass, may not really be facts.....just a friendly suggestion.

Again, is Bill running for president? A simple yes or no will suffice.

No, but his enabler and the person who led the attacks on his female victims is running. So his history and hers are fair game.
Here's an important point to ponder.........

Republican donors are NOT lining up to back Trump in the general election....meaning that Trump will have to self-fund......which, in turn, means that Trump may have to mortgage some of his Trump mansions, Trump towers, Trump golf resorts, etc..........

That's a very, tough gamble for the Donald to make.
Trump tells lies every day. He will tell one today for sure. You can bet on it. You can bank on it. Trump can not go a day without lying.

"we landed under sniper fire"
"it was caused by a video"
"I always try to tell the truth"

whose lies are those?
Here's an important point to ponder.........

Republican donors are NOT lining up to back Trump in the general election....meaning that Trump will have to self-fund......which, in turn, means that Trump may have to mortgage some of his Trump mansions, Trump towers, Trump golf resorts, etc..........

That's a very, tough gamble for the Donald to make.

rest easy, the money will come in. the courses and hotels are safe. worry not.
No, but his enabler and the person who led the attacks on his female victims is running. So his history and hers are fair game.

You know, I am NOT a Hillary fan and I wish she were NOT running.......HOWEVER, when will the "wishes" of right wingers to substantiate UN-proven allegations against Bill Clinton ever subside?
(probably never, since that is all they have....."wishes")
No, but his enabler and the person who led the attacks on his female victims is running. So his history and hers are fair game.

You know, I am NOT a Hillary fan and I wish she were NOT running.......HOWEVER, when will the "wishes" of right wingers to substantiate UN-proven allegations against Bill Clinton ever subside?
(probably never, since that is all they have....."wishes")

I'm glad you see Hillary for what she is. As to the "allegations" against bubba, are you saying that all of those women are lying? if so, what is their motive for exposing their lives to public ridicule and attacks from the Clinton machine? why would they put themselves in that position if they are lying?
rest easy, the money will come in. the courses and hotels are safe. worry not.

Well, I'm not really "worried"....but, instead, highly entertained.

I agree, it will be an entertaining campaign. But on a serious note, the goal must be to keep the Clintons out of power no matter what the cost.

we almost always end up voting against rather than for someone, this year voting against Hillary is the most important thing any of us can do.
Attacking Bill who is not running to save Trump is guaranteed failure.
Trump has been accused of rape and sworn testimony exists accusing him of rape...

No one at all has accused Hillary Clinton of rape...No sworn testimony against her for rape...

those are the facts
Attacking Bill who is not running to save Trump is guaranteed failure.
If it is true Bill isn't running, then why did Hillary need to bring him into the race?
Mrs. Clinton told voters in Kentucky on Sunday that Mr. Clinton would be “in charge of revitalizing the economy, because, you know, he knows how to do it,” especially “in places like coal country and inner cities.” On a campaign swing this month before the West Virginia primary, she said her husband has “got to come out of retirement and be in charge” of creating jobs.

She has not provided details about how a former president would fit into a policy-making role in his wife’s administration, a position never before seen in American politics.
Trump had attacked him before, as you well know, and HRC has no trouble now talking about Bill and what he can do. People considering "Donnie and Bill" and "Bill and Donnie" are going to overwhelmingly come down on the side of Bill.

The maniac attacks from the far right are hilarious.

Oh, Kerry is not running for office, but Donnie is.
see, that's the difference between us and liberals. Liberals only demand release from republicans and conservatives, we want releases from everyone.

Why is that? easy answer. because the libs know that their candidates are liars and corrupt politicians.

Actually, I am one who would endorse a demand made by the DNC for Hillary to disclose her speeches before Wall Street bankers..........AND

...for the GOP to demand from Trump to fully disclose ALL his tax returns.

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