Donald Trump Is Selling 'God Bless USA' Bibles For 59.99 As He Faces Mounting Legal Bills.

The Bibles are not Trump's....they belong to Lee Greenwood.

Lee tried to get them in the NIV translation but for whatever reason Harper Collins nixed the contract between Zondervan and Greenwood. (I'm very surprised on that one....usually they do just about anything)

That's NOT showing, to the eyes that can see.

The opposite is showing.

Please, beware and be careful.

(The 'Falling Away' of the Church, is the one prophesy given to us in the Bible, that will lead us to actually identify the antichrist. Yes we get other hints, he's deceitful, boastful, proud, seeded in the love of money, believes he's above the law.... he's a man of lawlessness, unrepentant, vengeful.., the man of sin, speaks like a lion roaring, pretends he's a man of peace, while worshipping the God of war and so many characteristic traits, but the one single identifier, is who the falling away evangelicals and so called religious in the Church FALL towards.... who they replace faith in God and Christ with, whomever that man is...Will be the antichrist)

3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [b]sin is revealed, the son of perdition

NOTE! to ALL of those who thinks all this Christian prophesy crap is NUTS, it is seemingly crazy...but as a Christian, I would be remiss to not warn another fellow Christian, imho...soooo, thats, that.
If you think trump is the anti Christ then you are WAY out there in left field
The Bibles are not Trump's....they belong to Lee Greenwood.

Lee tried to get them in the NIV translation but for whatever reason Harper Collins nixed the contract between Zondervan and Greenwood. (I'm very surprised on that one....usually they do just about anything)


Well, that's good to know.

I guess the left cult President Trump haters can quit with the bullshit now.

Thank you for sharing that.


Well, that's good to know.

I guess the left cult President Trump haters can quit with the bullshit now.

Thank you for sharing that.

Political rhetoric is usually wrong.
The truth is extremely has nuances though and these tid-bits are often exploited and exploded to start a whopping lie of some sort.

Do you believe this?

If not, prove why or STFU.

PSSST -- folks, they never have anything resembling proof.

All they have is wild accusations based on the "media" lies fed to them through their direct TV-to-brain interface cables.

It gets them through the night until they can actually embrace that "ORANGE GOD" they so love and cannot stop blathering about.

I mean, look who started this ridiculous thread -- a Trump Cultist who cannot stop adoring him.

What church is the Cheeto a member of?

The church of looking in a mirror.

Well, that's good to know.

I guess the left cult President Trump haters can quit with the bullshit now.

Thank you for sharing that.

Are you actually so stupid that you don't think Trump is getting a cut from the sales? Really? You think he's hawking these things because he loves God and His commandments? :lol:

It's about name recognition. That's why they hired the thug. To exploit his popularity with bumpkins.

Symbiotic relationship.

An all-American Bible — with a cut of the sales going to Trump​


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