Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

You claimed that the Germans and Japanese didn't take our jobs. you didn't specify "They didn't take our jobs in the 80's (even though they continued to do exactly that.)
You specifically stated Ronald Reagan and the 1980's. Don't try moving the goalposts because you've been defeated (yet again).
Actually, losing market share IS losing jobs...
No son, it's not. If it's reported tomorrow morning that Apple gained a 1% market share in the phone market, Google will not layoff 1% of their Android workforce. :laugh:

Once again, after being thoroughly defeated, you're trying to move the goalposts. The actual manufacturing jobs we lost, went to nations without regulations, minimum wages, or unions. Apple has exploded the past two decades (hitting record market valuation - completely dominating the electronics market of Japan), but they are manufacturing in China because failed and ignorant left-wing policies make it too impractical to manufacture here in the U.S.

Your entire problem in life, Joseph, is that your ego is larger than your IQ. That's a serious issue. You need to correct that. Find some humility and find some education.
I love the Bible, Poodle... it's the best bit of comedy ever written.

Like the story when a Bald Prophet sends bears to kill 42 children because they made fun of him. HILARIOUS.
People who have never read the Bible should refrain from commenting on it. Just say'n.
  1. How could TWO bears kill 42 children if they all took off running? At best, there might be 2 to 5 children dead
  2. God doesn't control people. We have free will. Trying to blame God for the actions of Elisha is like trying to blame George W. Bush for Obama's failures. Oh wait, you did that too.
Okay, if you need to beleive that. Frankly, all my interactions with government have been positive. I went to a public university and got my initial job training through the US Army.
Yeah...McDonald's is a great threat to you very existence, while the government is your "savior" despite sending people into Vietnam based on the Gulf of Tonkin false flag. Oh, and don't forget MK Ultra, the Tuskegee Experiments, etc.

But yeah, Apple sure is a major threat to your existence. :rolleyes:
That's literally as idiotic as saying "Californians, Texans, Floridians, etc. weren't too keen on being ruled by Americans after a certain point".

Um... NO.

Those other peoples didn't speak Russian. They spoke their own languages, had their own cultures and their own histories. A lot of them had only become part of "Russia" in the last century before the USSR fell.

Are you really this poorly informed about the rest of the world?

So what you're saying is that Democrats are so dumb, if a Republican candidate employs a "strategy" to get them to vote for Republicans, they do it?

Um. No. Here's what happened.

1964 Democrats - "I'm afraid we are supporting an end to Jim Crow and racism."

Southern INbreds - "Well, we dun quitting the Republican Party.

1968 Republicans - "Welcome, Inbreds!!!!"
Yeah...McDonald's is a great threat to you very existence, while the government is your "savior" despite sending people into Vietnam based on the Gulf of Tonkin false flag. Oh, and don't forget MK Ultra, the Tuskegee Experiments, etc.

Wow, you have to go back 60 years to find something Really Bad government did?
1964 Democrats - "I'm afraid we are supporting an end to Jim Crow and racism."

Southern INbreds - "Well, we dun quitting the Republican Party.

1968 Republicans - "Welcome, Inbreds!!!!"
So what you’re saying is is the Republican Party is an inclusive party that welcomes everyone so long as they believe in the US Constitution? Got it.

There is, however, one small problem with your “all of the racists left the Dumbocrat Party and ran to the GOP” propaganda. You still have to explain what made all of the small government conservatives go running to the failed and ignorant big-government Dumbocrats.

See, if you’re bullshit propaganda were even remotely true, the GOP would have had like 75% of the population and would have had total government control across the US (when in fact that was an era where the Dumbocrats had total control). Oops.

Wow, you have to go back 60 years to find something Really Bad government did?
Well Joseph, the way it works is that government covers up their “really bad” stuff. They mask it behind “national security”.

So as we speak, the US federal government is engaging in unimaginable human atrocities (especially now that a Democrat sits in the White House again) but we won’t find out about it for decades.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless
I see trumpians only love Hollywood types who make unprovable statements that weakly seems to imply the constitutional ignorance of the electorate of which trumpians are part of. Dreyfus knows nothing about me or I dare say most of the 330,000,000 other Americans .Yet his rant that couldn’t possibly be based of any factual information is offered as special source of astonishment to the perpetually perplexed Tucker Carlson.
You claimed that the Germans and Japanese didn't take our jobs. you didn't specify "They didn't take our jobs in the 80's (even though they continued to do exactly that.)
You specifically stated Ronald Reagan and the 1980's. Don't try moving the goalposts because you've been defeated (yet again).
Actually, losing market share IS losing jobs...
No son, it's not. If it's reported tomorrow morning that Apple gained a 1% market share in the phone market, Google will not layoff 1% of their Android workforce. :laugh:

Once again, after being thoroughly defeated, you're trying to move the goalposts. The actual manufacturing jobs we lost, went to nations without regulations, minimum wages, or unions. Apple has exploded the past two decades (hitting record market valuation - completely dominating the electronics market of Japan), but they are manufacturing in China because failed and ignorant left-wing policies make it too impractical to manufacture here in the U.S.

Your entire problem in life, Joseph, is that your ego is larger than your IQ. That's a serious issue. You need to correct that. Find some humility and find some education.

You said, |
"they are manufacturing in China because failed and ignorant left-wing policies make it too impractical to manufacture here in the U.S." And that is not really true.
Labor is less than half the overhead cost, and due to shipping costs, very little is saved by manufacturing in China.
The failure is that goods produced by non-union or forced labor in China should be heavily tariffed.
That is what tariffs are for.
The problem is politicians now are getting paid off to not implement the protective tariffs we need and deserve.
Yeah...McDonald's is a great threat to you very existence, while the government is your "savior" despite sending people into Vietnam based on the Gulf of Tonkin false flag. Oh, and don't forget MK Ultra, the Tuskegee Experiments, etc.

Wow, you have to go back 60 years to find something Really Bad government did?

All governments always are doing some bad things, like invading Iraq on lies, illegally trying to topple Assad, ending the democracy in Egypt, murdering Qaddafi, the war on drugs, 3 strikes, over a million incarcerated, millions of Blacks not allowed to vote,
Yeah...just a century. That’s all. Several generations of growing up as part of the U.S.S.R.

Um. So what. Several generations of Indians, Kenyans, etc. grew up as part of the British Empire.

So if you are going to credit Reagan for the USSR falling apart, who do you credit for the British empire falling apart?

Well Joseph, the way it works is that government covers up their “really bad” stuff. They mask it behind “national security”.

So as we speak, the US federal government is engaging in unimaginable human atrocities (especially now that a Democrat sits in the White House again) but we won’t find out about it for decades.

Yeah, because the government is so good at covering up "atrocities". Come on, get real. No one wants to live in your Libertarian Anarchy of letting the rich run roughshod over the rest of us.

Why do you hate your country, and call yourself a "Patriot"?

So what you’re saying is is the Republican Party is an inclusive party that welcomes everyone so long as they believe in the US Constitution? Got it.

Nope, and I'm sorry simple English comprehension eludes you, Poodle.

There is, however, one small problem with your “all of the racists left the Dumbocrat Party and ran to the GOP” propaganda. You still have to explain what made all of the small government conservatives go running to the failed and ignorant big-government Dumbocrats.

They didn't. When you put "Small Government Conservatism" on the ballot, it was Barry Goldwater losing states like Utah and Montana. In fact, the ONLY reason why Barry carried any states at all promoting "Small Government Conservatism was beause he opposed the Civil Rights Act and carried five Inbred States in the south.

Then Nixon figured that the way to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests was to play on their racial, religious and sexual fears. Better vote for me, or some Black Panthers are going to come in and murder your whole family. Or maybe some dirty drug-crazed hippies. They've been playing variations on that game every since. Hate on the "Other". Reagan's welfare queens, Bush's talking about gay marriage, Trump screaming about Mexicans "rapists and murderers".

Then they pass a bunch of laws to let the rich fuck working people, and they scratch their big monkey cranium wondering why they are working at Starbucks instead of a good factory job.

See, if you’re bullshit propaganda were even remotely true, the GOP would have had like 75% of the population and would have had total government control across the US (when in fact that was an era where the Dumbocrats had total control). Oops.

Bullshit. Most Americans don't want "small government". It's why government never shrinks when Republicans are in charge. People hate "Welfare" (Payments to poor people so they can survive) but they are fine with "entitlements" (Payments to middle class people so they can get by.) They hate pork barrel projects in other states, but they love it when their congressman "Brings home the bacon" for projects in their district.

In many, many ways, you guys have made this problem worse. By cutting taxes while continuing to spend like sailors in a whorehouse, the Republicans have made big government MORE attractive. Look at all this cool stuff we get without having to pay for it.
She's right

Mary Trump thinks ex-president will pretend to run again because it's the best money maker he's ever had
She's right

Mary Trump thinks ex-president will pretend to run again because it's the best money maker he's ever had
He's already asking for money. And the cult45 members are so fucked in the head, they'll hand over hard earned cash to a billionaire to make him wealthier.
So if you are going to credit Reagan for the USSR falling apart, who do you credit for the British empire falling apart?
Obviously the United States deserves some credit on that. But unlike the Cold War, I’m not educated enough on the 18th Century “British Empire” to state.

Besides that, it’s completely irrelevant to our current conversation (though I can’t say I blame for you for wanting to change it).
Obviously the United States deserves some credit on that. But unlike the Cold War, I’m not educated enough on the 18th Century “British Empire” to state.

You're not educated on either, really... but that's fine, buddy.

Besides that, it’s completely irrelevant to our current conversation (though I can’t say I blame for you for wanting to change it).

Well, no, actually, it is relevant to what comprises presidential greatness.

FDR and Lincoln are great because they were confronted with crisis and took positive actions to deal with it.

Reagan is a guy who followed a questionable policy, and something unrelated happened years later, that his cult gave him credit for.

Trump is a guy who had kind of three years of playing America on Easy Mode, then when he had a crisis, he failed miserably. That kind of puts him down there with Herbert Hoover and James Buchanan.

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