Donald Trump Gag Order Upheld

Comey calmly and relatedly explained why there was no case against Clinton.

Trump came into office shortly thereafter and installed all new US attorneys, and still no charges.

Why? It’s not a mystery. Because there was no case. Comey wasn’t covering anything up. He told the truth.

Right wing authoritarians start by taking over your minds. You believe what you’re told to believe. After that, anything is possible.
You don't know what you're talking about. Because you have no common sense, Marener.
Up until now it has been customary for the winning party not to pursue legal actions of
the outgoing president. Politics has never been clean.
Hillary did break some laws, that IS on record, just not pursued.
Im fine. Thanks.

I'm mentally challenged and still smarter than you like seriously WTF? How can you charge somebody with threatening anybody if they didn't? You must be a resident of Toontown USA. 🙄
Saying stupid stuff.

How would you say your mental focus is?

Biden -

Oh it's focused.....
I say it's err...
I think it's...
I haven't.....
I have trouble even mentioning....
Even saying to myself
In my own head
The number of years....
I no more think of myself
As being as old as I am
Than fly
I mean it's not
I haven't observed anything in terms of...
There's not things that I don't do
Now that I did before
Whether it's physical or mental
Or anything else

Let me know when being mentally deficient is illegal.
You don't know what you're talking about. Because you have no common sense, Marener.
Up until now it has been customary for the winning party not to pursue legal actions of
the outgoing president. Politics has never been clean.
Hillary did break some laws, that IS on record, just not pursued.
Hillary might have broken the law, but whatever you think happened didn’t have enough evidence to stand up in a court of law.

It’s been customary for a losing president to concede and not try to use lies, fraud and deceit to change the outcome of the election.

Trump made his own problems. Blaming other people for his incredibly bad judgement (especially when he was very specifically told that he would be breaking the law by doing what he wanted) is not anyone else’s fault.
Hillary might have broken the law, but whatever you think happened didn’t have enough evidence to stand up in a court of law.

So you only care about having enough evidence to convict somebody when it's convenient for you? That makes perfect sense. NOT!
Its never a good reason to take away someones rights when they didnt do anything wrong, boot licker.
The public has the utmost interest in fair judicial proceedings. That outweighs a small temporary restriction on his speech.
Hillary might have broken the law, but whatever you think happened didn’t have enough evidence to stand up in a court of law.

It’s been customary for a losing president to concede and not try to use lies, fraud and deceit to change the outcome of the election.

Trump made his own problems. Blaming other people for his incredibly bad judgement (especially when he was very specifically told that he would be breaking the law by doing what he wanted) is not anyone else’s fault.
There was plenty of evidence, What are you talking about? :laughing0301:
She had classified documents on a private server that was hacked and she had her aides and her destroying subpoenaed evidence with the cell her own admission.
What does that have to do with gag orders in a court of law?

Oh, right, still nothing.

You're the one who started talking about Biden being mentally deficient not me. I don't think that you should be mentally deficient to be a mod either for the record, but here we are.
There was plenty of evidence, What are you talking about? :laughing0301:
She had classified documents on a private server and she had her aides and her destroying subpoenaed evidence with the cell her own admission.

I know but isn't funny that they only scream about having the evidence only when it's convenient for them?

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