Donald Trump doesn't tell lies. He's merely "incorrect".


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I was watching Anderson Cooper with a Trump supporter as a guest.

The guest, a bald, middle aged white guy, forget his name, said he will never admit Trump lies. He says Trump is merely incorrect.

He was asked if millions of illegal immigrants voted? Anderson said the commission Trump started to look into illegals voting quietly went away and Trump stopped making the claim. The guest said it wasn't lying, it was hyperbole.

Anderson asked if the guest thought Obama was born in Kenya and he said no. Trump was merely incorrect.

Trump said one and a half million to two million were at his inauguration. The guest said that was also merely incorrect.

So Anderson asked if the guy would ever admit if Trump lied and he said never. Trump doesn't lie. Hillary lies and Obama lies. Anderson said this is only about Trump. Does he lie? The guy said no.

So, does Trump lie and if he does, why doesn't it matter to his base? Even if they explain it away as "incorrect" and "hyperbole", why doesn't it matter? It always has before.
When someone is "incorrect", and they are corrected, yet continue to be "incorrect", it moves from a mistake to an active lie.
When someone is "incorrect", and they are corrected, yet continue to be "incorrect", it moves from a mistake to an active lie.
Not according to Trump's many followers.
What you gave is a definition, which I don't disagree with.
But I was hoping for an explanation. Which I realize is hoping in vain. But I've always been hopeful.
so if i say say that toobfreak likes to dress in women's clothes and listen to show tunes, and you correct me and tell me you don't like show tunes, but i persist in saying that you do, that's not a lie?

I was watching Anderson Cooper with a Trump supporter as a guest.

The guest, a bald, middle aged white guy, forget his name, said he will never admit Trump lies. He says Trump is merely incorrect.

He was asked if millions of illegal immigrants voted? Anderson said the commission Trump started to look into illegals voting quietly went away and Trump stopped making the claim. The guest said it wasn't lying, it was hyperbole.

Anderson asked if the guest thought Obama was born in Kenya and he said no. Trump was merely incorrect.

Trump said one and a half million to two million were at his inauguration. The guest said that was also merely incorrect.

So Anderson asked if the guy would ever admit if Trump lied and he said never. Trump doesn't lie. Hillary lies and Obama lies. Anderson said this is only about Trump. Does he lie? The guy said no.

So, does Trump lie and if he does, why doesn't it matter to his base? Even if they explain it away as "incorrect" and "hyperbole", why doesn't it matter? It always has before.
Whether their heroes lie doesn´t matter to their bases. Good they won´t let the other get away with the slightest lie. So we get always the other view.
so if i say say that toobfreak likes to dress in women's clothes and listen to show tunes, and you correct me and tell me you don't like show tunes, but i persist in saying that you do, that's not a lie?

Are you talking about Rudy Giuliani?
I think Trump tells far fewer lies than people think.

According to the book, "On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt"

A lie is when you know the truth but say something contrary.

Bullshit is saying a falsehood, not knowing or caring what the truth actually is.

Bullshit describes a lot of what Trump says.
I was watching Anderson Cooper with a Trump supporter as a guest.

The guest, a bald, middle aged white guy, forget his name, said he will never admit Trump lies. He says Trump is merely incorrect.

He was asked if millions of illegal immigrants voted? Anderson said the commission Trump started to look into illegals voting quietly went away and Trump stopped making the claim. The guest said it wasn't lying, it was hyperbole.

Anderson asked if the guest thought Obama was born in Kenya and he said no. Trump was merely incorrect.

Trump said one and a half million to two million were at his inauguration. The guest said that was also merely incorrect.

So Anderson asked if the guy would ever admit if Trump lied and he said never. Trump doesn't lie. Hillary lies and Obama lies. Anderson said this is only about Trump. Does he lie? The guy said no.

So, does Trump lie and if he does, why doesn't it matter to his base? Even if they explain it away as "incorrect" and "hyperbole", why doesn't it matter? It always has before.
Once I thought i was wrong, but I was mistaken.
I think Trump tells far fewer lies than people think.

According to the book, "On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt"

A lie is when you know the truth but say something contrary.

Bullshit is saying a falsehood, not knowing or caring what the truth actually is.

Bullshit describes a lot of what Trump says.
I can't figure out if you are defending/excusing him or???
I think Trump tells far fewer lies than people think.

According to the book, "On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt"

A lie is when you know the truth but say something contrary.

Bullshit is saying a falsehood, not knowing or caring what the truth actually is.

Bullshit describes a lot of what Trump says.
I can't figure out if you are defending/excusing him or???
I think constant bullshitters are more pathological than liars. It's not a defense.
ALL PRESIDENTS TELL LIES..sometimes it's necessary for Nat Security

That said....Pinocchio....I mean Obama.... mastered the art.

"If you like your doctor".... LIAR!!!
"Not even a SMIDGEN of corruption" LIAR!!!
"I never said I encouraged illegals to vote".....LIAR!!!!

When it came to lies that actually harmed the nation....Obama deserved the Nobel Liar's Prize.

If there was a Richter Scale for Lies, the Left's would be a solid 10.0
Trump....maybe a 3

None of the above is "opinion"
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