Donald Trump Democratic Mole/Double Agent/Plant?

Is Donald Trump a Democrat Double Agent

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Fat Bastardo

Senior Member
Jun 19, 2015
I'm not the only one who thinks that. The conservative Washington Time is discussing that possibility and there is ample evidence to suggest that this could be the case.

1. Trump is close friends with the Clintons.

2. Trump is demolishing mythical Republican icons like John "amnesty" McCain.

3. Trump is making a mockery of the Republican base.

4. Trump is making fools of the corporate media.

5. Trump lacks the Republican pedigree, e.g. his kids are not criminals or drug addicts, he's not a wife beater, he's never been arrested, he's not a tax cheat, he's created jobs not killed them, he's a good businessman, he's not a closeted homo hypocrite, and he's not a pedophile.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.

What's you opinion?
He has to be. No one can be so stupid to say the things he is saying. The man is out of control!
Swag. Thank you for asking my opinion. Nobody ever does that.

My opinion is that you are a partisan troll trying to stir things up. (There is a hint in the Republicans-are-Pedophiles nonsense.)

But, if you are having a good time with Trump, so am I. I want him to raise hell. The Republican who can best deal with him will win the nomination...and probably be President...because Mrs. Clinton is far more vulnerable this time than when Obama took her down easily.

Her problem is that her Scandals, plenty though they be, aren't enough to hide her Incompetence.

She has ridden the coattails of an unfaithful Scots-Irish rogue who happened to be a political genius...she has ridden him to heights way beyond her capacity. She should have been a Night Court Judge in some rotting northern city and now she has to stand out there and perform on her on...and she is not good at it..and not in good health, either, in my opinion.

Trump can't help her.
I'm not the only one who thinks that. The conservative Washington Time is discussing that possibility and there is ample evidence to suggest that this could be the case.

1. Trump is close friends with the Clintons.

2. Trump is demolishing mythical Republican icons like John "amnesty" McCain.

3. Trump is making a mockery of the Republican base.

4. Trump is making fools of the corporate media.

5. Trump lacks the Republican pedigree, e.g. his kids are not criminals or drug addicts, he's not a wife beater, he's never been arrested, he's not a tax cheat, he's created jobs not killed them, he's a good businessman, he's not a closeted homo hypocrite, and he's not a pedophile.

Most likely Trump is a Democratic plant on a reconnaissance and search and destroy mission. He's exposing the GOP base for their hypocrisy, making monkeys of the corporate news, knocking down Republican myths and monoliths and paving the way for a Democrat landslide.

What's you opinion?
Really, you shouldn't take those government secret agent and CIA spy movies so seriously. Try watching reruns of Hogan's Heroes for awhile. And, there's some really good stuff on the A&E channel. ....... just saying .....

Trump just needs to add another thing to his resume that he has failed at.
I am grateful to Trump: (1) for getting the discussion going about immigration reform again (not his way is the nice thing about that), and (2) drawing the far right reactionaries to him like maggots to rotting meat.

If not a double agent, he still performs as one.
As far as your thread goes? He is not a politician. He is, just a regular American. He doesn't lie. He says what he thinks. He doesn't censor himself. That is why folks like him. They like him for the same reason they liked Ron Paul. They like him for the same reason they liked Ros Perot.

When someone who has been brain washed by the MSM, or gets all their ideas from MSM opinion pieces tries to figure him out through that context starts a thread about it, I just have to laugh.

Ostensibly, yeah, he is an independent free thinker. But HE, himself, identifies with more positions of the Republican party. He probably finds shit the Democrat party does degenerate. Thirty, forty years ago, I could see him running as a Democrat, no problem. Most sane individuals were. Who didn't love Kennedy and everything the Democrats stood for?

Now? The Democrats seem to be the ones most ruled by the globalists, and least interested in AMERICANS.
Crap like, "You didn't build that," and "We have to pass it to see what's in it," and "We have to take a crises to get things done that we couldn't ordinary get done," just don't go over in middle America where folks have common sense. Those are the thoughts of madmen and lunatics.

This is not to say that the Republicans aren't thoroughly invested with globalists and evil men. The national security state has always been polluted with their nazi scum swine. The Bush dynasty has been infiltrated with them since WII. So what can you do? The American aristocracy/corportacracy owns both parties, Trump has told voters as much.
Trump just needs to add another thing to his resume that he has failed at.

Ahhh, but he will succeed. Even if he doesn't get the nomination, he will find a way to make money off of this, mark my words.

Why not? I don't think Romney ever intended to win. He bought a bigger stake in all the CLEAR CHANNEL talk radio stations before he lost. It's like he KNEW he was going to lose. By his losing, he made BIG money. A conspiracy theorist might say some deals were cut. lol :tinfoil:

So what do you care if Trump is able to parley this run into a way to make a profit? I really have my doubts that he will make more money than he spends on a run. Maybe he will, maybe not. We'll see. But who cares?

It will probably be NOTHING compared to the amount of loot that Clinton pulls in per speech. Wanna bet on that?
Trump just needs to add another thing to his resume that he has failed at.

Ahhh, but he will succeed. Even if he doesn't get the nomination, he will find a way to make money off of this, mark my words.

Why not? I don't think Romney ever intended to win. He bought a bigger stake in all the CLEAR CHANNEL talk radio stations before he lost. It's like he KNEW he was going to lose. By his losing, he made BIG money. A conspiracy theorist might say some deals were cut. lol :tinfoil:

So what do you care if Trump is able to parley this run into a way to make a profit? I really have my doubts that he will make more money than he spends on a run. Maybe he will, maybe not. We'll see. But who cares?

It will probably be NOTHING compared to the amount of loot that Clinton pulls in per speech. Wanna bet on that?

You seem angry. Issues?
Trump just needs to add another thing to his resume that he has failed at.

Ahhh, but he will succeed. Even if he doesn't get the nomination, he will find a way to make money off of this, mark my words.

Why not? I don't think Romney ever intended to win. He bought a bigger stake in all the CLEAR CHANNEL talk radio stations before he lost. It's like he KNEW he was going to lose. By his losing, he made BIG money. A conspiracy theorist might say some deals were cut. lol :tinfoil:

So what do you care if Trump is able to parley this run into a way to make a profit? I really have my doubts that he will make more money than he spends on a run. Maybe he will, maybe not. We'll see. But who cares?

It will probably be NOTHING compared to the amount of loot that Clinton pulls in per speech. Wanna bet on that?

You seem angry. Issues?
Well, there is rain in the forecast for today ...... just saying ......
Trump just needs to add another thing to his resume that he has failed at.

Ahhh, but he will succeed. Even if he doesn't get the nomination, he will find a way to make money off of this, mark my words.

Why not? I don't think Romney ever intended to win. He bought a bigger stake in all the CLEAR CHANNEL talk radio stations before he lost. It's like he KNEW he was going to lose. By his losing, he made BIG money. A conspiracy theorist might say some deals were cut. lol :tinfoil:

So what do you care if Trump is able to parley this run into a way to make a profit? I really have my doubts that he will make more money than he spends on a run. Maybe he will, maybe not. We'll see. But who cares?

It will probably be NOTHING compared to the amount of loot that Clinton pulls in per speech. Wanna bet on that?

You seem angry. Issues?

Nope, quite the contrary. I don't give a shit.

Well, I'm irritated by ignorance. And I always have a headache. I get cranky when I'm hungry too. Could you make me a pizza?
Trump just needs to add another thing to his resume that he has failed at.

Ahhh, but he will succeed. Even if he doesn't get the nomination, he will find a way to make money off of this, mark my words.

Why not? I don't think Romney ever intended to win. He bought a bigger stake in all the CLEAR CHANNEL talk radio stations before he lost. It's like he KNEW he was going to lose. By his losing, he made BIG money. A conspiracy theorist might say some deals were cut. lol :tinfoil:

So what do you care if Trump is able to parley this run into a way to make a profit? I really have my doubts that he will make more money than he spends on a run. Maybe he will, maybe not. We'll see. But who cares?

It will probably be NOTHING compared to the amount of loot that Clinton pulls in per speech. Wanna bet on that?

You seem angry. Issues?
Well, there is rain in the forecast for today ...... just saying ......

Rain ALWAYS aggravates my migraines. It's a common misnomer that the Northwest is the rainiest and most overcast place in the nation, it's not.

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