Donald Trump Is Selling 'God Bless USA' Bibles For 59.99 As He Faces Mounting Legal Bills.

All that was missing from his latest myth book con is "Act now and receive a free Brazillian Mood Stone."
Honestly, I think I may have paid more for my NRSV 25 years ago.

Amazon product ASIN 031046143X
I gotta give the guy credit. I'd be less likely that to buy a bible from Trump than Beelzebub, but he could easily make a 75% profit .... and Lindell needs work!

Please forgive me if my link is a sin.
Ok, I'll bite...what Trump policies are evil?

Ending wars?

Stopping late term abortion?
Serial adultery. Pathological lying. Fraud. Theft. Stealing from cancer kids.

Kowtowing to China and North Korea and Putin. Alienating our allies. Hiring the most corrupt administration in history.

Failing to repeal and replace Obamacare, which has led to continued skyrocketing healthcare costs.

Leading evangelicals off the path of righteousness and into turning a blind eye to Trump's blazing evilness.

This is the guy selling bibles.

I don't know if you have noticed, but the stench of y'alls hypocrisy has led to a mass exodus of Americans from their churches. People are leaving in droves.


Well let's look at it from my perspective. Republicans have given the rich and corporations tax breaks from Reagan to today. And they double the debt just like democrats.

And Democrats are telling me in about 10 years when I'm ready to retire, we're all going to have to take a 25% cut to our social security in order to save the system, because we're broke.

Who should I vote for? Democrats who want to fund social security or Republicans who want to cut my $ so they can give the rich even more tax breaks?

Let's say this is going to cost me $500 a month for the rest of my life after I retire. Should I vote for Republicans who want to cost me $6000 a year for the rest of my life?

Are you rich enough that the benefits outweigh that hit in your golden years?
You're probably already losing more than $6,000 a year under Biden's economy
What happened to religion in Europe two centuries ago is what is happening here today:

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.
Democracy in America, Chapter 17
You're probably already losing more than $6,000 a year under Biden's economy
I remember my sales went down in 2019 because of Trump's trade war with China.

Politics are personal. Personally, for me, I'm a Democrat. Educated, live near a metropolis, I'm white, financially doing well.

Republicans play both sides. They are soooo clearly the party for the rich, but who now claim to be for the blue collar whites, because they want to build a wall and blame immigrants. I get it.
NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump is now selling Bibles as he runs to return to the White House.

Trump, who became the presumptive Republican nominee earlier this month, released a video on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday urging his supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” which is inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic ballad. Trump takes the stage to the song at each of his rallies and has appeared with Greenwood at events.

Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible,” Trump wrote, directing his supporters to a website selling the book for $59.99.
With Lee Greenwood? I thought he was dead.
We see a pinched-faced little bitch on stage at a church lecturing about "wonton killing" and morality. Then she heads off to a children's show and openly strokes her boyfriend's cock while vaping and getting her push-up tits mashed.

When caught, she then doubles down and LIES about the incident, not knowing its all on film. There's something in the Bible about the way you behave when you think no one is watching, you know.

We see another MARRIED bimbo retard claiming to be a "Christian nationalist", whatever the fuck that is, while she is fucking every man who casts a shadow.

We have a rapist who has committed adultery on three wives, stolen from cancer kids, committed fraud against the elderly at his fake university, had two of his organizations shut down for fraud, and attempted a coup when he could not accept his loss in the last election. And this is who the party which claims the moral and patriotic high ground has nominated for President.

But hey! Let's sells some BIbles to the fucking retards who bow down and worship these evil fucks. They fall for this shit every time!

How opportune to the season

Luke 16:13

Revised Standard Version

13 No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”[a]
Jan 2021 article The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump's time in office. That's nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Feb 2019

A new report from the Government Accountability Office says four such trips early on in Trump's presidency cost taxpayers $13.6 million, or some $3.4 million each. That is far higher than the estimates of Trump's travel costs early in his presidency, which were pegged at about $1 million per trip.

Each time he went to Mara Lago, he milked us for $3.4 million. That alone says don't make him president again.
Jan 2021 article The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump's time in office. That's nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Feb 2019

A new report from the Government Accountability Office says four such trips early on in Trump's presidency cost taxpayers $13.6 million, or some $3.4 million each. That is far higher than the estimates of Trump's travel costs early in his presidency, which were pegged at about $1 million per trip.

Each time he went to Mara Lago, he milked us for $3.4 million. That alone says don't make him president again.
I would say a potus cannot serve himself and us. That's the reason we shouldn't be too pissed off when presidents like obama make bank. He was elected, served his term, and even if I didn't agree with him .... imo he earned his opportunity to make bank. Much like Gerry Ford. People who are not rich, but run for the office.

Even HW gave up opportunities to make bank, although he certainly made up for it after he left office. lol

Trump is unique in that ... he really doesn't have assets that he hasn't hocked already, because he has to keep the illusion of "very rich." He couldn't put his assets in a blind trust, or even in money markets, because they don't actually make profit. They take in cash, but not enough to cover his nut. Then, he gives up the naming rights, and his interests, to get off the hook. His creditors get a paper loss and the real estate, which they can sell. And he moves on to his next project.
I would say a potus cannot serve himself and us. That's the reason we shouldn't be too pissed off when presidents like obama make bank. He was elected, served his term, and even if I didn't agree with him .... imo he earned his opportunity to make bank. Much like Gerry Ford. People who are not rich, but run for the office.

Even HW gave up opportunities to make bank, although he certainly made up for it after he left office. lol

Trump is unique in that ... he really doesn't have assets that he hasn't hocked already, because he has to keep the illusion of "very rich." He couldn't put his assets in a blind trust, or even in money markets, because they don't actually make profit. They take in cash, but not enough to cover his nut. Then, he gives up the naming rights, and his interests, to get off the hook. His creditors get a paper loss and the real estate, which they can sell. And he moves on to his next project.
The other day one of the comedy shows that make fun of Trump showed at least 20 videos of candidate Trump 2015 saying over and over, I'm rich I don't need anybodies money, I'm turning down money from lobbyists.

Fast forward to today he's begging for money. It's insane.
Thats a lie

MAGAs agree that God is Supreme

But Trump is not
That's NOT showing, to the eyes that can see.

The opposite is showing.

Please, beware and be careful.

(The 'Falling Away' of the Church, is the one prophesy given to us in the Bible, that will lead us to actually identify the antichrist. Yes we get other hints, he's deceitful, boastful, proud, seeded in the love of money, believes he's above the law.... he's a man of lawlessness, unrepentant, vengeful.., the man of sin, speaks like a lion roaring, pretends he's a man of peace, while worshipping the God of war and so many characteristic traits, but the one single identifier, is who the falling away evangelicals and so called religious in the Church FALL towards.... who they replace faith in God and Christ with, whomever that man is...Will be the antichrist)

3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [b]sin is revealed, the son of perdition

NOTE! to ALL of those who thinks all this Christian prophesy crap is NUTS, it is seemingly crazy...but as a Christian, I would be remiss to not warn another fellow Christian, imho...soooo, thats, that.
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