Donald Trump "I Am Willing to Go to Jail If That's What It Takes For Our Country To Win and Become A DEMOCRACY Again"

IDIOT FOOL! The thread is about violations of the stupid illegal GAG order you commee sack of human crap!
How do you figure Trumps narrow gag order is illegal? Compared to what?

John Gotti's lawyer was sentenced Friday to 90 days under house arrest for talking to reporters during the mob boss's 1991 trial.

Security in the cavernous second-floor courtroom was tight. All attorneys and court personnel were under a gag order. Reporting is by pool, and even court artists are instructed not to draw potential jurors.
“I am willing to go to JAIL if that’s what it takes for our country to win and become a DEMOCRACY again.” — President Trump in Clive, Iowa

Could be his biggest LIE to date.

“I am willing to go to JAIL". LOLLOLLOLOLLOLL

Dear Lord the con man got you again.
Better than "Sure, I'll be glad to release my taxes" and "Sure I WANT to testify".
I really don't think that he'll go to jail though. However, most other presidential candidates probably would have dropped out by now, but not Trump. That shows how dedicated he is to wanting to turn this country back around. DeSantis is just alright and Ramaswamy is too much of a peacemaker and we don't want peace with the democrats, we want to take back what they have stolen from us. That's why I'm sticking with Trump in the primaries because I don't see as much strength and dedication as I have seen from him.

works for me. Supermax or Gitmo?
What's Trump going to do? Grab the steering wheel from the secret service agent driving the SUV?
No. But If Trump goes to jail,he still has Secret Service guarding him.
So there will have to be accomodations made for Secret Service
lodging.Like a cell right next to Trump maybe.
Trump is tough we need him back our economy is awful and Trump can make things better for sure. As soon as he gets elected, the markets will improve that’s what happened in 2016

America and the world at large is a hell hole with Biden in office. Look at the war in Ukraine, the conflicts in Africa, the Israel Palestine thing going on. None of it would’ve happened if Trump was in office.

Biden invites a man to the White House, who has breasts and flashes them in front of the whole world. How misguided some of the Democrats supporters are. They waive their BLM flag and can’t even afford groceries and think everything is fine
"trump is tough". :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Of course not, but the man lies when he runs off at the mouth. Why do you think the goal of every lawyer he's even had as been to keep him off the stand. Plus it might keep them from going to jail with him.
The Special Counsel lies whenever he speaks. And why would a lawyer defending Trump go to jail? You do not see anything wrong with that? Those lawyers are doing their jobs. They are being harassed for doing their fucking jobs? That is total bullshit and a fair, intelligent, and objective person would not stand for it.

But you are not one of those people. By a long shot.
I follow fine.
You can't or won't explain your opinion.
There is not much to explain.A Defendant has their right
of Free Speech and Due Process.Or a Fair Trial.Or speedy trial.
We saw how these Obama D.C. Judges view all this.
They disagree and their attempts to Judge is beyond measure.
J6 Defendants were routinely denied Bail and Visitiation.
Plus when time for setting a trial date { mandatory } it was
rushed and not seriously taking the Defendants attorneys
pleas heard.Every Plea made by Trump Attorneys has been
Denied when gone before an Obama D.C. Judge.

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