Donald Trump is truly a gift from the Gods....really and here's why

Donald Trump is definitely a gift to Putin, America's haters around the world, anarchists, the ultra wealthy, polluters, and anyone anywhere that relishes corruption, bribery and treasonous conduct.
Donald Trump is definitely a gift to Putin, America's haters, anarchists, the ultra wealthy, polluters, and any one anywhere that relishes corruption, bribery and treason conduct.

As you sit in front of the boob tube getting your daily fill of propaganda from CNN & MSLSD.
You are being kept willfully ignorant.

The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.
Maximilien Robespierre
Everyone here knows, I hate Trump....however, the man is not giving a shit about nobody, no one party, only those who will serve his best interest and that's kinda okay with me and here's why:

Trump has made it safe for haters, liars, bigots racist, you name the action verb, Trump has made it possible for these people to come from the dark, into the light and finally finally, we get to see these mf's for who they are and that is a good thing....thank you Trump and hello Rossane

Trump has made these mindless GOP obstructionist bastards for the first time in 8 years, earn their gotdmand paychecks. No more sitting on your ass waiting on the black man to fuck over...thank you Trump

He forced these gerrymandered thought they were safe GOP bitches to bow to his demands or else, and that gets a big thank you Trump

He forced our Allies and all the world to finally open up their eyes and see the US for what it has become since electing its first black leader....a marginalized, hypocritical bunch of ignorant people!!....JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE, We do fuck over immigrants, we do violate humanitarian morays, we do elect leaders that lie and cheat, exceptionalism my black ass!! The great empire has no clothes on...and thank you Trump

Trump has also made it safe for the imperfect to run for more of this bullshit political correct shit, say what you want and back it up politics should be the new norm...thank you Trump

He has literally forced the MSM except for FOX news to come with facts and be able to back that shit up, no more boojay fluff piece of news

He's made corporate America hold their people responsible for hating on nigga's unintentionally.....thank you Bff Trump...LOLOLOLOLO

He turned prideful redneck farmers into the welfare queens they've always been, made it okay to pay for sex..something white boys need these days and and and....Trump could give a damn about his party....JUST DO AS I SAY AND ITS ALL GOOD AND I LOVE HIM FOR IT!!
Please check back into the clinic from which you escaped before you hurt others. I will gladly pay for it.
I wish you would put me on ignore....trying to communicate with morons like you is so exhausting. I'm here to reveal truths and you nuts are here to bring lies and deflections
You have never told the truth on these threads. It is always your supposition or you present half the story and think that it supports your narrative. You don't communicate, you preach!
Everyone here knows, I hate Trump....however, the man is not giving a shit about nobody, no one party, only those who will serve his best interest and that's kinda okay with me and here's why:

Trump has made it safe for haters, liars, bigots racist, you name the action verb, Trump has made it possible for these people to come from the dark, into the light and finally finally, we get to see these mf's for who they are and that is a good thing....thank you Trump and hello Rossane

Trump has made these mindless GOP obstructionist bastards for the first time in 8 years, earn their gotdmand paychecks. No more sitting on your ass waiting on the black man to fuck over...thank you Trump

He forced these gerrymandered thought they were safe GOP bitches to bow to his demands or else, and that gets a big thank you Trump

He forced our Allies and all the world to finally open up their eyes and see the US for what it has become since electing its first black leader....a marginalized, hypocritical bunch of ignorant people!!....JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE, We do fuck over immigrants, we do violate humanitarian morays, we do elect leaders that lie and cheat, exceptionalism my black ass!! The great empire has no clothes on...and thank you Trump

Trump has also made it safe for the imperfect to run for more of this bullshit political correct shit, say what you want and back it up politics should be the new norm...thank you Trump

He has literally forced the MSM except for FOX news to come with facts and be able to back that shit up, no more boojay fluff piece of news

He's made corporate America hold their people responsible for hating on nigga's unintentionally.....thank you Bff Trump...LOLOLOLOLO

He turned prideful redneck farmers into the welfare queens they've always been, made it okay to pay for sex..something white boys need these days and and and....Trump could give a damn about his party....JUST DO AS I SAY AND ITS ALL GOOD AND I LOVE HIM FOR IT!!
Please check back into the clinic from which you escaped before you hurt others. I will gladly pay for it.
I wish you would put me on ignore....trying to communicate with morons like you is so exhausting. I'm here to reveal truths and you nuts are here to bring lies and deflections
You have never told the truth on these threads. It is always your supposition or you present half the story and think that it supports your narrative. You don't communicate, you preach!
To some up your narrative about me.....I have opinions based on facts. Dave, I have yet to put out one false narrative that isn't backed up with facts, hate to disappoint a Trumpnut, but that's the truth.....

Trump Calls On Jeff Sessions To Stop Mueller Investigation
Sessions recused himself from matters involving the Russia investigation last year, after he lied about his meetings with Russian officials.

Why would an innocent man want to end this investigation would be my next thread topic....
Everyone here knows, I hate Trump....however, the man is not giving a shit about nobody, no one party, only those who will serve his best interest and that's kinda okay with me and here's why:

Trump has made it safe for haters, liars, bigots racist, you name the action verb, Trump has made it possible for these people to come from the dark, into the light and finally finally, we get to see these mf's for who they are and that is a good thing....thank you Trump and hello Rossane

Trump has made these mindless GOP obstructionist bastards for the first time in 8 years, earn their gotdmand paychecks. No more sitting on your ass waiting on the black man to fuck over...thank you Trump

He forced these gerrymandered thought they were safe GOP bitches to bow to his demands or else, and that gets a big thank you Trump

He forced our Allies and all the world to finally open up their eyes and see the US for what it has become since electing its first black leader....a marginalized, hypocritical bunch of ignorant people!!....JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE, We do fuck over immigrants, we do violate humanitarian morays, we do elect leaders that lie and cheat, exceptionalism my black ass!! The great empire has no clothes on...and thank you Trump

Trump has also made it safe for the imperfect to run for more of this bullshit political correct shit, say what you want and back it up politics should be the new norm...thank you Trump

He has literally forced the MSM except for FOX news to come with facts and be able to back that shit up, no more boojay fluff piece of news

He's made corporate America hold their people responsible for hating on nigga's unintentionally.....thank you Bff Trump...LOLOLOLOLO

He turned prideful redneck farmers into the welfare queens they've always been, made it okay to pay for sex..something white boys need these days and and and....Trump could give a damn about his party....JUST DO AS I SAY AND ITS ALL GOOD AND I LOVE HIM FOR IT!!
Please check back into the clinic from which you escaped before you hurt others. I will gladly pay for it.
I wish you would put me on ignore....trying to communicate with morons like you is so exhausting. I'm here to reveal truths and you nuts are here to bring lies and deflections
You have never told the truth on these threads. It is always your supposition or you present half the story and think that it supports your narrative. You don't communicate, you preach!
To some up your narrative about me.....I have opinions based on facts. Dave, I have yet to put out one false narrative that isn't backed up with facts, hate to disappoint a Trumpnut, but that's the truth.....

Trump Calls On Jeff Sessions To Stop Mueller Investigation
Sessions recused himself from matters involving the Russia investigation last year, after he lied about his meetings with Russian officials.

Why would an innocent man want to end this investigation would be my next thread topic....
I will apologize, not all your blathering is lies and without fact, just 98%. Your history of posts ( available for all to see ) are a selection of a one sided mind incapable of intelligent deduction and reasoning. you use or rewrite a headlined to support your views. Anyone who starts an op with " I HATE" cannot be objective about said topic. You post only cherry picked pictures which you want to support your rhetoric, when confronted, you contradict yourself and then when all else fails you lie and then attack the person with racist and accusing remarks. I will always call you out on it because as I and most on these threads know, you are a miserable liar.

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