Donald Trump on Terror: ‘This Bloodshed Must End’

And then they say "Only Muslims are committing terrorism!"
The incident in Fla is not a terrorist attack. Nice try, snowflake.

That's not what you RWNJs said.

You said the killings in the Phillipines were terrorists too.

Is there ever a time when you fools aren't running out to buy more guns because the world is coming to an end?

And of course, whining because you're not being given everything your little (entitled, white) hearts desire.


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It's what they always do. The right is unable to be truthful.

Just like the cheeto taking the London mayor's words out of context so he could lie.
He is not lying to you he is playing with you. How does it feel?
'Americans have only widows and orphans to fear'
Of course that is a typical Right-wing perversion of what Obama said. No surprise there!!!
It's what they always do. The right is unable to be truthful.
Just like the cheeto taking the London mayor's words out of context so he could lie.
Yeah, Obama was mocking 27 Republican governors along with Christie who said he opposes allowing people fleeing the conflict in Syria to resettle in the U.S., even "orphans under five." Obama didn't say "Americans" have only widows and orphans to fear, he said REPUBLICANS "are scared of three year old orphans."
Nut jobs going off at work on people they have had interactions with for years is Wholly Incomparable to scruff beard hateful zealots blowing up unknown little girls with nail bombs

Do you libs and Muz defenders really not get this?

The victims are just as dead.
Again, liberal question deflection

Trump is a very bad man for thinking more about American citizens than Muslim murderers-lib 101
When we talk about hate crimes you righties are quick to point out "who cares what the killer thinks, the crime is the crime ".
A crime is a crime, but as Obama pointed out, a case of workplace violence is NOT a terrorist attack. The attack in Fla was not a terrorist attack.

And why do we only care about "terrorist" attacks?

Yeah, and what about deaths from tornadoes?

He hasn't even had Spicey lie for him.


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So now tornadoes are considered terrorism? What the hell went wrong in your brain?
5 people get mowed down in Florida and drumpf's response is 'words, words and words, words'. Uttering sound from one's mouth does not solve anything. It just makes Trump look like what he is, incompetent. Where is the 'quick defeat of Isis' this piece of crap promised? Ahhhh, too busy tweeting, like a 13 year old girl.
I thought the terrorism would have ended by now

Trump said he had a secret plan
5 people get mowed down in Florida and drumpf's response is 'words, words and words, words'. Uttering sound from one's mouth does not solve anything. It just makes Trump look like what he is, incompetent. Where is the 'quick defeat of Isis' this piece of crap promised? Ahhhh, too busy tweeting, like a 13 year old girl.
5 people in Florida weren't killed by ISIS. Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out. You're too dumb to even know the difference.
5 people get mowed down in Florida and drumpf's response is 'words, words and words, words'. Uttering sound from one's mouth does not solve anything. It just makes Trump look like what he is, incompetent. Where is the 'quick defeat of Isis' this piece of crap promised? Ahhhh, too busy tweeting, like a 13 year old girl.
5 people in Florida weren't killed by ISIS. Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out. You're too dumb to even know the difference.

"Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out."

Explain. Your hyperbole plays to your alt-right pals, no one else.
5 people get mowed down in Florida and drumpf's response is 'words, words and words, words'. Uttering sound from one's mouth does not solve anything. It just makes Trump look like what he is, incompetent. Where is the 'quick defeat of Isis' this piece of crap promised? Ahhhh, too busy tweeting, like a 13 year old girl.
5 people in Florida weren't killed by ISIS. Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out. You're too dumb to even know the difference.

"Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out."

Explain. Your hyperbole plays to your alt-right pals, no one else.
Your judges have declared such common sense actions as keeping those people out are illegal. So now we get to deal with them here instead of leaving them in their country to be dealt with there.
5 people get mowed down in Florida and drumpf's response is 'words, words and words, words'. Uttering sound from one's mouth does not solve anything. It just makes Trump look like what he is, incompetent. Where is the 'quick defeat of Isis' this piece of crap promised? Ahhhh, too busy tweeting, like a 13 year old girl.
5 people in Florida weren't killed by ISIS. Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out. You're too dumb to even know the difference.

"Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out."

Explain. Your hyperbole plays to your alt-right pals, no one else.
Your judges have declared such common sense actions as keeping those people out are illegal. So now we get to deal with them here instead of leaving them in their country to be dealt with there.

Which judges are 'my judges'? And do you talk to the ether regularly? Also Trump's desired ban was for 90 days, and it's past 90 days now which means the ban would have been lifted. So how is that different than right now?
5 people get mowed down in Florida and drumpf's response is 'words, words and words, words'. Uttering sound from one's mouth does not solve anything. It just makes Trump look like what he is, incompetent. Where is the 'quick defeat of Isis' this piece of crap promised? Ahhhh, too busy tweeting, like a 13 year old girl.
5 people in Florida weren't killed by ISIS. Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out. You're too dumb to even know the difference.

"Your left wing courts are keeping us from taking them out."

Explain. Your hyperbole plays to your alt-right pals, no one else.
Your judges have declared such common sense actions as keeping those people out are illegal. So now we get to deal with them here instead of leaving them in their country to be dealt with there.

Which judges are 'my judges'? And do you talk to the ether regularly? Also Trump's desired ban was for 90 days, and it's past 90 days now which means the ban would have been lifted. So how is that different than right now?
It would have taken 90 days but never got started. Thanks to your judges they kept flooding in. The 90 day ban was to get a handle on this crap and not let people in for how ever long it takes. That never happened due to the left wing courts.
'Americans have only widows and orphans to fear'
Of course that is a typical Right-wing perversion of what Obama said. No surprise there!!!
It's what they always do. The right is unable to be truthful.
Just like the cheeto taking the London mayor's words out of context so he could lie.
Yeah, Obama was mocking 27 Republican governors along with Christie who said he opposes allowing people fleeing the conflict in Syria to resettle in the U.S., even "orphans under five." Obama didn't say "Americans" have only widows and orphans to fear, he said REPUBLICANS "are scared of three year old orphans."
No snowflake, Barry mocked Americans over false 'widows and orphans', Americans who died days later at the hands of a terroris Barry welcomed into the US after his admitted flawed vetting process failed.

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