Donald Trump Is Threatening US Democracy, And The Public Sees Him

Again. I'm not like you. You're just making things up about me. Again.

Most people aren't like you. Thankfully.
The difference between you and him is night and day. Thank goodness for normal people like you.
We don't any of your totalitarian rule creatures who yell democracy when it it's not freedom.
What is freedom for you exactly? Depriving women of their autonomy? Forcing your religion? Voter suppression of minorities? Tell us? What is your idea of freedom?
The only major piece of legistlation that Trump got passed was the tax cut for his multi millionaire buddies & himself. Other then that he didn't lift a finger to help anybody, other then himself & his family of grifters.
For references talk to the Saudis. By the way, what happened to the $250 million Trump fleeced his supporters with?
The only major piece of legistlation that Trump got passed was the tax cut for his multi millionaire buddies & himself. Other then that he didn't lift a finger to help anybody, other then himself & his family of grifters.
No chance Pelosi's house had anything to do with canceling Trump's legislative agenda?
Why didn't you answer the question. How are we enemies of democracy?
Is Trump above the law? Do you believe in free and fair elections? Do you believe in civil and human rights? Do you believe in freedom of religion? How about autonomy to our own bodies?

What we are seeing is the death throes of a corrupt system weaponizing its stooges in the Deep State, the Media, Hollywood, Academia - throwing everything against the wall hoping something, anything sticks.

A final desperate attempt to stop MAGA before we take the reigns back, and the sun shines on America again.
What are you replacing it with;
Is Trump above the law? Do you believe in free and fair elections? Do you believe in civil and human rights? Do you believe in freedom of religion? How about autonomy to our own bodies?
All the things Biden is taking away? Vaccine mandates ring a bell? Everyone of Trump's civil rights have been trampled on. Reality is out and you refuse to look at it because you are a hater. A maggot and things like that.
For references talk to the Saudis. By the way, what happened to the $250 million Trump fleeced his supporters with?
It's his own personal slush fund. I hear the Feds are looking at that grift along with other crimes that lowlife has committed since 2016.
Letting the left do end arounds on the constitution.

How were women's autonomy deprived?
Your shoes are ugly too. Meaning you aren't answering the question.

When a woman cannot make decisions about her reproductive health as we have recently seen with pregnancy complications, rape, and the like, that deprives a woman of her own HC. My daughter was exhibit A for example. She almost had to abort because of pre-clamsia complications. Do you know how common that is? This is why women across this country are going to show the GOP just how ruthless and inhumane their policies are.
Your shoes are ugly too. Meaning you aren't answering the question.

When a woman cannot make decisions about her reproductive health as we have recently seen with pregnancy complications, rape, and the like, that deprives a woman of her own HC. My daughter was exhibit A for example. She almost had to abort because of pre-clamsia complications. Do you know how common that is? This is why women across this country are going to show the GOP just how ruthless and inhumane their policies are.
You're opining about an end around on the constitution and don't even realize it.....pushed by the dems no less.
All the things Biden is taking away? Vaccine mandates ring a bell? Everyone of Trump's civil rights have been trampled on. Reality is out and you refuse to look at it because you are a hater. A maggot and things like that.
Vaccine mandates that kept people out of the hospital while the unvaccinated filled the hospitals, takes my freedoms away when hospitals are full of sick Redneck idiots.

None of Trumps civil rights have been violated. Another ugly shoe argument. Try again.

The rest of your post says nothing.

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