Donald Trump Jr. subpoenaed by Senate Intelligence Committee

Try growing a brain. You don't know the Fn difference between getting opposition research from a foreign entity and infiltrating an election?

You really are not that bright; are you?

You obviously do not understand FEC rules when it comes to obtaining 'dirt' from a foreign entity on a political opponent during a POTUS campaign.

Mueller has already done the work that proves that Trump Jr. & multiple others from the Trump campaign made the attempt to obtain 'dirt' on Trump's political rival, from foreign nationals.

The FEC now has the obligation to pursue this in civil litigation.

“The Special Counsel’s office has done all the investigation that is necessary for the FEC to find that the Trump campaign and its senior officials, including Donald Trump Jr., violated the ban on soliciting campaign assistance from a foreign national, much less from the agents of a hostile foreign government.”

Why in Hell do you & the Trumpers continue to give the Trump camp a PASS on their attempts to work with a foreign adversarial government?
You REALLY just do NOT GET IT, do you?
Why don't you try discussing something else that you can keep up with; maybe try the Barbie Doll sub forum, or maybe the Knitting sub forum?

You are as dumb as a rock no offense to rocks. That's exactly what Hillary and the DNC did. They obtained phony intelligence from a foreign entity--the Russian government. Michael Steele got his information from Russia and sold it to Fusion GPS who handed that info to Hillary. Comey then used that unverified information to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his administration.

Junior admitted this to Congress. There is no law that states you can't get opposition research from a foreign entity, and you don't have to tell the FBI about anything. He (like Hillary) broke no laws in that regards.

If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.
Such is the world of international tom foolery.

So, place that scenario template right over the fact that Trump Jr. & Trump campaign associates met DIRECTLY with Russian foreign agents at Trump Tower NY to get dirt on HRC.

So you have the potential for many multiple layers of contacts by completely anonymous parties in the former scenario & you want to compare that to the verified DIRECT CONTACT between top level associates of the Trump campaign, even Trump Jr., to obtain dirt on an opponent?

Dude, you are actually MUCH DUMBER than I even imagined.

Why don't you go down to the play ground and take a ride on your fucking merry-go-round?

So what are you saying, that it's okay to get dirt on an opponent as long as it goes through a third party, but not directly? And you call me dumb?

Why Mueller didn’t bring campaign finance charges over the Trump Tower meeting

OK? No, I didn't say it was OK.

My implication is the former scenario is going to be basically anonymous & the latter scenario (Trump Tower NY meeting) that is documented to have taken place is a very DIRECT & verifiable situation.

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.
Those retards are doing a pretty good job setting new economic records all the time.
Or maybe try are not retards, and they knew full well what they were doing was illegal. Pick your poison, my man. Which is it?

All you have to do is read the link I provided above why Mueller didn't charge him. He would have had to prove:

1) There was monetary value of the information.
2) There was intent of a criminal act.
3) That Jr obtained something of value.
4) Prove what that value was to base a change on such as a Misdemeanor and what degree of misdemeanor, or a felony, and what degree of felony.

On the other hand, Hillary paid for the dossier information. The information was worth tens of thousands of dollars.
You really are not that bright; are you?

You obviously do not understand FEC rules when it comes to obtaining 'dirt' from a foreign entity on a political opponent during a POTUS campaign.

Mueller has already done the work that proves that Trump Jr. & multiple others from the Trump campaign made the attempt to obtain 'dirt' on Trump's political rival, from foreign nationals.

The FEC now has the obligation to pursue this in civil litigation.

“The Special Counsel’s office has done all the investigation that is necessary for the FEC to find that the Trump campaign and its senior officials, including Donald Trump Jr., violated the ban on soliciting campaign assistance from a foreign national, much less from the agents of a hostile foreign government.”

Why in Hell do you & the Trumpers continue to give the Trump camp a PASS on their attempts to work with a foreign adversarial government?
You REALLY just do NOT GET IT, do you?
Why don't you try discussing something else that you can keep up with; maybe try the Barbie Doll sub forum, or maybe the Knitting sub forum?

You are as dumb as a rock no offense to rocks. That's exactly what Hillary and the DNC did. They obtained phony intelligence from a foreign entity--the Russian government. Michael Steele got his information from Russia and sold it to Fusion GPS who handed that info to Hillary. Comey then used that unverified information to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his administration.

Junior admitted this to Congress. There is no law that states you can't get opposition research from a foreign entity, and you don't have to tell the FBI about anything. He (like Hillary) broke no laws in that regards.

If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.
Such is the world of international tom foolery.

So, place that scenario template right over the fact that Trump Jr. & Trump campaign associates met DIRECTLY with Russian foreign agents at Trump Tower NY to get dirt on HRC.

So you have the potential for many multiple layers of contacts by completely anonymous parties in the former scenario & you want to compare that to the verified DIRECT CONTACT between top level associates of the Trump campaign, even Trump Jr., to obtain dirt on an opponent?

Dude, you are actually MUCH DUMBER than I even imagined.

Why don't you go down to the play ground and take a ride on your fucking merry-go-round?

So what are you saying, that it's okay to get dirt on an opponent as long as it goes through a third party, but not directly? And you call me dumb?

Why Mueller didn’t bring campaign finance charges over the Trump Tower meeting

OK? No, I didn't say it was OK.

My implication is the former scenario is going to be basically anonymous & the latter scenario (Trump Tower NY meeting) that is documented to have taken place is a very DIRECT & verifiable situation.

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.
You are as dumb as a rock no offense to rocks. That's exactly what Hillary and the DNC did. They obtained phony intelligence from a foreign entity--the Russian government. Michael Steele got his information from Russia and sold it to Fusion GPS who handed that info to Hillary. Comey then used that unverified information to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump and his administration.

Junior admitted this to Congress. There is no law that states you can't get opposition research from a foreign entity, and you don't have to tell the FBI about anything. He (like Hillary) broke no laws in that regards.

If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.
Such is the world of international tom foolery.

So, place that scenario template right over the fact that Trump Jr. & Trump campaign associates met DIRECTLY with Russian foreign agents at Trump Tower NY to get dirt on HRC.

So you have the potential for many multiple layers of contacts by completely anonymous parties in the former scenario & you want to compare that to the verified DIRECT CONTACT between top level associates of the Trump campaign, even Trump Jr., to obtain dirt on an opponent?

Dude, you are actually MUCH DUMBER than I even imagined.

Why don't you go down to the play ground and take a ride on your fucking merry-go-round?

So what are you saying, that it's okay to get dirt on an opponent as long as it goes through a third party, but not directly? And you call me dumb?

Why Mueller didn’t bring campaign finance charges over the Trump Tower meeting

OK? No, I didn't say it was OK.

My implication is the former scenario is going to be basically anonymous & the latter scenario (Trump Tower NY meeting) that is documented to have taken place is a very DIRECT & verifiable situation.

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.

three gold stars my ass; re: post #147.

You Trumpers are beyond dumber than shit.

No wonder Trump loves the uneducated.

the fact that you have to resort to juvenile insults confirms that you cannot debate the issues based on facts and logical thinking.

its the dems that appeal to the uneducated (and stupid), you prove that with every post.

I learned quite well from Donass Trump, didn't I?

So, tell US now who the fucking juvenile, uneducated jackass really is?

He in da White House beotch.

its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.

three gold stars my ass; re: post #147.

You Trumpers are beyond dumber than shit.

No wonder Trump loves the uneducated.

the fact that you have to resort to juvenile insults confirms that you cannot debate the issues based on facts and logical thinking.

its the dems that appeal to the uneducated (and stupid), you prove that with every post.

I learned quite well from Donass Trump, didn't I?

So, tell US now who the fucking juvenile, uneducated jackass really is?

He in da White House beotch.

its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.

so you wasted your vote on a pothead who had zero chance of winning-----------and you call others dumb?
Wanna bet the Trump Junior subpoena is all for show? Republicans are showing they’re doing something.
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.
Such is the world of international tom foolery.

So, place that scenario template right over the fact that Trump Jr. & Trump campaign associates met DIRECTLY with Russian foreign agents at Trump Tower NY to get dirt on HRC.

So you have the potential for many multiple layers of contacts by completely anonymous parties in the former scenario & you want to compare that to the verified DIRECT CONTACT between top level associates of the Trump campaign, even Trump Jr., to obtain dirt on an opponent?

Dude, you are actually MUCH DUMBER than I even imagined.

Why don't you go down to the play ground and take a ride on your fucking merry-go-round?

So what are you saying, that it's okay to get dirt on an opponent as long as it goes through a third party, but not directly? And you call me dumb?

Why Mueller didn’t bring campaign finance charges over the Trump Tower meeting

OK? No, I didn't say it was OK.

My implication is the former scenario is going to be basically anonymous & the latter scenario (Trump Tower NY meeting) that is documented to have taken place is a very DIRECT & verifiable situation.

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.
three gold stars my ass; re: post #147.

You Trumpers are beyond dumber than shit.

No wonder Trump loves the uneducated.

the fact that you have to resort to juvenile insults confirms that you cannot debate the issues based on facts and logical thinking.

its the dems that appeal to the uneducated (and stupid), you prove that with every post.

I learned quite well from Donass Trump, didn't I?

So, tell US now who the fucking juvenile, uneducated jackass really is?

He in da White House beotch.

its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.
three gold stars my ass; re: post #147.

You Trumpers are beyond dumber than shit.

No wonder Trump loves the uneducated.

the fact that you have to resort to juvenile insults confirms that you cannot debate the issues based on facts and logical thinking.

its the dems that appeal to the uneducated (and stupid), you prove that with every post.

I learned quite well from Donass Trump, didn't I?

So, tell US now who the fucking juvenile, uneducated jackass really is?

He in da White House beotch.

its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.

so you wasted your vote on a pothead who had zero chance of winning-----------and you call others dumb?

Many people state they 'vote for the lesser of two evils' but me, I don't play that shit; I actually vote for a candidate.

Sure, anyone can vote for a Democrat, or a Republican; those are the two parties that got AmericKKKa where we are now, in a huge shit pile of debt.

Go ahead, keep voting for the same ole shit that got you where you are now, and go ahead & keep hoping that may change.

Why did you need to quote me twice? Are you a dumbass?
Wanna bet the Trump Junior subpoena is all for show? Republicans are showing they’re doing something.

It is for show. WTF would you need to ask somebody questions who already answered them during 20 hours of questioning? But it's more than just show, it's pure harassment.
So what are you saying, that it's okay to get dirt on an opponent as long as it goes through a third party, but not directly? And you call me dumb?

Why Mueller didn’t bring campaign finance charges over the Trump Tower meeting

OK? No, I didn't say it was OK.

My implication is the former scenario is going to be basically anonymous & the latter scenario (Trump Tower NY meeting) that is documented to have taken place is a very DIRECT & verifiable situation.

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.

Then Hillary was a criminal long before Barr stepped into the picture. So the question is, why did the Democrats let a criminal run for President?
OK? No, I didn't say it was OK.

My implication is the former scenario is going to be basically anonymous & the latter scenario (Trump Tower NY meeting) that is documented to have taken place is a very DIRECT & verifiable situation.

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.

Then Hillary was a criminal long before Barr stepped into the picture. So the question is, why did the Democrats let a criminal run for President?

Criminal? What was HRC convicted of?

Your sour grapes are making for a shitty tasting bottle of whine for you, jack ass.
So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.

Then Hillary was a criminal long before Barr stepped into the picture. So the question is, why did the Democrats let a criminal run for President?

Criminal? What was HRC convicted of?

Your sour grapes are making for a shitty tasting bottle of whine for you, jack ass.

According to Dean's standards, yes, she was a criminal. Or maybe you forgot:

the fact that you have to resort to juvenile insults confirms that you cannot debate the issues based on facts and logical thinking.

its the dems that appeal to the uneducated (and stupid), you prove that with every post.

I learned quite well from Donass Trump, didn't I?

So, tell US now who the fucking juvenile, uneducated jackass really is?

He in da White House beotch.

its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.
the fact that you have to resort to juvenile insults confirms that you cannot debate the issues based on facts and logical thinking.

its the dems that appeal to the uneducated (and stupid), you prove that with every post.

I learned quite well from Donass Trump, didn't I?

So, tell US now who the fucking juvenile, uneducated jackass really is?

He in da White House beotch.

its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.

so you wasted your vote on a pothead who had zero chance of winning-----------and you call others dumb?

Many people state they 'vote for the lesser of two evils' but me, I don't play that shit; I actually vote for a candidate.

Sure, anyone can vote for a Democrat, or a Republican; those are the two parties that got AmericKKKa where we are now, in a huge shit pile of debt.

Go ahead, keep voting for the same ole shit that got you where you are now, and go ahead & keep hoping that may change.

Why did you need to quote me twice? Are you a dumbass?

defend it however you want, you wasted your vote on a fool that had zero chance of winning

to your second question: machine error. and its obvious that you are the dumbass here.
So what are you saying, that it's okay to get dirt on an opponent as long as it goes through a third party, but not directly? And you call me dumb?

Why Mueller didn’t bring campaign finance charges over the Trump Tower meeting

OK? No, I didn't say it was OK.

My implication is the former scenario is going to be basically anonymous & the latter scenario (Trump Tower NY meeting) that is documented to have taken place is a very DIRECT & verifiable situation.

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.

what were his lies? be specific.

then you can address lies to congress by the following: Hillary, Comey, Holder, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, the women who lied about Kavanaugh. we'll wait
OK? No, I didn't say it was OK.

My implication is the former scenario is going to be basically anonymous & the latter scenario (Trump Tower NY meeting) that is documented to have taken place is a very DIRECT & verifiable situation.

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.

what were his lies? be specific.

then you can address lies to congress by the following: Hillary, Comey, Holder, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, the women who lied about Kavanaugh. we'll wait
Dude, HRC did not lie.
I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.

Then Hillary was a criminal long before Barr stepped into the picture. So the question is, why did the Democrats let a criminal run for President?

Criminal? What was HRC convicted of?

Your sour grapes are making for a shitty tasting bottle of whine for you, jack ass.

According to Dean's standards, yes, she was a criminal. Or maybe you forgot:

Dean? I'm not wading through a video of over six minutes for bullshit.

So, HRC was convicted of what?

Oh, that's right; NOT a fucking thing.

Keep dreaming those wet dreams .........
I learned quite well from Donass Trump, didn't I?

So, tell US now who the fucking juvenile, uneducated jackass really is?

He in da White House beotch.

its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.
I learned quite well from Donass Trump, didn't I?

So, tell US now who the fucking juvenile, uneducated jackass really is?

He in da White House beotch.

its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.

so you wasted your vote on a pothead who had zero chance of winning-----------and you call others dumb?

Many people state they 'vote for the lesser of two evils' but me, I don't play that shit; I actually vote for a candidate.

Sure, anyone can vote for a Democrat, or a Republican; those are the two parties that got AmericKKKa where we are now, in a huge shit pile of debt.

Go ahead, keep voting for the same ole shit that got you where you are now, and go ahead & keep hoping that may change.

Why did you need to quote me twice? Are you a dumbass?

defend it however you want, you wasted your vote on a fool that had zero chance of winning

to your second question: machine error. and its obvious that you are the dumbass here.

No; I wasted no vote.

Machine error? Yes; I thought you were a fucking robot but now I have no doubt.
Those retards are doing a pretty good job setting new economic records all the time.
Or maybe try are not retards, and they knew full well what they were doing was illegal. Pick your poison, my man. Which is it?

All you have to do is read the link I provided above why Mueller didn't charge him. He would have had to prove:

1) There was monetary value of the information.
2) There was intent of a criminal act.
3) That Jr obtained something of value.
4) Prove what that value was to base a change on such as a Misdemeanor and what degree of misdemeanor, or a felony, and what degree of felony.

On the other hand, Hillary paid for the dossier information. The information was worth tens of thousands of dollars.
Right. I know. How is a dollar value placed, and they were to stupod to know they were breaking the law. And that's how conmen walk the line.

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