Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected

I had no idea the London Daily Mail became a huge Trump supporter and is already campaigning for him.

Left: But if he fires 50,000 Federal employees how will we learn we need to social distance and wear masks during a nuclear attack?

no downside
Remember when Trump said he'd hire the "best people"? They're all testifying against him, writing books etc. laying the groundwork for an ankle bracelet for him & worse. :abgg2q.jpg:

Trump's fashion sense in the future will consist of an orange jumpsuit & slip ons.
You snowflakes have been saying that for 6 years, and every time he kicks you in the balls and laughs while walking away.

Yeah, you got him THIS time, lil' snowflake!

You snowflakes continue to prove you don't know fact from emotion opinion any more than you could differentiate your ass from a hole in the ground.

At least you can tell he is infinitely better than brain dead traitor currently in office.
No emotion. Just facts my boy. Unlike you, I’m not invested.

im good with this. if you've been "weaponized" - you're outta here.

if you did the weaponizing, get an island off the Aleutians and let them finish their lives their under whatever gov they wish to live under.
Trump won't be reelected.
No emotion? Who the f* are you trying to kid?

Emotion is what has kept you snowflakes after him for 6 years...and counting.

Look dude claim down. You’re getting very emotional like a little girl. Stop it.

I voted for Don in 2016. I’ve never voted for a D. I’m never voting again because why.
You snowflakes have been saying that for 6 years, and every time he kicks you in the balls and laughs while walking away.

Yeah, you got him THIS time, lil' snowflake!

John Gotti laughed too & look what happened to him.
no downside
Bullshit! - Republicans say that shit every time, yet when elected they always explode deficits, print money, increase government & cause recessions. In all history there has never, ever been a republican president that didn't cause a recession or two.

Democrats rarely cause recessions & often lower deficits.
So you want criminals to flout environmental law...

So you want the agency to police the same laws with less staff..

So you want more pollution, more deaths from bad air quality, polluted rivers,.... You major Oil Spills to be paid by tax payers instead of Companies because you cut the funds to go after them...

Exxon paid less than half of the $7.5bn damage the Valdez spill cost...

No. I want small landowners to control their property without kooks involved. I want to be able to build something like a road without a 3 year woke enviromental study. Get it done in a 6 months. Cut out the massive woke kook bureaucracy.
i am down for whoever is going to clean all this shit up and stop the attacks and focus on fixing things, not attack attack attack anyone and everyone.

It would be nice to have people working in the government who actually understand that China is a really, really big threat, and that they need to stop working for them and do their jobs for the U.S.....
Eliminate the department of education and the Environmental protection agency. That right there should Eliminate 50,000 jobs.
It's not that simple. Maxine Waters is using taxpayer funds to fund her stalker brigade. We need to get rid of stalkers and their instructors in Congress need to be impeached and put out of business. The states they come from need to realize they're not going to be powerful if they keep furnishing stalking instructors to the House, Senate, and other bagmen and bagwomen who are the worst imaginable future political dirty tricksters. Taxpayers need to defund bad politicians who use their office for gain and take away the Constitution. In Congresswoman Waters' case, she needs to stop harming others and herself. She's a real sicko in a place where she is not dealt with as she misbehaves to damage people in other branches of government that she has grossly interfered with, using lies and pretentious lies.

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