Donald Trump on Terror: ‘This Bloodshed Must End’

'Americans have only widows and orphans to fear'
Of course that is a typical Right-wing perversion of what Obama said. No surprise there!!!
It's what they always do. The right is unable to be truthful.
Just like the cheeto taking the London mayor's words out of context so he could lie.
Yeah, Obama was mocking 27 Republican governors along with Christie who said he opposes allowing people fleeing the conflict in Syria to resettle in the U.S., even "orphans under five." Obama didn't say "Americans" have only widows and orphans to fear, he said REPUBLICANS "are scared of three year old orphans."
No snowflake, Barry mocked Americans over false 'widows and orphans', Americans who died days later at the hands of a terroris Barry welcomed into the US after his admitted flawed vetting process failed.
And that is why Trumpists are the most despicable liars, even after their lies are exposed, they just keep on lying.

Obama: Opponents of my plan to welcome Syrian refugees are afraid of widows and orphans - Hot Air
“Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of Republicans. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”

Obama apparently directed his ire at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who said Tuesday he opposes allowing people fleeing the conflict in Syria to resettle in the U.S., even “orphans under five.”
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Barak Obama on Terror: 'Americans have only widows and orphans to fear'.

'Nuff Said.
Americans seem to be the ones that are panicking the most over the London attacks.
Instead of building a giant wall, Trump should build a giant bed that you can all hide under.
'Americans have only widows and orphans to fear'
Of course that is a typical Right-wing perversion of what Obama said. No surprise there!!!
It's what they always do. The right is unable to be truthful.
Just like the cheeto taking the London mayor's words out of context so he could lie.
Yeah, Obama was mocking 27 Republican governors along with Christie who said he opposes allowing people fleeing the conflict in Syria to resettle in the U.S., even "orphans under five." Obama didn't say "Americans" have only widows and orphans to fear, he said REPUBLICANS "are scared of three year old orphans."
No snowflake, Barry mocked Americans over false 'widows and orphans', Americans who died days later at the hands of a terroris Barry welcomed into the US after his admitted flawed vetting process failed.
And that is why Trumpists are the most despicable liars, even after their lies are exposed, they just keep on lying.
All you did was respond by saying, 'Uh-uh'. You exposed nothing more than how much you worship 'Big Ears'.

After his terrorist murdered the 7 in Ca, Barry was concerned more with defending Muslim Extremists by sending out his AG to treaten Americans with prosecution.

What an incredible Islamic Extremist Sympathizing POS...
I thought the terrorism would have ended by now

Trump said he had a secret plan
Was his secret plan to go kill them in London? Maybe that's a bit outside our jurisdiction.

Trump said he had a secret plan to defeat ISIS
Looks like he lied

Trump reneges on 30 day ISIS plan promise
Defeating Isis isn't a secret plan it's a balls plan. One you left nut jobs don't have the balls for.
Then why has Trump been using Obama's plan to defeat ISIS?
So based on this thread.

Trump- We need this terrorism shit to end.

The left- No we don't! And you're mean for even thinking that!
I thought the terrorism would have ended by now

Trump said he had a secret plan
Was his secret plan to go kill them in London? Maybe that's a bit outside our jurisdiction.

Trump said he had a secret plan to defeat ISIS
Looks like he lied

Trump reneges on 30 day ISIS plan promise
Defeating Isis isn't a secret plan it's a balls plan. One you left nut jobs don't have the balls for.
Then why has Trump been using Obama's plan to defeat ISIS?
Give The Don a least wait until 30 days are up.

I thought the terrorism would have ended by now

Trump said he had a secret plan
Was his secret plan to go kill them in London? Maybe that's a bit outside our jurisdiction.

Trump said he had a secret plan to defeat ISIS
Looks like he lied

Trump reneges on 30 day ISIS plan promise
Defeating Isis isn't a secret plan it's a balls plan. One you left nut jobs don't have the balls for.
Then why has Trump been using Obama's plan to defeat ISIS?
Because your judges won't let him?
Barak Obama on Terror: 'Americans have only widows and orphans to fear'.

'Nuff Said.
Americans seem to be the ones that are panicking the most over the London attacks.
Instead of building a giant wall, Trump should build a giant bed that you can all hide under.
Obama ignored the terrorist threat in Benghazi - 4 Americans were needlessly murdered.

Obama took ISIS for granted while bragging how he had 'confined' ISIS...the next day ISIS perpetrated the largest attack on France since WWII & people died.

Obama took for granted the warning given to him about 2 terrorist brothers and failed to prevent the Boston Marathon Bombing - Americans died. Afterwards he tried to make it seem like he had no idea who they were.

Obama mocked Americans over their concern over refugees coming to the US, after his Intel agency declared ISIS had infiltrated the refugees ranks. Several days later a terrorist allowed into the US after the vetting process failed murdered 7 Americans. Obama never apologized. He did send his AG to threaten Americans with prosecution for exercising their Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech, though.

When Obama was in charge there was reason to fear.
Of course that is a typical Right-wing perversion of what Obama said. No surprise there!!!
It's what they always do. The right is unable to be truthful.
Just like the cheeto taking the London mayor's words out of context so he could lie.
Yeah, Obama was mocking 27 Republican governors along with Christie who said he opposes allowing people fleeing the conflict in Syria to resettle in the U.S., even "orphans under five." Obama didn't say "Americans" have only widows and orphans to fear, he said REPUBLICANS "are scared of three year old orphans."
No snowflake, Barry mocked Americans over false 'widows and orphans', Americans who died days later at the hands of a terroris Barry welcomed into the US after his admitted flawed vetting process failed.
And that is why Trumpists are the most despicable liars, even after their lies are exposed, they just keep on lying.
All you did was respond by saying, 'Uh-uh'. You exposed nothing more than how much you worship 'Big Ears'.

After his terrorist murdered the 7 in Ca, Barry was concerned more with defending Muslim Extremists by sending out his AG to treaten Americans with prosecution.

What an incredible Islamic Extremist Sympathizing POS...
Keep them lies coming!
It's what they always do. The right is unable to be truthful.
Just like the cheeto taking the London mayor's words out of context so he could lie.
Yeah, Obama was mocking 27 Republican governors along with Christie who said he opposes allowing people fleeing the conflict in Syria to resettle in the U.S., even "orphans under five." Obama didn't say "Americans" have only widows and orphans to fear, he said REPUBLICANS "are scared of three year old orphans."
No snowflake, Barry mocked Americans over false 'widows and orphans', Americans who died days later at the hands of a terroris Barry welcomed into the US after his admitted flawed vetting process failed.
And that is why Trumpists are the most despicable liars, even after their lies are exposed, they just keep on lying.
All you did was respond by saying, 'Uh-uh'. You exposed nothing more than how much you worship 'Big Ears'.

After his terrorist murdered the 7 in Ca, Barry was concerned more with defending Muslim Extremists by sending out his AG to treaten Americans with prosecution.

What an incredible Islamic Extremist Sympathizing POS...
Keep them lies coming!
You're such a flaming, delusional liberal snowflake...

God help one else can.
Yeah, Obama was mocking 27 Republican governors along with Christie who said he opposes allowing people fleeing the conflict in Syria to resettle in the U.S., even "orphans under five." Obama didn't say "Americans" have only widows and orphans to fear, he said REPUBLICANS "are scared of three year old orphans."
No snowflake, Barry mocked Americans over false 'widows and orphans', Americans who died days later at the hands of a terroris Barry welcomed into the US after his admitted flawed vetting process failed.
And that is why Trumpists are the most despicable liars, even after their lies are exposed, they just keep on lying.
All you did was respond by saying, 'Uh-uh'. You exposed nothing more than how much you worship 'Big Ears'.

After his terrorist murdered the 7 in Ca, Barry was concerned more with defending Muslim Extremists by sending out his AG to treaten Americans with prosecution.

What an incredible Islamic Extremist Sympathizing POS...
Keep them lies coming!
You're such a flaming, delusional liberal snowflake...

God help one else can.
When the lies fail, the Right stoops to personal attacks.
Thank you.
No snowflake, Barry mocked Americans over false 'widows and orphans', Americans who died days later at the hands of a terroris Barry welcomed into the US after his admitted flawed vetting process failed.
And that is why Trumpists are the most despicable liars, even after their lies are exposed, they just keep on lying.
All you did was respond by saying, 'Uh-uh'. You exposed nothing more than how much you worship 'Big Ears'.

After his terrorist murdered the 7 in Ca, Barry was concerned more with defending Muslim Extremists by sending out his AG to treaten Americans with prosecution.

What an incredible Islamic Extremist Sympathizing POS...
Keep them lies coming!
You're such a flaming, delusional liberal snowflake...

God help one else can.
When the lies fail, the Right stoops to personal attacks.
Thank you.
Oh poor 'Kathy Griffin' snowflake, trying to play the 'victim' card, claiming others are to blame for your lies and stupidity.

The only one you are convincing is yourself ... but don't let me stop you. Please continue. I find it amusing...
We just sold another $110B in arms to the Wahabists in Saudi Arabia, that'll stop the bloodshed won't it.
More than when Obama gave weapons to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, PLO, Mexican Drug cartels, etc....

Obama didn't give smart bombs to the Saudis and tell them "human rights don't matter". Bahrain's Leaders went home and stepped up their bombing of Yemen.

Trump is the only world leader to show fear of terrorists. Even Ariana Grande had the courage to go on stage hours after the Londo. Bridge attacks and say that "Love destroys hate".

Ordinary Brits attacked the terrorists on the bridge with chairs and bottles and anything handy.

Meanwhile back in the home of the so-called brave, Trump is afraid of Muslims. He's beaten by the terrorists. He's running and he's hiding from all Muslims. And then he tries to start a Twitter feud with the Mayor of London.

Trump is ignoring the white Christian terrorism against blacks, Jews and Muslims in the US and using these tragedies to score political points.

He supposedly wanted a 90 day moratorium on Muslim immigration to review vetting procedures. He's had more than 90 days. What did the review find. There was nothing in the orders stopping the ban which would have prevented a review of the due diligence requirements.

If it's not done, why hasn't it been done? It's not like Trump has had any problems not of his own making to deal with.

His every action and reaction is an affront to decent people everywhere. If you're not ashamed of his behaviour, you're a piss poor excuse for a human being.
5 people get mowed down in Florida and drumpf's response is 'words, words and words, words'. Uttering sound from one's mouth does not solve anything. It just makes Trump look like what he is, incompetent. Where is the 'quick defeat of Isis' this piece of crap promised? Ahhhh, too busy tweeting, like a 13 year old girl.
5 people in Florida weren't killed by ISIS. Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out. You're too dumb to even know the difference.

"Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out."

Explain. Your hyperbole plays to your alt-right pals, no one else.
Your judges have declared such common sense actions as keeping those people out are illegal. So now we get to deal with them here instead of leaving them in their country to be dealt with there.

Which judges are 'my judges'? And do you talk to the ether regularly? Also Trump's desired ban was for 90 days, and it's past 90 days now which means the ban would have been lifted. So how is that different than right now?
It would have taken 90 days but never got started. Thanks to your judges they kept flooding in. The 90 day ban was to get a handle on this crap and not let people in for how ever long it takes. That never happened due to the left wing courts.

Manny Meme-eater.

I don't have any judges, it's something that you make up in your mind that doesn't exist. 90 days is up, nothing happened. Move on.
Obama spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, creating safe havens for, fighting wars for terrorists.

He paid ransoms to, appeased by joining into treaties with, released from Gitmo, and refused to jail terrorists, even the 'mastermind' behind the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack.

He hired a militia affiliated with the terrorist group that murdered 3,000 Americans to help protect a US Ambassador and other Americans then seemed surprised that 4 Americans ended up dead.

He used our military to help the terrorists that killed 3,000 Americans to help murder another nation's leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists. He then handed over control of that nation to terrorists, helping to create a new, stronger terrorist safe haven.

How anyone can see / read his failed, blood-stained record and NOT conclude Obama is an Islamic Sympathizer, if not a treasonous facilitator, is beyond me.
I like how Donald is conceared more about Bloodshed in England, when just today another gun freak in Florida killed 5 people after being fired .
He wasn't muslim, no angle.
He wasn't a terrorist.

What's the difference??

When we talk about hate crimes you righties are quick to point out "who cares what the killer thinks, the crime is the crime ".

All urban mass murder is terrorism, but there is a vast difference in how it's reported and treated. White urban terrorism is often right wing inspired - Dylan Rooff being a prime example, the knife killer in Portland being another. When a white Christian is involved, they are invariably "mentally ill".

The guy in the theatre in Colorado is just as much an urban terrorist as Rooff or the guy on the train, but he's apolitical. He just wanted to create havoc and yes he was clearly mentally ill, as was the Sandy Hook shooter, but the guy at Sandy Hook was being raised by a survivalist mother who believed Obama was coming to take her guns.

People are just as dead, and just as terrorized whether it's done by a right wing or a left wing terrorist, or whether it's just some crazy asshole with a gun.

But to say that the only form of terrorism which should be acknowledged or efforts made to prevent it, is radicalized Muslims is a fallacy which is starting to mount a frightening body count of its own.
5 people in Florida weren't killed by ISIS. Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out. You're too dumb to even know the difference.

"Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out."

Explain. Your hyperbole plays to your alt-right pals, no one else.
Your judges have declared such common sense actions as keeping those people out are illegal. So now we get to deal with them here instead of leaving them in their country to be dealt with there.

Which judges are 'my judges'? And do you talk to the ether regularly? Also Trump's desired ban was for 90 days, and it's past 90 days now which means the ban would have been lifted. So how is that different than right now?
It would have taken 90 days but never got started. Thanks to your judges they kept flooding in. The 90 day ban was to get a handle on this crap and not let people in for how ever long it takes. That never happened due to the left wing courts.

Manny Meme-eater.

I don't have any judges, it's something that you make up in your mind that doesn't exist. 90 days is up, nothing happened. Move on.
You don't seem capable of actually thinking. When did the ban start? When that did start when did the vetting begin? Oh, neither happened. But it's been 90 days so I guess the nothing you idiots let happen has expired and any terrorist attacks that happen here are...Trump's fault I'm guessing? Certainly not yours for letting them in here.After all it's been 90 days.
And then they say "Only Muslims are committing terrorism!"
The incident in Fla is not a terrorist attack. Nice try, snowflake.

Incident in Fla may not be, but there were plenty of non Islamic terrorist attacks.

Just to name a few:

White guy shooting up a movie theater was a terrorist attack -12 dead, 70 injured
White guy shooting up a black church was a terrorist attack - 9 people dead
White guy killed 20+ kids in elementary school, that was terrorism.
Hispanic guy just plowed through pedestrians in Times Square.

Not a single one was a terrorist attack. Not a single one was the product of a network conspiracy with a central command.

You are attempting to conflate crime with terrorism. No. Not any more than the London Blitz was the same as an after soccer riot.
And then they say "Only Muslims are committing terrorism!"
The incident in Fla is not a terrorist attack. Nice try, snowflake.

Incident in Fla may not be, but there were plenty of non Islamic terrorist attacks.

Just to name a few:

White guy shooting up a movie theater was a terrorist attack -12 dead, 70 injured
White guy shooting up a black church was a terrorist attack - 9 people dead
White guy killed 20+ kids in elementary school, that was terrorism.
Hispanic guy just plowed through pedestrians in Times Square.

Not a single one was a terrorist attack. Not a single one was the product of a network conspiracy with a central command.

You are attempting to conflate crime with terrorism. No. Not any more than the London Blitz was the same as an after soccer riot.

And the terror attacks in the usa haven't been part of any isis planning . Just a bunch of wannabes "inspired" by isis .
And then they say "Only Muslims are committing terrorism!"
The incident in Fla is not a terrorist attack. Nice try, snowflake.

Incident in Fla may not be, but there were plenty of non Islamic terrorist attacks.

Just to name a few:

White guy shooting up a movie theater was a terrorist attack -12 dead, 70 injured
White guy shooting up a black church was a terrorist attack - 9 people dead
White guy killed 20+ kids in elementary school, that was terrorism.
Hispanic guy just plowed through pedestrians in Times Square.

Not a single one was a terrorist attack. Not a single one was the product of a network conspiracy with a central command.

You are attempting to conflate crime with terrorism. No. Not any more than the London Blitz was the same as an after soccer riot.

Lol you just make up meaning of words.

Those killers had specific intent to terrorize in the name of whatever-the-fuck was slushing around between their ears.

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