Donald Trump is a joke

Donald Trump, President of the USA, is a joke
Donald Trump won the Republican primaries
Donald Trump won the Presidency of the USA
But the man is a joke. How did he do it.
He may reduce unemployment below 4.5%, he may increase the average wages per US citizen, he may increase GDP growth above 1.5% annually, he may increase security for the US
If he does he will be an idiot who accomplished more than I thought an idiot could accomplish.
But he is still a joke.
I never expected this level of left wing crazy to be happening a month later but the fact it is still makes me so happy to see. This is like a bed time story for me. Makes me all warm and fuzzy.
You may be warm and fuzzy for a long time.
Or if Trump is not successful you may an outcast and far from warm and fuzzy.
I'm guessing the next four years are going to be pretty good for me.
literally none of that will happen and I guarantee he will blame the democrats for whatever disaster he causes
I do not want to be part of a country or a world where Donald Trump sets the moral and leadership style to succeed
When are you moving?
I am hanging around to see the results of a Trump Presidency. If he and his morals and style is successful and the majority of Americans support that, then I quietly fade away.
I f he is unsuccessful, I will be first to help kick Trump and his supporters to the curb.
Here's some help.

How to Relocate and Move to Mexico
If Trump is a total failure you can use the info.
If he is successful, I will look into it.
You may want to see if they have a deal on boxes and start packing. Could you be honest here for a minute though? If you were to leave the US what country would you pick? I'm thinking in your list much like the rest of the far left wing Mexico wouldn't make the top ten. How is it you keep telling us Mexico and it's people are so great we need to let them all in but when you threaten to leave is that your top choice of destination?
I do not want to be part of a country or a world where Donald Trump sets the moral and leadership style to succeed
When are you moving?
I am hanging around to see the results of a Trump Presidency. If he and his morals and style is successful and the majority of Americans support that, then I quietly fade away.
I f he is unsuccessful, I will be first to help kick Trump and his supporters to the curb.
Here's some help.

How to Relocate and Move to Mexico
If Trump is a total failure you can use the info.
If he is successful, I will look into it.
You may want to see if they have a deal on boxes and start packing. Could you be honest here for a minute though? If you were to leave the US what country would you pick? I'm thinking in your list much like the rest of the far left wing Mexico wouldn't make the top ten. How is it you keep telling us Mexico and it's people are so great we need to let them all in but when you threaten to leave is that your top choice of destination?
If Trump is successful, I will realize I am way out of sync with the current USA. I believe in Democracy. I will admit I am wrong and quietly live in the USA.
if I were to move, It would be to Switzerland.
If Trump's presidency is a debacle, what are your plans.
When are you moving?
I am hanging around to see the results of a Trump Presidency. If he and his morals and style is successful and the majority of Americans support that, then I quietly fade away.
I f he is unsuccessful, I will be first to help kick Trump and his supporters to the curb.
Here's some help.

How to Relocate and Move to Mexico
If Trump is a total failure you can use the info.
If he is successful, I will look into it.
You may want to see if they have a deal on boxes and start packing. Could you be honest here for a minute though? If you were to leave the US what country would you pick? I'm thinking in your list much like the rest of the far left wing Mexico wouldn't make the top ten. How is it you keep telling us Mexico and it's people are so great we need to let them all in but when you threaten to leave is that your top choice of destination?
If Trump is successful, I will realize I am way out of sync with the current USA. I believe in Democracy. I will admit I am wrong and quietly live in the USA.
if I were to move, It would be to Switzerland.
If Trump's presidency is a debacle, what are your plans.
You may want to plan this move then. I believe in a Constitutional Republic. So yeah, maybe time for you to go.
Of course it would be Switzerland. Or any of the whiter countries in the world with functioning governments. Nobody that claims they love Mexicans ever claims they would leave the US and go there, or any of the black countries, or the muslim ones. Nope, going to the whitest country they can think of.

As a bonus you want to go to the country that is expelling muslims like the plague they are. Swiss do the unthinkable with Muslim population kicking them out for not being more Swiss like.

This is the insanity of the American left. You want more Mexican illegals, Muslims, Third world welfare recipients, more people that make life suck but in the end if we don't let them all in you threaten to Switzerland who would never consider those people to be allowed in their country.

I would take you more seriously if you said that if Trump stops illegals from Mexico you would move there. If Trump stops muslims from immigrating you would move there. If Trump stops criminals from anywhere in the world you would pick one of those countries to move to. But no. You picked fucking Switzerland. Who BTW, would probably never let you in.
literally none of that will happen and I guarantee he will blame the democrats for whatever disaster he causes
I do not want to be part of a country or a world where Donald Trump sets the moral and leadership style to succeed
-------------------------------------------- wanna leave the world eh ??

I think they are looking for volunteers for a one-way trip to the sun, but they are going at night so it will be safer.
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When are you moving?
I am hanging around to see the results of a Trump Presidency. If he and his morals and style is successful and the majority of Americans support that, then I quietly fade away.
I f he is unsuccessful, I will be first to help kick Trump and his supporters to the curb.
Here's some help.

How to Relocate and Move to Mexico
If Trump is a total failure you can use the info.
If he is successful, I will look into it.
You may want to see if they have a deal on boxes and start packing. Could you be honest here for a minute though? If you were to leave the US what country would you pick? I'm thinking in your list much like the rest of the far left wing Mexico wouldn't make the top ten. How is it you keep telling us Mexico and it's people are so great we need to let them all in but when you threaten to leave is that your top choice of destination?
If Trump is successful, I will realize I am way out of sync with the current USA. I believe in Democracy. I will admit I am wrong and quietly live in the USA.
if I were to move, It would be to Switzerland.
If Trump's presidency is a debacle, what are your plans.

They won't let you in!
The guy who just left the WH could be considered a joke if it weren't for the fact that he doubled the national debt, divided the country along racial lines, gender, class, religion, and every other possible way. Yeah, he's a joke, a not so funny joke.
Lies lies and more lies... I already debunked your BS Obama talking points weeks ago yet you still use them. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and give it a rest.
Bullshit, post it.
Well for a joke Trump has done quite well.

Ask Hillary, the DNC, the LSM and all the pollsters. They all considered him a joke.

How long has Trump been sworn in as President!?!

You write like Trump has been President for two to four years and nothing has been done to improve the American way of life...

I say give him time and stop acting like a child that is throwing a damn fit because your candidate lost...

Oh, and you wrote not living in the world so when will you commence on your suicidal attempt!?!
The guy who just left the WH could be considered a joke if it weren't for the fact that he doubled the national debt, divided the country along racial lines, gender, class, religion, and every other possible way. Yeah, he's a joke, a not so funny joke.
Lies lies and more lies... I already debunked your BS Obama talking points weeks ago yet you still use them. Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and give it a rest.
Bullshit, post it.
It was your rediculous OP listing bullshit critiques about obama, starting with claiming that he doubled the debt. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. So again, do us all a favor and give it a rest, you don't have a clue
Well for a joke Trump has done quite well.

Ask Hillary, the DNC, the LSM and all the pollsters. They all considered him a joke.

Trump has done very well getting nominated and getting elected.
The question is how will he govern. If he is a failure at governing the other successes do not matter.

Those who are strong supporters of Trump, potentially, have a lot to gain if he is successful.
But Trump's strong supporters a lot to lose if he is not successful.
Well for a joke Trump has done quite well.

Ask Hillary, the DNC, the LSM and all the pollsters. They all considered him a joke.

Trump has done very well getting nominated and getting elected.
The question is how will he govern. If he is a failure at governing the other successes do not matter.

Those who are strong supporters of Trump, potentially, have a lot to gain if he is successful.
But Trump's strong supporters a lot to lose if he is not successful.

The same can be said for anyone who wins any election.
I am hanging around to see the results of a Trump Presidency. If he and his morals and style is successful and the majority of Americans support that, then I quietly fade away.
I f he is unsuccessful, I will be first to help kick Trump and his supporters to the curb.
Here's some help.

How to Relocate and Move to Mexico
If Trump is a total failure you can use the info.
If he is successful, I will look into it.
You may want to see if they have a deal on boxes and start packing. Could you be honest here for a minute though? If you were to leave the US what country would you pick? I'm thinking in your list much like the rest of the far left wing Mexico wouldn't make the top ten. How is it you keep telling us Mexico and it's people are so great we need to let them all in but when you threaten to leave is that your top choice of destination?
If Trump is successful, I will realize I am way out of sync with the current USA. I believe in Democracy. I will admit I am wrong and quietly live in the USA.
if I were to move, It would be to Switzerland.
If Trump's presidency is a debacle, what are your plans.
You may want to plan this move then. I believe in a Constitutional Republic. So yeah, maybe time for you to go.
Of course it would be Switzerland. Or any of the whiter countries in the world with functioning governments. Nobody that claims they love Mexicans ever claims they would leave the US and go there, or any of the black countries, or the muslim ones. Nope, going to the whitest country they can think of.

As a bonus you want to go to the country that is expelling muslims like the plague they are. Swiss do the unthinkable with Muslim population kicking them out for not being more Swiss like.

This is the insanity of the American left. You want more Mexican illegals, Muslims, Third world welfare recipients, more people that make life suck but in the end if we don't let them all in you threaten to Switzerland who would never consider those people to be allowed in their country.

I would take you more seriously if you said that if Trump stops illegals from Mexico you would move there. If Trump stops muslims from immigrating you would move there. If Trump stops criminals from anywhere in the world you would pick one of those countries to move to. But no. You picked fucking Switzerland. Who BTW, would probably never let you in.
Your description of Switzerland sounds like what you want the US to become.
Your description of Switzerland is incorrect. I have lived there.
A very common trait of Trump supporters is they do not know what they talk about.
Well for a joke Trump has done quite well.

Ask Hillary, the DNC, the LSM and all the pollsters. They all considered him a joke.

Trump has done very well getting nominated and getting elected.
The question is how will he govern. If he is a failure at governing the other successes do not matter.

Those who are strong supporters of Trump, potentially, have a lot to gain if he is successful.
But Trump's strong supporters a lot to lose if he is not successful.

The same can be said for anyone who wins any election.
The risk/reward is much higher for Trump than any recent President's.
The strong feelings on both sides and the big difference each side wants to take the US will result in negative results for the losing side.
This is not a civil war but it is as close as we have come since 1860. Look what happened to the losing side in the civil war.
literally none of that will happen and I guarantee he will blame the democrats for whatever disaster he causes
I do not want to be part of a country or a world where Donald Trump sets the moral and leadership style to succeed
When are you moving?
I am hanging around to see the results of a Trump Presidency. If he and his morals and style is successful and the majority of Americans support that, then I quietly fade away.
I f he is unsuccessful, I will be first to help kick Trump and his supporters to the curb.
Here's some help.

How to Relocate and Move to Mexico
If Trump is a total failure you can use the info.
If he is successful, I will look into it.
The nonstop hysterical insane hatred for Trump, by the Left, is not going to end well. Then again, maybe it will cause a session movement leading to dissolution of the US government. That would great.
Well for a joke Trump has done quite well.

Ask Hillary, the DNC, the LSM and all the pollsters. They all considered him a joke.

Trump has done very well getting nominated and getting elected.
The question is how will he govern. If he is a failure at governing the other successes do not matter.

Those who are strong supporters of Trump, potentially, have a lot to gain if he is successful.
But Trump's strong supporters a lot to lose if he is not successful.

The same can be said for anyone who wins any election.
The risk/reward is much higher for Trump than any recent President's.
The strong feelings on both sides and the big difference each side wants to take the US will result in negative results for the losing side.
This is not a civil war but it is as close as we have come since 1860. Look what happened to the losing side in the civil war.

Nah. His risks aren't any higher than any other POTUS.

The left are just a bunch of sore losers who will do anything they can to obstruct the man.

The LSM prints anything for the same reason. Loads of their printed stories have been proven to be false.

Once Trump gets his tax bills and regulation bills passed I think you will see a big change in the economy.
To quote Obama; "Elections have consequences" YOU Lost! Who is the butt of the joke now?
Donald Trump, President of the USA, is a joke
Donald Trump won the Republican primaries
Donald Trump won the Presidency of the USA
But the man is a joke. How did he do it.
He may reduce unemployment below 4.5%, he may increase the average wages per US citizen, he may increase GDP growth above 1.5% annually, he may increase security for the US
If he does he will be an idiot who accomplished more than I thought an idiot could accomplish.
But he is still a joke.

The clowns in the news media and the snowflakes who have had their itty bitty feelings hurt are a joke!
Donald Trump, President of the USA, is a joke
Donald Trump won the Republican primaries
Donald Trump won the Presidency of the USA
But the man is a joke. How did he do it.
He may reduce unemployment below 4.5%, he may increase the average wages per US citizen, he may increase GDP growth above 1.5% annually, he may increase security for the US
If he does he will be an idiot who accomplished more than I thought an idiot could accomplish.
But he is still a joke.

The clowns in the news media and the snowflakes who have had their itty bitty feelings hurt are a joke!

Yup and as the days go by there becoming an even bigger joke.

2018 is just around the corner. One would think any Dem with a brain would be looking to hold onto the seat they will have to defend.

Ain't lookin good for the Dems at all.

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