Donald Trump Labelled 'Loser of the Year' by Europe's Biggest News Magazine

Donald Trump Labelled 'Loser of the Year' by Europe's Biggest News Magazine

Gee, another unhinged leftwing butthole worried about what some little shit-can foreign country on the other side of the planet thinks!

Who coulda seen that coming?!

And look, they talk just like a TDS anti-Trumper here!

I wonder which leftwing news outlet here in the states they are owned by, or collaborating with? You know it take FOUR leftards to screw in a light bulb--- None of them are ever capable of an original thought.

When leftards work so hard to tell themselves how much the other side lost, you know immediately they are the last ones to believe it but the first needing the convincing! :21:

At least now we know why the Europeans are as much in the dark about everything as our Biden voters here!
Editor-in-chief of Der Speigel. Doesn't look German to me at all.


More Levantine, I would say.
"The German magazine Der Spiegel has delivered a withering assessment of President Donald Trump's 2020 in an article headlined "The loser of the year."

The piece of more than 3,300 words pulled no punches in criticizing Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic, his refusal to accept an election defeat, and for good measure, it took swipes at other presidential actions this year.

Headlined in German "Der Verlierer des Jahres" the article published online on Thursday describes how Trump's refusal to accept President-elect Joe Biden's victory is "not surprising," because, as Roland Nelles and Ralf Neukirch write: "nothing is normal under Trump.

"Instead, he speaks of massive electoral fraud, although there is no evidence for it. Trump's presidency ends as it began. Without decency and without dignity." [Emphasis added above]
More here ~~ Donald Trump labelled "loser of the year" by Europe's biggest news magazine ~~

The Germans know a loser when one takes the world stage, eh!

Wow, it takes a really ignorant commie to care about what some german fagazine would say about our President. Get a fucking life loser.

It's not a German magazine anyway.
View attachment 428859

OH NO!!!!! Are you saying the OP lied, AGAIN?

The hatred of Donald Trump has been entirely driven by US Jews, who have hated him since the 80s, I have no idea why. Der Spiegel is a Jewish magazine, not German.
I hadn't heard that. I do have a friend who as a Jewish wife that absolutely hates Trump though. Do they hate the fact that we moved our embassy or something?
The Germans are just butthurt because Trump made them pay their fair share and we obliterated their entire country in WWII.
Nope. When do you stop being an absolute Idiot? DJT has nothing to do with WWII.

Your really are fucking stupid.
the Germans have been Eunichs since the end of WW 2. And their ball cutting started at the end of WW 1. It is disgraceful a Prog Socialist east german stasi broad has led them to third self destruction.
Good ol' Germany.
"Der Spiegel" is an independent newspaper - one of the best. Excellent journalists.
It's a propaganda rag...
"Germany’s Leading Magazine Published Falsehoods About American Life"
Shove it Krout

"Furher"="Führer" = leader
"Krout"="Kraut" = herb, kraut

What do you disagree with? Trump is a loser. Trump has for example less than no influence in Germany. The plan from Donald Trump had it been to make a vaccine exclusivelly only for the USA. The first vaccine the USA is using now is made in Germany from the German company Biontech - and everyone in the world is able to get it - that's why the partnership between Biontech and Pfizer is very important.

With Donald Trump and the government of the USA has the existence of this vaccine absolutelly nothing to do. The next important step (months up to years) in context of a vaccination is it now to try to start to build up a herd immmunity via vaccination. - and not by doing nothing = a "vaccination" with the complete living and active virus, as it was propagated from many people, who gave up much to soon to fight against this virus. The loser Trump was one of the first who gave up to fight! And not only this: He made the fight against the Sars-CoV-2 virus with his stupid politics in general more difficult in the whole western world. Trump is not only a loser - he's was even very counterproductive in fighting covid-19.
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It doesn't seem to do any good to refer to trump as a "loser." Perhaps "First Runner Up" would be a better fit, and Biden can present him with a participation trophy or medal on behalf of the American People.

In the past, Abraham Lincoln's (Lincoln was Republican) second vice president Andrew Johnson, was a Democrat.
In 1796, John Adams (Federalist) won the Presideny. However, his rival, Democrat-Republican Thomas Jefferson won 2nd and became vice president.
That is how reasonable Americans did it before Democrat voter fraud.

There was no voter fraud, though. The parties switched sides on major issues a long time ago. Lee Atwater. The "southern strategy," etc.
The hatred of Donald Trump has been entirely driven by US Jews, who have hated him since the 80s, I have no idea why. Der Spiegel is a Jewish magazine, not German.
I hadn't heard that. I do have a friend who as a Jewish wife that absolutely hates Trump though. Do they hate the fact that we moved our embassy or something?

I'm not Jewish, but what does religion have to do with it? We all have had four years of this horrid little unqualified conman and sex maniac. BTW: that so many people who say that they believe in the teachings of Jesus who actually have supported him is just shocking.
"The German magazine Der Spiegel has delivered a withering assessment of President Donald Trump's 2020 in an article headlined "The loser of the year."

The piece of more than 3,300 words pulled no punches in criticizing Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic, his refusal to accept an election defeat, and for good measure, it took swipes at other presidential actions this year.

Headlined in German "Der Verlierer des Jahres" the article published online on Thursday describes how Trump's refusal to accept President-elect Joe Biden's victory is "not surprising," because, as Roland Nelles and Ralf Neukirch write: "nothing is normal under Trump.

"Instead, he speaks of massive electoral fraud, although there is no evidence for it. Trump's presidency ends as it began. Without decency and without dignity." [Emphasis added above]
More here ~~ Donald Trump labelled "loser of the year" by Europe's biggest news magazine ~~

The Germans know a loser when one takes the world stage, eh!
Loser of the year?

I strongly disagree with that. Limiting it to just one year is too generous.
Donald Trump Labelled 'Loser of the Year' by Europe's Biggest News Magazine

Gee, another unhinged leftwing butthole worried about what some little shit-can foreign country on the other side of the planet thinks!

Who coulda seen that coming?!

And look, they talk just like a TDS anti-Trumper here!

I wonder which leftwing news outlet here in the states they are owned by, or collaborating with? You know it take FOUR leftards to screw in a light bulb--- None of them are ever capable of an original thought.

When leftards work so hard to tell themselves how much the other side lost, you know immediately they are the last ones to believe it but the first needing the convincing! :21:

At least now we know why the Europeans are as much in the dark about everything as our Biden voters here!
For starters whether you agree with the magazine or not Germany is not a 'shit-can' country. But we are interdependent on our allies, something you would be unfamiliar with.

Most of the world and more than half the voting public in the U.S. don't care for Trump.
You don't know who owns Der Spiegel and then ask some dumb shit question about it's ownership? Nobody could ever credibly accuse you of curiosity.

In the end all you did was attack the messenger and not the message.

Germany has sold its citizens to the globalist community....

"The German magazine Der Spiegel has delivered a withering assessment of President Donald Trump's 2020 in an article headlined "The loser of the year."

The piece of more than 3,300 words pulled no punches in criticizing Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic, his refusal to accept an election defeat, and for good measure, it took swipes at other presidential actions this year.

Headlined in German "Der Verlierer des Jahres" the article published online on Thursday describes how Trump's refusal to accept President-elect Joe Biden's victory is "not surprising," because, as Roland Nelles and Ralf Neukirch write: "nothing is normal under Trump.

"Instead, he speaks of massive electoral fraud,You although there is no evidence for it. Trump's presidency ends as it began. Without decency and without dignity." [Emphasis added above]
More here ~~ Donald Trump labelled "loser of the year" by Europe's biggest news magazine ~~

The Germans know a loser when one takes the world stage, eh!

hahahahahaha....DER Baufsheiser!....ahhahahahahahahah....heh heh heh,,,,,,,bwahhhhhhhhhahahahah

You couldn't have hurt your cause any more than's a propaganda rag with almost no subscribers anymore and the Germans freaking hate Merkel btw for filling their country up with terrorists. That slut
doesn't even pay her bills.


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