Donald Trump is not Hitler

Bush was Hitler, Obama was Hitler and now Trump is Hitler, can you nutters just stop being stupid?

I heard Clinton was going to use marshal law to stay in power, heard that of Bush, will hear it about Obama.

You guys are losing it, you need to quit being stupid and become reasonable.
Donald Trump is not Hitler but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Hitler than Lincoln.
Bernie Sanders is not Karl Marx but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Marx than Lincoln.

What is our country coming too.

Hitler and Marx were both bad but Hitler was substantially worse than Marx. Let's hope we do not have to make a choice between Trump and Sanders.

Bernie wants free college. Trump wants genocide.

You make the call.
How are Trump's actions and rhetoric like Hitler's?
To put Hitlers beliefs on Trump is mostly unsustainable. What is sustainable is that alot of the stuff that made Hitler's rice to power possible. A relitively large part of the population feeling disenfranchised by its goverment. The weimar republic for germany. The change in demographics in the states, the white male is becoming less prevalent (this is generalising of course there are more reason they feel disenfranchised but that's a big one). So human nature turn to the strong leader type AKA hitler,Trump. A strong demagouge with a knack for tapping in that discontenment. Ultranationalism. A simple message and a clear enemy. The jews,gypsies and the like for Germany. And immegrants and Muslims for Trump. A tendency to use inflamotory retoric. Then we come to personality. Hitler was extremely narcisstic and if you ever saw 'der undergang' very petty. This can also be said of Trump.You also ask his supporters to ask to pledge to vote for him , wich you can quite easily compare to the fuhrer oath the wehrmacht had to take. In short is Trump like hitler, maybe not a mirror image but to claim you can draw no comparisens is clearly false.

You just described Obama and Clinton more than Trump. They constantly insist that minorities are being oppressed by white people, the same way Hitler insisted that Germans were oppressed by the Jews. And, now there's the employment of the Left's SA to intimidate American citizens.
I don't think anybody (liberal or conservative) would disagree that the description fits Clinton (on top of Trump). However, if you really think it fits Obama then you may want to take in a little bit less of that Fox News (or insert whatever else biased conservative news source you buy your bullcrap from)...Obama is not perfect whatsoever, but if you think the guy fits descriptions like "narcissistic" or "uses inflammatory rhetoric" then your perception of him is so skewed as to have little to no basis in reality.

You should stop worshipping Obama.

Obama Says "Argue With Them, Get In Their Face" (FOR Obama, OK. But Those AGAINST Are "Angry Mobs"

Obama tells Latinos to ‘punish our enemies,’ the GOP
You realize I said you shouldn't keep dipping into the blatantly biased news sources that are tinting your viewpoint right? You posted a linked that led to a youtube video with a sound bite and a website so absurdly biased as to make Fox News look like it was staffed with scientific researchers without any emotions.

I don't need to address the Daily Caller...because it is the Daily The YT clip...if you were actually old enough to follow politics back then seems pretty damn normal. If you don't remember Obama's run to presidency was plagued by so many rumors and falsities that they actually published a website solely dedicated to disclaiming the absurdities that were surrounding him. In context, he is saying that if you are talking to an independent or republican, and they start telling you the reasons why they don't like him, if those reasons are false, then tell them the real story. The understanding is that is if they dig in (someone like you) because they have such a false view of the world, then you need to also dig in, you need to let the truth be revealed.

By the way, nobody is "worshipping" Obama. In case you forgot the original topic, it was a comparison between Trump and Hitler (with an extension to Clinton). You can actually not think somebody is not comparable to Hitler while, at the same time, not necessarily being a supporter of them (in this case Obama). You do realize that not everybody is a Daily Caller extremist in the actual reality we live in right?
How are Trump's actions and rhetoric like Hitler's?
To put Hitlers beliefs on Trump is mostly unsustainable. What is sustainable is that alot of the stuff that made Hitler's rice to power possible. A relitively large part of the population feeling disenfranchised by its goverment. The weimar republic for germany. The change in demographics in the states, the white male is becoming less prevalent (this is generalising of course there are more reason they feel disenfranchised but that's a big one). So human nature turn to the strong leader type AKA hitler,Trump. A strong demagouge with a knack for tapping in that discontenment. Ultranationalism. A simple message and a clear enemy. The jews,gypsies and the like for Germany. And immegrants and Muslims for Trump. A tendency to use inflamotory retoric. Then we come to personality. Hitler was extremely narcisstic and if you ever saw 'der undergang' very petty. This can also be said of Trump.You also ask his supporters to ask to pledge to vote for him , wich you can quite easily compare to the fuhrer oath the wehrmacht had to take. In short is Trump like hitler, maybe not a mirror image but to claim you can draw no comparisens is clearly false.

You just described Obama and Clinton more than Trump. They constantly insist that minorities are being oppressed by white people, the same way Hitler insisted that Germans were oppressed by the Jews. And, now there's the employment of the Left's SA to intimidate American citizens.
I don't think anybody (liberal or conservative) would disagree that the description fits Clinton (on top of Trump). However, if you really think it fits Obama then you may want to take in a little bit less of that Fox News (or insert whatever else biased conservative news source you buy your bullcrap from)...Obama is not perfect whatsoever, but if you think the guy fits descriptions like "narcissistic" or "uses inflammatory rhetoric" then your perception of him is so skewed as to have little to no basis in reality.

You should stop worshipping Obama.

Obama Says "Argue With Them, Get In Their Face" (FOR Obama, OK. But Those AGAINST Are "Angry Mobs"

Obama tells Latinos to ‘punish our enemies,’ the GOP
You realize I said you shouldn't keep dipping into the blatantly biased news sources that are tinting your viewpoint right? You posted a linked that led to a youtube video with a sound bite and a website so absurdly biased as to make Fox News look like it was staffed with scientific researchers without any emotions.

I don't need to address the Daily Caller...because it is the Daily The YT clip...if you were actually old enough to follow politics back then seems pretty damn normal. If you don't remember Obama's run to presidency was plagued by so many rumors and falsities that they actually published a website solely dedicated to disclaiming the absurdities that were surrounding him. In context, he is saying that if you are talking to an independent or republican, and they start telling you the reasons why they don't like him, if those reasons are false, then tell them the real story. The understanding is that is if they dig in (someone like you) because they have such a false view of the world, then you need to also dig in, you need to let the truth be revealed.

By the way, nobody is "worshipping" Obama. In case you forgot the original topic, it was a comparison between Trump and Hitler (with an extension to Clinton). You can actually not think somebody is not comparable to Hitler while, at the same time, not necessarily being a supporter of them (in this case Obama). You do realize that not everybody is a Daily Caller extremist in the actual reality we live in right?

To claim there are no comparisons between Obama/Clinton and Hitler is even more erroneous.
Donald Trump is not Hitler but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Hitler than Lincoln.
Bernie Sanders is not Karl Marx but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Marx than Lincoln.

What is our country coming too.

Hitler and Marx were both bad but Hitler was substantially worse than Marx. Let's hope we do not have to make a choice between Trump and Sanders.

Bernie wants free college. Trump wants genocide.

You make the call.

Bernie wants total control, so he can imprison dissenters.
Donald Trump is not Hitler but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Hitler than Lincoln.
Bernie Sanders is not Karl Marx but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Marx than Lincoln.

What is our country coming too.

Hitler and Marx were both bad but Hitler was substantially worse than Marx. Let's hope we do not have to make a choice between Trump and Sanders.

Bernie wants free college. Trump wants genocide.

You make the call.

Bernie wants total control, so he can imprison dissenters.

No, Bernie just wants to flush people like you down the toilet, to restore you to your rightful homeland.
Donald Trump is not Hitler but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Hitler than Lincoln.
Bernie Sanders is not Karl Marx but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Marx than Lincoln.

What is our country coming too.

Hitler and Marx were both bad but Hitler was substantially worse than Marx. Let's hope we do not have to make a choice between Trump and Sanders.

Bernie wants free college. Trump wants genocide.

You make the call.

Bernie wants total control, so he can imprison dissenters.

No, Bernie just wants to flush people like you down the toilet, to restore you to your rightful homeland.

You just confirmed that the Liberals have a Nazi'esque agenda better than I ever could...LMAO!!!
To claim there are no comparisons between Obama/Clinton and Hitler is even more erroneous.
Just in case you missed the vocabulary lesson in elementary school. Not comparable does not mean there are no comparison (points).

If you have 3 objects, an apple, an orange, and a basketball. The apple and orange are comparable. However, the basketball is not comparable to the apple or the orange. Yet, you can make the comparison that the basketball and the orange are both round and orange.

Hope your 3rd grade lesson helped you understand the basic arguments that were laid out. Again, you should probably go to less biased news sources rather than relying upon brain rot like the Daily doesn't seem to be doing much for your intellectual well-being.
Donald Trump is not Hitler

Of course he's not actually Hitler, but he's the closest thing we have.
Donald Trump is not Hitler but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Hitler than Lincoln.
Bernie Sanders is not Karl Marx but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Marx than Lincoln.

What is our country coming too.

Hitler and Marx were both bad but Hitler was substantially worse than Marx. Let's hope we do not have to make a choice between Trump and Sanders.

Bernie wants free college. Trump wants genocide.

You make the call.

Genocide? Can you provide the link?
Donald Trump is not Hitler but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Hitler than Lincoln.
Bernie Sanders is not Karl Marx but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Marx than Lincoln.

What is our country coming too.

Hitler and Marx were both bad but Hitler was substantially worse than Marx. Let's hope we do not have to make a choice between Trump and Sanders.

Bernie wants free college. Trump wants genocide.

You make the call.

Genocide? Can you provide the link?
I don't think Trump has ever said anything like that.

However, you cannot deny that a lot of his basic ideals seem to preach xenophobia.
Donald Trump is not Hitler but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Hitler than Lincoln.
Bernie Sanders is not Karl Marx but his actions and rhetoric are closer to Marx than Lincoln.

What is our country coming too.

Hitler and Marx were both bad but Hitler was substantially worse than Marx. Let's hope we do not have to make a choice between Trump and Sanders.

and you are not Marx or Lincoln

but are an ignorant moron all the same :dunno:

to put them both in the same breath is moronic beyond words.
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