Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected

Trump is purging anyone who isn't loyal to Trump. Hitler did the same thing in 1933

Trump is purging anyone who isn't loyal to Trump. Hitler did the same thing in 1933
First Trump is not having anyone shot you golf ball. Secondly Hitler did not purge until 1934. Comparing the two just goes to show what mental degenerates the left has become.
So, why’d you post as if that was a broken promise? You’d think you’d be smart enough to look something like that up before you just reflexively post a lie, something a liberal would do btw….

He did break it, since he did not do it.
Why that sounds absolutely Republican to me….no wonder you have a problem with it liberal…

Thank you for openly admitting that making the Govt bigger sounds "absolutely Republican.

I have been saying that for decades.
We have a huge labor surplus today so letting people go would not be hard. Employers have too many highly productive people to chose from.
First Trump is not having anyone shot you golf ball. Secondly Hitler did not purge until 1934. Comparing the two just goes to show what mental degenerates the left has become.
Hitler used the Enabling Act of 1933 to purge the German government.
That was the beginning. But the bulk of the purge was June 1934 Knight of the Long knives.
And comparing that to Trump is a stone cold gutless lie.
Only because our institutions held against Trump's efforts. Trump the pile of shit gets no credit for that.
The power of the executive vest in A President

Not unelected demafascist hungry for power who think they can simply make rules up as they go
Thanks for sharing your wisdom, especially all the specific examples of Trump's "reign of terror." Where were you during that time? Hiding in your parents' basement? Get a life!
No, I was working for a living & paying attention to what was going on & it wasen't good.
No needs for meds. I just hate partisan, disloyal, corrupt, criminal, perjurous, seditious, treasonous party-1st pieces if shit ... and our govt is overrun with them.

Over the last 6 years, if you have not been able to see this it is YOU who seriously needs to be on meds.
Party first? You must be referring to Trump's lackeys in his own party that he has driven into the ground.
No, Dem apologist snowflake, I'm not...but thanks for the 'B...b...but Truuuuuuuump!'

Remember when Trump said he'd hire the "best people"? They're all testifying against him, writing books etc. laying the groundwork for an ankle bracelet for him & worse. :abgg2q.jpg:

Trump's fashion sense in the future will consist of an orange jumpsuit & slip ons.

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