Donald Trump now has an obvious path to a second term

I believe the only people that used the term "dirt" are the left. Plus that's irrelevant since the call took place in June and a long way from the nomination.

You can use whatever word you like to use, but he sent his personal attorney to find "Information" on Biden for his own personal use.

In June Biden was the front runner by a large margin.

Irrelevant since it was still many months away. I could only imagine if Cheney got his daughter a multi-million dollar job in Ukraine without the credentials to actually do the job. I'm sure DumBama would have had ever federal agency looking under every rock there, and nothing but support from the leftists.

There is no law that says you have to wait till the primary season to attack an opponent. You just make shit up out of the blue. It is fascinating to watch.

Or is it possible he waited for a less corrupt administration before looking into it? Nah, that can't be. Since this impeachment is based on the Democrats ability to read minds, they know that's why Trump did it when he did.
Uh, no, this impeachment is based on Trump's own words, soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

He was/is looking into Ukranian corruption.

Now, please understand that the Dems are saying that the transcript shows they want him investigating a political rival for help in the next
election. He however says he wants investigation into the corruption of the 2016 election. Dems are saying it is a Quid Pro Quo. GOP is
saying the transcript is about corruption. The problem is...the Dems say the transcript doesn't mention the word corruption in it. Guess what?
It also doesn't mention a Quid Pro Quo in it either. The only fact witness has testified that the President wanted nothing. He wanted no
Quid Pro Quo. A 1st year law student could beat that argument.

The Dems are beat and they will be beaten badly.
He has more than this, but this is enough. Even CNN is trying desperately to face reality.

Donald Trump now has an obvious path to a second term - CNNPolitics

3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report
3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report

Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.

Steven Rattner wrote that Ray Fair of Yale favors Trump to win based on a model that combines incumbency and gross domestic product growth rates.

The model predicted Barack Obama’s 2008 popular vote margin within a fraction of a percentage point and got within two-tenths of a point for his 2012 vote share, Rattner, who served as a counselor to the Treasury secretary during the Obama administration, added.

The model correctly predicting an electoral victory for Trump in 2016, but overestimated his popular vote share by about 5.5 points, which Rattner attributed to Trump’s personal unfavorables.

“In other words, a more ‘normal’ Republican would likely have won the popular vote by a substantial margin (instead of losing it by three million votes),” Rattner wrote.

Trump’s status as the incumbent also puts the odds in his favor for 2020, according to the Obama-era official.

Mark Zandi, Moody’s Analytics’s chief economist, has also said Trump is poised to win based on an analysis of 12 models, while Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics made a similar prediction based on an Electoral College analysis, Rattner noted.

“So the question for 2020 may well be whether Mr. Trump can overcome the majority of voters’ poor perception of him and use a good economy and incumbency to win re-election,” he writes.
He has more than this, but this is enough. Even CNN is trying desperately to face reality.

Donald Trump now has an obvious path to a second term - CNNPolitics

3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report
3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report

Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.

Steven Rattner wrote that Ray Fair of Yale favors Trump to win based on a model that combines incumbency and gross domestic product growth rates.

The model predicted Barack Obama’s 2008 popular vote margin within a fraction of a percentage point and got within two-tenths of a point for his 2012 vote share, Rattner, who served as a counselor to the Treasury secretary during the Obama administration, added.

The model correctly predicting an electoral victory for Trump in 2016, but overestimated his popular vote share by about 5.5 points, which Rattner attributed to Trump’s personal unfavorables.

“In other words, a more ‘normal’ Republican would likely have won the popular vote by a substantial margin (instead of losing it by three million votes),” Rattner wrote.

Trump’s status as the incumbent also puts the odds in his favor for 2020, according to the Obama-era official.

Mark Zandi, Moody’s Analytics’s chief economist, has also said Trump is poised to win based on an analysis of 12 models, while Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics made a similar prediction based on an Electoral College analysis, Rattner noted.

“So the question for 2020 may well be whether Mr. Trump can overcome the majority of voters’ poor perception of him and use a good economy and incumbency to win re-election,” he writes.

I personally believe that there were a substantial amount of Republican (and Independent) voters that either didn't vote, or voted for Hillary out of retaliation. Now that we are witness to what Trump has accomplished, he will not only easily win the election, but take the popular vote as well to the chagrin of the Democrats.

While our county's economy continues to grow, most others are flat lined or declining. This is a challenge for Trump along with his trade war. But if the economy holds strong, Democrats don't stand a chance, and with this impeachment farce, could lose leadership of the House itself.

A lot can change between now and election night.
He has more than this, but this is enough. Even CNN is trying desperately to face reality.

Donald Trump now has an obvious path to a second term - CNNPolitics

Keep up the good work BK

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Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs... A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances...
His chances of winning a second term are questionable. I believe this not because he is an asshole, but because those who oppose him may be too powerful to stop.

They will stop at nothing to prevent his re-election. They will lie cheat and steal. After what they got away with in 2016 and since, they are emboldened to steal the election right out in the open, in front of the American people.

The chances of EVERY president winning a 2nd term are "questionable." Nothing is written in stone an absolute. But nothing you said did not apply his first time running either, and this time, his supporters have the way he has been treated as an added motivation to vote more for him, while the Democrats went from a well-liked, entrenched Hillary who had deep support, to AT BEST a goof-ball alzheimer's 3rd-string 3-time-losing political candidate incapable of getting through one sentence without a terrible gaffe now exposed for flagrant corruption.
He has more than this, but this is enough. Even CNN is trying desperately to face reality.

Donald Trump now has an obvious path to a second term - CNNPolitics

Keep up the good work BK

About this website


Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs... A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances...

You've become even sillier, ed. Jacked up the scotch intake?
Who do the Dims really have to run against him?
Someone with a known identity, experience, and the chutzpah to stand up to him?

Bloomberg is ahead of the rest but I don't feel he could wage a strong campaign to beat the president.

Beside, the presidency may be important but it's vital for the GOP to regain the majority in the House and add three or more seats in the Senate.

A lot of things can be BS’d in politics, but the personal economic situation of voters cannot be swayed.
People have always voted with their wallets
However, there is a sector in America that wallet comes from the government the more those people lean and depend on the government having a wallet to vote by will be meaningless.
Who do the Dims really have to run against him?
Someone with a known identity, experience, and the chutzpah to stand up to him?

Bloomberg is ahead of the rest but I don't feel he could wage a strong campaign to beat the president.

Beside, the presidency may be important but it's vital for the GOP to regain the majority in the House and add three or more seats in the Senate.

Bloomberg ran New York like a dictator it might work there not so much in America.
His chances of winning a second term are questionable. I believe this not because he is an asshole, but because those who oppose him may be too powerful to stop.

They will stop at nothing to prevent his re-election. They will lie cheat and steal. After what they got away with in 2016 and since, they are emboldened to steal the election right out in the open, in front of the American people.

The chances of EVERY president winning a 2nd term are "questionable." Nothing is written in stone an absolute. But nothing you said did not apply his first time running either, and this time, his supporters have the way he has been treated as an added motivation to vote more for him, while the Democrats went from a well-liked, entrenched Hillary who had deep support, to AT BEST a goof-ball alzheimer's 3rd-string 3-time-losing political candidate incapable of getting through one sentence without a terrible gaffe now exposed for flagrant corruption.
What? Hillary was hated and despised by millions. Her negatives were sky high, even among Dems. Bernie supporters did not vote, which lost her the election.

While the media and D Party love Donnie for selling papers and allowing them to offer nothing to the American people, I suspect many in government including the intelligence agencies will do all they can to prevent reelection.
He has more than this, but this is enough. Even CNN is trying desperately to face reality.

Donald Trump now has an obvious path to a second term - CNNPolitics
The Democrat Party is going broke because they spent the last three years trying to propagandize America to Fear ORANGE MAN BAD.

They are $7 Million in debt with an presidential election just 11 months away. Can you imagine their desperation? They had to recruit two Billionaires to make a FAKE RUN for President just to afford Negative Advertising against TRUMP.

THAT's HOW BAD it is in Libphuckistan.

And I don't feel sorry for them.

They Brought it on Themselves.

The Biggest Reason they are pissed, is because they went broke trying to purchase The White House For Cankles McPutn and they all thought they were going to make all that money back once they were put in power, just like they have always done.

Trump threw a monkey wrench in to their Graft and Bribery Scheme, and they are mad as HELL!

There is no law that says you have to wait till the primary season to attack an opponent. You just make shit up out of the blue. It is fascinating to watch.

Or is it possible he waited for a less corrupt administration before looking into it? Nah, that can't be. Since this impeachment is based on the Democrats ability to read minds, they know that's why Trump did it when he did.
Uh, no, this impeachment is based on Trump's own words, soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
Which words? “I don’t want a quid pro quo”?
These words....

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... "
That would be Trump looking into Bidens quid pro quo crime, dumbass.
Which Trump can't legally do by soliciting the aid of a foreign national.
If the Republican Party returns to its pre-Trump ideological defaults—standing up for big business over the middle class, prioritizing free-market principles over social issues—we’re not going to be a majority party, ever...That’s just not the future.

the modern Republican Party’s split over competing impulses toward free-market economics and social conservatism has led some conservatives to ignore the effects of their policies on the middle and working class.

It’s time to do away with that, my friends!
You can use whatever word you like to use, but he sent his personal attorney to find "Information" on Biden for his own personal use.

In June Biden was the front runner by a large margin.

Irrelevant since it was still many months away. I could only imagine if Cheney got his daughter a multi-million dollar job in Ukraine without the credentials to actually do the job. I'm sure DumBama would have had ever federal agency looking under every rock there, and nothing but support from the leftists.

There is no law that says you have to wait till the primary season to attack an opponent. You just make shit up out of the blue. It is fascinating to watch.

Or is it possible he waited for a less corrupt administration before looking into it? Nah, that can't be. Since this impeachment is based on the Democrats ability to read minds, they know that's why Trump did it when he did.
Uh, no, this impeachment is based on Trump's own words, soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

He was/is looking into Ukranian corruption.

Now, please understand that the Dems are saying that the transcript shows they want him investigating a political rival for help in the next
election. He however says he wants investigation into the corruption of the 2016 election. Dems are saying it is a Quid Pro Quo. GOP is
saying the transcript is about corruption. The problem is...the Dems say the transcript doesn't mention the word corruption in it. Guess what?
It also doesn't mention a Quid Pro Quo in it either. The only fact witness has testified that the President wanted nothing. He wanted no
Quid Pro Quo. A 1st year law student could beat that argument.

The Dems are beat and they will be beaten badly.

That is not looking into Ukranian corruption. That was an event which took place nearly 4 years ago. If it was truly corruption Trymp was interested in squashing, he would have asked Zelensky to look into current matters of ongoing actual corruption.
Trump’s bombastic style and penchant for chaos bear no consequence for the new brand of conservatism he wants to implement, my friends
Or is it possible he waited for a less corrupt administration before looking into it? Nah, that can't be. Since this impeachment is based on the Democrats ability to read minds, they know that's why Trump did it when he did.
Uh, no, this impeachment is based on Trump's own words, soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
Which words? “I don’t want a quid pro quo”?
These words....

"Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... "
That would be Trump looking into Bidens quid pro quo crime, dumbass.
Which Trump can't legally do by soliciting the aid of a foreign national.

Nonsense. We have a reciprocal agreement with Ukraine for such matters, and Biden is not protected from investigation by his candidacy for office.
His chances of winning a second term are questionable. I believe this not because he is an asshole, but because those who oppose him may be too powerful to stop.

They will stop at nothing to prevent his re-election. They will lie cheat and steal. After what they got away with in 2016 and since, they are emboldened to steal the election right out in the open, in front of the American people.

The chances of EVERY president winning a 2nd term are "questionable." Nothing is written in stone an absolute. But nothing you said did not apply his first time running either, and this time, his supporters have the way he has been treated as an added motivation to vote more for him, while the Democrats went from a well-liked, entrenched Hillary who had deep support, to AT BEST a goof-ball alzheimer's 3rd-string 3-time-losing political candidate incapable of getting through one sentence without a terrible gaffe now exposed for flagrant corruption.
What? Hillary was hated and despised by millions. Her negatives were sky high, even among Dems. Bernie supporters did not vote, which lost her the election.

While the media and D Party love Donnie for selling papers and allowing them to offer nothing to the American people, I suspect many in government including the intelligence agencies will do all they can to prevent reelection.

NO ONE loved Donnie but his voters. Hillary, despite all her negatives is actually well liked and deeply connected in the Washington machine and deep pocket backers, the people that really count usually in winning an election.

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