Donald Trump just savaged an(other) American hero

More BLM rioters were arrested and prosecuted

Not really

Other than design flaws in the 50s that were corrected, it was a safe plane by the time Bush flew

Especially since he wasn’t dodging SAMs in Texas
I already pointed out there were losses WHILE Bush was flying dumb fuck further The losses continued for the LIFE of the aircraft also it had the worst loss per flight hours of any aircraft as I clearly showed.
You mean the Neocon warmonger who never met a war he didn't like? Who had the blood of millions of Iraqi, Libyan, and Syrian children on his hands? Burn in hell McCain.
I already pointed out there were losses WHILE Bush was flying dumb fuck further The losses continued for the LIFE of the aircraft also it had the worst loss per flight hours of any aircraft as I clearly showed.
Actually, you compared it to modern aircraft

If you ever read The Right Stuff you would see what Jet Test Pilots went through in the 1950s. Lot of fatalities. The F 102 was typical for the era
Unlike Trump he didn't lose re-election.

I was making a point that military service does not exclude you from future criticism.

Your response did not actually address my point at all.

Would you like to try again, or just wander off?
You mean the Neocon warmonger who never met a war he didn't like? Who had the blood of millions of Iraqi, Libyan, and Syrian children on his hands? Burn in hell McCain.
Your boss Putin has killed a shitload in Syria dumfuk
Back in the day, I didn’t like the way Trump treated McCain. But don’t get me wrong. McCain wasn’t much of a Republican. I won’t go so far as to say that he was a RINO. BUT, even so, the GOP wasn’t very ably assisted by McCain’s mistaken views.
I don't need him to be a friend to know he was good for America. As for you, you can go fuck yourself.
So you like guns, Trump, and you swear at someone you don't even know. You are a bigger dolt than I thought 10 minutes ago. Keep talking, you're illustrating your ignorance.
Was Pres. Obama drafted?

Sure did, I am a disabled Vet.

Obama was 12 years old when the draft ended. Twelve year old kids son’s get drafted.

Thanks for your service.

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