Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected

I have to admit, I did nto follow each and every one of his EOs as you seem to have.

Thank you for the information.
So, why’d you post as if that was a broken promise? You’d think you’d be smart enough to look something like that up before you just reflexively post a lie, something a liberal would do btw….
I had no idea the London Daily Mail became a huge Trump supporter and is already campaigning for him.

Left: But if he fires 50,000 Federal employees how will we learn we need to social distance and wear masks during a nuclear attack?

If I thought he'd be actually do that, I'd consider voting for him.
I had no idea the London Daily Mail became a huge Trump supporter and is already campaigning for him.

Left: But if he fires 50,000 Federal employees how will we learn we need to social distance and wear masks during a nuclear attack?

The Daily Mail is gutter press... It is a tabloid... Only fucking idiots actually believe anything they say...

But lets play along... Could you tell us from where the 50,000 employees you propose cutting...
Every last corrupt, criminally partisan, scandalous, seditious, treasonous, Constitution / Law breaking civil servant, aide, clerk, secretary, NSA / CIA / FBI / DHS / State Department agent / employee...

...Anyone who participated in / supported Hillary's & Obama's proven seditious Russian Collusion Scandal - the largest criminal political scandal in US history...

...Anyone who had any part in defrauding the FISA Court

...Anyone who had any part in the failed coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally attempting to criminally remove the President from power...

...Anyone who leaked the USSC's RvW draft...

...ANY govt employee who put the Democrat Party, Agenda, themselves above the Constitution, Laws, Citizens' rights, this country shod be FIRED, Impeached, Kicked out...

....and if that means firing thousands of disloyal, corrupt, criminal partisan SOBs then so be it.

We have seen and have born witness for years the taint, the stain, and stench left behind after Obama and now Biden and because of Hillary, and it needs to be purged from the leadership and govt.
The only oops is on your part. The three agencies he added to, just happen to be the biggest 3, thus he added more people than he cut. He did not make the Fed Govt any smaller, just moved where people worked.

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Why that sounds absolutely Republican to me….no wonder you have a problem with it liberal…
The Daily Mail is gutter press... It is a tabloid... Only fucking idiots actually believe anything they say...

But lets play along... Could you tell us from where the 50,000 employees you propose cutting...
He could start in the DoJ for sure.
You Lie! Obama cut Government, Trump increased it.
This is why GOP are fuckih
Trump rebuilt our military, Commie.
Sorry but you were bullshitted again...

Trump got you again...
The Daily Mail is gutter press... It is a tabloid... Only fucking idiots actually believe anything they say...

But lets play along... Could you tell us from where the 50,000 employees you propose cutting...
The irs to begin with. Then 50,000 from the fbi and so on. Those agencies are corrupt.
Trump is a good for nothing lazy fat worthless fuck who will do nothing if he's reelected besides lounging around in his pj's watching cable news till the crack of noon & playing golf like he did during his four year reign of terror.
Every single disloyal, corrupt, criminal, seditious, treasonous, Constitution / Law-breaking POS - from CIA / FBI / NSA / DHS / State Department leadership and individual members to secretaries, aides, leakers, and bitches that get the coffee - ALL NEED TO BE GONE!

Trump made the mistake of not purging all of Obama's loyalists last time. If he runs & is elected again he needs to purge the Marxist / Socialist criminals and traitors from the govt.

Obama left a bathtub ring of scum, criminals, and traitors behind - Russian Collusion participants, FISA Court Fraud perpetrators, etc...

They all need to be booted ... and if that is all that is done to them they should count themselves lucky.
The Daily Mail is gutter press... It is a tabloid... Only fucking idiots actually believe anything they say...

But lets play along... Could you tell us from where the 50,000 employees you propose cutting...
Just like the Prog newspapers here in the states. At one time they were Democratic. Then they became liberal. Then they became Progressive Socialist. How they back a percentage of candidates for office without laughing is a wonder. It tells you they are shills or are Marxist adherents.
Every single disloyal, corrupt, criminal, seditious, treasonous, Constitution / Law-breaking POS - from CIA / FBI / NSA / DHS / State Department leadership and individual members to secretaries, aides, leakers, and bitches that get the coffee - ALL NEED TO BE GONE!

Trump made the mistake of not purging all of Obama's loyalists last time. If he runs & is elected again he needs to purge the Marxist / Socialist criminals and traitors from the govt.

Obama left a bathtub ring of scum, criminals, and traitors behind - Russian Collusion participants, FISA Court Fraud perpetrators, etc...

They all need to be booted ... and if that is all that is done to them they should count themselves lucky.
Time to take your meds. Hurry.
Time to take your meds. Hurry.
No needs for meds. I just hate partisan, disloyal, corrupt, criminal, perjurous, seditious, treasonous party-1st pieces if shit ... and our govt is overrun with them.

Over the last 6 years, if you have not been able to see this it is YOU who seriously needs to be on meds.
Great start. Next, cut the EPA in half.
So you want criminals to flout environmental law...

So you want the agency to police the same laws with less staff..

So you want more pollution, more deaths from bad air quality, polluted rivers,.... You major Oil Spills to be paid by tax payers instead of Companies because you cut the funds to go after them...

Exxon paid less than half of the $7.5bn damage the Valdez spill cost...
It's what Trump should have done Day 1 of his presidency anyway.....It was a terrible failure on his part.

I hope the next gop POTUS-elect puts a very large team together to ferret the dems out in the executive branch agencies for starters......Any leftist Ivy Leaguer should be fired as a matter of course. In fact the purge should be targeting them specifically.

More importantly, don't listen to a damn thing Mitch McConnell has to say.....If POTUS wants good advice from the Senate talk to Rand Paul.
I had no idea the London Daily Mail became a huge Trump supporter and is already campaigning for him.

Left: But if he fires 50,000 Federal employees how will we learn we need to social distance and wear masks during a nuclear attack?

Fuck yeah, about time we got rid of those shit stain beauracrats that do the bidding of the left.........make these fucktards find real jobs.

im good with this. if you've been "weaponized" - you're outta here.

if you did the weaponizing, get an island off the Aleutians and let them finish their lives their under whatever gov they wish to live under.

Trump is purging anyone who isn't loyal to Trump. Hitler did the same thing in 1933
Trump is a good for nothing lazy fat worthless fuck who will do nothing if he's reelected besides lounging around in his pj's watching cable news till the crack of noon & playing golf like he did during his four year reign of terror.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom, especially all the specific examples of Trump's "reign of terror." Where were you during that time? Hiding in your parents' basement? Get a life!
Trump never used the word "gut" nor did he quote figures. The entire story including the numbers is an opinion piece by somebody named Morgan Philips that nobody ever heard of who works for a freaking Brit news outlet. Lefties love it because they deal with TDS on a daily basis but how are the Brits doing since they threw out their own P.M.? No comment I expect.
No President can repeal hundreds of pages of Federal regulations protecting civil service employees, especially in the top echelons. When you demand headcount reductions, two things happen: Nobody in authority gets axed, and everyone else finds another job with the Feds. Nobody actually loses their job.

The only way a President can actually reduce the workforce is through a hiring freeze, not replacing those who leave. But even that cannot be iron-clad because some people who retire or quit (very rare) actually are doing something valuable.

In my long and dreadfully spotted career I worked for a dozen or more private companies, and I never worked for any that could not survive a 10-15% cut in headcount with no serious loss of productivity. It happens literally all the time, and people survive. I spent 8 years at DoD, five as a civilian and truth be told, the agency I worked for (Defense Contracts) could have been cut by 75%.

One of government's main functions is to provide employment for people who couldn't be employed in the Real WOrld.

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