Donald Trump is Finished

Libs seem united on this proposition.

A sampling from the karma bin:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby!
Even if the Dems win the House and Senate, there will not be an impeachment.

There will be a shit ton of hearings looking into the Naked Emperor's fraudulent existence, but unless they find a bullet ridden body on Fifth Avenue, no impeachment.
The Democrat Party are nothing but Obstructionists and Racists. They are the Do Nothing Party. All they want is endless investigation after endless investigation, not for the purposes of discovering any truth about anything.

7 Investigations and a $100 Million Dollars have uncovered nothing but DemNazi Collusion and Money Laundering with Putin, and a corrupt FBI and DOJ as administered by a Corrupt Obama Administration.

They only want to block, obstruct, and put the brakes on The President's Policies. They could care less about representing The People of The United States.
I'll put it out there right now... the republicans won't lose control of EITHER the house or the senate, in fact, I predict they PICK UP SEATS.

There is no BLUE WAVE. Not when we have little shit stains like Don Lemon saying the biggest TERROR THREAT to America is WHITE MEN. Well I can guarantee you that there's a lot of WHITE MEN that might listen to that little FUCK, and he just PISSED THEM OFF. The democrap mongrels just are NOT going to WIN seats with RESIST and HATE as their MESSAGE.
Don Douche Lemon:

"Don't be a Racist Like Me."
If Trump is impeached:
Pence will be sworn in as president
Pence will pardon Trump
Pence will appoint Trump vice president
Pence will resign
Trump will be sworn in as president
Trump will appoint Pence vice president.

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