Donald Trump Jr Shares Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris's Race

I think they put makeup inside her big nose from the debate pictures I saw? Same thing they did to Beast on debate nights. Looks like a few hour paint job.
Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?
Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?

I thought it was common knowledge that kumallover Harryis IS a descendant from a Jamaican slave OWNER.
Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?

I thought it was common knowledge that kumallover Harryis IS a descendant from a Jamaican slave OWNER.
As Yoda would say "Owing reparations, she is, mm hmm".
Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?
Fine, then she should embrace her Jamaican slave owner heritage and lead by example on slave reparations. Who better than a daughter of privilege and a descendant of slave owners to show us all what RACIAL JUSTICE is all about?
Horseface Harris is Fauxchahantis Lite. The MSM/DNC need to pull something else out of Soro's ass if they hope to find a competitive candidate. :p
I despise Kamala but I fail to see why her racial background is even a salient point.

She’d brought it up because it was convenient on the debate stage vis-a-via Biden. Why does that need perpetuation courtesy Donnie Jr??

Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?

That does help to explain the loony left attempts to discredit the President of the United States with shit filled lies 24/7 365 days a year, yet they never run out of shit, it seems to be defining them as their greatest element of pride.
Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?

Indeed, she is a descendant of not slaves, but the slave owners. I hope she mails her check for reparations.
Junior is truly a product of his father's faulty sperm. Sen. Harris' ethnic background is not of the slightest importance.

BTW: the term "negro" is long past its expiration date.
He tweeted questioning her race?

I can't tell if doing something like that is desperation or stupidity.

The fact that he deleted it is pretty interesting on its own.

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