Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected

Sounds like a plus to me!!!

I would LIKE to see Governors to streamline their state expenditures. I don't know in your state but state supported universities in Virginia are extravagantly frivolous in their expenditures...because the money is not theirs. So they're wasteful and they demand environmentally friendly THEY THINK, products. They are arrogant and they are dismissive of local citizenry and business. State Government needs to put the quietus on this bunch....but i know why they don't...the state gov't employees are just as bad. NEEDS to be fixed.
He promised to do that his first time he ran, he lied then, why would you trust him now
He did? You got a link?

I know he said something about drain the swamp, but that was a different issue and there is no draining the swap. Only NUKING IT!!!!

And I don't give a cock sucking rat fuck if he doesn't do it, just the fact that he fucking says it he earns my vote for know.

I know they all lie.

But, the next motherfucker will have to actually do it after I vote for them. That's how this fucking works. Will vote for the person who screams of the loudest and if they don't do it without their fucking ass is right the fuck out and move on.
Actually, President Trump reduced the federal workforce. Another promise Trump kept.

You Lie! Obama cut Government, Trump increased it.
He did? You got a link?

I know he said something about drain the swamp, but that was a different issue and there is no draining the swap. Only NUKING IT!!!!

And I don't give a cock sucking rat fuck if he doesn't do it, just the fact that he fucking says it he earns my vote for know.

I know they all lie.

But, the next motherfucker will have to actually do it after I vote for them. That's how this fucking works. Will vote for the person who screams of the loudest and if they don't do it without their fucking ass is right the fuck out and move on.

Trump cut the federal workforce. Why would you believe a lying, TDS-infected leftoid?

I read what you said, you said you were good with Trump replacing the "weaponized" folks, and since he plans to do it with his own "weaponized" folks, you are also good with that.
Actually I said if you did the weaponizing you gotta go. I did not limit it to one side. I've also replled through the thread to say if he simply stuffs it with the right, we are still a fail.

But you just won't see anything but what let's you attack people vs seek clarification.
Trump wasn't able to drain the swamp during his first term, so how would he do it in a second term? DeSantis would have a better chance because he could bring his state administration with him.
Experience. I don't think anyone realized how slimy, deep and dirty the D.C. swamp had become. After all, who thought the FBI and CIA would be complicit in a plot to overthrow a duly elected President? Trump's experience outed them. Now it's time to take away their power and do some serious investigations.
I had no idea the London Daily Mail became a huge Trump supporter and is already campaigning for him.

Left: But if he fires 50,000 Federal employees how will we learn we need to social distance and wear masks during a nuclear attack?

Reagan promised to do this, and then expanded the guvmint by leaps & bounds.

But it is interesting that the LDM is campaigning for Trump, yes.

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