Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected

So you want to cut law enforcement. kind of like defund the police..

So you are going for the pro criminal stance...
No, but there needs to be a cleaning of the house within the DoJ, and FBI to rid the institution of partisan hacks that are making a mockery of Justice.
"Stolen election" and not a single shred of evidence that a judge didn't laugh at. Not even tRump appointed judges. They all laughed at the "evidence". DUDE
Hillary Clinton Russian disinformation Steele dossier
He did break it, since he did not do it.
See, there you go again....

1. You would agree, I hope, that a President is not a King, or a Dictator, right?

2. You would agree that President Trump was met with extreme resistance on every, and anything he did, right?

3. You should be able to see that President Trump did indeed put forth his agenda of cutting excess employees of the bureaucracy, only to be met with law suits blocking his ability to do that, decided by none other than the woman who couldn't even identify what a woman is, KBJ....Probably why she got the nod to the SCOTUS in the first place...

Now, I have shown you Gator, why it was that he couldn't fully do what he said about reducing the government. Yet, like a partisan shill, you come in here and cast blame on him like none of this ever happened...It's dishonest, and a tried leftist tactic....I am surprised that someone who comes in here touting how independent they proport to be, yet in issue after issue, you post like a progressive, you support progressive lines of attack, use the tactics of a progressive to make your arguments...Smells like a duck.

im good with this. if you've been "weaponized" - you're outta here.

if you did the weaponizing, get an island off the Aleutians and let them finish their lives their under whatever gov they wish to live under.
/----/ He should have done that the first time around. He'd be in the White House today if he had.
Thank you for openly admitting that making the Govt bigger sounds "absolutely Republican.

I have been saying that for decades.
DHS, DoJ, and DoD....Those are supported by Republican's...So, are you part of the defund defense crowd, too?
3. You should be able to see that President Trump did indeed put forth his agenda of cutting excess employees of the bureaucracy, only to be met with law suits blocking his ability to do that, decided by none other than the woman who couldn't even identify what a woman is, KBJ....Probably why she got the nod to the SCOTUS in the first place...

He did not really intend to cut any, just less some and more other places. In the end the number went up, that is the bottom line
He did not really intend to cut any, just less some and more other places. In the end the number went up, that is the bottom line
Oh, so now you have some mysterious vision into the mind of President Trump? Tell us more about his "intentions" that you don't have the first clue about.
DHS, DoJ, and DoD....Those are supported by Republican's...

Yep, both sides have their pet debarments that are off limits and untouchable. Yet you some how think you are different.

So, are you part of the defund defense crowd, too?

As someone that spent 20 years in the Corps, I can promise you there are many places that the DOD and VA could save money and need less. Just get rid of the "must spend it all before the end of the year" mentality alone would probably give a 10% savings.

As the Op Chief for an FA-18 squadron I would get in trouble if we had TAD money left over by mid-Sept. We had pilots taking cross country flights even though none of them needed the extra training hours. NAS Key West is very popular in Aug and Sept for this sort of thing.

Not to mention the "shopping" trips in Aug to make sure all supply money was spent, because if you did not spend it they you would get less next year. Can't have that.
All the way back to the Russian pee pee tapes

Nope. Sorry, try again.

I said from day one on here they were not real, I said Trump did nothing illegal in regards to Russia and I was against the Mueller probe and the impeachment.

Got anything real?
Yep, both sides have their pet debarments that are off limits and untouchable. Yet you some how think you are different.

As someone that spent 20 years in the Corps, I can promise you there are many places that the DOD and VA could save money and need less. Just get rid of the "must spend it all before the end of the year" mentality alone would probably give a 10% savings.

As the Op Chief for an FA-18 squadron I would get in trouble if we had TAD money left over by mid-Sept. We had pilots taking cross country flights even though none of them needed the extra training hours. NAS Key West is very popular in Aug and Sept for this sort of thing.

Not to mention the "shopping" trips in Aug to make sure all supply money was spent, because if you did not spend it they you would get less next year. Can't have that.
Anecdotal….Are you for cutting defense spending?
Nope. Sorry, try again.

I said from day one on here they were not real, I said Trump did nothing illegal in regards to Russia and I was against the Mueller probe and the impeachment.

Got anything real?
Nope that's the first of many leftist conspiracy theories. Mueller proved one thing witch hunts do exist.
Anecdotal….Are you for cutting defense spending?

Yes. As I said we have much waste that could be cut without any decrease in capabilities.

We could also quit being the world's police force and save money.

We do not need to spend more than the next 9 countries combined on our defense

When you are 31 trillion dollars in debt, nothing if off the table

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