Donald Trump Kicks Univision Crew Out Of Florida Rally

And the OP's point is what?

The point is that this is good news for those who hate Trump.
You got it backwards. It's bad news because his numbers will go up among Americans.

Are you suggesting that Trump can win a General Election without Hispanics? Funny...
ILLEGALS don't vote Buffalo breath. Unless they live in California.
Trump's support among LEGAL immigrants is very small too.
Good for Trump and his fan club. He and they are creating a growing generation of anti Republican voters.

The government schools are already doing that, numskull. So is illegal immigration.
You really don't know what you are blabbering about. Hispanic's tend to lean to conservative agendas and in past elections have often given significant support to Republican candidates. They are on average just as anti illegal immigration as other American voters. Trump has managed to push those supportive to the Republican ideology and agendas away. He has projected himself and the Republican Party to be so infused with a racist and bigoted based anti Hispanic focus that even those who would like to support Republicans will not do so. They will vote against Republicans and support Democrats specifically to put down the anti Hispanic fervor the Republican flock has taken hold of.

What Trump has done by his actions with a Hispanic news organization is to show his willingness to show how he is willing to discriminate against Hispanics. If he will use his power as a mere candidate to treat Hispanic's so unfairly and discriminate against them so openly, why wouldn't he do the same if elected to the Presidency?

Look into the mirror bripat, the numskull is you.

What a load of horseshit. When are Leftwing morons going to come up with some new talking points that the public hasn't already seen through?


Donald Trump opened his campaign talking about Mexican rapists, pledged to build a wall and deport illegals -- and has soared to the top of the polls.

The massive Hispanic blowback consists of this: Trump is getting about the same percentage of the Hispanic vote as Romney did.

I have no doubt that the 73 percent of Hispanics who will be voting against Trump are prepared to be much angrier about it than the 73 percent who voted against Romney. But the result won't look any different on election night. Voting machines don't register angry glints in people's eyes.

On the other hand, by driving up the white vote -- to say nothing of the black vote -- we will see a difference in the Republicans' box score on election night.

The Holy Grail year for Republicans is supposed to be 2004, when President Bush won a record-breaking 40 percent of the Hispanic vote. He had to turn his entire White House into a Hispandering operation to do that -- and he still lost the Hispanic vote.

It's crazy to deform our whole platform in pursuit of some group that won't give us at least 51 percent of its vote, anyway. The Democrats ignore white voters and they were 73.7 percent of the electorate in 2012. Hispanics were only 8.4 percent that year.

I haven't seen an estimate of the electoral percentage of gun-owners, but with one-third to half of all Americans owning guns, it's a lot more than 8.4 percent.

Democrats know not to fritter time on constituencies they can't win, but have buffaloed Republicans into wasting resources on a quixotic bid to win a slightly larger -- but still losing -- percentage of the 8.4 percent of the electorate that is the Hispanic vote.
Your source is Ann Coulter, the most biased and biggest agenda driven political hack out there. Even she had to admit to Bush 41 getting 40% of the Hispanic vote. Enough to give him the Presidency. Without it he would have lost. She also admits that Romney lost the Hispanic vote, obtaining only 27% of the vote. What was the big complaint Coulter outlined in her essay? It was that Bush 41 had to "pander" to the Hispanic's. In other words, he tried to treat Hispanic's fairly and refrained from bigotry.

The thing about the rants of Coulter is that she has a method of writing that feeds her supporters, but disgust her opponents. It is a love hate kind of relationship she has with the public. Her rants do not attract new followers or support to her agenda's. They just keep her popular with a specific right wing base that enables her to earn a good living as a speaker and author. She makes more money when Democrats are in power than when Republicans are in power.

Go ahead and keep calling people stupid and morons while you promote this idea that the Hispanic vote is not necessary for winning elections.


Jackie Guerrido, Univision weather girl.

Why's she so damned lop sided? I think she needs to sue who ever did those implants.

That is called "slightly curvaceous with Big tits"

Most middle aged women fall in the slightly curvaceous--obese category.

(To be honest, most image of female attractiveness is captured in mags like Playboy. The fashion magazines depiction of 'beauty' is normally governed by homosexual males and women. It is the reason you say "OMG" when you look inside Hustle, but "Someone needs to eat" when you stumble across Vogue!)

Actually it's called one boob being a couple of cup sizes larger than the other.
And the OP's point is what?

Wellllll think about it.

He claims to be running for Preziduh....

First thing the POTUS does is swear to preserve, protect and defend that thar Constitution thing...

First thing the Constitution sez articulates protection of a free press.... and here he is kicking them out while simultaneously auditioning for that gig...

Pick your knuckles up off the floor and do the freakin' math.

It was on private property, his, he can do what he wants.

Doesn't mean jack shit who OWNS the property.... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Its called TRESPASS stupid. Its ILLEGAL just like their viewers.

Univisión and its viewers are "illegal"? :disbelief:

Link, Pink?
Not the best tactic if you are trying to woo voters in case you get the nomination. I think it may work in his favor as far as the Republican primary is concerned though. Mr. Trump can play up the "main stream media" angle. In the end, it won't do the Republican Party any good to continually anger the fastest growing voting bloc in the country. I'd like to see more on this from something other than The Hollywood Reporter.

You want more proof? Here it is...
I just read one of your links idiot. Trump blocked them FROM Trump property. TOTALLY legal. Here is YOUR link that states so. Donald Trump’s campaign prevents Univision news crew from entering Miami rally

Might have been legal, but it was stupid.

Please try and keep that straight.

Who the fuck suggested it has anything to do with "legal", moron?

Dafuck, Pinknoise, I spelled it out for you in post 16. Ain't got jack shit to do with "legal".
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Univision is owned and operated by families with strong ties to the Democrat party and openly supports its candidates.

However, of the various Spanish language networks, it has the most popular "variety show" and soap opera lineup and gets a lot of viewers. There is an hour evening show on Univision followed by local news from the local stations.

Another source are the various Spanish language radio stations. Again, Televista affiliates have a lot of panel type shows where a lot of hinting at socialist leanings go on.
And the OP's point is what?

The point is that this is good news for those who hate Trump.
You got it backwards. It's bad news because his numbers will go up among Americans.

Are you suggesting that Trump can win a General Election without Hispanics? Funny...

No, he will win because Hispanics WILL VOTE FOR HIM! IN BIG NUMBERS.
You mean like they are doing in Nevada?
"Univision" cut ties to Trump in protest over Trump's views about illegal "Mexican" aliens. Why would Univision want to cover the campaign? Hillary kicks out every unfriendly media on a regular basis.
Univision took his show off the air, why do they even care to be there? TV networks are so hypocritical.
Univision is complaining to NBC that NBC said they cut ties to Trump yet he's going to be on SNL.

Now Uni wants to cut ties yet cover an event. Trump was right.

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