Donald Trump is just evil, no other words can describe this man......

Colored people see things like FEMA as a way of life, just like they do welfare
well when does the P.R. government step in with its Utility workers and civil servants , government workers . When do P.R. private business and P.R. people get to work to rebuild and fix things ?? Is it the job of USA Taxpayers to give the 'puerto ricans' a brand new shiny island or does 'puerto rico' have some responsibility to fix things themselves ??? The hurricane emergency is over isn't it ??
Trump Threatens To Yank FEMA Responders From Hurricane-Ravaged Puerto Rico
The president took another swipe at the island for its pre-hurricane financial crisis.

He tweets:
Donald J. Trump
...We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!

Does he not realize, people are dying from drinking dirty water, from lack of shelter exposed to the elements and are dying from the heat itself? I can not believe how evil he is and his supporters are and folks you heard it hear first.....God is gonna ruin this country for having elected Trump, we're gonna pay for this one....just look around and see the devastation and it ain't even been a year yet. You white mf's yaw gonna pay for this prepared and nobody has to lift one damned finger...cause God got this one!!

Puerto Rico needs help-------its people are in great distress---
well when does the P.R. government step in with its Utility workers and civil servants , government workers . When do P.R. private business and P.R. people get to work to rebuild and fix things ?? Is it the job of USA Taxpayers to give the 'puerto ricans' a brand new shiny island or does 'puerto rico' have some responsibility to fix things themselves ??? The hurricane emergency is over isn't it ??

But, but...

Trump Threatens To Yank FEMA Responders From Hurricane-Ravaged Puerto Rico
The president took another swipe at the island for its pre-hurricane financial crisis.

He tweets:
Donald J. Trump
...We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!

Does he not realize, people are dying from drinking dirty water, from lack of shelter exposed to the elements and are dying from the heat itself? I can not believe how evil he is and his supporters are and folks you heard it hear first.....God is gonna ruin this country for having elected Trump, we're gonna pay for this one....just look around and see the devastation and it ain't even been a year yet. You white mf's yaw gonna pay for this prepared and nobody has to lift one damned finger...cause God got this one!!

We are already paying, it sure as hell isn't being paid for by your broke ass.
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Trump Threatens To Yank FEMA Responders From Hurricane-Ravaged Puerto Rico
The president took another swipe at the island for its pre-hurricane financial crisis.

He tweets:
Donald J. Trump
...We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!

Does he not realize, people are dying from drinking dirty water, from lack of shelter exposed to the elements and are dying from the heat itself? I can not believe how evil he is and his supporters are and folks you heard it hear first.....God is gonna ruin this country for having elected Trump, we're gonna pay for this one....just look around and see the devastation and it ain't even been a year yet. You white mf's yaw gonna pay for this prepared and nobody has to lift one damned finger...cause God got this one!!

We are already paying, it sure as hell isn't bring paid for by your broke ass.

She bought Texas some diapers. But immediately wished she hadn't.
There are plenty other words to describe Trump.
You just don't know many words.
the antichrist? :D
Any one that causes you libtards to have your panties tied up in knots, is YOUR antichrist, but the United States savior from the previous antichrist, who wanted to fundamentally transform America into a Puerto Rico. Shame you tards cant see how fucked up liberalism is, then expect conservatives to dig down deep and save those liberals who spent more than they should. Detroit, L.A. Illinois, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, all liberal bastions of excrement.
I went to Walmart and purchased 4 cases of diapers, tooth paste and tampons for the people of Texas, which I wish I could take back...but at the time PR hadn't been hit. My church was doing a charity drive and I along with my co workers chipped and all of us regret it.
Why do you guys regret it?
Cause people of Texas are all white.

No people of color were affected in Texas and Florida.

Triggered don't want Whites to benefit from her charity.
You can send all the aid you want to PR, the fucking truck drivers still refuse to distribute it! That's the facts mam'n
I went to Walmart and purchased 4 cases of diapers, tooth paste and tampons for the people of Texas, which I wish I could take back...but at the time PR hadn't been hit. My church was doing a charity drive and I along with my co workers chipped and all of us regret it.
Why do you guys regret it?
Because they're getting their needs met, whereas PR isn't...we all wish we could do a redo
Gee, you think the reason things are so bad is because Donald Trump is "evil"...or do you think it might be because it's especially difficult to get disaster relief to an island...especially when the truckers union in PR have decided to use this moment to demand more money? Duh?
All Trump said was that we're not going to be there for the people of Puerto Rico forever and it's time for them to start working to fix what's broken themselves. That's true of every disaster no matter where it takes place. The fact that you on the left see THAT as some kind of "evil" statement simply shows how around the bend you are when it comes to Trump!

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