Donald Trump Is No Ronald Reagan!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
People that say Donald Trump is a contemporary Ronald Reagan are way off the mark. Political experts rightly describe Ronald Reagan as an extraordinary charismatic leader, as someone who was an adult during Ronald Reagan Presidency I would be more specific and say he was an extraordinary likeable guy even if you political disagreed with the guy after hearing him speak you would be like he is great I love this guy! Ronald Reagan always publicly spoke on a "good neighbor plane" so to speak Donald Trump operates on the tough businessman plane where he'll kick your butt if you get in his way. Donald Trump won't succeed that well in Washington because there is a lot of people like Donald Trump in Washington albeit more polished, Donald Trump will bring a continuation of gridlock or bad policies in the country!
The times have passed for a Ronald Reagan to save the country. Ronald Reagan's panacea for the country was lower taxes and go on a government spending spree to revive the country's economy. This will no longer work from a spending spree standpoint because the country has a crisis national debt and with respect to lower taxes that will help but the colossal problem related to that is that America has dramatically lost is manufacturing and commodity production prowess do to globalization or free trade and so lower taxes will create foreign jobs but not as many as are needed middle class domestic jobs. Ronald Reagan offered trickle down economics the jury is in on this economic policy and it doesn't work not enough trickles down to ordinary Americans.
All this hullabaloo and idolization of Donald Trump by Republicans makes me think of the movie "The Poseidan Adventure" when the ship is upside down and sinking and vast majority of the passengers and crew are trying to get to the deck of the ship, the Trump supporters are like these people and they in the general election are going to end up like this majority in the movie, all drowned!
People that say Donald Trump is a contemporary Ronald Reagan are way off the mark. Political experts rightly describe Ronald Reagan as an extraordinary charismatic leader, as someone who was an adult during Ronald Reagan Presidency I would be more specific and say he was an extraordinary likeable guy even if you political disagreed with the guy after hearing him speak you would be like he is great I love this guy! Ronald Reagan always publicly spoke on a "good neighbor plane" so to speak Donald Trump operates on the tough businessman plane where he'll kick your butt if you get in his way. Donald Trump won't succeed that well in Washington because there is a lot of people like Donald Trump in Washington albeit more polished, Donald Trump will bring a continuation of gridlock or bad policies in the country!
The times have passed for a Ronald Reagan to save the country. Ronald Reagan's panacea for the country was lower taxes and go on a government spending spree to revive the country's economy. This will no longer work from a spending spree standpoint because the country has a crisis national debt and with respect to lower taxes that will help but the colossal problem related to that is that America has dramatically lost is manufacturing and commodity production prowess do to globalization or free trade and so lower taxes will create foreign jobs but not as many as are needed middle class domestic jobs. Ronald Reagan offered trickle down economics the jury is in on this economic policy and it doesn't work not enough trickles down to ordinary Americans.
All this hullabaloo and idolization of Donald Trump by Republicans makes me think of the movie "The Poseidan Adventure" when the ship is upside down and sinking and vast majority of the passengers and crew are trying to get to the deck of the ship, the Trump supporters are like these people and they in the general election are going to end up like this majority in the movie, all drowned!

No doubt Trump's and Reagan's personalities are vastly different.
Reagan suckered my mother to vote for him. Trump-the-chump can't do that.
People that say Donald Trump is a contemporary Ronald Reagan are way off the mark. Political experts rightly describe Ronald Reagan as an extraordinary charismatic leader, as someone who was an adult during Ronald Reagan Presidency I would be more specific and say he was an extraordinary likeable guy even if you political disagreed with the guy after hearing him speak you would be like he is great I love this guy! Ronald Reagan always publicly spoke on a "good neighbor plane" so to speak Donald Trump operates on the tough businessman plane where he'll kick your butt if you get in his way. Donald Trump won't succeed that well in Washington because there is a lot of people like Donald Trump in Washington albeit more polished, Donald Trump will bring a continuation of gridlock or bad policies in the country!
The times have passed for a Ronald Reagan to save the country. Ronald Reagan's panacea for the country was lower taxes and go on a government spending spree to revive the country's economy. This will no longer work from a spending spree standpoint because the country has a crisis national debt and with respect to lower taxes that will help but the colossal problem related to that is that America has dramatically lost is manufacturing and commodity production prowess do to globalization or free trade and so lower taxes will create foreign jobs but not as many as are needed middle class domestic jobs. Ronald Reagan offered trickle down economics the jury is in on this economic policy and it doesn't work not enough trickles down to ordinary Americans.
All this hullabaloo and idolization of Donald Trump by Republicans makes me think of the movie "The Poseidan Adventure" when the ship is upside down and sinking and vast majority of the passengers and crew are trying to get to the deck of the ship, the Trump supporters are like these people and they in the general election are going to end up like this majority in the movie, all drowned!

Interesting analysis. Thanks for sharing.

I don't think the assorted Trump-bots and Trump-fluffers are going to agree with you at all.

The OP author is correct!

Reagan was an actor playing a part.

Trump is rich guy taking up a new hobby.
The moment in time that Reagan beat Mondale, as soon as Mondale laughs he is done.

That's a great moment, but Reagan was already far ahead in polling before this debate happened. So, that moment didn't do Mondale in. He was already done at that point in the campaign, stick a fork in him.

Why do Righties have to embellish stuff?

Reagan did not win the largest landslide of all time (58.77%, +18.22% margin, less than 1936, 1972, 1924 and above all, 1920) nor did he win the highest percentage of electors (FDR, 1936, 98.5% of all electors), but Reagan's landslide was the most evenly spread throughout the nation of all time, a TRUE mandate.
People that say Donald Trump is a contemporary Ronald Reagan are way off the mark. Political experts rightly describe Ronald Reagan as an extraordinary charismatic leader, as someone who was an adult during Ronald Reagan Presidency I would be more specific and say he was an extraordinary likeable guy even if you political disagreed with the guy after hearing him speak you would be like he is great I love this guy! Ronald Reagan always publicly spoke on a "good neighbor plane" so to speak Donald Trump operates on the tough businessman plane where he'll kick your butt if you get in his way. Donald Trump won't succeed that well in Washington because there is a lot of people like Donald Trump in Washington albeit more polished, Donald Trump will bring a continuation of gridlock or bad policies in the country!
The times have passed for a Ronald Reagan to save the country. Ronald Reagan's panacea for the country was lower taxes and go on a government spending spree to revive the country's economy. This will no longer work from a spending spree standpoint because the country has a crisis national debt and with respect to lower taxes that will help but the colossal problem related to that is that America has dramatically lost is manufacturing and commodity production prowess do to globalization or free trade and so lower taxes will create foreign jobs but not as many as are needed middle class domestic jobs. Ronald Reagan offered trickle down economics the jury is in on this economic policy and it doesn't work not enough trickles down to ordinary Americans.
All this hullabaloo and idolization of Donald Trump by Republicans makes me think of the movie "The Poseidan Adventure" when the ship is upside down and sinking and vast majority of the passengers and crew are trying to get to the deck of the ship, the Trump supporters are like these people and they in the general election are going to end up like this majority in the movie, all drowned!
Trump is the contemporary Hitler who was also very charismatic, wanted to take over other countries, run the country as a tyrant, etc. Trump has a string of failed businesses and bankruptcy's and his tough businessman plane was one of those companies (Trump Airline). Reagan increased the nations debt from 1 trillion to 2.8 trillion and made foreign policy almost impossible. This is what happens when presidents lower taxes and then implement new programs--there's no money to pay for those programs. By the time he raised taxes, oh yes he did, it was too late. Trickle down economics has never worked, and Trump supporters will be the new brownshirts, harassing, threatening, and causing mayhem to those who do not support him, and what they cannot do, Trump's flair for financial extortion will handle.
Trump is not worthy to polish Reagan's shoes.

Reagan was a 3rd rate actor with alzheimers who illegally sold weapons to Iran in order to finance death squads in South America. He's also the one who brought you the ruling class of the 1%. What's so great about the guy?


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